By:  Jones, Jesse                                      H.R. No. 289
       73R4712 BNL-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The Reverend George Wynn Pryor has been honored as
    1-2  Pastor of the Year for 1993 by the Interdenominational Ministers
    1-3  Alliance, and this prestigious award is indeed a fitting tribute to
    1-4  a gentleman who has spent so much of his life in service to God;
    1-5  and
    1-6        WHEREAS, A native Texan, Reverend Pryor was born on September
    1-7  19, 1938, in Sulphur Springs, and was the 11th of 12 children born
    1-8  to Claude and Eliza Wynn Pryor; he attended public schools in
    1-9  Sulphur Springs before serving his nation as a member of the 82nd
   1-10  Airborne Division of the United States Army; and
   1-11        WHEREAS, In 1962, this devout individual received his calling
   1-12  and began preparing for a life of religious service; he was
   1-13  licensed in the gospel ministry by the Reverend L. G. Jackson,
   1-14  pastor and moderator of the Third Avenue Baptist Church, before
   1-15  being ordained in 1963; and
   1-16        WHEREAS, Reverend Pryor furthered his education at the
   1-17  Southern Bible Institute, where he earned his theology diploma and
   1-18  a doctor of divinity degree, and at Bishop College, which awarded
   1-19  him a bachelor of arts degree with a minor in philosophy; he has
   1-20  also studied at the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; and
   1-21        WHEREAS, Motivated by a desire to found a church with
   1-22  unlimited potential, this visionary man joined with 13 others to
   1-23  establish the New Birth Baptist Church in Dallas; the first service
   1-24  of the fledgling church was held in the home of Reverend Pryor and
    2-1  his wife on November 15, 1964; and
    2-2        WHEREAS, Today that congregation has grown to include more
    2-3  than 4,000 members, and the church is located on a 13-acre lot that
    2-4  leaves room for even further expansion; Reverend Pryor's Bible
    2-5  study class includes 200 students, and his ministry has reached out
    2-6  to thousands of Dallas residents through his inspirational radio
    2-7  broadcasts; and
    2-8        WHEREAS, Respected as a great teacher within his church, this
    2-9  dedicated gentleman also has reached out to others in his community
   2-10  as an instructor at the Southern Bible Institute and through his
   2-11  numerous community service activities; he serves as second
   2-12  vice-president of the Oak Cliff Baptist Ministers Union and is a
   2-13  life member of the National Association for the Advancement of
   2-14  Colored People; and
   2-15        WHEREAS, Through his membership on several boards of
   2-16  directors, this esteemed leader also serves numerous worthwhile
   2-17  organizations, including the Southern Bible Institute, St. Phillips
   2-18  School, the Dallas Black Chamber of Commerce, the Museum of African
   2-19  American Art, the Bethlehem Foundation, and the Dallas Alliance;
   2-20  and
   2-21        WHEREAS, Throughout his lifetime of service, Reverend Pryor
   2-22  has enjoyed a warm and loving relationship with his wife of more
   2-23  than 30 years, Alma Jewell Harrison; their marriage has been
   2-24  blessed with four children, Pamela Andrea, Darrell Wynn, Michael
   2-25  Dewain, and Tammy Adrian, and the family takes great pride and joy
   2-26  in Darrell Wynn's and Michael Dewain's decisions to follow in their
   2-27  father's footsteps by dedicating their lives to the ministry; and
    3-1        WHEREAS, In serving his family, his church, and his
    3-2  community, this extraordinary gentleman has given selflessly of his
    3-3  compassion and leadership while asking nothing in return; Reverend
    3-4  Pryor has provided those around him with a shining model of
    3-5  Christian faith and charity, and he serves as an inspiration to all
    3-6  in his community; now, therefore, be it
    3-7        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
    3-8  Legislature hereby congratulate the Reverend George Wynn Pryor on
    3-9  his selection as Pastor of the Year for 1993 by the
   3-10  Interdenominational Ministers Alliance and extend to him warmest
   3-11  best wishes for many more years of continued success and happiness;
   3-12  and, be it further
   3-13        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   3-14  prepared for Reverend Pryor as an expression of high regard by the
   3-15  Texas House of Representatives.