By:  Harris of Dallas                                  S.B. No. 100
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to tax and regulatory relief as incentives for the
    1-2  production of certain gas that is difficult or expensive to produce
    1-3  and relating to a reduced oil production tax rate for oil from
    1-4  certain enhanced recovery projects.
    1-6        SECTION 1.  Section 201.057, Tax Code, is amended to read as
    1-7  follows:
    1-9        (a)  In this section:
   1-10              (1)  "Commission" means the Railroad Commission of
   1-11  Texas.
   1-12              (2)  "High-cost gas" means:
   1-13                    (A)  high-cost natural gas as described by
   1-14  Section 107, Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 (15 U.S.C. Section
   1-15  3317), as that section exists on January 1, 1989, without regard to
   1-16  whether that section is in effect or whether a determination has
   1-17  been made that the gas is high-cost natural gas for purposes of
   1-18  that Act<.>; or
   1-19                    (B)  all gas produced from oil wells or gas wells
   1-20  within a commission approved co-production project.
   1-21              (3)  "Commission approved co-production project" means
   1-22  a reservoir development project in which the commission has
   1-23  recognized, after notice and hearing, that water withdrawals from
    2-1  an oil or gas field in excess of specified minimum volumes will
    2-2  increase recovery of oil and/or gas from the reservoir and where
    2-3  operators in the field have begun to implement commission
    2-4  requirements to withdraw such volumes of water and dispose of such
    2-5  water outside the subject reservoir.
    2-6              (4)  "Co-production" means the permanent removal of
    2-7  water from an oil and/or gas reservoir in an effort to lower the
    2-8  gas-liquid contact in the reservoir or to reduce reservoir pressure
    2-9  to increase ultimate recovery of hydrocarbons from the reservoir.
   2-10              (5)  "Operator" means the person responsible for the
   2-11  actual physical operation of <a> an oil or gas well.
   2-12        (b)  High-cost gas produced from a well that is spudded or
   2-13  completed between the <date of enactment> May 24, 1989 and
   2-14  September 1, 1996, and high cost gas produced from any well within
   2-15  a commission approved co-production project is exempt from the tax
   2-16  imposed by this chapter during the period beginning September 1,
   2-17  1991, and ending August 31, 2001.
   2-18        (c)  The operator of a proposed or existing gas well,
   2-19  including a gas well that has not been completed, or the operator
   2-20  of any proposed or existing oil or gas well within a commission
   2-21  approved co-production project, may apply to the commission for
   2-22  certification that the well produces or will produce high-cost gas.
   2-23  The application may be made but is not required to be made
   2-24  concurrently with a request for a determination that gas produced
   2-25  from the well is high-cost natural gas for purposes of the Natural
    3-1  Gas Policy Act of 1978 (15 U.S.C. Section 3301 et seq.) or with a
    3-2  request for commission approval of a co-production project.  The
    3-3  commission may require an applicant to provide the commission with
    3-4  any relevant information required to administer this section.  For
    3-5  purposes of this section, a determination that gas is high-cost
    3-6  natural gas for purposes of the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 made
    3-7  according to the definition of high-cost natural gas provided by
    3-8  Section 107, Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 (15 U.S.C. Section
    3-9  3317), as that section exists on January 1, 1989, is a
   3-10  certification that the gas is high-cost gas for purposes of this
   3-11  section, and in that event additional certification is not required
   3-12  to qualify for the exemption provided by this section.
   3-13        (d)  To qualify for the exemption provided by this section,
   3-14  the person responsible for paying the tax must apply to the
   3-15  comptroller.  The application must contain the certification of the
   3-16  commission that the well produces high-cost gas.  An application
   3-17  may not be filed before January 1, 1990, or after December 31,
   3-18  1998.  The comptroller shall approve the application of a person
   3-19  who demonstrates that the gas is eligible for the exemption.  The
   3-20  comptroller may require a person applying for the exemption to
   3-21  provide any relevant information in the person's monthly report
   3-22  that the comptroller considers necessary to administer this
   3-23  section.  The commission shall notify the comptroller in writing
   3-24  immediately if it determines that an oil or gas well previously
   3-25  certified as producing high-cost gas does not produce high-cost gas
    4-1  or if it takes any action or discovers any information that affects
    4-2  the eligibility of gas for an exemption under this section.
