H.R. No. 768
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The recent death of former Bryan librarian Hazel
    1-2  Adams Richardson on April 12, 1993, at the age of 80, has brought a
    1-3  great loss to the many friends, relatives, and young fans of this
    1-4  cherished woman; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, For 17 years, Ms. Richardson opened up a world of
    1-6  imagination and intellectual excitement to thousands of children
    1-7  who eagerly attended her storytelling sessions on Saturday
    1-8  mornings, sought her advice on books and authors, and participated
    1-9  in summer reading programs with her enthusiastic support; and
   1-10        WHEREAS, This extraordinary Texan joined the staff of the
   1-11  Carnegie Library in 1961 and, with the assistance of Texas A&M
   1-12  University professor Paul Crawford, initiated a local campaign to
   1-13  build a new library for the communities of Bryan and College
   1-14  Station; her dedication and persistence paid off in 1967 when
   1-15  voters approved a $400,000 bond issue for the facility, and only
   1-16  two years later the new Bryan-College Station Library opened its
   1-17  doors to an enthusiastic public; and
   1-18        WHEREAS, Ms. Richardson played a key role in the creation of
   1-19  a genealogy collection, the F. Law Henderson Texas Collection, the
   1-20  Anna Ludmilla Gee Ballet Collection, and the Brazos County Law
   1-21  Library; during her distinguished tenure, she also built a
   1-22  comprehensive and diverse permanent collection of titles for her
   1-23  readers at the Bryan-College Station Library; and
   1-24        WHEREAS, Those who were privileged to know Ms. Richardson
    2-1  will not forget the charm, warmth, and devotion she brought to
    2-2  every facet of her life, and though her presence is gone from us
    2-3  now, her memory will continue to live on in the hearts of all those
    2-4  whose lives she touched during her years on this earth; now,
    2-5  therefore, be it
    2-6        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
    2-7  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Hazel Adams
    2-8  Richardson and extend deepest sympathy to the members of her
    2-9  family:  to her son, Dr. George Richardson of Bryan; to her
   2-10  granddaughters, Lauren and Emily Richardson, also of Bryan; to her
   2-11  sisters, Emily Lyne of Bryan and Jane Lott of Navasota; and to her
   2-12  many other friends and relatives; and, be it further
   2-13        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   2-14  prepared for the members of her family and that when the Texas
   2-15  House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of
   2-16  Hazel Adams Richardson.
   2-17  Hazel Adams Richardson.
   2-18                                                               Kubiak
   2-19                                                      H.R. No. 768
   2-20                                      _______________________________
   2-21                                            Speaker of the House
   2-22        I certify that H.R. No. 768 was unanimously adopted by a
   2-23  rising vote of the House on May 28, 1993.
   2-24                                      _______________________________
   2-25                                          Chief Clerk of the House