H.R. No. 634
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is proud to join
    1-2  the citizens of Deer Park in recognizing the many achievements and
    1-3  contributions of their longtime mayor, Jimmy Burke, at a time when
    1-4  he is required to yield the microphone; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, A rare opportunity to be in his presence at such a
    1-6  time has been made possible by the Deer Park Education Foundation
    1-7  on the occasion of a Mayor's Roast to benefit the foundation's
    1-8  scholarship fund; and
    1-9        WHEREAS, Those present have gone to great expense to honor
   1-10  this highly esteemed and voluble public servant, knowing the
   1-11  expensive reservations will help a good cause, and it is fitting
   1-12  that Mayor Burke's quick wit, questionable gift of gab, and vast
   1-13  repertoire of somewhat dull stories, all of which led him quite
   1-14  naturally into the political arena, be set aside for the evening,
   1-15  so that other gifted orators of the community may have a rare
   1-16  opportunity to speak; and
   1-17        WHEREAS, He deserves recognition for his long-standing record
   1-18  of service to the community of Deer Park when, with his political
   1-19  potential and natural talents, he easily could have been a
   1-20  political success in Austin, offering his services as an advisor on
   1-21  filibustering to his reticent friends in the Texas Legislature; and
   1-22        WHEREAS, A figure of remarkable stature, Mayor Burke truly
   1-23  has cast a long shadow in the Deer Park community, and, given his
   1-24  remarkable truck-driver appetite, it is a wonder that he hasn't
    2-1  cast a wide shadow as well; and
    2-2        WHEREAS, Although, generally speaking, Mayor Burke is
    2-3  generally speaking, he has been known on rare occasions to yield
    2-4  the dais to lesser wits out of the kindness of his heart and in
    2-5  acknowledgement of overwhelming public sentiment; and
    2-6        WHEREAS, It is in this spirit of generosity, to benefit the
    2-7  community's deserving young scholars, that he graciously has
    2-8  allowed admiring members of the community equal time and an
    2-9  opportunity to speak at the Deer Park Education Foundation's
   2-10  attempted roast of him; and
   2-11        WHEREAS, Actively involved in many aspects of life in the
   2-12  community, the honorable mayor has demonstrated an abiding concern
   2-13  for the well-being of everyone in the community and has given
   2-14  generously of his time, talent, and energy in that regard; it is
   2-15  fitting then, on the occasion of his roast, that the Deer Park
   2-16  residents show their respect and their profound appreciation for
   2-17  one of the community's most visible, and audible, members; now,
   2-18  therefore, be it
   2-19        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
   2-20  Legislature hereby honor Deer Park Mayor Jimmy Burke on his
   2-21  multifaceted record of achievements as one of the community's most
   2-22  colorful characters and on his equally noteworthy record of service
   2-23  to the community; and, be it further
   2-24        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   2-25  prepared for Mayor Burke as an expression of high esteem by the
   2-26  Texas House of Representatives.
   2-27  Texas House of Representatives.
    3-1                                                              Jackson
    3-2                                                      H.R. No. 634
    3-3                                      _______________________________
    3-4                                            Speaker of the House
    3-5        I certify that H.R. No. 634 was adopted by the House on April
    3-6  28, 1993, by a non-record vote.
    3-7                                      _______________________________
    3-8                                          Chief Clerk of the House