By:  Harris, I.                                        S.B. No. 382
       73R2320 CAE-F
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the organization and operation of nonprofit
    1-3  corporations.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Section A, Article 1.02, Texas Non-Profit
    1-6  Corporation Act (Article 1396-1.02, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
    1-7  is amended by adding Subdivision (14) to read as follows:
    1-8              (14)  "Director" means a member of the board of
    1-9  directors of a corporation organized under this Act.
   1-10        SECTION 2.  The Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act (Article
   1-11  1396-1.01 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) is amended by
   1-12  adding Article 2.04A to read as follows:
   1-13        Art. 2.04A.  RESERVED NAME.  A.  The exclusive right to the
   1-14  use of a corporate name may be reserved by:
   1-15              (1)  a person intending to organize a corporation under
   1-16  this Act;
   1-17              (2)  a domestic corporation intending to change its
   1-18  name;
   1-19              (3)  a foreign corporation intending to apply for a
   1-20  certificate of authority to conduct affairs in this State;
   1-21              (4)  a foreign corporation authorized to conduct
   1-22  affairs in this State and intending to change its name; or
   1-23              (5)  a person intending to organize a foreign
   1-24  corporation and intending to have that corporation apply for a
    2-1  certificate of authority to conduct affairs in this State.
    2-2        B.  An application for name reservation or transfer of the
    2-3  exclusive use of a specified corporate name is subject to the
    2-4  procedures and period prescribed by Article 2.06, Texas Business
    2-5  Corporation Act.
    2-6        SECTION 3.  Article 2.05, Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act
    2-7  (Article 1396-2.05, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
    2-8  read as follows:
    2-9        Art. 2.05.  Registered Office and Registered Agent.  A.  Each
   2-10  corporation shall have and continuously maintain in this State:
   2-11              (1)  A registered office which may be, but need not be,
   2-12  the same as its principal office.
   2-13              (2)  A registered agent, which agent may be an
   2-14  individual resident in this State whose business office is
   2-15  identical with such registered office, or a domestic corporation,
   2-16  whether for profit or not for profit, or a foreign corporation,
   2-17  whether for profit or not for profit, authorized to transact
   2-18  business or to conduct its affairs in this State which has a
   2-19  <principal or> business office identical with such registered
   2-20  office.
   2-21        <B.  On or before the 15th day of November, 1961, each not
   2-22  for profit corporation organized under the laws of this State prior
   2-23  to the effective date of this Act shall designate its registered
   2-24  office and appoint its registered agent by filing in the office of
   2-25  the Secretary of State a statement setting forth:>
   2-26              <(1)  The name of the corporation.>
   2-27              <(2)  The street address of its registered office.>
    3-1              <(3)  The name of its registered agent.>
    3-2              <(4)  The street address of its registered agent.>
    3-3              <(5)  That the street address of its registered office
    3-4  and the street address of its registered agent are the same.>
    3-5              <(6)  That such designation and appointment were
    3-6  authorized by resolution duly adopted by its board of directors or,
    3-7  if the management of the corporation is vested in its members
    3-8  pursuant to Article 2.14C of this Act, by the members.>
    3-9        <C.  The statement required by this Article shall be executed
   3-10  by the corporation by its president or a vice-president, and
   3-11  verified by him.  The original and a copy of the statement shall be
   3-12  delivered to the Secretary of State.  If the Secretary of State
   3-13  finds that such statement conforms to the provisions of this Act,
   3-14  he shall, when all fees have been paid as prescribed by law:>
   3-15              <(1)  Endorse on the original and the copy the word
   3-16  "Filed" and the month, day, and year of the filing thereof.>
   3-17              <(2)  File the original in his office.>
   3-18              <(3)  Deliver the copy to the corporation or its
   3-19  representative.>
   3-20        <D.  Upon such filing the designation of the registered
   3-21  office and the appointment of the registered agent shall become
   3-22  effective.>
   3-23        SECTION 4.  The Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act (Article
   3-24  1396-1.01 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) is amended by
   3-25  adding Article 2.06A to read as follows:
   3-26        Art. 2.06A.  CHANGE OF ADDRESS OF REGISTERED AGENT.  A.  The
   3-27  location of the registered office in this State for a corporation
    4-1  may be changed from one address to another by filing in the office
    4-2  of the Secretary of State a statement with:
    4-3              (1)  the name of the corporation represented by the
    4-4  registered agent;
    4-5              (2)  the street address at which the registered agent
    4-6  has maintained the registered office for that corporation;
    4-7              (3)  the new street address at which the registered
    4-8  agent will maintain the registered office for that corporation; and
    4-9              (4)  a statement that notice of the change has been
   4-10  given to the corporation in writing at least ten (10) days before
   4-11  the date of the filing.
   4-12        B.  The statement required by this article shall be signed by
   4-13  the registered agent or, if the agent is a corporation, by an
   4-14  officer of the corporate agent on its behalf.  If the registered
   4-15  agent is simultaneously filing statements for more than one
   4-16  corporation, each statement may contain facsimile signatures in the
   4-17  execution.  The original and one copy of the statement shall be
   4-18  delivered to the Secretary of State.  If the Secretary of State
   4-19  finds that the statement conforms to this Act, the Secretary of
   4-20  State shall:
   4-21              (1)  endorse on the original and the copy the word
   4-22  "Filed," and the month, day, and year of the filing;
   4-23              (2)  file the original in the Secretary of State's
   4-24  office; and
   4-25              (3)  return the copy to the registered agent.
   4-26        C.  The registered office of the corporation named in the
   4-27  statement shall be changed to the new street address of the
    5-1  registered agent on the filing of the statement by the Secretary of
    5-2  State.
    5-3        SECTION 5.  Article 2.09, Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act
    5-4  (Article 1396-2.09, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
    5-5  read as follows:
    5-6        Art. 2.09.  By-Laws.  A.  The initial by-laws of a
    5-7  corporation shall be adopted by its board of directors or, if the
    5-8  management of the corporation is vested in its members <pursuant to
    5-9  Article 2.14C of this Act>, by the members.  <The power to alter,
   5-10  amend, or repeal the by-laws or to adopt new by-laws shall be
   5-11  vested in the members, if any, but such power may be delegated by
   5-12  the members to the board of directors.  In the event the
   5-13  corporation has no members, the power to alter, amend, or repeal
   5-14  the by-laws or to adopt new by-laws shall be vested in the board of
   5-15  directors.>  The by-laws may contain any provisions for the
   5-16  regulation and management of the affairs of the <a> corporation not
   5-17  inconsistent with law or <with> the articles of incorporation.
   5-18        B.  A corporation's board of directors may amend or repeal
   5-19  the corporation's by-laws, or adopt new by-laws, unless:
   5-20              (1)  the articles of incorporation or this Act reserves
   5-21  the power exclusively to the members in whole or in part;
   5-22              (2)  the management of the corporation is vested in its
   5-23  members; or
   5-24              (3)  the members in amending, repealing, or adopting a
   5-25  particular by-law expressly provide that the board of directors may
   5-26  not amend or repeal that by-law.
   5-27        C.  If a corporation has no members or no members with voting
    6-1  rights, its articles of incorporation or by-laws may contain a
    6-2  provision that vests the power to approve any amendments to the
    6-3  by-laws in the board of directors or the members of another
    6-4  association or corporation organized under the laws of this State
    6-5  or another state.  If that provision is contained in a
    6-6  corporation's articles of incorporation or by-laws, amendments to
    6-7  that corporation's by-laws are not effective until they are
    6-8  approved by the entity designated in the corporation's articles of
    6-9  incorporation or by-laws, as appropriate.
