By:  Barrientos                                        S.B. No. 183
       73R2385 SOS-F
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the tuition exemption at institutions of higher
    1-3  education for students who are blind or deaf.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Sections 54.205(a)(2) and (3), Education Code,
    1-6  are amended to read as follows:
    1-7              (2)  "Blind person" means a person who is a "blind
    1-8  disabled individual" as defined in Section 91.051(5), Human
    1-9  Resources Code <5, Chapter 291, Acts of the 59th Texas Legislature,
   1-10  Regular Session, 1965 (Article 3207c, Vernon's Texas Civil
   1-11  Statutes), and who is eligible for the rehabilitation services of
   1-12  the Texas Commission for the Blind>.
   1-13              (3)  "Deaf person" means a person whose sense of
   1-14  hearing is nonfunctional, after all necessary medical treatment,
   1-15  surgery, and use of hearing aids, for understanding normal
   1-16  conversation <and who is eligible for the services of the Division
   1-17  of Vocational Rehabilitation of the Texas Education Agency>.
   1-18        SECTION 2.  Section 54.205, Education Code, is amended by
   1-19  amending Subsections (b) and (c) and adding Subsections (d) and (e)
   1-20  to read as follows:
   1-21        (b)  A deaf or blind person who is a resident is entitled to
   1-22  exemption from the payment of tuition fees at any institution of
   1-23  higher education utilizing public funds if he presents:
   1-24              (1)  certification <by the appropriate state vocational
    2-1  rehabilitation agency> that he is a "blind person" or a "deaf
    2-2  person" as defined in Subsection (a) of this section, by the Texas
    2-3  Rehabilitation Commission, Texas Commission for the Blind, or Texas
    2-4  Commission for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired, as appropriate, in a
    2-5  written statement, which certification is considered conclusive;
    2-6              (2)  a written statement of purpose from the person
    2-7  that indicates the course of study to be followed <and is a client
    2-8  of the agency, which certification shall be deemed conclusive>;
    2-9              (3) <(2)>  a high school diploma or its equivalent;
   2-10              (4) <(3)>  proof of good moral character, which may be
   2-11  evidenced by a letter of recommendation from the principal of the
   2-12  high school attended by the deaf or blind individual or, if the
   2-13  high school no longer exists or if the principal cannot be located,
   2-14  a letter of recommendation from the individual's clergyman, a
   2-15  public official, or some other responsible person who knows the
   2-16  deaf or blind individual and is willing to attest to his good moral
   2-17  character; and
   2-18              (5) <(4)>  proof that he meets all other entrance
   2-19  requirements of the institution.
   2-20        (c)  The governing board of an institution may establish
   2-21  special entrance requirements to fit the circumstances of deaf and
   2-22  blind persons.  <In order to obtain the maximum vocational benefits
   2-23  of their college training, all deaf students applying for a tuition
   2-24  exemption under this legislation shall cooperate with the
   2-25  Commission for Rehabilitation, and all blind students applying for
   2-26  a tuition exemption under this section shall cooperate with the
   2-27  Texas Commission for the Blind.  The Commission for Rehabilitation
    3-1  and the Texas Commission for the Blind shall utilize all available
    3-2  and appropriate resources at the institutions of higher education
    3-3  to insure that deaf or blind students receive the maximum benefits
    3-4  from college training for which tuition fee exemptions are claimed
    3-5  under this Act.>  The Texas <Commission for> Rehabilitation
    3-6  Commission, the Texas Commission for the Blind, the Texas
    3-7  Commission for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired, and the Coordinating
    3-8  Board, Texas College and University System, may develop any rules
    3-9  and procedures that these agencies determine necessary for the
   3-10  efficient implementation of this section.
   3-11        (d)  For the purposes of this section, a person is required
   3-12  to present certification that the person is a "blind person" or a
   3-13  "deaf person" as required under Subsection (b)(1) of this section
   3-14  at the time the person initially enrolls at an institution of
   3-15  higher education in the course of study designated by the person
   3-16  under Subsection (b)(2) of this section.  The certification is
   3-17  valid for each semester that the person enrolls at that institution
   3-18  in the designated course of study.
   3-19        (e)  A person who qualifies for an exemption under this
   3-20  section is entitled to the exemption for each course in which the
   3-21  person enrolls at an institution of higher education.
   3-22        SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993.
   3-23        SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the
   3-24  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   3-25  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   3-26  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   3-27  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.