H.R. No. 559
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, Amid world events that continue to bear witness to
    1-2  the universal and eternal desire for freedom and the right of
    1-3  self-determination, it is appropriate to pause today, April 19,
    1-4  1993, on the 50th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, and remember
    1-5  the price that people have been forever willing to pay to be free
    1-6  and to enjoy the blessing we hold dear; and
    1-7        WHEREAS, Fifty years ago, the world watched in incredulous
    1-8  horror as one of the darkest chapters in the history of humankind
    1-9  unfolded during the bleak years of World War II; in the spring of
   1-10  1943, while the war touched people in seemingly every corner of the
   1-11  world, the small remnant of Warsaw's once large and thriving Jewish
   1-12  population was engaged in its own desperate struggle to survive and
   1-13  to maintain its own basic humanity; and
   1-14        WHEREAS, Reviled, persecuted, and hunted with relentless
   1-15  hatred by the Nazis, the heroic residents of Warsaw's Jewish
   1-16  ghetto, which before the war had numbered approximately half a
   1-17  million residents but which in the unspeakable horror of the
   1-18  Holocaust had been reduced to only 55,000 brave souls, rose up as
   1-19  one to resist the inhumanity to which they were being subjected;
   1-20  and
   1-21        WHEREAS, Despite the fear and starvation they had suffered
   1-22  for years, along with the daily persecution that had been their lot
   1-23  since the beginning of the war, a small band of insurgents began on
   1-24  April 19, 1943, one last heroic struggle to lift the yoke of
    2-1  tyranny, political oppression, and racial injustice, knowing full
    2-2  well the odds against them in the form of a cruelly efficient
    2-3  German war machine; and
    2-4        WHEREAS, For a few brief moments, the uprising succeeded as
    2-5  men, women, and children willing to make the ultimate sacrifice,
    2-6  and with nothing else to lose, joined in the struggle; incredibly,
    2-7  the uprising lasted five weeks as the fierce Jewish resistance in
    2-8  the Warsaw ghetto both surprised and enraged the Nazis; and
    2-9        WHEREAS, After reducing the ghetto to nothing more than
   2-10  rubble, the Nazis finally were able to put down the uprising, but
   2-11  their hollow and shameful victory ultimately proved to be
   2-12  short-lived, and in the end it has been the victims of atrocity who
   2-13  have emerged stronger in faith, determination, and resolve, and who
   2-14  are honored today by a world still mindful of the need to ensure
   2-15  that such horrors are no longer possible; and
   2-16        WHEREAS, While some anniversaries afford many opportunities
   2-17  for rejoicing, reminding us of the milestones we have passed in our
   2-18  journey, others, less happy, are important to note because they
   2-19  remind us of lessons we cannot forget; a people dedicated to the
   2-20  principles of civil liberty, personal freedom, and justice for all,
   2-21  we Texans recognize our kinship with freedom-loving people
   2-22  everywhere and join with them in remembering this day; now,
   2-23  therefore, be it
   2-24        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
   2-25  Legislature hereby commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Warsaw
   2-26  Uprising and extend our heartfelt condolences to all of those who
   2-27  lived and suffered through this dark chapter in the history of
    3-1  mankind so that they may know that their suffering has not been in
    3-2  vain.
    3-3  vain.
    3-4                                                            Greenberg
    3-5                                                      H.R. No. 559
    3-6                                      _______________________________
    3-7                                            Speaker of the House
    3-8        I certify that H.R. No. 559 was adopted by the House on April
    3-9  19, 1993, by a non-record vote.
   3-10                                      _______________________________
   3-11                                          Chief Clerk of the House