   6-10        SECTION 6.  Section A, Article 2.11, Texas Non-Profit
   6-11  Corporation Act (Article 1396-2.11, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
   6-12  is amended to read as follows:
   6-13        A.  In the case of a corporation other than a church, written
   6-14  or printed notice stating the place, day, and <or> hour of the
   6-15  meeting and, in case of a special meeting, the purpose or purposes
   6-16  for which the meeting is called, shall be delivered not less than
   6-17  ten (10) nor more than sixty (60) <fifty (50)> days before the date
   6-18  of the meeting, either personally, by facsimile transmission, or by
   6-19  mail, by or at the direction of the president, or the secretary, or
   6-20  the officers or persons calling the meeting, to each member
   6-21  entitled to vote at such meeting.  If mailed, such notice shall be
   6-22  deemed to be delivered when deposited in the United States mail
   6-23  addressed to the member at his address as it appears on the records
   6-24  of the corporation, with postage thereon paid.  If transmitted by
   6-25  facsimile, notice is deemed to be delivered on successful
   6-26  transmission of the facsimile.
   6-27        SECTION 7.  The Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act (Article
    7-1  1396-1.01 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by
    7-2  adding Articles 2.11A and 2.11B to read as follows:
    7-4  NOTICE AND VOTE.  A.  The by-laws of a corporation may fix or
    7-5  provide the manner of fixing a date as the record date for
    7-6  determining the members entitled to notice of a members' meeting.
    7-7  If the by-laws do not fix and do not provide for fixing the record
    7-8  date, the board of directors may fix a future date as the record
    7-9  date.  If a record date is not fixed, members at the close of
   7-10  business on the business day preceding the date on which notice is
   7-11  given, or if notice is waived, at the close of business on the
   7-12  business day preceding the date on which notice of the meeting is
   7-13  given, are entitled to notice of the meeting.
   7-14        B.  The by-laws of a corporation may fix or provide the
   7-15  manner of fixing a date as the record date for determining the
   7-16  members entitled to vote at a members' meeting.  If the by-laws do
   7-17  not fix and do not provide for fixing a record date, the board may
   7-18  fix a future date as the record date.  If a record date is not
   7-19  fixed, members on the date of the meeting who are otherwise
   7-20  eligible to vote are entitled to vote at the meeting.
   7-21        C.  The by-laws may fix or provide the manner for fixing a
   7-22  date as the record date for the purpose of determining the members
   7-23  entitled to exercise any rights regarding any other lawful action.
   7-24  If the by-laws do not fix and do not provide for fixing a record
   7-25  date, the board of directors may fix in advance a record date.  If
   7-26  a record date is not fixed, members at the close of business on the
   7-27  date on which the board of directors adopts the resolution relating
    8-1  to the record date, or the 60th day before the date of the other
    8-2  action, whichever is later, are entitled to exercise those rights.
    8-3        D.  A record date fixed under this section may not be more
    8-4  than sixty (60) days before the date of the meeting or action that
    8-5  requires the determination of the members.
    8-6        E.  A determination of members entitled to notice of or to
    8-7  vote at a members' meeting is effective for any adjournment of the
    8-8  meeting unless the board fixes a new date for determining the right
    8-9  to notice or the right to vote.  The board must fix a new date for
   8-10  determining the right to notice or the right to vote if the meeting
   8-11  is adjourned to a date more than ninety (90) days after the record
   8-12  date for determining members entitled to notice of the original
   8-13  meeting.
   8-14        Art. 2.11B.  MEMBERS' LIST FOR MEETING.  A.  After fixing a
   8-15  record date for the notice of a meeting, a corporation shall
   8-16  prepare an alphabetical list of the names of all its members who
   8-17  are entitled to notice of the meeting.  The list must show the
   8-18  address and number of votes each member is entitled to cast at the
   8-19  meeting.  The corporation shall maintain, through the time of the
   8-20  members' meeting, a list of members who are entitled to vote at the
   8-21  meeting but are not entitled to notice of the meeting.  This list
   8-22  shall be prepared on the same basis and be part of the list of
   8-23  members.
   8-24        B.  Not later than two (2) business days after the date
   8-25  notice is given of a meeting for which a list was prepared, as
   8-26  provided by Section A of this article, and continuing through the
   8-27  meeting, the list of members must be available for inspection by
    9-1  any member for the purpose of communication with other members
    9-2  concerning the meeting at the corporation's principal office or at
    9-3  a reasonable place identified in the meeting notice in the city
    9-4  where the meeting will be held.  A member or member's agent or
    9-5  attorney is entitled on written demand to inspect and, subject to
    9-6  the limitations of Section B, Article 2.23, of this Act to copy the
    9-7  list at a reasonable time and at the member's expense during the
    9-8  period it is available for inspection.
    9-9        C.  The corporation shall make the list of members available
   9-10  at the meeting, and any member or member's agent or attorney is
   9-11  entitled to inspect the list at any time during the meeting or any
   9-12  adjournment.
   9-13        SECTION 8.  Sections A and B, Article 2.13, Texas Non-Profit
   9-14  Corporation Act (Article 1396-2.13, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
   9-15  are amended to read as follows:
   9-16        A.  Each member, regardless of class, shall be entitled to
   9-17  one (1) vote on each matter submitted to a vote <at a meeting> of
   9-18  the members, except to the extent that the voting rights of members
   9-19  of any class or classes are limited, enlarged, or denied by the
   9-20  articles of incorporation or the by-laws.
   9-21        B.  A member may vote in person or, unless the articles of
   9-22  incorporation or the by-laws otherwise provide, may vote by proxy
   9-23  executed in writing by the member or by his duly authorized
   9-24  attorney-in-fact.  No proxy shall be valid after eleven (11) months
   9-25  from the date of its execution, unless otherwise provided in the
   9-26  proxy<; provided, however, proxies executed before and in existence
   9-27  on the effective date of this Act shall continue in and have such
   10-1  effect as they then have in accordance with whatever may then be
   10-2  their terms>.  Each proxy shall be revocable unless expressly
   10-3  provided therein to be irrevocable, and in no event shall it remain
   10-4  irrevocable for more than eleven (11) months.  Where directors or
   10-5  officers are to be elected by members, the by-laws may provide that
   10-6  such elections may be conducted by mail, by facsimile transmission,
   10-7  or by any combination of the two.
   10-8        SECTION 9.  Article 2.14, Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act
   10-9  (Article 1396-2.14, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
  10-10  read as follows:
  10-11        Art. 2.14.  BOARD OF DIRECTORS <OR TRUSTEES>.  A.  The
  10-12  affairs of a corporation shall be managed by a board of directors<,
  10-13  or trustees>.  Directors <or trustees> need not be residents of
  10-14  this State or members of the corporation unless the articles of
  10-15  incorporation or the by-laws so require.  The articles of
  10-16  incorporation or the by-laws may prescribe other qualifications for
  10-17  directors <or trustees>.
  10-18        B.  Boards of directors <or trustees> of religious,
  10-19  charitable, educational, or eleemosynary institutions may be
  10-20  affiliated with, elected and controlled by a convention, conference
  10-21  or association organized under the laws of this State or another
  10-22  state, whether incorporated or unincorporated, whose membership is
  10-23  composed of representatives, delegates, or messengers from any
  10-24  church or other religious association.
  10-25        C.  The articles of incorporation of a corporation <church>
  10-26  may vest the management of the affairs of the corporation in its
  10-27  members.  If the corporation <church> has a board of directors <or
   11-1  similar body>, it may limit the authority of the <such> board of
   11-2  directors to whatever extent as may be set forth in the articles of
   11-3  incorporation or by-laws.  A corporation <church organized and
   11-4  operating under a congregational system and incorporated prior to
   11-5  the effective date of this Act> shall be deemed to have vested the
   11-6  management of the affairs of the corporation in its board of
   11-7  directors <members> in the absence of an express provision to the
   11-8  contrary in the articles of incorporation or the by-laws.
