By:  Armbrister                                        S.B. No. 314
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to real estate broker's or salesman's ability to represent
    1-2  more than one party to a transaction.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Section 15C, the Real Estate License Act (Article
    1-5  6573a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as
    1-6  follows:
    1-7        SECTION 15C.  (a)  A real estate broker may not act <This Act
    1-8  does not prohibit a licensee from acting> as an agent for more than
    1-9  one party to a transaction <if the representation is disclosed to
   1-10  the parties and the parties represented by the licensee consent to
   1-11  the representation> unless:
   1-12              (1)  the real estate broker, prior to entering into any
   1-13  written agreements to represent the parties to the transaction, in
   1-14  accordance with the rules of the commission, provides the parties
   1-15  with an agency disclosure form promulgated by the commission which
   1-16  generally defines common agency relationships;
   1-17              (2)  the real estate broker enters into written
   1-18  agreements with all parties to the transaction expressly consenting
   1-19  to and permitting the real estate broker to represent more than one
   1-20  party to the transaction;
   1-21              (3)  the real estate broker clearly sets forth, in the
   1-22  written agreements, the source of any expected compensation; and
   1-23              (4)  the real estate broker discloses in writing to the
    2-1  parties;
    2-2                          (i)  any material prior business dealings
    2-3  or business relationships that the real estate broker or his
    2-4  associates had with either party and which occurred within the last
    2-5  two (2) years and which are known to the individual broker or
    2-6  associate with whom either party has direct contact; and
    2-7                          (ii)  any existing or prior personal
    2-8  relationships by blood or marriage known to the individual broker
    2-9  or associate with whom either party has direct contact.
   2-10        (b)  A real estate broker who acts as an agent for more than
   2-11  one party to a transaction must not disclose:
   2-12              (1)  to the buyer or tenant that the seller or landlord
   2-13  will accept a price less than the asking price, unless otherwise
   2-14  instructed in writing by the seller or landlord;
   2-15              (2)  to the seller or landlord that the buyer or tenant
   2-16  will pay a price greater than the price submitted in a witten offer
   2-17  to the seller or landlord, unless otherwise instructed in writing
   2-18  by the buyer or tenant;
   2-19              (3)  the motivation of any party for selling, buying,
   2-20  leasing, or renting a property, unless otherwise instructed in
   2-21  writing by the respective party;
   2-22              (4)  any information provided to the real estate broker
   2-23  or any associates in confidence, unless otherwise instructed in
   2-24  writing by the respective party or required by this Act;
   2-25              (5)  any information a party specifically instructs the
    3-1  real estate broker not to disclose unless otherwise required to
    3-2  disclose such information by this Act; or
    3-3              (6)  any opinions or advice which the real estate
    3-4  broker had previously given to either party unless otherwise
    3-5  instructed to do so in writing by the party to whom the opinion or
    3-6  advice was given.
    3-7        (c)  A real estate broker who acts as an agent for more than
    3-8  one party to a transaction must not provide or give any opinions or
    3-9  advice to any party as to the value of the property, the adequacy
   3-10  of an offer, or positions to take in negotiations between the
   3-11  parties.
   3-12        (d)  A written listing agreement to represent a seller or
   3-13  landlord or a written agreement to represent a buyer or tenant
   3-14  which authorizes a real estate broker to act as agent for more than
   3-15  one party to a transaction if a conflict of interest should arise
   3-16  is sufficient to establish written consent for the real estate
   3-17  broker to represent more than one party to the transaction under
   3-18  this section provided the real estate broker, prior to any
   3-19  negotiation between the parties,:
   3-20              (1)  provides all parties with written notification
   3-21  identifying the other party or parties the real estate broker
   3-22  represents;
   3-23              (2)  discloses any prior dealings or relationships with
   3-24  the other party or parties as required under this section; and
   3-25              (3)  the written agreement expressly provides the
    4-1  seller, landlord, buyer, or tenant with reasonable time to
    4-2  terminate the agreement and representation if he objects to the
    4-3  identity of the other party or parties or the disclosed prior
    4-4  dealings or relationships before the real estate broker may act as
    4-5  an agent for more than one party to the transaction.
    4-6        SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993.
    4-7        SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
    4-8  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
    4-9  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   4-10  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   4-11  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.