By:  Hill                                              H.R. No. 431
       73R6805 BNL-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The members of Waterview Church of Christ in
    1-2  Richardson will celebrate a momentous occasion on March 27, 1993,
    1-3  when they mark the church's 30th anniversary and pay tribute to
    1-4  Robert and Willora Oglesby, who have provided leadership to the
    1-5  congregation throughout the past three decades; and
    1-6        WHEREAS, In 1963, the Waterview congregation consisted of 120
    1-7  members, but Mr. and Mrs. Oglesby's spirited efforts fostered a
    1-8  steady growth over the years, and the congregation now includes
    1-9  more than 1,200 individuals; their expanded facilities include
   1-10  ample space to house education, child care, and administrative
   1-11  services for the church while still leaving room to accommodate
   1-12  future growth; and
   1-13        WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Oglesby, who are native Texans, met and
   1-14  married while attending Abilene Christian University; Mrs. Oglesby
   1-15  received her degree in home economics, while Mr. Oglesby earned
   1-16  both a bachelor of arts degree and a master of arts degree in Bible
   1-17  studies; and
   1-18        WHEREAS, After serving as a pulpit minister in Breckenridge
   1-19  for six years, Mr. Oglesby accepted a new position as minister to
   1-20  the fledgling Waterview Church of Christ; his commitment to an
   1-21  active Christian ministry through education, child care, and
   1-22  missions impressed his followers, and he has extended that
   1-23  commitment to his community with the church's unwavering support of
   1-24  programs that care for the elderly, the homeless, and children; and
    2-1        WHEREAS, This esteemed gentleman has broadened his ministry
    2-2  through an award-winning series of group discussion books on the
    2-3  New Testament and through his video series entitled "One Story,"
    2-4  which is currently being used by churches in all 50 states as well
    2-5  as in 10 other countries; Mr. Oglesby traveled to Czechoslovakia in
    2-6  1992 to introduce the "One Story" series there, and he hopes to
    2-7  travel to the Ukraine this year to introduce the Russian
    2-8  translation; and
    2-9        WHEREAS, Mrs. Oglesby has demonstrated her commitment to
   2-10  religious education by serving as head of Waterview's preschool
   2-11  department for the past 30 years; this industrious woman has taught
   2-12  workshops for preschool teachers across the country, has written
   2-13  vacation Bible school material, and serves as a wedding consultant
   2-14  for the church, all while tirelessly assisting her husband in the
   2-15  publication and marketing of his books and videos; and
   2-16        WHEREAS, Mr. and Mrs. Oglesby's loving marriage has served as
   2-17  a great source of inspiration to their friends and fellow church
   2-18  members, and they have been blessed with two children, Robert Kerry
   2-19  Oglesby, Jr., and Cheryl Oglesby, both of whom are graduates of
   2-20  their parents' alma mater, Abilene Christian University; in recent
   2-21  years, the family has grown to include three grandchildren, who are
   2-22  a continuing source of pride and joy to their adoring grandparents;
   2-23  and
   2-24        WHEREAS, The members of the Waterview congregation have
   2-25  chosen a very special tribute to honor these two outstanding people
   2-26  for their selfless devotion and to commemorate the church's 30th
   2-27  anniversary; they have established the "Robert and Willora Oglesby
    3-1  Foundation" to provide scholarships for deserving Bible students,
    3-2  and in doing so they promise to continue the Oglesby's mission of
    3-3  education and ministry for many years to come; and
    3-4        WHEREAS, As the congregation of Waterview Church of Christ
    3-5  has grown in size over the past three decades, its individual
    3-6  members have grown spiritually thanks to the compassion,
    3-7  dedication, and leadership of Robert and Willora Oglesby; their
    3-8  wise guidance has enriched the lives of all the members of their
    3-9  congregation, and their dedication to the ideals of Christian faith
   3-10  and charity continue to inspire all who know them; now, therefore,
   3-11  be it
   3-12        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
   3-13  Legislature hereby honor Robert and Willora Oglesby, as well as all
   3-14  the members of Waterview Church of Christ, on the 30th anniversary
   3-15  of their fine house of worship and extend to them warmest best
   3-16  wishes for many years of continued success; and, be it further
   3-17        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   3-18  prepared for Waterview Church of Christ as an expression of high
   3-19  regard by the Texas House of Representatives.