H.R. No. 888
                                  R E S O L U T I O N
    1-1        WHEREAS, For almost 60 years, the Junior Statesmen Summer
    1-2  School has prepared high school students for leadership roles in
    1-3  our democratic society by challenging them to learn more about the
    1-4  political process through its rigorous academic programs and
    1-5  through the opportunities it affords them to meet, hear, and
    1-6  question leading political figures in American government; and
    1-7        WHEREAS,       By offering summer sessions at four of the
    1-8  most prestigious universities in the nation, the Junior Statesmen
    1-9  Foundation provides young men and women from across the country a
   1-10  unique opportunity to develop leadership skills, effective
   1-11  communication techniques, and the ability to work toward common
   1-12  goals with people of diverse viewpoints and political beliefs; and
   1-13        WHEREAS, Joining Georgetown University, Stanford University,
   1-14  and Yale University in hosting the Junior Statesmen Summer School
   1-15  sessions, The University of Texas at Austin will welcome 60
   1-16  outstanding Texas high school students who have demonstrated an
   1-17  exceptional interest in the functioning of state and federal
   1-18  government and a desire to learn more about the intricate workings
   1-19  of the American political system; and
   1-20        WHEREAS, In addition to undertaking the demanding academic
   1-21  coursework, which allows them to earn valuable high school honors
   1-22  or advanced placement credit, these young men and women will hear
   1-23  numerous speakers representing all branches of government as well
   1-24  as other influential participants in the political process; among
    2-1  the speakers who will address these students are the governor, the
    2-2  chief justice of the state's supreme court, members of the state
    2-3  legislature, journalists who cover state politics, and
    2-4  representatives of interests groups; and
    2-5        WHEREAS, The Texas House of Representatives heartily endorses
    2-6  the goals and ideals of the Junior Statesmen Summer School program
    2-7  and is proud to show its support by allowing the program's
    2-8  participants to use the house chamber as part of its activities
    2-9  this summer; now, therefore, be it
   2-10        RESOLVED, That the House of Representatives of the 73rd Texas
   2-11  Legislature hereby grant the Junior Statesmen Foundation permission
   2-12  to use the house chamber, provided that the house is not in session
   2-13  and subject to house rules and policies of the Committee on House
   2-14  Administration, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on June 24 and July 7, 1993,
   2-15  for the purpose of conducting its program at the State Capitol.
   2-16  for the purpose of conducting its program at the State Capitol.
   2-17                                                               Talton
   2-18                                                      H.R. No. 888
   2-19  Laney                   Giddings                 Munoz
   2-20  Alexander               Glaze                    Naishtat
   2-21  Allen                   Goodman                  Nieto
   2-22  Alonzo                  Goolsby                  Oakley
   2-23  Alvarado                Granoff                  Ogden
   2-24  Averitt                 Gray                     Oliveira
   2-25  Bailey                  Greenberg                Park
   2-26  Berlanga                Grusendorf               Parra
   2-27  Black                   Gutierrez                Patterson
    3-1  Blackwood               Haggerty                 Pitts
    3-2  Bomer                   Hamric                   Place
    3-3  Bosse                   Harris                   Price
    3-4  Brady                   Hartnett                 Puente
    3-5  Brimer                  Heflin                   Rabuck
    3-6  Cain                    Hernandez                Ramsay
    3-7  Campbell                Hightower                Rangel
    3-8  Carona                  Hilbert                  Raymond
    3-9  Carter                  Hilderbran               Rodriguez
   3-10  Chisum                  Hill                     Romo
   3-11  Clemons                 Hirschi                  Rudd
   3-12  Coleman                 Hochberg                 Sadler
   3-13  Combs                   Holzheauser              Saunders
   3-14  Conley                  Horn                     Schechter
   3-15  Cook                    Hudson                   Seidlits
   3-16  Corte                   Hunter of Taylor         Shields
   3-17  Counts                  Hunter of Nueces         Siebert
   3-18  Crabb                   Jackson                  A. Smith of Harris
   3-19  Craddick                James                    D. Smith of Harris
   3-20  Cuellar of Webb         Johnson                  Smithee
   3-21  Cuellar of Hidalgo      Jones of Lubbock         Solis
   3-22  Culberson               Jones of Dallas          Stiles
   3-23  Danburg                 Junell                   Swinford
   3-24  Davila                  Kamel                    Tallas
   3-25  Davis                   Krusee                   Talton
   3-26  De La Garza             Kubiak                   Telford
   3-27  Dear                    Kuempel                  Thompson of Tarrant
    4-1  Delco                   Lewis                    Thompson of Harris
    4-2  Delisi                  Linebarger               Turner of Coleman
    4-3  Denton                  Longoria                 Turner of Harris
    4-4  Driver                  Luna                     Uher
    4-5  Duncan                  McCall                   Van de Putte
    4-6  Dutton                  McCoulskey               Vowell
    4-7  Earley                  McDonald                 West
    4-8  Eckels                  Madden                   Williamson
    4-9  Edwards                 Marchant                 Willis
   4-10  Erickson                Martin                   Wilson
   4-11  Finnell                 Maxey                    Wolens
   4-12  Flores                  Moffat                   Yarbrough
   4-13  Gallego                 Moreno                   Yost
   4-14  Gallegos                Mowery                   Zbranek
   4-15                                                      H.R. No. 888
   4-16                                      _______________________________
   4-17                                            Speaker of the House
   4-18        I certify that H.R. No. 888 was adopted by the House on May
   4-19  31, 1993, by a non-record vote.
   4-20                                      _______________________________
   4-21                                          Chief Clerk of the House