    4-3        (e)  If, before the commission certifies that a well produces
    4-4  high-cost gas or before the comptroller approves an application for
    4-5  an exemption under this section, the tax imposed by this chapter is
    4-6  paid on high-cost gas that otherwise qualifies for the exemption
    4-7  provided by this section, the producer or producers of the gas are
    4-8  entitled to a credit against other taxes imposed by this chapter in
    4-9  an amount equal to the amount of the tax paid on the gas that
   4-10  otherwise qualified for the exemption on or after the first day of
   4-11  the next month after the month in which the application for
   4-12  certification under this section was filed with the commission.
   4-13  The credit is allocated to each producer according to the
   4-14  producer's proportionate share in the gas.  To receive a credit,
   4-15  one or more of the producers must apply to the comptroller for the
   4-16  credit not later than the first anniversary after the date the
   4-17  comptroller approves the application for an exemption under this
   4-18  section.  If a producer demonstrates that the producer does not
   4-19  have sufficient tax liability under this chapter to claim the
   4-20  credit within five years from the date the application for the
   4-21  credit is made, the producer is entitled to a refund in the amount
   4-22  of any credit the comptroller determines may not be claimed within
   4-23  that five years.
   4-24        SECTION 2.  Section 202.054, Tax Code, is amended to read as
   4-25  follows:
    5-3        (a)  In this section:
    5-4              (1)  "Active operation" means the start and
    5-5  continuation of a fluid injection or co-production program for a
    5-6  secondary or tertiary recovery project to enhance the displacement
    5-7  process in the reservoir.
    5-8              (2)  "Commission" means the Railroad Commission of
    5-9  Texas.
   5-10              (3)  "Enhanced recovery project" means the use of any
   5-11  process for the displacement of oil from the earth other than
   5-12  primary recovery and includes the use of an immiscible, miscible,
   5-13  chemical, thermal, or  biological process and any co-production
   5-14  project.
   5-15              (4)  "Existing enhanced recovery project" means an
   5-16  enhanced recovery project that began active operations before
   5-17  September 1, 1989.
   5-18              (5)  "Expanded enhanced recovery project" or
   5-19  "expansion" means the addition of injection and producing wells,
   5-20  the change of injection pattern, or other operating changes to an
   5-21  existing enhanced oil recovery project that will result in the
   5-22  recovery of oil that would not otherwise be recovered.
   5-23              (6)  "Incremental production" means the volume of oil
   5-24  produced by an expanded enhanced recovery project in excess of the
   5-25  production decline rate established under conditions before
    6-1  expansion for an existing enhanced recovery project.
    6-2              (7)  "Operator" means the person responsible for the
    6-3  actual physical operation of an enhanced recovery project.
    6-4              (8)  "Positive production response" means that the rate
    6-5  of oil production from the wells affected by an enhanced recovery
    6-6  project is greater than the rate that would have occurred without
    6-7  the project.
    6-8              (9)  "Primary recovery" means the displacement of oil
    6-9  from the earth into the well bore by means of the natural pressure
   6-10  of the oil reservoir, including artificial lift.
   6-11              (10)  "Production decline rate" means the projected
   6-12  future oil production from a project area as extrapolated by a
   6-13  method approved by the commission.
   6-14              (11)  "Recovered oil tax rate" means the tax rate
   6-15  provided by Section 202.052(b) of this code.
   6-16              (12)  "Secondary recovery project" means an enhanced
   6-17  recovery project that is not a tertiary recovery project.
   6-18              (13)  "Tertiary recovery project" means an enhanced
   6-19  recovery project using a tertiary recovery method listed in the
   6-20  federal June 1979 energy regulations referred to in Section 4993,
   6-21  Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or approved by the United States
   6-22  secretary of the treasury for purposes of administering Section
   6-23  4993, Internal Revenue Code of 1986, without regard to whether that
   6-24  section remains in effect.
   6-25              (14)  "Co-production project" means an enhanced
    7-1  recovery project in which water is permanently removed from an oil
    7-2  and/or gas reservoir in an effort to lower the gas-liquid contact
    7-3  in the reservoir or to reduce reservoir pressure to increase
    7-4  ultimate recovery of hydrocarbons from the reservoir.
    7-5              (15)  "Commission approved co-production project" means
    7-6  a reservoir development project in which the commission has
    7-7  recognized, after notice and hearing, that water withdrawals from
    7-8  an oil or gas field in excess of specified minimum volumes will
    7-9  increase recovery of oil and/or gas from the reservoir and where
   7-10  operators in the field have begun to implement commission
   7-11  requirements to withdraw such volumes of water and dispose of such
   7-12  water outside the subject reservoir.
