By:  Bivins                                            S.B. No. 131
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to facilities equalization for public schools; authorizing
    1-2  the issuance and guarantee of bonds and facilities certificates and
    1-3  the levy of taxes.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Chapter 20, Education Code, is amended by adding
    1-6  Subchapter H to read as follows:
    1-8        Sec. 20.961.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
    1-9              (1)  "Agency" means the Central Education Agency.
   1-10              (2)  "Basic program" means the basic facilities
   1-11  equalization program.
   1-12              (3)  "Facilities certificate" means a debt instrument
   1-13  issued by a school district under Section 20.970 of this code.
   1-14              (4)  "Instructional facility" means real property, an
   1-15  improvement to real property, or a necessary fixture of an
   1-16  improvement to real property that is used predominantly for
   1-17  teaching the curriculum required under Section 21.101 of this code.
   1-18              (5)  "Level of local participation" means the ratio
   1-19  that the dollar amount of bonds issued under Section 20.968 of this
   1-20  code or of cash provided by a school district under Section 20.969
   1-21  of this code bears to the total dollar amount of bonds, cash, and
   1-22  facilities certificates to be sold to finance a project, expressed
   1-23  as a percentage.
   1-24              (6)  "Repayment period" means a four-year period for
    2-1  which a school district's level of local participation has been
    2-2  established as provided by Section 20.966 or 20.967 of this code.
    2-3              (7)  "School district" means any public school district
    2-4  in this state.
    2-5              (8)  "Supplemental program" means the supplemental
    2-6  facilities equalization program.
    2-7              (9)  "Wealth per student" means the taxable property
    2-8  values reported by the comptroller to the commissioner of education
    2-9  under Section 11.86 of this code divided by the number of students
   2-10  in regular average daily attendance as determined under Section
   2-11  16.006 of this code.
   2-14  PROGRAM.  (a)  A project that is financed through the basic program
   2-15  or the supplemental program is financed by:
   2-16              (1)  the issuance and sale of bonds as provided by
   2-17  Section 20.968 of this code or the provision in cash of the school
   2-18  district's level of local participation as provided by Section
   2-19  20.969 of this code; and
   2-20              (2)  the issuance and sale to the state of facilities
   2-21  certificates as provided by Section 20.970 of this code.
   2-22        (b)  The state may forgive the payment of principal and
   2-23  interest on facilities certificates as provided by Section
   2-24  20.971(c) of this code.
   2-25        (c)  The state may issue and sell bonds as provided by
   2-26  Article 717w, Revised Statutes, to finance the state's share of the
   2-27  basic program and the supplemental program.
    3-1        (d)  To be eligible for assistance through the basic program
    3-2  or the supplemental program, a school district must submit an
    3-3  application to the agency.  A district may not apply for more than
    3-4  $9 million in assistance under this subchapter in a state fiscal
    3-5  biennium.
    3-6        (e)  The agency may determine the costs that are eligible for
    3-7  state assistance under this subchapter.  Those costs:
    3-8              (1)  may include costs necessary for construction of
    3-9  necessary technology infrastructure; and
   3-10              (2)  may not exceed the cost index applicable to the
   3-11  district under Subsection (h) of this section.
   3-12        (f)  A cost that permits a district to construct a facility
   3-13  that exceeds a standard for the adequacy of school facilities
   3-14  adopted by the State Board of Education under Section 16.402 of
   3-15  this code is not eligible for state assistance under this
   3-16  subchapter, but may be paid for by the district.
   3-17        (g)  A school district may not receive more than $9 million
   3-18  in assistance under this subchapter in a state fiscal biennium.
   3-19        (h)  The agency may adopt regional cost indexes for
   3-20  acquisition of land and construction, renovation, and improvement
   3-21  of instructional facilities for use in determining costs that are
   3-22  eligible for state assistance.