   11-9        D.  The board of directors <In the case of a corporation
  11-10  which is a church, the Board> may be designated by any name
  11-11  appropriate to the customs, usages, or tenets of the corporation
  11-12  <church>.
  11-13        E.  The board of directors <or trustees> of a <non-profit>
  11-14  corporation may be elected (in whole or in part) by one or more
  11-15  associations <another non-profit corporation> or corporations,
  11-16  organized under the laws of this State or another state <domestic
  11-17  or foreign,> if (1) the articles of incorporation or the by-laws
  11-18  <bylaws> of the former corporation so provide, and (2) the former
  11-19  corporation has no members with voting rights.
  11-20        F.  The articles of incorporation or the by-laws may provide
  11-21  that any one or more persons may be ex-officio members of the board
  11-22  of directors.  A person designated as an ex-officio member of the
  11-23  board of directors is entitled to notice of and to attend meetings
  11-24  of the board of directors.  The ex-officio member is not entitled
  11-25  to vote unless otherwise provided in the articles of incorporation
  11-26  or the by-laws.  An ex-officio member of the board of directors who
  11-27  is not entitled to vote does not have the duties or liabilities of
   12-1  a director as provided in this Act.
   12-2        SECTION 10.  Article 2.15, Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act
   12-3  (Article 1396-2.15, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
   12-4  read as follows:
   12-5        Art. 2.15.  Number, Election, Classification, and Removal of
   12-6  Directors.  A.  The number of directors of a corporation shall be
   12-7  not less than three (3).  Subject to such limitation, the number of
   12-8  directors shall be fixed by, or in the manner provided in, the
   12-9  articles of incorporation or the by-laws, except as to the number
  12-10  constituting the initial board of directors, which number shall be
  12-11  fixed by the articles of incorporation.  The number of directors
  12-12  may be increased or decreased from time to time by amendment to, or
  12-13  in the manner provided in, the articles of incorporation or the
  12-14  by-laws, but no decrease shall have the effect of shortening the
  12-15  term of any incumbent director.  The number of directors may not be
  12-16  decreased to fewer than three (3).  In the absence of a by-law or a
  12-17  provision of the articles of incorporation fixing the number of
  12-18  directors or providing for the manner in which the number of
  12-19  directors shall be fixed, the number of directors shall be the same
  12-20  as the number constituting the initial board of directors as fixed
  12-21  by the articles of incorporation.
  12-22        B.  The directors constituting the initial board of directors
  12-23  shall be named in the articles of incorporation and shall hold
  12-24  office until the first annual election of directors or for such
  12-25  other period as may be specified in the articles of incorporation
  12-26  or the by-laws. Thereafter, directors shall be elected, <or>
  12-27  appointed, or designated in the manner and for the terms provided
   13-1  in the articles of incorporation or the by-laws.  If the method of
   13-2  election, designation, or appointment is not provided in the
   13-3  articles of incorporation or by-laws, the directors, other than the
   13-4  initial directors, shall be elected by the board of directors.  In
   13-5  the absence of a provision in the articles of incorporation or the
   13-6  by-laws fixing the term of office, a director shall hold office
   13-7  until the next annual election of directors and until his successor
   13-8  shall have been elected, <or> appointed, or designated and
   13-9  qualified.
  13-10        C.  Directors may be divided into classes and the terms of
  13-11  office of the several classes need not be uniform.  Unless removed
  13-12  in accordance with the provisions of the articles of incorporation
  13-13  or the by-laws, each director shall hold office for the term for
  13-14  which he is elected, <or> appointed, or designated and until his
  13-15  successor shall have been elected, <or> appointed, or designated
  13-16  and qualified.
  13-17        D.  A director may be removed from office pursuant to any
  13-18  procedure therefor provided in the articles of incorporation or
  13-19  by-laws.  In the absence of a provision providing for removal, a
  13-20  director may be removed from office, with or without cause, by the
  13-21  persons entitled to elect, designate, or appoint the director.  If
  13-22  the director was elected to office, removal requires an affirmative
  13-23  vote equal to the vote necessary to elect the director.
  13-24        SECTION 11.  Article 2.20, Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act
  13-25  (Article 1396-2.20, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
  13-26  read as follows:
  13-27        Art. 2.20.  Officers.  A.  The officers of a corporation
   14-1  shall consist of a president and a secretary and may also consist
   14-2  of a vice-president, <one or more vice-presidents, a secretary,> a
   14-3  treasurer, and such other officers and assistant officers as may be
   14-4  deemed necessary, each of whom shall be elected or appointed at
   14-5  such time and in such manner and for such terms not exceeding three
   14-6  (3) years as may be prescribed in the articles of incorporation or
   14-7  the by-laws.  In the absence of any such provisions, all officers
   14-8  shall be elected or appointed annually by the board of directors,
   14-9  or, if the management of the corporation is vested in its members
  14-10  <pursuant to Article 2.14C of this Act>, by the members.  Any two
  14-11  or more offices may be held by the same person, except the offices
  14-12  of president and secretary.  A committee duly designated may
  14-13  perform the functions of any officer and the functions of any two
  14-14  or more officers may be performed by a single committee, including
  14-15  the functions of both president and secretary.
  14-16        B.  <The articles of incorporation or the by-laws may provide
  14-17  that any one or more officers of the corporation shall be
  14-18  ex-officio members of the board of directors.>
  14-19        <C.>  The officers of a corporation may be designated by such
  14-20  other or additional titles as may be provided in the articles of
  14-21  incorporation or the by-laws.
  14-22        C. <D.>  In the case of a corporation which is a church, it
  14-23  shall not be necessary that there be officers as provided herein,
  14-24  but such duties and responsibilities may be vested in the board of
  14-25  directors <trustees> or other designated body in any manner
  14-26  provided for in the articles of incorporation or the by-laws.
  14-27        D.  In the discharge of a duty imposed or power conferred on
   15-1  an officer of a corporation, the officer may in good faith rely on
   15-2  information, opinions, reports, or statements, including financial
   15-3  statements and other financial data, concerning the corporation or
   15-4  another person, that were prepared or presented by:
   15-5              (1)  one or more other officers or employees of the
   15-6  corporation, including members of the board of directors;
   15-7              (2)  legal counsel, public accountants, or other
   15-8  persons as to matters the officer reasonably believes are within
   15-9  the person's professional or expert competence; or
  15-10              (3)  in the case of religious corporations, religious
  15-11  authorities and ministers, priests, rabbis, or other persons whose
  15-12  position or duties in the religious organization the  officer
  15-13  believes justify reliance and confidence and whom the officer
  15-14  believes to be reliable and competent in the matters presented.
  15-15        E.  An officer is not relying in good faith as required by
  15-16  Section D of this article if the officer has knowledge concerning
  15-17  the matter in question that makes reliance otherwise permitted by
  15-18  Section D of this article unwarranted.
  15-19        SECTION 12.  Section B, Article 2.23, Texas Non-Profit
  15-20  Corporation Act (Article 1396-2.23, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
  15-21  is amended to read as follows:
  15-22        B.  A member of a corporation, on written demand stating the
  15-23  purpose of the demand, has the right to examine and copy, in person
  15-24  or by agent, accountant, or attorney, at any reasonable time, <All
  15-25  books and records of a corporation may be inspected by any member,
  15-26  or his agent or attorney,> for any proper purpose, the books and
  15-27  records of account of the corporation relevant to that purpose, at
   16-1  the expense of the member at any reasonable time.