   7-13        (b)  Oil produced from an enhanced recovery project other
   7-14  than a co-production project qualifies for the recovered oil tax
   7-15  rate if, before the project begins active operation, the commission
   7-16  approves the project and designates the area to be affected by the
   7-17  project.  The incremental production from an expanded enhanced
   7-18  recovery project other than a co-production project qualifies for
   7-19  the recovered oil tax rate if, before the expansion begins, the
   7-20  commission approves the expansion and designates the area to be
   7-21  affected by the expansion.  Oil produced from a commission approved
   7-22  co-production project, whether a new enhanced recovery project or
   7-23  an expanded enhanced recovery project, qualifies for the recovered
   7-24  oil tax rate upon commission approval without regard to whether the
   7-25  approval is before or after the project began active operations.
    8-1  The operator of a proposed project, <or> a proposed expansion, or a
    8-2  proposed or existing co-production project may apply to the
    8-3  commission for approval of the project or expansion under this
    8-4  section.  The commission may require an applicant to provide the
    8-5  commission with any relevant information required to administer
    8-6  this section.  If approval by the commission of a unitization
    8-7  agreement under Subchapter B, Chapter 101, Natural Resources Code,
    8-8  is required for purposes of carrying out the project or expansion,
    8-9  the commission may not approve the project or expansion unless it
   8-10  approves the unitization agreement.  A person may apply for
   8-11  approval of a proposed enhanced recovery project, <or> a proposed
   8-12  expansion or a proposed co-production project under this subsection
   8-13  concurrently with an application for approval of a unitization
   8-14  agreement for purposes of carrying out the enhanced recovery
   8-15  project or expansion under Section 101.011, Natural Resources Code,
   8-16  or with an application for certification of the project or
   8-17  expansion as a tertiary recovery project for purposes of Section
   8-18  4993, Internal Revenue Code of 1986, or may make a separate
   8-19  application for approval.
   8-20        (c)  This section applies to an enhanced recovery project
   8-21  that begins active operation on or after September 1, 1989, and to
   8-22  an expansion that the commission approves on or after
   8-23  September 1, 1991.  An application for approval under this section
   8-24  must be filed on or after September 1, 1989, and before
   8-25  January 1, 1994, for a new enhanced recovery project.  An
    9-1  application for approval under this section must be filed on or
    9-2  after September 1, 1991, and before January 1, 1994, for an
    9-3  expansion of an existing enhanced recovery project.  A project may
    9-4  not qualify as an expansion if the project has qualified as a new
    9-5  enhanced recovery project under this section.  An application may
    9-6  be filed on or after September 1, 1989, even if a separate
    9-7  application for approval of the project or expansion has already
    9-8  been filed under Subchapter B, Chapter 101, Natural Resources Code,
    9-9  or for approval  as a tertiary recovery project for purposes of
   9-10  Section 493, Internal Revenue Code of 1986, if the operation of a
   9-11  new project or the expansion of an existing project, other than a
   9-12  co-production project, does not begin before the application for
   9-13  approval under this section is approved by the commission<.>;
   9-14  provided, however, nothing herein shall require commission approval
   9-15  of a co-production project prior to commencing active operations on
   9-16  such project in order for such project to be eligible for the
   9-17  recovered oil tax rate.
   9-18        (d)  If the commission approves an enhanced recovery project
   9-19  or an expansion under this section, it shall issue a certification
   9-20  of approval for an approved project designating the area to be
   9-21  affected by the project.
   9-22        (e)  The recovered oil tax rate applies only to oil produced
   9-23  from a new enhanced oil recovery project or the incremental
   9-24  production caused by the expansion of an existing enhanced recovery
   9-25  project from the area the commission certifies to be affected by
   10-1  the project.
   10-2        (f)  Except as provided by Subsection <(h)> (i) of this
   10-3  section, the recovered oil tax rate applies to oil on which a tax
   10-4  is imposed by this chapter for the 10 years beginning the first day
   10-5  of the month following the date the commission certifies that, in
   10-6  the case of an enhanced recovery project other than a co-production
   10-7  project, a positive production response has occurred or, in the
   10-8  case of an expansion, other than related to a co-production
   10-9  project, incremental production has occurred, if the application
  10-10  for certification is filed:
  10-11              (1)  not later than three years from the date the
  10-12  commission approves the project if the project is designated as a
  10-13  new or existing project that uses a secondary recovery process; or
  10-14              (2)  not later than five years from the date the
  10-15  commission approves the project if the project is designated as a
  10-16  new or existing project that uses a tertiary recovery process.