   3-23        Sec. 20.963.  BASIC PROGRAM.  (a)  A school district may
   3-24  finance an instructional facility through the basic program.
   3-25        (b)  A school district may apply for assistance through the
   3-26  basic program if:
   3-27              (1)  the district has conducted a bond election as
    4-1  provided by Section 20.974 of this code; and
    4-2              (2)  the voters have approved the issuance of bonds
    4-3  sufficient to pay the entire cost of the project for which the
    4-4  district is applying for assistance.
    4-5        (c)  The agency shall rank each school district to determine
    4-6  the district's priority for participation in the basic program,
    4-7  with the rankings determined as follows:
    4-8              (1)  a district's wealth per student in the preceding
    4-9  year accounts for 80 percent of the district's ranking; and
   4-10              (2)  a district's average debt service tax rate in the
   4-11  preceding three years accounts for 20 percent of the district's
   4-12  ranking.
   4-13        Sec. 20.964.  SUPPLEMENTAL PROGRAM.  (a)  A school district
   4-14  may finance an instructional facility through the supplemental
   4-15  program.
   4-16        (b)  A school district may apply for assistance through the
   4-17  supplemental program if:
   4-18              (1)  the district has conducted a bond election as
   4-19  provided by Section 20.974 of this code; and
   4-20              (2)  the voters have approved the issuance of bonds
   4-21  sufficient to pay the entire cost of the project for which the
   4-22  district is applying for assistance.
   4-23        (c)  The agency shall rank each school district to determine
   4-24  the district's priority for participation in the supplemental
   4-25  program, with the rankings determined as follows:
   4-26              (1)  a district's wealth per student in the preceding
   4-27  year accounts for 10 percent of the district's ranking;
    5-1              (2)  the average aggregate rate of taxes levied by a
    5-2  district in the preceding three years accounts for 50 percent of
    5-3  the district's ranking; and
    5-4              (3)  a district's growth in student population over the
    5-5  past five years accounts for 40 percent of the district's ranking.
    5-6        Sec. 20.965.  PERCENTILE OF WEALTH PER STUDENT.  In this
    5-7  subchapter, a school district's percentile of wealth per student is
    5-8  determined by:
    5-9              (1)  ranking all the school districts in the state in
   5-10  ascending order according to each district's wealth per student;
   5-11              (2)  beginning with the district with the lowest wealth
   5-12  per student, adding the number of students in each district to the
   5-13  sum of the number of students in all lower ranked districts until
   5-14  the district for which a percentile is being computed is reached;
   5-15  and
   5-16              (3)  determining the percent the sum of students
   5-17  represents in relation to the total number of students in the
   5-18  state.
   5-20  LEVEL OF LOCAL PARTICIPATION.  (a)  The State Board of Education
   5-21  shall determine the initial level of local participation for a
   5-22  school district that applies for assistance under the basic program
   5-23  or the supplemental program.  The initial level of local
   5-24  participation is equal to the district's percentile of wealth per
   5-25  student.  If a district's percentile of wealth per student is less
   5-26  than the minimum level of local participation under Subsection (c)
   5-27  or (d) of this section, the minimum level applies.
    6-1        (b)  A school district may appeal the State Board of
    6-2  Education's determination of the level of local participation to
    6-3  the commissioner of education.
    6-4        (c)  The level of local participation for a project financed
    6-5  through the basic program may not be less than 20 percent.
    6-6        (d)  After considering the needs of school districts and the
    6-7  availability of state funds, the agency shall determine for all
    6-8  school districts a minimum level of local participation for
    6-9  projects financed through the supplemental program.
   6-10        (e)  If the agency determines that the level of local
   6-11  participation for a project is so great that the cost of the
   6-12  state's participation in financing the project outweighs the
   6-13  benefit to be obtained by the school district, the agency shall
   6-14  assign the project a level of local participation of 100 percent.
