H.R. No. 708
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, On May 13, 1915, Richard Louis Randolph first
    1-2  entered this world, and the members of this chamber would like to
    1-3  congratulate him on the anniversary of this occasion, since it was
    1-4  through no fault of his own that this significant event occurred in
    1-5  Kingsburg, California; and
    1-6        WHEREAS, Although a native Californian, Richard L. Randolph
    1-7  retains considerable ties to the Lone Star State that include a
    1-8  maternal relative among the defenders of the Alamo and, after the
    1-9  War Between the States, the migration of his maternal grandparents
   1-10  from a plantation in the Deep South to a cattle ranch in Fannin
   1-11  County, where the community of Randolph, Texas, stands today as
   1-12  testament to the family's deep roots in the Blackland Prairie; and
   1-13        WHEREAS, Fannin County was the site of the marriage of his
   1-14  maternal grandparents, Lewis W. Lindley and Adelaide Corzine, in
   1-15  1879, and the birthplace of his mother, Lucy Ann Lindley; and
   1-16        WHEREAS, Richard L. Randolph began an illustrious 27-year
   1-17  military career by joining the Army Air Corps Flying Cadet program
   1-18  in 1939, and upon being stationed at Randolph Field and Kelly Field
   1-19  in San Antonio, during which period, with an avid love of flying,
   1-20  he spent weekends with like-minded officers practicing aerobatics
   1-21  and dog-fighting and acquainting himself with most Texas towns
   1-22  where a plane could land, he developed a deep appreciation for the
   1-23  beauty and character of the state; and
    2-1        WHEREAS, Richard L. Randolph's military career continued on
    2-2  to include action in the Pacific Theater with the 462nd Bomb Group
    2-3  as a B-29 pilot, where he was highly decorated in receiving three
    2-4  Distinguished Flying Cross medals, the Award of the Air Medal with
    2-5  Seven Oak-Leaf Clusters, and the Bronze Star, and flew well over
    2-6  100 missions against the enemy, finishing his tour as deputy
    2-7  commander of the group, having attained the rank of lieutenant
    2-8  colonel at the earliest age in Army Air Corps history; and
    2-9        WHEREAS, After World War II, Richard L. Randolph served in
   2-10  Korea, where he received the Legion of Merit, and later earned an
   2-11  A.B. in physics, established the Radiological Defense School in
   2-12  Sandia Base, New Mexico, served as assistant for atomic energy in
   2-13  the Pentagon, earned a master's degree in personnel management,
   2-14  served as executive assistant to the chief of staff, U.S. Air
   2-15  Force, and as director of air training of NATO forces for the
   2-16  supreme commander of Allied Forces in Europe, and retired with the
   2-17  rank of colonel at Lowrey Air Force Base in Colorado; and
   2-18        WHEREAS, Since his retirement from the Air Force, Richard L.
   2-19  Randolph has distinguished himself as an international businessman
   2-20  as president of the World Security Fund, as founder and president
   2-21  of Microgravity Research Associates, Inc., a high-technology
   2-22  company organized to produce crystal materials in space, and as a
   2-23  scientist with two patents and a third pending, and has authored
   2-24  scientific articles and presented papers at national science and
   2-25  space seminars, participated with major aerospace firms in
    3-1  developing plans for the U.S. Space Station, and since 1989 has
    3-2  served as a member of NASA's Commercial Space Station Planning
    3-3  Team; and
    3-4        WHEREAS, Richard L. Randolph has been an avid fisherman and
    3-5  hunter throughout Texas during his adult life, and he has provided
    3-6  significant economic development in Texas as well as providing a
    3-7  unilateral wildlife management program through conservationist
    3-8  shooting techniques to ensure that an abundance of game is left to
    3-9  survive and multiply in its natural habitat; and
   3-10        WHEREAS, Richard L. Randolph has served with distinction in
   3-11  the defense of our nation, has furthered the interests of commerce
   3-12  and science, is a devoted husband and father, and is an outdoorsman
   3-13  with a love and respect for nature's bounty, thus embodying the
   3-14  highest principles that Texans hold near and dear; now, therefore,
   3-15  be it
   3-16        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
   3-17  Legislature hereby congratulate Richard L. Randolph on his birthday
   3-18  and pay tribute and honor him for his lifetime of distinguished
   3-19  service and achievement and convey its highest esteem to him and
   3-20  his family:  to his wife, Miriam, to his son, Ian Michael, a Texas
   3-21  resident, and to the other members of his family, and that he be
   3-22  declared to be an Honorary Texan; and, be it further
   3-23        RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be prepared
   3-24  for him and the members of his family.
   3-25        RESOLVED, That official copies of this resolution be prepared
    4-1  for him and the members of his family.
    4-2                                                                 Cain
    4-3                                                      H.R. No. 708
    4-4                                      _______________________________
    4-5                                            Speaker of the House
    4-6        I certify that H.R. No. 708 was adopted by the House on May
    4-7  13, 1993, by a non-record vote.
    4-8                                      _______________________________
    4-9                                          Chief Clerk of the House