S.B. No. 218
  3-1                          COMMITTEE AMENDMENT NO. 1
  3-2           Amend S.B. 218 as follows:
  3-3                 (1)  On page 2, line 8, between "assistance" and the
  3-4     period, insert ", by taking into account the degree of physician
  3-5     shortage, geographic locations, and other criteria the committee
  3-6     considers appropriate".
  3-7                 (2)  On page 2, between lines 8 and 9, insert a new
  3-8     SECTION 3 to read as follows:
  3-9           SECTION 3.  Subchapter J, Chapter 61, Education Code, is
 3-10     amended by adding Section 61.538 to read as follows:
 3-11           Sec. 61.538.  TOTAL AMOUNT OF REPAYMENT ASSISTANCE.  The
 3-12     total amount of repayment assistance distributed by the board may
 3-13     not exceed the total amount of gifts and grants accepted by the
 3-14     board for repayment assistance, medical school tuition set aside
 3-15     under Section 61.539 of this code, and legislative appropriations
 3-16     for repayment assistance.
 3-17                 (3)  Renumber existing SECTION 3 as SECTION 4.
 3-18     73R6614 SOS-F                                                Rangel