By:  Bomer                                             H.R. No. 426
       73R7015 SAJ-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, Since the founding of the first permanent settlement
    1-2  in the city of Jacksonville more than 120 years ago, its citizens
    1-3  have exemplified the independent and industrious spirit of Texas;
    1-4  and
    1-5        WHEREAS, The history of this Cherokee County community dates
    1-6  back to the 1870s, when the International-Great Northern Railroad
    1-7  was built, linking it to commercial and industrial centers across
    1-8  Texas; and
    1-9        WHEREAS, While still retaining its agricultural economy,
   1-10  Jacksonville now reaps the benefits of broadened economic
   1-11  development, boasting important manufacturing, retail, and medical
   1-12  sectors; and
   1-13        WHEREAS, The community is also noted for its fine schools and
   1-14  is home to two excellent institutions of higher education, Lon
   1-15  Morris College and Jacksonville College; and
   1-16        WHEREAS, Its abundant natural resources draw many outdoor
   1-17  sports and recreation enthusiasts, who come to enjoy Lakes
   1-18  Jacksonville, Palestine, and Striker and the breathtaking views at
   1-19  nearby Love's Lookout Park; and
   1-20        WHEREAS, In addition, the area appeals to visiting motorists,
   1-21  offering many scenic drives that wind pleasantly through the
   1-22  picturesque East Texas countryside; and
   1-23        WHEREAS, Rich in culture and tradition, Jacksonville is a
   1-24  prosperous, forward-looking community and a full participant in the
    2-1  state's dynamic growth, and it gives the Texas House of
    2-2  Representatives great pleasure to join with our fellow citizens in
    2-3  saluting this fine Texas community; now, therefore, be it
    2-4        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
    2-5  Legislature hereby declare March 25, 1993, as Jacksonville Day at
    2-6  the State Capitol and extend best wishes to all of its citizens on
    2-7  this noteworthy occasion.