H.R. No. 680
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, On April 30, 1993, our good friend Mike Fickel and
    1-2  his lovely wife, Ann, celebrated the birth of their beautiful
    1-3  daughter, Meredith Leigh Fickel; and
    1-4        WHEREAS, Eager to make her appearance in the world, Meredith
    1-5  arrived at Seton Hospital weighing 7 pounds, 11 ounces and
    1-6  measuring 19-1/2 inches; and
    1-7        WHEREAS, Blessed with an irresistible smile and a winning
    1-8  personality, this bright and charming little girl has brought great
    1-9  delight to everyone around her, and she is a tremendous source of
   1-10  pride and joy to her family and many new admirers; and
   1-11        WHEREAS, Meredith's father, Mike Fickel, is well known in the
   1-12  house of representatives, for he has served this chamber for nearly
   1-13  10 years and has become a valued and trusted friend to many
   1-14  legislators; in his present capacity as director of technical
   1-15  services for the house, he has earned the respect and gratitude of
   1-16  the members of this chamber for his expertise, integrity, and
   1-17  outgoing personality; and
   1-18        WHEREAS, The birth of a child is always a blessed event, but
   1-19  such an occasion becomes even more joyous when it touches the life
   1-20  of a distinguished and highly regarded friend; thus, the members of
   1-21  this chamber take great pleasure in officially announcing the birth
   1-22  of a fine new member of the Fickel family; now, therefore, be it
   1-23        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
   1-24  Legislature hereby officially welcome Meredith Leigh Fickel as a
    2-1  new citizen of Texas and extend sincere congratulations to Mike and
    2-2  Ann Fickel on the birth of their beloved daughter; and, be it
    2-3  further
    2-4        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
    2-5  forwarded to Meredith, her parents, and her entire family as an
    2-6  expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.
    2-7  expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.
    2-8                                                                Combs
    2-9                                                      H.R. No. 680
   2-10                                      _______________________________
   2-11                                            Speaker of the House
   2-12        I certify that H.R. No. 680 was adopted by the House on May
   2-13  14, 1993, by a non-record vote.
   2-14                                      _______________________________
   2-15                                          Chief Clerk of the House