   16-2        SECTION 13.  Sections B and C, Article 2.23A, Texas
   16-3  Non-Profit Corporation Act (Article 1396-2.23A, Vernon's Texas
   16-4  Civil Statutes), are amended to read as follows:
   16-5        B.  Based on these records, the board of directors <or
   16-6  trustees> shall annually prepare or approve a report of the
   16-7  financial activity of the corporation for the preceding year.  The
   16-8  report must conform to accounting standards as promulgated by the
   16-9  American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and must include
  16-10  a statement of support, revenue, and expenses and changes in fund
  16-11  balances, a statement of functional expenses, and balance sheets
  16-12  for all funds.
  16-13        C.  All <records,> books<,> and records of accounts and
  16-14  annual reports of the financial activity of the corporation shall
  16-15  be kept at the registered office or principal office of the
  16-16  corporation in this state for at least three years after the
  16-17  closing of each fiscal year and shall be available to the public
  16-18  for inspection and copying there during normal business hours.  The
  16-19  corporation may charge for the reasonable expense of preparing a
  16-20  copy of a record or report.
  16-21        SECTION 14.  Article 2.26, Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act
  16-22  (Article 1396-2.26, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
  16-23  read as follows:
  16-26  addition to any other liabilities imposed by law upon directors of
  16-27  a corporation, the directors who vote for or assent to any
   17-1  distribution of assets other than in payment of its debts, when the
   17-2  corporation is insolvent or when such distribution would render the
   17-3  corporation insolvent, or during the liquidation of the corporation
   17-4  without the payment and discharge of or making adequate provisions
   17-5  for all known debts, obligations and liabilities of the
   17-6  corporation, shall be jointly and severally liable to the
   17-7  corporation for the value of such assets which are thus
   17-8  distributed, to the extent that such debts, obligations and
   17-9  liabilities of the corporation are not thereafter paid and
  17-10  discharged.
  17-11        B.  A director of a corporation who is present at a meeting
  17-12  of its board of directors at which action was taken on such
  17-13  corporate matter shall be presumed to have assented to such action
  17-14  unless his dissent shall be entered in the minutes of the meeting
  17-15  or unless he shall file his written dissent to such action with the
  17-16  person acting as the secretary of the meeting before the
  17-17  adjournment thereof or shall forward such dissent by registered
  17-18  mail to the secretary of the corporation immediately after the
  17-19  adjournment of the meeting.  Such right to dissent shall not apply
  17-20  to a director who voted in favor of the action.
  17-21        C.  A director shall not be liable under Section A of this
  17-22  Article if,  in voting for or assenting to a distribution, the
  17-23  director:
  17-24              (1)  relied in good faith on information, opinions,
  17-25  reports, or statements, including financial statements and other
  17-26  financial data, concerning the corporation or another person that
  17-27  were prepared or presented by:
   18-1                    (a)  one or more officers or employees of the
   18-2  corporation;
   18-3                    (b)  legal counsel, public accountants, or other
   18-4  persons as to matters the director reasonably believes are within
   18-5  the person's professional or expert competence; or
   18-6                    (c)  a committee of the board of directors of
   18-7  which the director is not a member;
   18-8              (2)  acting in good faith, considered the assets of the
   18-9  corporation to be  at least that of their book value; or
  18-10              (3)  in determining whether the corporation made
  18-11  adequate provision for payment, satisfaction, or discharge of all
  18-12  of its liabilities and obligations as provided in Article 6.03 of
  18-13  this Act, relied in good faith on financial statements of, or other
  18-14  information concerning, a person who was or became contractually
  18-15  obligated to pay, satisfy, or discharge some or all of those
  18-16  liabilities or obligations <the exercise of ordinary care, he
  18-17  relied and acted in good faith upon written financial statements of
  18-18  the corporation represented to him to be correct by the president
  18-19  or by the officer of such corporation having charge of its books of
  18-20  account, or certified by an independent public or certified public
  18-21  accountant or firm of such accountants fairly to reflect the
  18-22  financial condition of such corporation, nor shall he be so liable
  18-23  if, in the exercise of ordinary care and good faith, in determining
  18-24  the amount available for such distribution, he considered the
  18-25  assets to be of their book value>.
  18-26        D.  A director shall not be liable under this Article if, in
  18-27  the exercise of ordinary care, he acted in good faith and in
   19-1  reliance upon the written opinion of an attorney for the
   19-2  corporation.
   19-3        E.  A director against whom a claim shall be asserted under
   19-4  this Article and who shall be held liable thereon shall be entitled
   19-5  to contribution from persons who accepted or received such
   19-6  distribution knowing such distribution to have been made in
   19-7  violation of this Article, in proportion to the amounts received by
   19-8  them respectively.
   19-9        SECTION 15.  Sections A and C, Article 2.27, Texas Non-Profit
  19-10  Corporation Act (Article 1396-2.27, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
  19-11  are amended to read as follows:
  19-12        A.  Notwithstanding any provision in this Act or in the
  19-13  articles of incorporation to the contrary (except as provided in
  19-14  Section B), the articles of incorporation of each corporation which
  19-15  is a private foundation described in Section 509 of the Internal
  19-16  Revenue Code of 1986 <1954>  shall be deemed to contain the
  19-17  following provisions:  "The corporation shall make distributions at
  19-18  such time and in such manner as not to subject it to tax under
  19-19  Section 4942 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 <1954>;  the
  19-20  corporation shall not engage in any act of self-dealing which would
  19-21  be subject to tax under Section 4941 of the Code; the corporation
  19-22  shall not retain any excess business holdings which would subject
  19-23  it to tax under Section 4943 of the Code;  the corporation shall
  19-24  not make any investments which would subject it to tax under
  19-25  Section 4944 of the Code;  and the corporation shall not make any
  19-26  taxable expenditures which would subject it to tax under Section
  19-27  4945 of the Code."  With respect to any such corporation organized
   20-1  prior to January 1, 1970, this Section A shall apply only for its
   20-2  taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 1972.
   20-3        C.  All references in this Article to "the Code" are to the
   20-4  Internal Revenue Code of 1986 <1954>, and all references in this
   20-5  Article to specific sections of the Code include corresponding
   20-6  provisions of any subsequent Federal tax laws.
   20-7        SECTION 16.  The Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act (Article
   20-8  1396-1.01 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) is amended by
   20-9  adding Articles 2.28, 2.29, and 2.30 to read as follows:
  20-10        Art. 2.28.  GENERAL STANDARDS FOR DIRECTORS.  A.  A director
  20-11  shall discharge the director's duties, including the director's
  20-12  duties as a member of a committee, in good faith and in a manner
  20-13  the director reasonably believes to be in the best interest of the
  20-14  corporation.
  20-15        B.  In the discharge of any duty imposed or power conferred
  20-16  on a director, including as a member of a committee, the director
  20-17  may in good faith rely on information, opinions, reports, or
  20-18  statements, including financial statements and other financial
  20-19  data, concerning the corporation or another person that were
  20-20  prepared or presented by:
  20-21              (1)  one or more officers or employees of the
  20-22  corporation;
  20-23              (2)  legal counsel, public accountants, or other
  20-24  persons as to matters the director reasonably believes are within
  20-25  the person's professional or expert competence;
  20-26              (3)  a committee of the board of directors of which the
  20-27  director is not a member; or
   21-1              (4)  in the case of religious corporations, religious
   21-2  authorities and ministers, priests, rabbis, or other persons whose
   21-3  position or duties in the religious organization the director
   21-4  believes justify reliance and confidence and whom the director
   21-5  believes to be reliable and competent in the matters presented.
