H.R. No. 832
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives takes special
    1-2  pleasure in honoring Armando Cuellar for his many outstanding
    1-3  contributions to his profession, community, state, and nation; and
    1-4        WHEREAS, Born on October 1, 1924, in Goliad, Dr. Cuellar
    1-5  moved to Weslaco in 1925; displaying a rare dedication to
    1-6  excellence and hard work at any early age, this distinguished Texan
    1-7  graduated as valedictorian of Weslaco High School in 1943; and
    1-8        WHEREAS, Dr. Cuellar answered his country's call during its
    1-9  darkest hour, serving valiantly in the U.S. Navy during World War
   1-10  II; this patriotic American demonstrated his bravery and devotion
   1-11  again during the Korean War, serving for two years with the United
   1-12  States Public Health Service as a surgeon; and
   1-13        WHEREAS, Educated at The University of Texas at Austin,
   1-14  Dr. Cuellar received his medical degree from The University of
   1-15  Texas Medical Branch at Galveston in 1952; with his exemplary
   1-16  record of academic achievement, he was elected to both the Phi Eta
   1-17  Sigma Honorary Academic Fraternity and the AOA Honorary Academic
   1-18  Medical Fraternity; and
   1-19        WHEREAS, As one of his community's leading physicians, this
   1-20  remarkable gentleman has served on the medical staff of Knapp
   1-21  Medical Center for 31 years, during which time he has delivered
   1-22  more than 16,000 babies, and was twice named chief of staff; in
   1-23  1977, Dr. Cuellar was elected a fellow of the American Academy of
   1-24  Family Physicians in recognition of his support of continuing
    2-1  medical education programs for physicians; and
    2-2        WHEREAS, A member of the Hidalgo-Starr County Medical
    2-3  Society, Texas Medical Association, and American Medical
    2-4  Association, this exceptional physician is admired and respected by
    2-5  his colleagues for his dedication to improving the quality of
    2-6  health care for all patients; for more than three decades he has
    2-7  actively contributed to education and the medical profession as a
    2-8  member of The University of Texas Centennial Commission, The
    2-9  University of Texas School of Nursing Advisory Council, the Texas
   2-10  State Board of Medical Examiners district review committee, and The
   2-11  University of Texas Medical Branch Advisory Committee; and
   2-12        WHEREAS, Dr.  Cuellar has served the community of Weslaco
   2-13  with pride and integrity in many capacities; he led his community's
   2-14  efforts to raise funds for a new church, San Martin de Porres, was
   2-15  named president of the Weslaco Independent School District school
   2-16  board, and served with distinction as the mayor of this vibrant
   2-17  South Texas city from 1987 to 1991; and
   2-18        WHEREAS, Bringing compassion, warmth, and integrity to all
   2-19  facets of his life, this extraordinary Texan takes particular pride
   2-20  in his work with local youth organizations; an Eagle Scout who
   2-21  earned more than 50 merit badges, Dr. Cuellar has served as a
   2-22  scoutmaster, troop committee chairman, explorer post advisor, and
   2-23  medical explorer post advisor for the Boy Scouts of America, and
   2-24  his work in behalf of the local boys and girls club resulted in the
   2-25  construction of a new facility to benefit the children of Weslaco;
   2-26  and
   2-27        WHEREAS, Dr. Cuellar has worked tirelessly to make Weslaco a
    3-1  better place in which to work and live, and his numerous
    3-2  achievements are indeed worthy of special legislative recognition;
    3-3  now, therefore, be it
    3-4        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
    3-5  Legislature hereby commend Dr. Armando Cuellar for his outstanding
    3-6  contributions to his community, state, nation, and profession; and,
    3-7  be it further
    3-8        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
    3-9  prepared for Dr. Cuellar as an expression of high esteem by the
   3-10  Texas House of Representatives.
   3-11  prepared for Dr. Cuellar as an expression of high esteem by the
   3-12  Texas House of Representatives.
   3-13                                                   Cuellar of Hidalgo
   3-14                                                      H.R. No. 832
   3-15  Laney                   Giddings                 Munoz
   3-16  Alexander               Glaze                    Naishtat
   3-17  Allen                   Goodman                  Nieto
   3-18  Alonzo                  Goolsby                  Oakley
   3-19  Alvarado                Granoff                  Ogden
   3-20  Averitt                 Gray                     Oliveira
   3-21  Bailey                  Greenberg                Park
   3-22  Berlanga                Grusendorf               Parra
   3-23  Black                   Gutierrez                Patterson
   3-24  Blackwood               Haggerty                 Pitts
   3-25  Bomer                   Hamric                   Place
   3-26  Bosse                   Harris                   Price
   3-27  Brady                   Hartnett                 Puente
    4-1  Brimer                  Heflin                   Rabuck
    4-2  Cain                    Hernandez                Ramsay
    4-3  Campbell                Hightower                Rangel
    4-4  Carona                  Hilbert                  Raymond
    4-5  Carter                  Hilderbran               Rodriguez
    4-6  Chisum                  Hill                     Romo
    4-7  Clemons                 Hirschi                  Rudd
    4-8  Coleman                 Hochberg                 Sadler
    4-9  Combs                   Holzheauser              Saunders
   4-10  Conley                  Horn                     Schechter
   4-11  Cook                    Hudson                   Seidlits
   4-12  Corte                   Hunter of Taylor         Shields
   4-13  Counts                  Hunter of Nueces         Siebert
   4-14  Crabb                   Jackson                  A. Smith of Harris
   4-15  Craddick                James                    D. Smith of Harris
   4-16  Cuellar of Webb         Johnson                  Smithee
   4-17  Cuellar of Hidalgo      Jones of Lubbock         Solis
   4-18  Culberson               Jones of Dallas          Stiles
   4-19  Danburg                 Junell                   Swinford
   4-20  Davila                  Kamel                    Tallas
   4-21  Davis                   Krusee                   Talton
   4-22  De La Garza             Kubiak                   Telford
   4-23  Dear                    Kuempel                  Thompson of Tarrant
   4-24  Delco                   Lewis                    Thompson of Harris
   4-25  Delisi                  Linebarger               Turner of Coleman
   4-26  Denton                  Longoria                 Turner of Harris
   4-27  Driver                  Luna                     Uher
    5-1  Duncan                  McCall                   Van de Putte
    5-2  Dutton                  McCoulskey               Vowell
    5-3  Earley                  McDonald                 West
    5-4  Eckels                  Madden                   Williamson
    5-5  Edwards                 Marchant                 Willis
    5-6  Erickson                Martin                   Wilson
    5-7  Finnell                 Maxey                    Wolens
    5-8  Flores                  Moffat                   Yarbrough
    5-9  Gallego                 Moreno                   Yost
   5-10  Gallegos                Mowery                   Zbranek
   5-11                                                      H.R. No. 832
   5-12                                      _______________________________
   5-13                                            Speaker of the House
   5-14        I certify that H.R. No. 832 was adopted by the House on May
   5-15  28, 1993, by a non-record vote.
   5-16                                      _______________________________
   5-17                                          Chief Clerk of the House