   6-16  PARTICIPATION.  (a)  The initial repayment period for a project
   6-17  begins the date the first bond or facilities certificate is sold to
   6-18  finance the project and ends on the fourth anniversary of the date
   6-19  the period began.  A new repayment period for a project begins the
   6-20  day after the previous repayment period ends and ends on the fourth
   6-21  anniversary of the date the new period began.
   6-22        (b)  Before the end of each repayment period, the agency
   6-23  shall determine if there has been a change in the school district's
   6-24  percentile of wealth per student.
   6-25        (c)  The agency shall assign a new level of local
   6-26  participation for the subsequent repayment period if the agency
   6-27  determines that the district is at a higher percentile of wealth
    7-1  per student.  A new level of local participation may not be less
    7-2  than the highest previous level of local participation.
    7-3        Sec. 20.968.  ISSUANCE AND SALE OF BONDS.  (a)  Except as
    7-4  provided by Section 20.969 of this code, a school district that has
    7-5  contracted with the agency under the basic program or the
    7-6  supplemental program shall issue and sell bonds as provided by this
    7-7  subchapter.
    7-8        (b)  Proceeds from the sale of bonds issued under this
    7-9  subchapter may be used only for:
   7-10              (1)  the acquisition, construction, renovation, or
   7-11  improvement of the asset for which the bonds were issued; and
   7-12              (2)  payment of costs of issuance of the bonds.
   7-13        (c)  The agency issuing the bonds shall attempt to include
   7-14  minority-owned businesses in the issuance of at least 20 percent of
   7-15  the bonds.
   7-16        (d)  The school districts which engage in facilities
   7-17  construction as a result of the issuance of these bonds shall
   7-18  attempt to include minority-owned businesses in at least 20 percent
   7-19  of the total value of construction contracts awarded.
   7-20        Sec. 20.969.  PROVISION OF CASH IN LIEU OF BONDS.  In lieu of
   7-21  issuing bonds as provided by Section 20.968 of this code, a school
   7-22  district may provide its level of local participation on a project
   7-23  in cash.  A school district that provides its level of local
   7-24  participation in cash must nonetheless conduct an election under
   7-25  Section 20.974 of this code authorizing the issuance of bonds to
   7-26  provide its level of local participation.
    8-1  (a)  A school district that has contracted with the agency under
    8-2  the basic program or the supplemental program shall issue
    8-3  facilities certificates.
    8-4        (b)  The Texas Public Finance Authority shall prescribe the
    8-5  form of facilities certificates to meet the goals of the basic
    8-6  program or the supplemental program.  A facilities certificate must
    8-7  provide for payment by the issuing district of the principal and
    8-8  interest of the certificate.  A facilities certificate must provide
    8-9  for the forgiveness of principal and interest payments as provided
   8-10  by Section 20.971(c) of this code.  The agency shall prescribe the
   8-11  interest rate and maturity dates of facilities certificates.
   8-12        (c)  A school district may sell facilities certificates to
   8-13  the state only.
   8-14        (d)  Proceeds from the sale of facilities certificates may be
   8-15  used only for:
   8-16              (1)  the acquisition, construction, renovation, or
   8-17  improvement of the asset for which the certificates were issued;
   8-18  and
   8-19              (2)  payment of costs of issuance of the certificates.
   8-20        Sec. 20.971.  PAYMENT OF FACILITIES CERTIFICATES.
   8-21  (a)  During the initial repayment period, a school district is not
   8-22  obligated to make scheduled payments of principal or interest on
   8-23  facilities certificates.
   8-24        (b)  A school district shall begin making scheduled payments
   8-25  of principal and interest on facilities certificates in any
   8-26  subsequent repayment period in which the agency assigns the
   8-27  district a higher level of local participation under Section 20.967
    9-1  of this code.  The percentage of principal and interest that a
    9-2  district must pay during a repayment period must equal the
    9-3  difference between the district's current level of local
    9-4  participation and the district's level of local participation in
    9-5  the initial repayment period.
