1-1  By:  Ellis, Zaffirini                                  S.B. No. 290
    1-2        (In the Senate - Filed February 9, 1993; February 10, 1993,
    1-3  read first time and referred to Committee on Health and Human
    1-4  Services; April 21, 1993, reported favorably by the following vote:
    1-5  Yeas 5, Nays 3; April 21, 1993, sent to printer.)
    1-6                            COMMITTEE VOTE
    1-7                          Yea     Nay      PNV      Absent 
    1-8        Zaffirini          x                               
    1-9        Ellis              x                               
   1-10        Madla              x                               
   1-11        Moncrief           x                               
   1-12        Nelson                                         x   
   1-13        Patterson                 x                        
   1-14        Shelley                   x                        
   1-15        Truan              x                               
   1-16        Wentworth                 x                        
   1-17                         A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
   1-18                                AN ACT
   1-19  relating to corporal punishment in public schools.
   1-21        SECTION 1.  Subchapter I, Chapter 21, Education Code, is
   1-22  amended by adding Section 21.310 to read as follows:
   1-23        Sec. 21.310.  CORPORAL PUNISHMENT.  (a)  An employee of a
   1-24  public school may not administer corporal punishment to a student.
   1-25        (b)  An employee of a public school may use reasonable and
   1-26  necessary physical restraining techniques for the purpose of:
   1-27              (1)  preventing a student from injuring a person or
   1-28  property;
   1-29              (2)  self-defense; or
   1-30              (3)  obtaining possession from a pupil of a weapon or
   1-31  other dangerous object or of a controlled substance as defined in
   1-32  Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code (Texas Controlled Substances
   1-33  Act).
   1-34        (c)  In this section, "corporal punishment" includes hitting,
   1-35  spanking, or slapping a student with a hand or an object.
   1-36        SECTION 2.  The importance of this legislation and the
   1-37  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   1-38  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   1-39  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   1-40  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
   1-41  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
   1-42  passage, and it is so enacted.
   1-43                               * * * * *
   1-44                                                         Austin,
   1-45  Texas
   1-46                                                         April 21, 1993
   1-47  Hon. Bob Bullock
   1-48  President of the Senate
   1-49  Sir:
   1-50  We, your Committee on Health and Human Services to which was
   1-51  referred S.B. No. 290, have had the same under consideration, and I
   1-52  am instructed to report it back to the Senate with the
   1-53  recommendation that it do pass and be printed.
   1-54                                                         Moncrief,
   1-55  Acting Chair
   1-56                               * * * * *
   1-57                               WITNESSES
   1-58                                                  FOR   AGAINST  ON
   1-59  ___________________________________________________________________
   1-60  Name:  Sylvia Garcia                                           x
   1-61  Representing:  TEA
   1-62  City:  Austin
   1-63  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   1-64  Name:  Jimmy Dunne                               x
   1-65  Representing:  People Opposed to Paddling
   1-66  City:  Houston
   1-67  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   1-68  Name:  Rhonda G. Schmidt                         x
    2-1  Representing:  Self
    2-2  City:  Woodlake
    2-3  -------------------------------------------------------------------
    2-4  Name:  Connie J. Byers                           x
    2-5  Representing:  Self
    2-6  City:  Groveton
    2-7  -------------------------------------------------------------------
    2-8  Name:  Sandy Kibby                               x
    2-9  Representing:  TX Parent Teacher Asso
   2-10  City:  Austin
   2-11  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-12  Name:  Wendell Teltow                            x
   2-13  Representing:  TX Coal. Prevention Child Abu
   2-14  City:  Austin
   2-15  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-16  Name:  Dr. Cliff Price                           x
   2-17  Representing:  TX Pediatric Society
   2-18  City:  Austin
   2-19  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-20  Name:  Bill Perry                                x
   2-21  Representing:  AISD
   2-22  City:  Austin
   2-23  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-24  Name:  Jordan K. Faires                          x
   2-25  Representing:  TX Council on Family Violence
   2-26  City:  Austin
   2-27  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-28  Name:  Shannon Noble                             x
   2-29  Representing:  TX Network of Youth Services
   2-30  City:  Austin
   2-31  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-32  Name:  Mike Plake                                x
   2-33  Representing:  Parents Anonymous of TX
   2-34  City:  Austin
   2-35  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-36  Name:  Mitch Sanchez                                     x
   2-37  Representing:  TX Asso of School Adminsitrato
   2-38  City:  Austin
   2-39  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-40  Name:  Beverly Brinson                           x
   2-41  Representing:  Self
   2-42  City:  Houston
   2-43  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-44  Name:  G. K. Sprinkle                            x
   2-45  Representing:  TX Counseling Asso
   2-46  City:  Austin
   2-47  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-48  Name:  Paula Rosenstein                                        x
   2-49  Representing:  CARE Coalition
   2-50  City:  San Antonio
   2-51  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-52  Name:  Helen Mikeska                                           x
   2-53  Representing:  Self
   2-54  City:  Groveton
   2-55  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-56                                                  FOR   AGAINST  ON
   2-57  ___________________________________________________________________
   2-58  Name:  Winefred M. Conlon                        x
   2-59  Representing:  TX ST. Foster Parents, Inc.
   2-60  City:  Austin
   2-61  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-62  Name:  Kawai Lucia                               x
   2-63  Representing:  Mental Health Asso of TX
   2-64  City:  Austin
   2-65  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-66  Name:  Leslie Lanham                             x
   2-67  Representing:  Children's Defense Fund
   2-68  City:  Austin
   2-69  -------------------------------------------------------------------