S.B. No. 26
  3-1                          COMMITTEE AMENDMENT NO. 1
  3-2           Senate Bill 26 is amended by deleting all below the enacting
  3-3     clause and substituting the following:
  3-4           SECTION 1.  Section 2, Article 5.03-2, Insurance Code, is
  3-5     amended to read as follows:
  3-6           Sec. 2.  DISCOUNT REQUIRED <PERMITTED>.  (a)  An insurer who
  3-7     delivers or issues for delivery in this state comprehensive
  3-8     insurance coverage on a motor vehicle shall <may>, upon receipt of
  3-9     written verification from the insured that the insured motor
 3-10     vehicle is equipped with a qualifying antitheft device,  grant a
 3-11     discount in the amount provided by Subsection (c) of this section
 3-12     in the premiums charged for the comprehensive insurance for the
 3-13     motor vehicle if the motor vehicle is equipped with an antitheft
 3-14     device that qualifies under this article.
 3-15           (b)  An insurer shall <may>, upon receipt of written
 3-16     verification from the insured that the insured motorbicycle is
 3-17     equipped with a qualifying antitheft device, grant a discount in
 3-18     the premiums charged for comprehensive insurance for a motorcycle
 3-19     or motorbicycle in an amount greater than a Category I or Category
 3-20     II discount if the State Board of Insurance, by rule, authorizes
 3-21     additional discounts based on the installation of additional
 3-22     antitheft devices that are designed for use on motorcycles or
 3-23     motorbicycles.
 3-24           (c)  The discounts under this article shall be set by the
 3-25     State Board of Insurance.
 3-26           SECTION 2.  Section 6A, Article 5.03-2, Insurance Code, is
 3-27     amended to read as follows:
  4-1           Sec. A.  Category V discount.  A Category V discount shall
  4-2     <may>, upon receipt of written verification from the insured that
  4-3     the insured motor vehicle is equipped with a qualifying stolen
  4-4     vehicle recovery system,  be granted for a motor vehicle that
  4-5     qualifies under Category IV and is equipped with a stolen vehicle
  4-6     recovery system.
  4-7           SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993.
  4-8           SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the
  4-9     crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
 4-10     emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
 4-11     constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
 4-12     days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.
 4-13                                                                  Counts