H.R. No. 483 R E S O L U T I O N 1-1 WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is proud to honor 1-2 Dallas restaurateur and businessman Gilbert Aranza for his 1-3 outstanding contributions to economic development in the Hispanic 1-4 community; and 1-5 WHEREAS, A highly successful and well-regarded member of the 1-6 Dallas business community, Mr. Aranza has been a prominent figure 1-7 in local affairs in his multiple roles as director with the 1-8 investment banking firm, First Southwest Company, as a founding 1-9 member of the Cohan, Simpson, Cowlishaw, Aranza & Wulff law firm, 1-10 and as chief executive officer of the restaurant management firm, 1-11 MVFS, Inc.; and 1-12 WHEREAS, In his capacity as chief executive officer of MVFS, 1-13 Inc., he also has found the means to combine his respected 1-14 entrepreneurial expertise with his civic-minded interest in 1-15 furthering economic opportunities for members of the Hispanic 1-16 community; and 1-17 WHEREAS, Mr. Aranza recently entered into an agreement with 1-18 Pizza Hut, Inc., to open 22 new restaurants in Mexico in the next 1-19 three years and to identify and develop new markets in Texas, a 1-20 venture that promises to open doors of opportunity for other 1-21 Hispanic businesses; and 1-22 WHEREAS, Having already set a worthy example by his record of 1-23 success as a dynamic businessman, Mr. Aranza now has earned further 1-24 praise and recognition by his most recent contribution toward 2-1 enhancing economic opportunities for others in the Hispanic 2-2 community; now, therefore, be it 2-3 RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas 2-4 Legislature hereby honor Gilbert Aranza on his many achievements as 2-5 a businessman and his commitment to economic development in the 2-6 Hispanic community; and, be it further 2-7 RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be 2-8 prepared for Mr. Aranza as an expression of high esteem by the 2-9 Texas House of Representatives. 2-10 Texas House of Representatives. 2-11 Alonzo 2-12 H.R. No. 483 2-13 _______________________________ 2-14 Speaker of the House 2-15 I certify that H.R. No. 483 was adopted by the House on April 2-16 1, 1993, by a non-record vote. 2-17 _______________________________ 2-18 Chief Clerk of the House