   21-6        C.  A director is not relying in good faith, within the
   21-7  meaning of this article, if the director has knowledge concerning a
   21-8  matter in question that makes reliance otherwise permitted by this
   21-9  article unwarranted.
  21-10        D.  A director is not liable to the corporation, any member,
  21-11  or any other person for any action taken or not taken as a director
  21-12  if the director acted in compliance with this article.  A person
  21-13  seeking to establish liability of a director must prove by clear
  21-14  and convincing evidence that the director has not acted in:
  21-15              (1)  good faith; and 
  21-16              (2)  a manner the director reasonably believes to be in
  21-17  the best interest of the corporation.
  21-18        E.  A director is not deemed to have the duties of a trustee
  21-19  of a trust with respect to the corporation or with respect to any
  21-20  property held or administered by the corporation, including
  21-21  property that may be subject to restrictions imposed by the donor
  21-22  or transferor of the property.
  21-23        Art. 2.29.  DELEGATION OF INVESTMENT AUTHORITY.  A.  The
  21-24  board of directors of a corporation may:
  21-25              (1)  from time to time engage investment counsel, trust
  21-26  corporations, or banks possessing trust powers; and
  21-27              (2)  confer on those advisors full power and authority
   22-1  to:
   22-2                    (a)  purchase or otherwise acquire stocks, bonds,
   22-3  securities, and other investments on behalf of the corporation; and
   22-4                    (b)  sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose of any
   22-5  of the corporation's assets and properties at a time and for a
   22-6  consideration that the advisor deems appropriate.
   22-7        B.  The board of directors also may:
   22-8              (1)  confer on an advisor described by Section A of
   22-9  this article other powers regarding the corporation's investments
  22-10  as the board of directors deems appropriate; and
  22-11              (2)  authorize the advisor to hold title to any of the
  22-12  corporation's assets and properties in its own name for the benefit
  22-13  of the corporation or in the name of a nominee for the benefit of
  22-14  the corporation.
  22-15        C.  The board of directors has no liability regarding any
  22-16  action taken or omitted by an advisor engaged under this article if
  22-17  the board of directors acted in good faith in selecting the
  22-18  advisor.  The board of directors may remove or replace the advisor,
  22-19  with or without cause, if they deem that action appropriate or
  22-20  necessary.
  22-21        Art. 2.30.  INTERESTED DIRECTORS.  A.  A contract or
  22-22  transaction between a corporation and one or more of its directors,
  22-23  officers, or members, or between a corporation and any other
  22-24  corporation, partnership, association, or other organization in
  22-25  which one or more of its directors, officers, or members are
  22-26  directors, officers, or members, or have a financial interest, is
  22-27  not void or voidable solely for that reason, solely because the
   23-1  director, officer, or member is present at or participates in the
   23-2  meeting of the board or committee of the board or of the members
   23-3  that authorizes the contract or transaction, or solely because the
   23-4  director's, officer's, or member's votes are counted for that
   23-5  purpose, if:
   23-6              (1)  the material facts as to the relationship or
   23-7  interest and as to the contract or transaction are disclosed or are
   23-8  known to the board of directors, the committee, or the members, and
   23-9  the board, committee, or members in good faith authorizes the
  23-10  contract or transaction by the affirmative vote of a majority of
  23-11  the disinterested directors or members, even though the
  23-12  disinterested directors or members are less than a quorum;
  23-13              (2)  the material facts as to the relationship or
  23-14  interest and as to the contract or transaction are disclosed or are
  23-15  known to the members entitled to vote on the contract or
  23-16  transaction, and the contract or transaction is specifically
  23-17  approved in good faith by vote of the members; or
  23-18              (3)  the contract or transaction is fair to the
  23-19  corporation when it is authorized, approved, or ratified by the
  23-20  board of directors, a committee of the board, or the members.
  23-21        B.  Common or interested directors or members may be counted
  23-22  in determining the presence of a quorum at a meeting of the board
  23-23  of directors, of a committee, or of the members that authorizes the
  23-24  contract or transaction.
  23-25        SECTION 17.  Sections A and D, Article 3.02, Texas Non-Profit
  23-26  Corporation Act (Article 1396-3.02, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
  23-27  are amended to read as follows:
   24-1        A.  The articles of incorporation shall set forth:
   24-2              (1)  The name of the corporation.
   24-3              (2)  A statement that the corporation is a non-profit
   24-4  corporation.
   24-5              (3)  The period of duration, which may be perpetual.
   24-6              (4)  The purpose or purposes for which the corporation
   24-7  is organized.
   24-8              (5)  If the corporation is to have no members, a
   24-9  statement to that effect.
  24-10              (6)  If <the corporation is a church and the>
  24-11  management of the <its> affairs of the corporation is to be vested
  24-12  in its members <pursuant to Article 2.14C of this Act>, a statement
  24-13  to that effect.
  24-14              (7)  Any provision, not inconsistent with law,
  24-15  including any provision which under this Act is required or
  24-16  permitted to be set forth in the bylaws, which the incorporators
  24-17  elect to set forth in the articles of incorporation for the
  24-18  regulation of the internal affairs of the corporation.
  24-19              (8)  The street address of its initial registered
  24-20  office and the name of its initial registered agent at such street
  24-21  address.
  24-22              (9)  The number of directors <or trustees> constituting
  24-23  the initial board of directors <or trustees>, and the names and
  24-24  addresses of the persons who are to serve as the initial directors
  24-25  unless the management of the corporation is vested in its members,
  24-26  in which event a statement to that effect  <or trustees.  A church
  24-27  vesting management of its affairs in its members pursuant to
   25-1  Article 2.14C of this Act may, in lieu of providing for a board of
   25-2  directors or trustees, set forth in the articles of incorporation
   25-3  the officers or other body designated pursuant to Article 2.20D of
   25-4  this Act>.
   25-5              (10)  The name and street or post office address of
   25-6  each incorporator.
   25-7              (11)  Provisions consistent with Article 6.02 of this
   25-8  Act regarding the distribution of assets on dissolution.
   25-9        D.  Unless the articles of incorporation provide that a
  25-10  change in the number of directors <or trustees> shall be made only
  25-11  by amendment to the articles of incorporation, a change in the
  25-12  number of directors <or trustees> made by amendment to the by-laws
  25-13  shall be controlling.  In all other cases, whenever a provision of
  25-14  the articles of incorporation is inconsistent with a by-law, the
  25-15  provision of the articles of incorporation shall be controlling.
  25-16        SECTION 18.  Sections A and C, Article 3.05, Texas Non-Profit
  25-17  Corporation Act (Article 1396-3.05, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
  25-18  are amended to read as follows:
  25-19        A.  After the issuance of the certificate of incorporation,
  25-20  an organization meeting of the board of directors named in the
  25-21  articles of incorporation shall be held, either within or without
  25-22  this State, at the call of <a majority of> the incorporators or the
  25-23  call of a majority of the directors named in the articles of
  25-24  incorporation, for the purpose of adopting by-laws, electing
  25-25  officers, and for such other purposes as may come before the
  25-26  meeting.  The incorporators or directors calling the meeting shall
  25-27  give at least three (3) days'  notice thereof by mail to each
   26-1  director named in the articles of incorporation, which notice shall
   26-2  state the time and place of the meeting.
   26-3        C.  If the management of a corporation <church> is vested in
   26-4  its members <pursuant to Article 2.14C of this Act>, the
   26-5  organization meeting shall be held by the members upon the call of
   26-6  any <a majority> of the incorporators.  The incorporators calling
   26-7  the meeting shall (a)  give at least three (3) days' notice by mail
   26-8  to each member stating the time and place of the meeting, or shall
   26-9  (b)  make an oral announcement of the time and place of meeting at
  26-10  a regularly scheduled worship service prior to such meeting if the
  26-11  corporation is a church, or shall (c) give such notice of the
  26-12  meeting as may be provided for in the articles of incorporation.