    9-6        (c)  Principal and interest payments on facilities
    9-7  certificates are forgiven except for payments required under
    9-8  Subsection (b) of this section.
    9-9        Sec. 20.972.  SUDDEN DECLINE IN PROPERTY VALUES.  If a
   9-10  natural or economic disaster occurs in a school district, the
   9-11  agency may waive all or part of a scheduled payment on a facilities
   9-12  certificate that is required under Section 20.971 of this code if
   9-13  the agency finds that:
   9-14              (1)  the total of property values in the school
   9-15  district has declined by 25 percent or more since the preceding tax
   9-16  year; and
   9-17              (2)  the decline is not primarily due to:
   9-18                    (A)  an increase in the amount of property that:
   9-19                          (i)  is exempt from taxation; or
   9-20                          (ii)  qualifies for special appraisal under
   9-21  Chapter 23, Tax Code; or
   9-22                    (B)  detachment of territory from the district.
   9-23        Sec. 20.973.  BOND TAXES.  (a)  The governing body of a
   9-24  school district that issues bonds under the basic program or the
   9-25  supplemental program shall levy, pledge, assess, and collect annual
   9-26  ad valorem taxes sufficient to pay the principal and interest on
   9-27  the bonds as they become due.
   10-1        (b)  The governing body of a school district that issues
   10-2  facilities certificates under the basic program or the supplemental
   10-3  program shall levy, pledge, assess, and collect annual ad valorem
   10-4  taxes sufficient to pay the principal and interest on facilities
   10-5  certificates as they become due, if required to do so under Section
   10-6  20.971 of this code.
   10-7        Sec. 20.974.  BOND AND TAX ELECTIONS.  (a)  A school district
   10-8  may not issue bonds or facilities certificates or levy taxes under
   10-9  the basic program or the supplemental program unless authorized by
  10-10  a majority of the qualified voters of the district voting at an
  10-11  election:
  10-12              (1)  held for that purpose; or
  10-13              (2)  held before the effective date of this subchapter
  10-14  to authorize the issuance of bonds.
  10-15        (b)  A proposition to authorize the issuance of bonds or
  10-16  facilities certificates under the basic program or the supplemental
  10-17  program must include the question of whether the governing body of
  10-18  the district may levy, pledge, and collect annual ad valorem taxes
  10-19  on all taxable property in the district sufficient, without limit
  10-20  as to rate or amount, to pay the principal and interest on the
  10-21  bonds or facilities certificates.
  10-22        SECTION 2.  Section 20.04, Education Code, is amended by
  10-23  adding Subsection (f) to read as follows:
  10-24        (f)  For purposes of the limitation on the amount of tax bond
  10-25  indebtedness of a district under Subsection (c) of this section, a
  10-26  facilities certificate issued under Section 20.970 of this code is
  10-27  not considered a bond.
   11-1        SECTION 3.  Sections 20.902 and 20.904, Education Code, are
   11-2  amended to read as follows:
   11-3        Sec. 20.902.  GUARANTEE.  On approval by the commissioner,
   11-4  bonds issued under Subchapter A or H of this chapter, including
   11-5  refunding bonds, are guaranteed by the corpus and income of the
   11-6  permanent school fund.
   11-7        Sec. 20.904.  ELIGIBILITY.  To be eligible for approval by
   11-8  the commissioner, bonds must be issued under Subchapter A or H of
   11-9  this chapter or under Chapter 503, Acts of the 54th Legislature,
  11-10  1955 (Article 717k, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), by an
  11-11  accredited school district.
  11-12        SECTION 4.  Chapter 1, Title 22, Revised Statutes, is amended
  11-13  by adding Article 717w to read as follows:
  11-15        Sec. 1.  DEFINITIONS.  In this article:
  11-16              (1)  "Authority" means the Texas Public Finance
  11-17  Authority.  The Texas Public Finance Authority is created and has
  11-18  all statutory authority contained in the Texas Public Finance
  11-19  Authority Act (Article 601d, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
  11-20              (2)  "Basic program" means the basic facilities
  11-21  equalization program under Section 20.963, Education Code.
