H.R. No. 398
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, For 14 years, George B. Pierce ably represented the
    1-2  people of District 122 in the Texas House of Representatives; and
    1-3        WHEREAS, A graduate of The University of Texas at Austin,
    1-4  this esteemed gentleman had accumulated a wealth of experience in
    1-5  the legislative process long before he was elected, having served
    1-6  as an aide to five state senators and two state representatives
    1-7  before taking office himself in 1979; and
    1-8        WHEREAS, Representative Pierce met with immediate success as
    1-9  a lawmaker; as a freshman legislator, he authored or sponsored 14
   1-10  bills that became law; and
   1-11        WHEREAS, House Speaker Gibson D. "Gib" Lewis was quick to
   1-12  recognize this fine man for his exceptional leadership abilities by
   1-13  naming Mr. Pierce chairman of the Urban Affairs Committee, a post
   1-14  he held for five regular sessions; he also served as vice-chairman
   1-15  of the Intergovernmental Affairs Committee and as a member of the
   1-16  Transportation Committee; and
   1-17        WHEREAS, This admirable individual received many honors
   1-18  throughout his tenure in state government, but perhaps the most
   1-19  prestigious award to have been given to him was presented in 1983
   1-20  when the Texas Municipal League named him the organization's
   1-21  Legislator of the Year for his invaluable contributions to the work
   1-22  of the Urban Affairs Committee; and
   1-23        WHEREAS, Through his dedicated service in the legislature and
   1-24  his generous support of numerous civic and charitable
    2-1  organizations, Mr. Pierce proved himself deserving of praise and
    2-2  admiration; now, therefore, be it
    2-3        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
    2-4  Legislature hereby commend George B. Pierce for his long and
    2-5  distinguished service on behalf of his fellow Texans and extend
    2-6  best wishes to him for continued success and happiness; and, be it
    2-7  further
    2-8        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
    2-9  prepared for Mr. Pierce as an expression of highest regard and
   2-10  appreciation by the Texas House of Representatives.
   2-11  appreciation by the Texas House of Representatives.
   2-12                                                              Shields
   2-13                                                      H.R. No. 398
   2-14                                      _______________________________
   2-15                                            Speaker of the House
   2-16        I certify that H.R. No. 398 was adopted by the House on
   2-17  March 25, 1993, by a non-record vote.
   2-18                                      _______________________________
   2-19                                          Chief Clerk of the House