H.R. No. 842
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the State
    1-2  of Texas, 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993, That House Rule
    1-3  13, Section 9(a), be suspended in part as provided by House Rule
    1-4  13, Section 9(f), to enable the conference committee appointed to
    1-5  resolve the differences on House Bill No. 1776, to consider and
    1-6  take action on the following specific matters:
    1-7        (1)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(2), is suspended to permit
    1-8  the committee to omit Article 4413(29ee), Revised Statutes.
    1-9        This change is necessary to delete the provisions that
   1-10  establish requirements for the issuance of a license to carry a
   1-11  concealed or an exposed handgun, procedures relating to the
   1-12  revocation, suspension, or renewal of the license, fees relating to
   1-13  the license, and offenses relating to carrying handguns, and other
   1-14  provisions relating to the license.
   1-15        (2)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(2), is suspended to permit
   1-16  the committee to omit the amendment of Section 37.01(1), Penal
   1-17  Code.
   1-18        This change is necessary to delete the inclusion of a license
   1-19  to carry a concealed or exposed handgun from the definition of
   1-20  "governmental record" for purposes of the offense of tampering with
   1-21  a governmental record.
   1-22        (3)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(2), is suspended to permit
   1-23  the committee to omit the amendments to Section 46.03, Penal Code.
   1-24        This change is necessary to delete carrying a concealed or
    2-1  exposed handgun and a license to carry a concealed or exposed
    2-2  handgun from the list of exceptions to the application of Section
    2-3  46.02, Penal Code, which establishes the offense of carrying a
    2-4  handgun.
    2-5        (4)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(2), is suspended to permit
    2-6  the committee to omit the amendments to Section 51.14, Family Code.
    2-7        This change is necessary to delete the requirement that a
    2-8  juvenile court issue to the Department of Public Safety records
    2-9  held by the court relating to an applicant for a license to carry a
   2-10  concealed or exposed handgun.
   2-11        (5)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(2), is suspended to permit
   2-12  the committee to omit the amendments to Section 51.16, Family Code.
   2-13        This change is necessary to delete the requirement that a
   2-14  juvenile court issue to the Department of Public Safety sealed
   2-15  records held by the court relating to an applicant for a license to
   2-16  carry a concealed or exposed handgun.
   2-17        (6)  House Rule 13, Section 9(a)(1), is suspended to permit
   2-18  the committee to strike Section 6 of the bill, which provides for a
   2-19  binding referendum, and substitute the following:
   2-20        SECTION 1.  Referendum on Licenses to Carry Handguns.  At a
   2-21  general election to be held November 2, 1993, the voters shall be
   2-22  permitted to vote in a referendum to express their opinion on
   2-23  whether the Department of Public Safety should adopt rules for the
   2-24  issuance of licenses to carry handguns.
   2-25        SECTION 2.  Ballot Proposition.  The ballot shall be printed
   2-26  to provide for voting for or against the proposition:  "Authorizing
   2-27  the Department of Public Safety to adopt rules for licensing and
    3-1  training qualified citizens to carry handguns for self-protection."
    3-2        SECTION 3.  Form of Ballot.  The proposition shall be printed
    3-3  on the ballot beneath any proposed constitutional amendments under
    3-4  the heading:  "Referendum Proposition."  Beneath the heading shall
    3-5  be printed the following:  "This referendum is an expression of
    3-6  public opinion only and has no binding effect as law."
    3-7        SECTION 4.  Election Procedure.  (a)  Notice of the election
    3-8  shall be given by inclusion of the proposition in the proclamation
    3-9  by the governor ordering the election on the proposed amendments to
   3-10  the state constitution, if any, and in the notice of that election
   3-11  given by each county judge.  If proposed amendments to the state
   3-12  constitution are not to be voted on in conjunction with the
   3-13  referendum, notice of the election shall be given and the election
   3-14  shall be held in the manner applicable to a constitutional
   3-15  amendment election.
   3-16        (b)  Returns of the votes cast on the proposition shall be
   3-17  made and canvassed in the same manner as the returns on proposed
   3-18  constitutional amendments.
   3-19        (c)  Immediately after the results of the election are
   3-20  certified by the governor, the secretary of state shall transmit a
   3-21  copy of the certification to the lieutenant governor and the
   3-22  speaker of the house of representatives.
   3-23        This change is necessary to provide for a nonbinding
   3-24  referendum on the question of whether the Department of Public
   3-25  Safety should adopt rules for the issuance of licenses to carry
   3-26  handguns.
   3-27                                                               Wilson
    4-1  handguns.
    4-2                                                               Carter
    4-3                                                               Wilson