  26-13        SECTION 19.  Article 4.02, Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act
  26-14  (Article 1396-4.02, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by
  26-15  amending Section A and adding Section C to read as follows:
  26-16        A.  Amendments to the articles of incorporation may be made
  26-17  in the following manner:
  26-18              (1)  Except as provided in Section A(4) of this
  26-19  article, where <Where> there are members having voting rights, the
  26-20  board of directors shall adopt a resolution setting forth the
  26-21  proposed amendment and directing that it be submitted to a vote at
  26-22  a meeting of members having voting rights, which may be either an
  26-23  annual or a special meeting.  Written or printed notice setting
  26-24  forth the proposed amendment or a summary of the changes to be
  26-25  effected thereby shall be given to each member entitled to vote at
  26-26  such meeting within the time and in the manner provided in this Act
  26-27  for the giving of notice of meetings of members.  The proposed
   27-1  amendment shall be adopted upon receiving at least two-thirds of
   27-2  the votes which members present at such meeting in person or by
   27-3  proxy are entitled to cast, unless any class of members is entitled
   27-4  to vote as a class thereon by the terms of the articles of
   27-5  incorporation or of the by-laws, in which event the proposed
   27-6  amendment shall not be adopted unless it also receives at least
   27-7  two-thirds of the votes which the members of each such class who
   27-8  are present at such meeting in person or by proxy are entitled to
   27-9  cast.
  27-10              (2)  Where there are no members, <or> no members having
  27-11  voting rights, or in the case of an amendment under Section A(4) of
  27-12  this article, an amendment shall be adopted at a meeting of the
  27-13  board of directors upon receiving the vote of a majority of the
  27-14  directors in office.
  27-15              (3)  Where the management of the affairs of the
  27-16  corporation is vested in the members pursuant to Article 2.14C of
  27-17  this Act, the proposed amendment shall be submitted to a vote at a
  27-18  meeting of members which may be an annual, a regular, or a special
  27-19  meeting.  Except as otherwise provided in the articles of
  27-20  incorporation or the by-laws, notice setting forth the proposed
  27-21  amendment or a summary of the changes to be effected thereby shall
  27-22  be given to the members within the time and in the manner provided
  27-23  in this Act for the giving of notice of meetings of members.  The
  27-24  proposed amendment shall be adopted upon receiving at least
  27-25  two-thirds of the votes of members present at such meeting.
  27-26              (4)  Unless the articles of incorporation provide
  27-27  otherwise, the board of directors of a corporation with members
   28-1  having voting rights may adopt one or more of the following
   28-2  amendments to the articles of incorporation without member
   28-3  approval:
   28-4                    (a)  extend the duration of the corporation if it
   28-5  was incorporated when limited duration was required by law;
   28-6                    (b)  delete the names and addresses of the
   28-7  initial directors;
   28-8                    (c)  delete the name and address of the initial
   28-9  registered agent or registered office, if a statement of change is
  28-10  on file with the Secretary of State; or
  28-11                    (d)  change the corporate name by substituting
  28-12  the word "corporation," "incorporated," "company," "limited," or
  28-13  the abbreviation "corp.," "inc.," "co.," "ltd.," for a similar word
  28-14  or abbreviation in the name, or by adding, deleting, or changing a
  28-15  geographical attribution to the name.
  28-16        C.  If a corporation has no members, or no members with
  28-17  voting rights, its articles of incorporation may contain a
  28-18  provision that vests the power to approve any amendments to the
  28-19  articles of incorporation in the board of directors or members of
  28-20  another association or corporation organized under the laws of this
  28-21  State or of another state.  If that provision is contained in a
  28-22  corporation's articles of incorporation, amendments to that
  28-23  corporation's articles of incorporation are not effective until
  28-24  they are approved by the board of directors or members, whichever
  28-25  is designated in the corporation's articles of incorporation, of
  28-26  the other corporation.
  28-27        SECTION 20.  Section A, Article 4.06, Texas Non-Profit
   29-1  Corporation Act (Article 1396-4.06, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
   29-2  is amended to read as follows:
   29-3        A.  A corporation may, by following the procedure to amend
   29-4  the articles of incorporation provided by this Act, authorize,
   29-5  execute and file restated articles of incorporation, except that
   29-6  member approval, if the corporation has members with voting rights,
   29-7  is not required if no amendments are made.  The restated articles
   29-8  of incorporation <which> may restate either:
   29-9              (1)  The entire text of the articles of incorporation
  29-10  as amended or supplemented by all certificates of amendment
  29-11  previously issued by the Secretary of State; or
  29-12              (2)  The entire text of the articles of incorporation
  29-13  as amended or supplemented by all certificates of amendment
  29-14  previously issued by the Secretary of State, and as further amended
  29-15  by such restated articles of incorporation.
  29-16        SECTION 21.  Article 5.05, Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act
  29-17  (Article 1396-5.05, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
  29-18  read as follows:
  29-19        Art. 5.05.  Effective Date of Merger or Consolidation of
  29-20  Domestic Corporations.  A.  Except as provided by Article 10.07 of
  29-21  this Act, on <Upon> the issuance of the certificate of merger or
  29-22  the certificate of consolidation by the Secretary of State, the
  29-23  merger or consolidation of domestic corporations shall be effected.
  29-24        SECTION 22.  Article 5.08, Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act
  29-25  (Article 1396-5.08, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
  29-26  read as follows:
  29-27        Art. 5.08.  Conveyance by Corporation.  A.  Any corporation
   30-1  may convey land by deed, with or without the seal of the
   30-2  corporation, signed by an officer <the president or vice-president>
   30-3  or attorney in fact of the corporation when authorized by
   30-4  appropriate resolution of the board of directors or members.  Such
   30-5  deed, when acknowledged by such officer or attorney in fact to be
   30-6  the act of the corporation, or proved in the manner prescribed for
   30-7  other conveyances of lands, may be recorded in like manner and with
   30-8  the same effect as other deeds.  Any such deed when recorded, if
   30-9  signed by an officer <the president or any vice-president> of the
  30-10  corporation, shall constitute prima facie evidence that such
  30-11  resolution of the board of directors or members was duly adopted.
  30-12        SECTION 23.  Article 6.02, Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act
  30-13  (Article 1396-6.02, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
  30-14  read as follows:
  30-15        Art. 6.02.  Application and Distribution of Assets.  A.  The
  30-16  assets of a corporation in the process of dissolution shall be
  30-17  applied and distributed as follows:
  30-18              (1)  All liabilities and obligations of the corporation
  30-19  shall be paid, satisfied and discharged; in case its property and
  30-20  assets are not sufficient to satisfy or discharge all the
  30-21  corporation's liabilities and obligations, the corporation shall
  30-22  apply them so far as they will go to the just and equitable payment
  30-23  of the liabilities and obligations.
  30-24              (2)  Assets held by the corporation upon condition
  30-25  requiring return, transfer or conveyance, which condition occurs by
  30-26  reason of the dissolution, shall be returned, transferred or
  30-27  conveyed in accordance with such requirements.
