By:  Cuellar, H.                                       H.R. No. 839
       73R11847 PAN-D
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives is proud to honor
    1-2  Jon Patrick Barta for his many outstanding achievements; and
    1-3        WHEREAS, Mr. Barta is currently completing his junior year at
    1-4  The University of Texas at Austin, where he has maintained an
    1-5  admirable record of scholastic achievement while pursuing a dual
    1-6  major in Plan II liberal arts honors and English honors with a
    1-7  minor in philosophy; and
    1-8        WHEREAS, This outstanding young Texan has held a number of
    1-9  impressive intern positions in the areas of public affairs and
   1-10  journalism, and these experiences allowed him to contribute greatly
   1-11  to the effective operations of the office of State Representative
   1-12  Henry Cuellar; and
   1-13        WHEREAS, Mr. Barta, who is also a talented musician,
   1-14  performed with a local blues band on a weekly basis while still
   1-15  finding the time to serve as an associate editor of the Daily Texan
   1-16  during his legislative employment; and
   1-17        WHEREAS, This summer, Mr. Barta will be traveling to Madrid,
   1-18  Spain, to work for the Dallas-based Electronic Data Systems company
   1-19  before returning to Austin to complete his senior year in college;
   1-20  his energy, determination, and enthusiasm truly typify the finest
   1-21  qualities of our state's young people and indeed merit special
   1-22  legislative recognition; now, therefore, be it
   1-23        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
   1-24  Legislature hereby honor Jon Patrick Barta for his exemplary
    2-1  accomplishments and extend sincere best wishes to him for continued
    2-2  success and happiness in all his future endeavors; and, be it
    2-3  further
    2-4        RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
    2-5  prepared for Mr. Barta as an expression of high regard by the Texas
    2-6  House of Representatives.