By:  Cuellar, Renato                                   H.R. No. 837
       73R11860 PAN-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The passing of Alfonzo Licon on February 8, 1993,
    1-2  has brought a great loss to the many friends and family members of
    1-3  this esteemed educator; and
    1-4        WHEREAS, A native Texan, he was born in the community of
    1-5  Pharr but moved to California to live with his sister and her
    1-6  family after being orphaned as a young child; and
    1-7        WHEREAS, Reared in south Los Angeles, he left school early
    1-8  and joined the Air Force but later resumed his education at St.
    1-9  Bonaventure College in New York and then at California State
   1-10  University in Los Angeles, where he earned a master's degree in
   1-11  school counseling; and
   1-12        WHEREAS, After graduation, Mr. Licon was united in marriage
   1-13  with his sweetheart, Clotilde, and in 1972 the devoted couple moved
   1-14  to South Texas, settling in Pharr; and
   1-15        WHEREAS, Initially employed as an adult counselor, he was
   1-16  soon offered a position as an elementary school counselor and
   1-17  quickly discovered that he was interested in having a voice in such
   1-18  issues as curriculum, budget, and the manner in which children were
   1-19  being taught; and
   1-20        WHEREAS, Five years later, Mr. Licon was named principal of
   1-21  Ben Franklin Elementary School, where he would serve with the
   1-22  utmost distinction for 12 years; and
   1-23        WHEREAS, Throughout his fine tenure, this outstanding
   1-24  administrator earned the respect and admiration of his professional
    2-1  colleagues for his exemplary management skills and his willingness
    2-2  to explore the implementation of new teaching techniques in the
    2-3  classroom; and
    2-4        WHEREAS, Under his expert guidance, the school became the
    2-5  ninth-ranked elementary school in the state and was awarded an
    2-6  exceptional achievement award for student mastery of the TEAMS
    2-7  exam; and
    2-8        WHEREAS, Through his accomplishments in the field of
    2-9  education, Mr. Licon touched the lives of a great many people,
   2-10  sharing his love of learning with some of our state's youngest
   2-11  citizens and working closely with his fellow educators to help
   2-12  every pupil achieve his or her fullest potential, and he will long
   2-13  be remembered by all who were privileged to know him; now,
   2-14  therefore, be it
   2-15        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
   2-16  Legislature hereby pay tribute to the life of Alfonzo Licon and
   2-17  extend sincere sympathy to his wife, Clotilde Licon; to his five
   2-18  children; and to the many friends, relatives, and students of this
   2-19  fine man; and, be it further
   2-20        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
   2-21  prepared for the members of his family and that when the Texas
   2-22  House of Representatives adjourns this day, it do so in memory of
   2-23  Alfonzo Licon.