   31-1              (3)  Unless provided otherwise by a provision of the
   31-2  corporation's articles of incorporation <that refers to this
   31-3  subsection>, the remaining assets of the corporation shall be
   31-4  distributed only for tax exempt purposes to one or more
   31-5  organizations which are exempt under Section 501(c)(3), Internal
   31-6  Revenue Code of 1986 <1954> (26 U.S.C. Section 501(c)(3)), or its
   31-7  successor statute, or which are described in Section 170(c)(1) or
   31-8  (2), Internal Revenue Code of 1986 <1954> (26 U.S.C. Section
   31-9  170(c)(1) or (2)), or its successor statute, pursuant to a plan of
  31-10  distribution adopted as provided in this Act.  A district court of
  31-11  the county in which the corporation's principal office is located
  31-12  shall distribute to one or more organizations exempt under Section
  31-13  501(c)(3) or described in Section 170(c)(1) or (2), or their
  31-14  successor statutes, the remaining assets of the corporation not
  31-15  distributed under the plan of distribution.  Any distribution by
  31-16  the court shall be made in such manner as, in the judgment of the
  31-17  court, will best accomplish the general purposes for which the
  31-18  corporation was organized.
  31-19        SECTION 24.  Article 7.09, Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act
  31-20  (Article 1396-7.09, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
  31-21  read as follows:
  31-22        Art. 7.09.  Decree of Involuntary Dissolution.  A.  In
  31-23  proceedings to liquidate the assets and affairs of a corporation,
  31-24  when the costs and expenses of such proceedings and all debts,
  31-25  obligations, and liabilities of the corporation shall have been
  31-26  paid and discharged, or adequate provision has been made for the
  31-27  discharge, and all of its remaining property and assets distributed
   32-1  in accordance with the provisions of this Act, or in case its
   32-2  property and assets are not sufficient to satisfy and discharge
   32-3  such costs, expenses, debts, and obligations, when all the property
   32-4  and assets have been applied so far as they will go to their
   32-5  payment, the court shall enter a decree dissolving the corporation,
   32-6  whereupon the <existence of the> corporation shall cease to exist.
   32-7        SECTION 25.  Section B, Article 7.11, Texas Non-Profit
   32-8  Corporation Act (Article 1396-7.11, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
   32-9  is amended to read as follows:
  32-10        B.  On receipt of satisfactory written <and verified> proof
  32-11  of ownership or of right to such fund within seven (7) years from
  32-12  the date such fund was so deposited, the State Treasurer shall
  32-13  certify such fact to the Comptroller of Public Accounts, who shall
  32-14  issue proper warrant therefor drawn on the State Treasurer in favor
  32-15  of the person or persons then entitled thereto.  If no claimant has
  32-16  made satisfactory proof of rights to such fund within seven (7)
  32-17  years from the time of such deposit the State Treasurer shall then
  32-18  cause to be published in one issue of a newspaper of general
  32-19  circulation in Travis County, Texas, a notice of the proposed
  32-20  escheat of such fund, giving the name of the creditor, member, or
  32-21  other person <or shareholder> apparently entitled thereto, his last
  32-22  known address, if any, the amount of the fund so deposited, and the
  32-23  name of the dissolved corporation from whose assets such fund was
  32-24  derived.  If no claimant makes satisfactory proof of right to such
  32-25  fund within two months from the time of such publication, the fund
  32-26  so unclaimed shall thereupon automatically escheat to and become
  32-27  the property of the General Revenue Fund of the State of Texas.
   33-1        SECTION 26.  Article 7.12, Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act
   33-2  (Article 1396-7.12, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
   33-3  read as follows:
   33-4        Art. 7.12.  Limited Survival After Dissolution.  A.  A
   33-5  dissolved corporation <dissolved (1) by the issuance of a
   33-6  certificate of dissolution or other action by the Secretary of
   33-7  State, (2)  by a decree of a court when the court has not
   33-8  liquidated all the assets and business of the corporation as
   33-9  provided in this Act, or (3)  by expiration of its period of
  33-10  duration,> shall continue its corporate existence for a period of
  33-11  three (3) years from the date of dissolution, for the following
  33-12  purposes:
  33-13              (1)  prosecuting or defending in its corporate name any
  33-14  action or proceeding by or against the corporation;
  33-15              (2)  permitting the survival of any remedy not
  33-16  otherwise barred by limitations available to or against the
  33-17  corporation, its officers, directors, members, or creditors, for
  33-18  any right or claim existing, or any liability incurred, before the
  33-19  dissolution;
  33-20              (3)  holding title to and liquidating any assets or
  33-21  property that remain in the corporation at the time of, or are
  33-22  collected by the corporation after, its dissolution, and applying
  33-23  or distributing those assets or properties, or the proceeds
  33-24  thereof, as provided in Subsection (3) of Section A of Article 6.04
  33-25  of this Act; and
  33-26              (4)  settling any other affairs not completed before
  33-27  its dissolution.
   34-1        However, such a dissolved corporation may not continue its
   34-2  corporate existence for the purpose of continuing the business or
   34-3  affairs for which the dissolved corporation was organized, except
   34-4  in the case of a corporation whose period of duration has expired
   34-5  and that has chosen to revive its existence as provided in this Act
   34-6  or a corporation that has been dissolved by the Secretary of State
   34-7  pursuant to Section B of Article 7.01 of this Act and that has been
   34-8  reinstated pursuant to Section E of Article 7.01 of this Act.
   34-9        B.  During the three-year period, the members of the board of
  34-10  directors of a dissolved corporation <or trustees> serving at the
  34-11  time of dissolution or the majority of them then living, however
  34-12  reduced in number, or their successors selected by them, shall
  34-13  continue to manage the affairs of the dissolved corporation for the
  34-14  limited purpose or purposes specified in this Article, and shall
  34-15  have the powers necessary to accomplish those purposes, including
  34-16  the power to prosecute, pay, compromise, defend, and satisfy any
  34-17  action, claim, demand, or judgment by or against the dissolved
  34-18  corporation, and to administer, sell, and distribute in final
  34-19  liquidation any property or assets still remaining.  In the
  34-20  exercise of those powers, the directors shall have the same duties
  34-21  to the dissolved corporation that they had immediately prior to the
  34-22  dissolution of the corporation and shall be liable to the dissolved
  34-23  corporation for actions taken by them after the dissolution to the
  34-24  same extent that they would have been liable had those actions been
  34-25  taken by them prior to the dissolution. Additional directors or
  34-26  trustees may be elected for purposes of this section in accordance
  34-27  with the procedures provided in the bylaws in effect before the
   35-1  dissolution.
   35-2        C.  A corporation is not liable for any claim other than an
   35-3  existing claim.  An existing claim by or against a dissolved
   35-4  corporation is extinguished unless an action or proceeding on the
   35-5  existing claim is brought before the third anniversary of the date
   35-6  of dissolution.  If an action or proceeding on an existing claim by
   35-7  or against a dissolved corporation is brought within the period
   35-8  provided by this section and the existing claim is not extinguished
   35-9  under Section D of this article, the dissolved corporation
  35-10  continues to survive:
  35-11              (1)  for purposes of that action or proceeding until
  35-12  all judgments, orders, and decrees in that action or proceeding
  35-13  have been fully executed; and
  35-14              (2)  for purposes of applying or distributing any
  35-15  properties or assets of the dissolved corporation as provided in
  35-16  Article 6.02 of this Act, until the properties or assets are
  35-17  applied or distributed <If after the expiration of the three-year
  35-18  period there still remains unresolved any action or proceeding not
  35-19  otherwise barred by limitations begun by or against the corporation
  35-20  before its dissolution or within three (3) years after the date of
  35-21  its dissolution, the corporation shall continue to survive only for
  35-22  the purpose of that action or proceeding, until any judgment,
  35-23  order, or decree in the action or proceeding is fully executed.  If
  35-24  at the expiration of the three-year period no action or proceeding
  35-25  on any remedy available to or against the corporation, its
  35-26  officers, directors, members, or creditors, for any right or claim
  35-27  existing, or any liability incurred, before the dissolution shall
   36-1  have been brought, then that remedy shall abate>.