  11-22              (3)  "Instructional facility" has the meaning assigned
  11-23  by Section 20.961, Education Code.
  11-24              (4)  "Supplemental program" means the supplemental
  11-25  facilities equalization program under Section 20.964, Education
  11-26  Code.
  11-27        Sec. 2.  BONDS.  (a)  The authority shall issue general
   12-1  obligation bonds to finance the basic program and the supplemental
   12-2  program in the amount specified in the General Appropriations Act.
   12-3  The amount of outstanding bonds issued under this article may not
   12-4  exceed $750 million at any one time.  Bonds that are or have been
   12-5  refunded do not count against the limit on outstanding bonds.
   12-6        (b)  In connection with the issuance and administration of
   12-7  bonds, the authority may exercise the rights and powers granted to
   12-8  an issuer by:
   12-9              (1)  Chapter 503, Acts of the 54th Legislature, 1955
  12-10  (Article 717k, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes); and
  12-11              (2)  the Bond Procedures Act of 1981 (Article 717k-6,
  12-12  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
  12-13        Sec. 3.  FUND.  (a)  The school facilities equalization fund
  12-14  is in the authority.  The fund shall be administered by the
  12-15  authority as directed by the Central Education Agency.  The
  12-16  authority may create accounts in the fund as the authority
  12-17  considers necessary.
  12-18        (b)  The authority shall deposit in the fund:
  12-19              (1)  the proceeds of all bonds sold under this article,
  12-20  less the costs of issuance;
  12-21              (2)  all payments on facilities certificates under
  12-22  Section 20.971, Education Code;
  12-23              (3)  any federal or private funds received and
  12-24  designated for assisting school districts in acquiring,
  12-25  constructing, renovating, or improving instructional facilities;
  12-26              (4)  any investment securities purchased by the fund;
  12-27              (5)  interest or other earnings derived from the
   13-1  amounts described in Subdivisions (1) through (4) of this
   13-2  subsection; and
   13-3              (6)  any amounts transferred for deposit into the fund.
   13-4        (c)  Money in the fund may be used only to:
   13-5              (1)  provide aid to qualifying school districts under
   13-6  the basic program or the supplemental program; or
   13-7              (2)  administer the basic program or the supplemental
   13-8  program.
   13-9        Sec. 4.  ALLOCATION BETWEEN PROGRAMS.  The authority shall
  13-10  allocate the proceeds of bonds sold under this article, less the
  13-11  costs of issuance and the estimated cost of administering the basic
  13-12  program and the supplemental program for the period for which the
  13-13  bonds were issued, as follows:
  13-14              (1)  75 percent shall be allocated to the basic
  13-15  program; and
  13-16              (2)  25 percent shall be allocated to the supplemental
  13-17  program.
  13-18        Sec. 5.  LIMIT ON ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS.  The cost of
  13-19  administering the basic program and the supplemental program in a
  13-20  fiscal biennium may not exceed 0.1 percent of the amount of bonds
  13-21  issued under this article in that biennium.
  13-22        SECTION 5.  The Public School Facilities Funding Act (Article
  13-23  717t, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) is repealed.
  13-24        SECTION 6.  This Act takes effect only if the constitutional
  13-25  amendment proposed by S.J.R. No. 4, 73rd Legislature, Regular
  13-26  Session, 1993, authorizing state general obligation bonds to assist
  13-27  school districts in financing facilities is approved by the voters.
   14-1  If the proposed constitutional amendment is not approved by the
   14-2  voters, this Act has no effect.
   14-3        SECTION 7.  The importance of this legislation and the
   14-4  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   14-5  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   14-6  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   14-7  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.