By:  Barrientos                                        S.B. No. 273
       73R1917 GCH-D
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to benefits and eligibility for benefits from fire
    1-3  fighters' retirement systems in certain municipalities.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Section 3(a)(1), Chapter 183, Acts of the 64th
    1-6  Legislature, 1975 (Article 6243e.1, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
    1-7  is amended to read as follows:
    1-8              (1)  Any fire fighter who has been duly appointed and
    1-9  enrolled and who has performed service in any rank, as a fully paid
   1-10  fire fighter, in one or more fire departments in any city in this
   1-11  state covered by the provisions of this Act may retire and be
   1-12  entitled to receive from the fire fighter's relief and retirement
   1-13  fund of that city a monthly pension equal to 2-1/2  percent of the
   1-14  fire fighter's average monthly salary multiplied by the number of
   1-15  the person's years of service and any fraction of a year of
   1-16  service, if the fire fighter:
   1-17                    (A)  has attained the age of 52 <53> years and
   1-18  completed at least 10 years of service; or
   1-19                    (B)  has served actively for a period of at least
   1-20  27 <28> years, regardless of age.
   1-21        SECTION 2.  Section 3(f), Chapter 183, Acts of the 64th
   1-22  Legislature, 1975 (Article 6243e.1, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
   1-23  is amended to read as follows:
   1-24        (f)  Any person who has been appointed and enrolled and
    2-1  either has attained the age of 50 years and served actively for a
    2-2  period of at least 10 years, or has served at least 25 years,
    2-3  regardless of age, <and whose service was performed> in any rank,
    2-4  as a fully paid fire fighter <fireman>, in one or more regularly
    2-5  organized fire departments in any city covered by this Act may
    2-6  retire and be entitled to receive from the fire fighter's relief
    2-7  and retirement fund of that city a <reduced> monthly pension equal
    2-8  to the pension described under Section 3(a) of this Act, reduced
    2-9  according to tables recommended by the board of trustees' actuary
   2-10  and adopted by the board for <multiplied by a percentage determined
   2-11  by the board of trustees' actuary as the percentage necessary to
   2-12  provide an actuarially equivalent> early retirement <benefit>.
   2-13        SECTION 3.  Section 5(a)(1), Chapter 183, Acts of the 64th
   2-14  Legislature, 1975 (Article 6243e.1, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
   2-15  is amended to read as follows:
   2-16              (1)  A fire fighter's normal retirement age is the
   2-17  earliest age at which the fire fighter will be at least 52 <53>
   2-18  years of age and will have completed at least 10 years of service
   2-19  or the earliest age at which the fire fighter would have completed
   2-20  at least 27 <28> years of service had the fire fighter not
   2-21  terminated employment.
   2-22        SECTION 4.  Section 5(b), Chapter 183, Acts of the 64th
   2-23  Legislature, 1975 (Article 6243e.1, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
   2-24  is amended to read as follows:
   2-25        (b)  In the event a fire fighter who terminates employment
   2-26  with the fire department under this section dies either before age
   2-27  52 <53> or after attaining the age of 52 <53> and beginning to
    3-1  receive benefits under this section, the fire fighter's surviving
    3-2  spouse is entitled to receive an immediate monthly benefit as
    3-3  described under Section 11(c) of this Act, if the spouse was
    3-4  married to the fire fighter:
    3-5              (1)  on the fire fighter's date of termination, if the
    3-6  fire fighter's death occurred before age 52 <53>; or
    3-7              (2)  when the fire fighter attained the age of 52 <53>,
    3-8  if the fire fighter's death occurred after attaining the age of 52
    3-9  <53>.
   3-10        SECTION 5.  Section 10(e), Chapter 183, Acts of the 64th
   3-11  Legislature, 1975 (Article 6243e.1, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
   3-12  is amended to read as follows:
   3-13        (e)(1)  The severance benefit of a fire fighter who
   3-14  <subsequently> terminates the fire fighter's employment before
   3-15  eligibility for retirement shall be an amount equal to the amount
   3-16  of the fire fighter's monthly contributions, with <without>
   3-17  interest, made while a participating member of the fire fighter's
   3-18  relief and retirement fund, in excess of the amount of benefits
   3-19  that the member previously received from the fund.  If the member's
   3-20  employment is terminated by death before retirement and the member
   3-21  leaves no surviving beneficiary entitled to pension benefits, the
   3-22  member's estate shall receive the amount of the member's
   3-23  contributions, with <without> interest, in excess of the amount of
   3-24  benefits that the member previously received from the fund.  In
   3-25  each instance in which a member's contributions are to be paid to a
   3-26  fire fighter or a fire fighter's estate or surviving relative, the
   3-27  payment will include accumulated interest computed as provided by
    4-1  this section.
    4-2              (2)  On December 31, 1993, the fund shall credit
    4-3  interest to the account of each fire fighter who had contributions
    4-4  on deposit with the fund on January 1, 1993, and has not retired,
    4-5  died, or withdrawn those contributions.  The amount of interest
    4-6  credited on December 31, 1993, will be computed by multiplying five
    4-7  percent by an amount equal to one-half of the member's
    4-8  contributions on deposit on January 1, 1993, and then multiplying
    4-9  that product by the number of whole calendar years that the fire
   4-10  fighter has been a member of the fund on December 31, 1993.
   4-11              (3)  Beginning December 31, 1994, the fund shall credit
   4-12  interest on December 31 of each year to the account of each fire
   4-13  fighter in an amount equal to five percent of the accumulated
   4-14  contributions, including previously credited interest, on deposit
   4-15  on January 1 of that year.
