By:  Bailey                                            H.R. No. 823
       73R10154 PFG-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is proud to honor
    1-2  Carl Reeves "Rocky" Townsend for his many significant contributions
    1-3  to improve public safety in his Aldine/Northside community; and
    1-4        WHEREAS, Concerned about the crime rate in this bustling
    1-5  suburb of Houston, Mr.  Townsend launched a campaign to secure
    1-6  financing and a location for a local community station of the
    1-7  Houston Police Department (HPD) to provide a continual law
    1-8  enforcement presence in the neighborhood; and
    1-9        WHEREAS, Displaying characteristic perseverance and energy,
   1-10  this admirable gentleman succeeded in obtaining the funds necessary
   1-11  to support the Aldine Community Station after being informed that
   1-12  no city funding was available to support the project; and
   1-13        WHEREAS, Mr. Townsend is a successful local businessman who
   1-14  provided key leadership as a senior board member of the Imperial
   1-15  Valley Maintenance Corporation to the 1985 effort to establish a
   1-16  citizens on patrol program; one of the first programs of its kind
   1-17  in the city, the Citizens on Patrol program today serves as a model
   1-18  for the HPD's community service division; and
   1-19        WHEREAS, In addition to his duties as a director and
   1-20  coordinator of the program, Mr. Townsend still finds time to walk
   1-21  his beat as part of the civilian patrol effort and is a member of
   1-22  the first graduating class of the HPD Citizen Police Academy; an
   1-23  accomplished musician as well, he has put his talent to work in the
   1-24  past to benefit community policing by performing at community
    2-1  fundraisers; and
    2-2        WHEREAS, In 1991, Mr. Townsend received well-deserved
    2-3  recognition for his community service when he was named Leader of
    2-4  the Year by The Leader newspaper; and
    2-5        WHEREAS, Throughout his many endeavors, Mr. Townsend has
    2-6  enjoyed the love and support of his wife, Frieda, and their loving
    2-7  family of four children and five grandchildren; and
    2-8        WHEREAS, Described by friends and coworkers as dedicated,
    2-9  honest, and involved, Carl Reeves "Rocky" Townsend is truly a
   2-10  pillar of his community who has helped to provide welcome peace and
   2-11  security to his Houston neighborhood; his many contributions in
   2-12  this regard are indeed noteworthy and deserving of special
   2-13  legislative recognition; now, therefore, be it
   2-14        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
   2-15  Legislature hereby commend Carl Reeves "Rocky" Townsend for his
   2-16  outstanding civic service; and, be it further
   2-17        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   2-18  prepared for Mr. Townsend as an expression of high regard by the
   2-19  Texas House of Representatives.