  10-17        (g)  The operator may designate the certification date,
  10-18  subject to commission approval.  If the commission determines that
  10-19  the project has caused a positive production response or
  10-20  incremental production, the commission shall certify that fact.
  10-21        (h)  The recovered oil tax rate applies to all oil produced
  10-22  from a commission approved co-production project, whether a new
  10-23  enhanced recovery project or an expanded enhanced recovery project,
  10-24  for the ten years beginning the first day of the month following
  10-25  the date the commission approves such project.  A commission order
   11-1  approving a co-production project shall entitle the operator
   11-2  thereof to the recovered oil tax rate without commission
   11-3  certification of positive production response or incremental
   11-4  production.
   11-5        <(h)> (i)  Notwithstanding Subsections (f) and (h) of this
   11-6  section, qualification for the recovered oil tax rate ends on the
   11-7  first day of the first calendar month that begins on or after the
   11-8  91st day following the date of termination of the active operation
   11-9  of the enhanced recovery project or of termination of an approved
  11-10  expansion.
  11-11        (j)  If the active operation of an approved enhanced recovery
  11-12  project or expansion is terminated, the person who immediately
  11-13  before the termination is the operator of the project shall notify
  11-14  the commission and the comptroller in writing not later than the
  11-15  30th day after the last day of active operation.  Any person who
  11-16  violates this subsection is liable to the state for a civil penalty
  11-17  if the person pays or attempts to pay the tax imposed by this
  11-18  chapter on oil from the project at the recovered oil tax rate after
  11-19  qualification for that rate ends under Subsection (f), (h) or (i)
  11-20  of this section.  The amount of the penalty may not exceed the sum
  11-21  of:
  11-22              (1)  $10,000; and
  11-23              (2)  the difference between the amount of taxes paid or
  11-24  attempted to be paid and the amount of taxes due.
  11-25        <(j)> (k)  The attorney general may recover a penalty under
   12-1  Subsection <(i)> (j) of this section in a suit brought on behalf of
   12-2  the state.  Venue for the suit is in Travis County.
   12-3        <(k)> (l)  The commission has broad discretion in
   12-4  administering this section and shall adopt and enforce any
   12-5  appropriate rules or orders that the commission finds necessary to
   12-6  administer this section concerning the designation, operation, and
   12-7  termination of enhanced recovery projects and expansions.  The
   12-8  commission shall notify the comptroller of any action taken under
   12-9  this subsection.  The comptroller shall have the power to establish
  12-10  procedures in order to comply with this Act.
  12-11        <(l)> (m)  If, before the comptroller approves an application
  12-12  for taxation at the recovered oil tax rate, the tax imposed by this
  12-13  chapter is paid at the rate provided by Section 202.052(a) of this
  12-14  code on oil that qualifies under this section for the recovered oil
  12-15  tax rate, the producer or producers of the oil are entitled to a
  12-16  credit against taxes imposed by this chapter in an amount equal to
  12-17  the difference between the tax paid on the oil and the tax due on
  12-18  the oil at the recovered oil tax rate.  The credit is allocated to
  12-19  each producer according to the producer's proportionate share in
  12-20  the oil.  To receive a credit, one or more of the producers of the
  12-21  oil must apply to the comptroller for the credit not later than the
  12-22  first anniversary after the date the commission certifies that a
  12-23  positive production response has occurred.
  12-24        <(m)> (n)  To qualify for the taxation of oil at the
  12-25  recovered oil tax rate, a person responsible for paying the tax
   13-1  must apply to the comptroller.  The application must include the
   13-2  certification of the commission that the project or expansion has
   13-3  been approved and, for projects other than a co-production project,
   13-4  that the project has resulted in a positive production response or
   13-5  that the expansion has resulted in incremental production.  The
   13-6  comptroller shall approve the application of a person who
   13-7  demonstrates that the oil is eligible for taxation at the recovered
   13-8  oil tax rate.  The comptroller may require a person applying for
   13-9  the recovered oil tax rate to provide any relevant information in
  13-10  the person's monthly report and internal records that the
  13-11  comptroller considers necessary to administer this section.  The
  13-12  commission shall notify the comptroller in writing immediately if
  13-13  it determines that active operation of an approved enhanced
  13-14  recovery project or an approved expansion has been terminated or if
  13-15  it takes any action or discovers any information that affects the
  13-16  taxation of oil at the recovered oil tax rate.
  13-17        SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect          , 1993.
  13-18        SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the
  13-19  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  13-20  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  13-21  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  13-22  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.