   4-16              (4)  The fund may not pay interest on a fire fighter's
   4-17  contributions for part of a year or for any period that is more
   4-18  than five calendar years after the date of termination of
   4-19  employment.
   4-20        SECTION 6.  Sections 11(a), (b), (c), (d), and (f), Chapter
   4-21  183, Acts of the 64th Legislature, 1975 (Article 6243e.1, Vernon's
   4-22  Texas Civil Statutes), are amended to read as follows:
   4-23        (a)  If a fire fighter <fireman> dies before retirement, the
   4-24  fire fighter's <fireman's> surviving spouse, if married to the
   4-25  member on the member's date of death, shall be entitled to receive
   4-26  an immediate monthly pension, the amount of which<, if the spouse
   4-27  was two years younger than the member,> shall be 75 percent of the
    5-1  member's accrued unreduced pension as determined under Section 3(a)
    5-2  of this Act when 20 years of service is assumed.  <If the relative
    5-3  ages of the fireman and the fireman's spouse were not as described
    5-4  by this subsection, the death benefit is a percentage of the
    5-5  member's accrued unreduced pension as described in Subsection (g)
    5-6  of this section.>
    5-7        (b)  On the death of a member who retired under Section 3(a)
    5-8  or (f) or Section 6(a) or (b) of this Act, the surviving spouse, if
    5-9  married to the person on the person's date of retirement, is
   5-10  entitled to receive an immediate monthly pension<, if the spouse
   5-11  was two years younger than the member,> equal to 75 percent of the
   5-12  pension being paid to the member.  <If the relative ages of the
   5-13  member and the member's spouse were not as described by this
   5-14  subsection, the death benefit is a percentage of the pension as
   5-15  described in Subsection (g) of this section.>
   5-16        (c)  On the death of a fire fighter who terminated employment
   5-17  with the fire department after 10 or more years of service before
   5-18  age 52 <53>, the surviving spouse is entitled to receive an
   5-19  immediate monthly pension equal to 75 percent of the pension the
   5-20  member was either receiving or entitled to receive at age 52 <53>,
   5-21  if:
   5-22              (1)  <the spouse was two years younger than the member;
   5-23  and>
   5-24              <(2)(A)>  the spouse was married to the member on the
   5-25  date of the member's termination of employment, if the member's
   5-26  death occurred before age 52 <53>; or
   5-27              (2) <(B)>  the spouse was married to the member when
    6-1  the member attained the age of 52 <53>, if the member's death
    6-2  occurred after the member attained the age of 52 <53>.  <If the
    6-3  relative ages of the member and the member's spouse were not as
    6-4  described by this subsection, the death benefit is a percentage of
    6-5  the amount the fire fighter was receiving or was entitled to
    6-6  receive at age 53 as described in Subsection (g) of this section.>
    6-7        (d)  A deceased member's unmarried children under the age of
    6-8  22 are entitled to receive, if there is no surviving spouse, a
    6-9  total amount of monthly pension equal to 75 percent of the monthly
   6-10  benefit based on <the factor described by Section 3(b) of this
   6-11  Act,> the fire fighter's average monthly salary at the time of
   6-12  death<,> and the number of years and any fraction of a year of the
   6-13  fire fighter's service, assuming 20 years of service if service is
   6-14  less than 20 years.  Each dependent child is entitled to receive an
   6-15  equal share of the total amount of monthly pension.  If there is a
   6-16  surviving spouse, each deceased member's unmarried child under the
   6-17  age of 22 is entitled to receive 15 percent of the monthly benefit
   6-18  based on <the factor described by Section 3(b) of this Act,> the
   6-19  fire fighter's average monthly salary at the time of death<,> and
   6-20  the number of years and any fraction of a year of the fire
   6-21  fighter's service, assuming 20 years of service if service is less
   6-22  than 20 years.  The total amount of benefits being paid to the
   6-23  children if there is a surviving spouse may not exceed the total
   6-24  amount of benefits payable to dependent children if there is no
   6-25  surviving spouse.  Payments to a child shall be made whether or not
   6-26  a spouse survives and shall continue after the death of a surviving
   6-27  spouse but shall cease on the earliest of the child's death,
    7-1  marriage, or attainment of age 22.
    7-2        (f)  If a deceased or retired member leaves no surviving
    7-3  spouse or children eligible to receive a benefit under this section
    7-4  but is survived by one or more dependent parents, the dependent
    7-5  parent, or one of the surviving parents designated by the board of
    7-6  trustees, is entitled to receive a monthly pension equal to the
    7-7  amount that would have been payable to a surviving spouse <who was
    7-8  two years younger than the deceased member>.  If a deceased member
    7-9  leaves no surviving spouse, children, or dependent parent eligible
   7-10  to receive a benefit as provided in this section, the member's
   7-11  total contributions, less any amount previously paid to the member,
   7-12  shall be paid to the member's estate.
   7-13        SECTION 7.  Section 11(g), Chapter 183, Acts of the 64th
   7-14  Legislature, 1975 (Article 6243e.1, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
   7-15  is repealed.
   7-16        SECTION 8.  The changes in law made by this Act in the
   7-17  benefits payable to survivors of deceased members or retirees apply
   7-18  to all payments that become due on or after the effective date of
   7-19  this Act to survivors of persons who die on or after that date,
   7-20  except that the retirement system may not reduce a benefit being
   7-21  paid on   the effective date of this Act because of the changes
   7-22  made by this Act.
   7-23        SECTION 9.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993.
   7-24        SECTION 10.  The importance of this legislation and the
   7-25  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   7-26  emergency   and   an   imperative   public   necessity   that   the
   7-27  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
    8-1  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.