By:  Gallegos                                          H.R. No. 351
       73R5990 WMS-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The American Legion Harrisburg Post 472, 22nd
    1-2  District, 2nd Division, Department of Texas, is celebrating its
    1-3  60th anniversary on March 20, 1993, in Houston, Texas; and
    1-4        WHEREAS, Dedicated to the support of our nation's veterans
    1-5  and their community, the American Legion Harrisburg Post 472
    1-6  includes in its membership those who served with distinction in
    1-7  conflicts from World War I to Operation Desert Storm; and
    1-8        WHEREAS, Active in a myriad of worthy community services,
    1-9  Post 472 participates in school medal award ceremonies, outdoor
   1-10  concerts, parades, teen dances, providing Christmas baskets, and
   1-11  promoting our national pastime as sponsors of Little League
   1-12  baseball; and
   1-13        WHEREAS, Reflective of the high level of respect and
   1-14  gratitude given Post 472 by the community, local schools were named
   1-15  after two esteemed American Legion members, Mario Gallegos, Sr.,
   1-16  and Raul Martinez; and
   1-17        WHEREAS, Members of Post 472 have proudly displayed our
   1-18  nation's colors, serving as Honor Guard at hundreds of parades,
   1-19  funerals, and other ceremonies over the past 15 years; and
   1-20        WHEREAS, Our democracy is only as strong as those on whom we
   1-21  rely to protect and cherish it, and we salute the men and women who
   1-22  give of themselves to ensure that our country and way of life will
   1-23  continue to stand as a beacon of hope to people the world over;
   1-24  now, therefore, be it
    2-1        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
    2-2  Legislature hereby honor the American Legion Harrisburg Post 472,
    2-3  22nd District, 2nd Division, Department of Texas, on 60 years of
    2-4  outstanding service to our veterans and their community; and, be it
    2-5  further
    2-6        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
    2-7  prepared for the members of American Legion Harrisburg Post 472 as
    2-8  an expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.