H.R. No. 822
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, For more than a decade, the Employee Federation of
    1-2  North Harris Montgomery Community College District has served the
    1-3  academic community by protecting the rights and privileges of
    1-4  faculty and staff and promoting their many professional interests;
    1-5  and
    1-6        WHEREAS, Organized in February 1980 as North Harris County
    1-7  College United Faculty, it began as a guild under the auspices of
    1-8  its parent organization, the Texas United Faculty, and the Texas
    1-9  Federation of Teachers, the state chapter of the American
   1-10  Federation of Teachers (AFT)/AFL-CIO; and
   1-11        WHEREAS, The organization assumed an active role in
   1-12  representing college employees from the very beginning and achieved
   1-13  a notable distinction in 1981, when its officers became the first
   1-14  employee group representatives to address the college's  board of
   1-15  trustees on employment issues relevant to the faculty and staff;
   1-16  and
   1-17        WHEREAS, Continuing to represent members and nonmembers alike
   1-18  in personnel and grievance matters with exceptional dedication, the
   1-19  organization reached a significant milestone in October 1987, when
   1-20  it was granted a measure of autonomy as AFT/AFL-CIO Local 4518; and
   1-21        WHEREAS, In March 1990, the organization broadened its
   1-22  mission and its appeal when it formed a chapter within Local 4518
   1-23  for nonfaculty employees of the college district and undertook to
   1-24  represent the interests of paraprofessional and school-related
    2-1  personnel; and
    2-2        WHEREAS, To reflect its increased responsibilities in this
    2-3  regard, the North Harris College United Faculty became the Employee
    2-4  Federation of North Harris Montgomery Community College District in
    2-5  April 1991; and
    2-6        WHEREAS, While evolving and growing throughout its 13-year
    2-7  history, the organization has remained steadfast in its efforts to
    2-8  enhance the quality of education provided to area residents by the
    2-9  North Harris Montgomery Community College District by promoting an
   2-10  attractive working environment for first-rate teachers,
   2-11  administrators, and educational staff; and
   2-12        WHEREAS, The federation publishes an award-winning
   2-13  newsletter, The Advocate, for the benefit of all college employees
   2-14  and periodically conducts surveys of college employees on
   2-15  educational matters, which it then presents to the board of
   2-16  trustees for appropriate consideration; and
   2-17        WHEREAS, Recognizing the desire of the best teachers to
   2-18  continue their professional development, the federation sponsors
   2-19  seminars on campus on topics of interest to educators; it also
   2-20  recognizes the fundamental thirst for knowledge that lies at the
   2-21  core of education by sponsoring scholarships for deserving students
   2-22  and thus enabling them to pursue their academic endeavors at the
   2-23  college level; and
   2-24        WHEREAS, None of the many factors that go into a program of
   2-25  quality education is overlooked by the federation, which has been
   2-26  active in supporting and electing to the college district's board
   2-27  of trustees citizens with a proven commitment to educational
    3-1  excellence; and
    3-2        WHEREAS, The federation also has highlighted the efforts of
    3-3  elected officials who have made significant contributions in the
    3-4  field of higher education, honoring such luminaries  as Lieutenant
    3-5  Governor Bill Hobby and State Representative Wilhelmina Delco in
    3-6  1987 and State Senator Carl Parker in 1990 with an Award for Vision
    3-7  and Excellence in Education; and
    3-8        WHEREAS, Pursuing a wide range of activities in its quest to
    3-9  serve the academic community for the past 13 years, the Employee
   3-10  Federation of North Harris Montgomery Community College District
   3-11  has won the respect and admiration of the many teachers,
   3-12  administrators, staff, and students it has served and in doing so
   3-13  has earned the highest praise and recognition; now, therefore, be
   3-14  it
   3-15        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
   3-16  Legislature hereby commend the Employee Federation of North Harris
   3-17  Montgomery Community College District on its outstanding record of
   3-18  service to the community and extend to it best wishes for continued
   3-19  success in all of its endeavors; and, be it further
   3-20        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   3-21  prepared for the officers of this esteemed organization as an
   3-22  expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.
   3-23  prepared for the officers of this esteemed organization as an
   3-24  expression of high regard by the Texas House of Representatives.
   3-25                                                               Bailey
   3-26                                                      H.R. No. 822
   3-27                                      _______________________________
    4-1                                            Speaker of the House
    4-2        I certify that H.R. No. 822 was adopted by the House on May
    4-3  27, 1993, by a non-record vote.
    4-4                                      _______________________________
    4-5                                          Chief Clerk of the House