By:  Ellis, Moncrief                                   S.B. No. 358
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to drug-free zones and to the imposition of fines and
    1-2  penalties for the delivery, manufacture, or possession with the
    1-3  intent to deliver or manufacture a controlled substance in
    1-4  drug-free zones; making an appropriation of such fines.
    1-6        SECTION 1.  FINDINGS; PURPOSE.  (a)  The legislature finds
    1-7  that the proximity of drug-related activity to schools and
    1-8  playgrounds is a serious problem facing the schoolchildren of this
    1-9  state, their parents and educators, and society as a whole,
   1-10  creating an emergency situation requiring a swift, strong response.
   1-11  The interactions of schoolchildren and of schoolchildren and adults
   1-12  should be healthy and should contribute to the development of
   1-13  positive social skills; the schoolchildren of this state deserve
   1-14  for their schools and playgrounds to be free from the blight of
   1-15  drug-related activity and to be safe and secure; and the quality of
   1-16  education will be enhanced by and society will benefit from the
   1-17  establishment of drug-free zones in and around elementary and
   1-18  secondary schools.
   1-19        (b)  It is the purpose of this Act to alleviate the problems
   1-20  arising from the availability of drugs to school-age children by
   1-21  eliminating the sale, possession, and use of controlled substances
   1-22  in and around elementary and secondary schools through the creation
   1-23  of drug-free zones in which deterrence and enforcement efforts are
    2-1  increased.
    2-2        SECTION 2.  Subchapter D, Chapter 481, Health and Safety
    2-3  Code, is amended by adding Section 481.135 to read as follows:
    2-4        Sec. 481.135.  DRUG-FREE ZONES.  (a)  In this section:
    2-5              (1)(A)  "Drug-free zone" means an area in, on, or
    2-6  within:
    2-7                          (i)  1,000 feet of the premises of a
    2-8  school; or
    2-9                          (ii)  300 feet of the premises of a
   2-10  playground.
   2-11                    (B)  For purposes of this section, the distance
   2-12  from the premises of a school shall be measured by the shortest
   2-13  straight line from the place where the offense was committed to the
   2-14  nearest property line of the school.
   2-15              (2)  "Playground" means any outdoor facility that is
   2-16  not on the premises of a school and that:
   2-17                    (A)  is intended for recreation;
   2-18                    (B)  is open to the public; and
   2-19                    (C)  contains three or more separate apparatus
   2-20  intended for the recreation of children, such as slides, swing
   2-21  sets, and teeterboards.
   2-22              (3)  "Premises" means real property and all buildings
   2-23  and appurtenances pertaining to the real property.
   2-24              (4)  "School" means a private or public elementary or
   2-25  secondary school.
    3-1        (b)  For a felony offense under Section 481.112, 481.113,
    3-2  481.114, 481.119, or 481.120, if it is shown at trial that the
    3-3  offense was committed in a drug-free zone, the judge may, at the
    3-4  judge's discretion, increase the sentence imposed by up to five
    3-5  years.  If the judge does elect to increase the sentence, the judge
    3-6  shall provide in open court an explanation for the increase and
    3-7  give reasons adequate to justify the imposition of such an
    3-8  increase.
    3-9        (c)  It is not a defense to the increase in penalty provided
   3-10  in Subsection (b) that at the time of the offense:
   3-11              (1)  school was not in session; or
   3-12              (2)  no juveniles were present on the school or
   3-13  playground premises.
   3-14        (d)  It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this
   3-15  section that:
   3-16              (1)  the offense was committed inside a private
   3-17  residence;
   3-18              (2)  no minor was present in the private residence at
   3-19  the time the offense was committed; and
   3-20              (3)  the prohibited conduct did not involve delivering,
   3-21  manufacturing, selling, or possessing with the intent to
   3-22  manufacture, sell, or deliver any controlled substance for profit.
   3-23  The defendant shall establish the affirmative defense under this
   3-24  section by proving each element of the defense by a preponderance
   3-25  of the evidence.
    4-1        (e)  If it is shown on the trial of an offense under this
    4-2  section that the defendant has been previously convicted of an
    4-3  offense under this section, the defendant is not eligible for
    4-4  probation or deferred adjudication under Article 42.12, Code of
    4-5  Criminal Procedure.
    4-6        (f)  In a prosecution in which the penalty may be increased
    4-7  as provided in Subsection (b), a map produced or reproduced by any
    4-8  municipal or county engineer for the purpose of depicting the
    4-9  location and boundaries of drug-free zones or a true copy of such a
   4-10  map shall, on proper authentication, be admissible and shall
   4-11  constitute prima facie evidence of the location and boundaries of a
   4-12  drug-free zone,  provided that the governing body of the
   4-13  municipality or county has adopted a resolution or ordinance
   4-14  approving the map as an official finding and record of the location
   4-15  and boundaries of drug-free zones.  Any map approved pursuant to
   4-16  this subsection may be changed from time to time by the governing
   4-17  body of the municipality or county.  The original or a true copy of
   4-18  every map approved or revised pursuant to this subsection shall be
   4-19  filed with the clerk of the municipality or county and shall be
   4-20  maintained as an official record of the municipality or county.
   4-21  Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to preclude the
   4-22  prosecution from introducing or relying on any other evidence or
   4-23  testimony to establish any element of an offense subject to
   4-24  increased penalty under this section, nor shall this subsection be
   4-25  construed to preclude the use or admissibility of any map or
    5-1  diagram other than one which has been approved by the governing
    5-2  body of a municipality or county, provided that the map or diagram
    5-3  is otherwise admissible pursuant to the Texas Rules of Criminal
    5-4  Evidence.
    5-5        (g)  One-half of all fines collected for offenses in which
    5-6  there is a finding under Subsection (b) is payable to the
    5-7  comptroller of public accounts.  All such fines are hereby
    5-8  appropriated to the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse to
    5-9  be expended for substance abuse prevention, intervention, and
   5-10  treatment services for youth.  Funds allocated in this section may
   5-11  be used by the commission to meet any federal requirements for
   5-12  receipt of federal funds for chemical dependency prevention and
   5-13  treatment services.  The fines due the state under this section
   5-14  shall be collected along with and in the same manner as other fines
   5-15  are collected in the case.  The officer collecting the fines due
   5-16  under this section shall keep separate records of the funds
   5-17  collected as fines under this section and shall deposit the funds
   5-18  in the county treasury.  The custodians of the county treasuries
   5-19  with whom fines collected under this section are deposited shall
   5-20  keep records of the amount of fines collected under this section
   5-21  which are on deposit with them and shall on the first day of
   5-22  January, April, July, and October of each year remit to the
   5-23  comptroller of public accounts one-half of all fines collected
   5-24  under this section during the preceding quarter.
   5-25        SECTION 3.  (a)  The change in law made by this Act applies
    6-1  only to an offense committed on or after the effective date of this
    6-2  Act.  For purposes of this section, an offense is committed before
    6-3  the effective date of this Act if any element of the offense occurs
    6-4  before the effective date.
    6-5        (b)  An offense committed before the effective date of this
    6-6  Act is covered by the law in effect when the offense was committed,
    6-7  and the former law is continued in effect for this purpose.
    6-8        SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993.
    6-9        SECTION 5.  The importance of this legislation and the
   6-10  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   6-11  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   6-12  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   6-13  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.