   36-2        D.  A dissolved corporation may give written notice to a
   36-3  person having or asserting an existing claim against the dissolved
   36-4  corporation to present the existing claim to the dissolved
   36-5  corporation in accordance with the notice.  The notice must be sent
   36-6  by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the
   36-7  person having or asserting the existing claim at the person's last
   36-8  known address, and must:
   36-9              (1)  state that the person's claim against the
  36-10  dissolved corporation must be presented in writing to the dissolved
  36-11  corporation on or before the date stated in the notice, which shall
  36-12  be not earlier than 120 days after the date the notice is sent to
  36-13  the person;
  36-14              (2)  state that the written presentation of the claim
  36-15  must describe the claim in sufficient detail to reasonably inform
  36-16  the dissolved corporation of the identity of the person and to the
  36-17  nature and amount of the claim;
  36-18              (3)  state a mailing address where the written
  36-19  presentation of the person's claim against the dissolved
  36-20  corporation is to be sent and state that if the written
  36-21  presentation of the claim is not received at that address on or
  36-22  before the date stated in the notice, the claim will be
  36-23  extinguished; and
  36-24              (4)  be accompanied by a copy of this section.
  36-25        E.  If a written presentation of a person's claim against the
  36-26  dissolved corporation that meets the requirements of Section D of
  36-27  this article has been received at the address of the dissolved
   37-1  corporation stated in the notice on or before the date stated in
   37-2  the notice, the dissolved corporation may give written notice to
   37-3  that person that the claim is rejected by the dissolved
   37-4  corporation.  The notice of rejection must be sent by registered or
   37-5  certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the person
   37-6  at the person's last known address, and must state:
   37-7              (1)  that the claim is rejected by the dissolved
   37-8  corporation;
   37-9              (2)  that the claim will be extinguished unless an
  37-10  action or proceeding on the claim is brought within 180 days after
  37-11  the date the notice of rejection was sent to the person and before
  37-12  the third anniversary of the date of dissolution; and
  37-13              (3)  the date the notice of rejection was sent and the
  37-14  date of dissolution.
  37-15        F.  A person's claim against a dissolved corporation is
  37-16  extinguished if:
  37-17              (1)  a written presentation of that claim meeting the
  37-18  requirements of this article is not received at the address of the
  37-19  dissolved corporation stated in the notice to the person on or
  37-20  before the date stated in the notice; or
  37-21              (2)  an action or proceeding on the claim is not
  37-22  brought within 180 days after the date a notice of rejection was
  37-23  sent to the person and before the third anniversary of the date of
  37-24  dissolution.
  37-25        G.  A dissolved corporation that was dissolved by the
  37-26  expiration of the period of its duration may, during the three-year
  37-27  period following the date of dissolution, amend its articles of
   38-1  incorporation by following the procedure prescribed in this Act to
   38-2  extend or perpetuate its period of existence.  That expiration
   38-3  shall not of itself create any vested right on the part of any
   38-4  member or creditor to prevent such an action.  No act or contract
   38-5  of a dissolved corporation during a period within which it could
   38-6  have extended its existence as permitted by this Article, whether
   38-7  or not it has taken action so to extend its existence, shall be in
   38-8  any degree invalidated by the expiration of its period of duration.
   38-9        H.  In this article:
  38-10              (1)  "Dissolved corporation" means a corporation that
  38-11  was dissolved:
  38-12                    (a)  by the issuance of a certificate of
  38-13  dissolution or other action by the Secretary of State;
  38-14                    (b)  by a decree of a court when the court has
  38-15  not liquidated all the assets and affairs of the corporation as
  38-16  provided in this Act; or
  38-17                    (c)  by expiration of its period of duration if
  38-18  the corporation has not revived its existence as provided in this
  38-19  Act.
  38-20              (2)  "Claim" means a right to payment, damages, or
  38-21  property, whether liquidated or unliquidated, accrued or
  38-22  contingent, matured or unmatured.
  38-23              (3)  "Existing claim" means a claim that existed before
  38-24  dissolution and is not otherwise barred by limitations or a
  38-25  contractual obligation incurred after dissolution.
  38-26        SECTION 27.  Section B, Article 8.01, Texas Non-Profit
  38-27  Corporation Act (Article 1396-8.01, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
   39-1  is amended to read as follows:
   39-2        B.  Without excluding other activities which may not
   39-3  constitute conducting affairs in this State, a foreign corporation
   39-4  shall not be considered to be conducting affairs in this State, for
   39-5  the purposes of this Act, by reason of carrying on in this State
   39-6  any one (1) or more of the following activities:
   39-7              (1)  Maintaining or defending any action or suit or any
   39-8  administration or arbitration proceedings, or affecting the
   39-9  settlement thereof or the settlement of claims or disputes to which
  39-10  it is a party.
  39-11              (2)  Holding meetings of its directors or members or
  39-12  carrying on other activities concerning its internal affairs.
  39-13              (3)  Maintaining bank accounts.
  39-14              (4)  Maintaining offices or agencies for the transfer,
  39-15  exchange, and registration of securities issued by it, or
  39-16  appointing and maintaining trustees or depositaries with relation
  39-17  to its securities.
  39-18              (5)  Voting the stock of any corporation which it has
  39-19  lawfully acquired.
  39-20              (6) <(5)>  Effecting sales through independent
  39-21  contractors.
  39-22              (7)  Creating as borrower or lender, or acquiring,
  39-23  indebtedness or mortgages or other security interests in real or
  39-24  personal property <(6)  Creating evidence of debt, mortgages, or
  39-25  liens on real or personal property>.
  39-26              (8) <(7)>  Securing or collecting debts due to it or
  39-27  enforcing any rights in property securing the same.
   40-1              (9) <(8)>  Conducting any affairs in interstate
   40-2  commerce.
   40-3              (10) <(9)>  Conducting an isolated transaction
   40-4  completed within a period of thirty (30) days and not in the course
   40-5  of a number of repeated transactions of like nature.
   40-6              (11) <(10)>  Exercising the powers of executor or
   40-7  administrator of the estate of a non-resident decedent under
   40-8  ancillary letters issued by a court of this State, or exercising
   40-9  the powers of a trustee under the will of a non-resident decedent,
  40-10  or under a trust created by a person, corporation or association,
  40-11  non-resident of this State, if the exercise of such powers in such
  40-12  case will not involve activities which would be deemed to
  40-13  constitute the transacting of business in this State in the case of
  40-14  a foreign corporation acting in its own right.
  40-15              (12) <(11)>  Acquiring, in transactions outside Texas,
  40-16  or in interstate commerce, of debts secured by mortgages or liens
  40-17  on real or personal property in Texas, collecting or adjusting of
  40-18  principal and interest payments thereon, enforcing or adjusting any
  40-19  rights and property securing said debts, taking any actions
  40-20  necessary to preserve and protect the interest of the mortgagee in
  40-21  said security, or any combinations of such transactions.
  40-22              (13) <(12)>  Investing in or acquiring, in transactions
  40-23  outside of Texas, royalties and other non-operating mineral
  40-24  interests, and the execution of division orders, contracts of sale
  40-25  and other instruments incidental to the ownership of such
  40-26  non-operating mineral interests.
  40-27        SECTION 28.  Section A, Article 8.04, Texas Non-Profit
   41-1  Corporation Act (Article 1396-8.04, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
   41-2  is amended to read as follows:
   41-3        A.  A foreign corporation, in order to procure a certificate
   41-4  of authority to conduct affairs in this State, shall make
   41-5  application therefor to the Secretary of State, which application
   41-6  shall set forth:
   41-7              (1)  The name of the corporation and the state or
   41-8  country under the laws of which it is incorporated and, if the
   41-9  corporation is required to qualify under a name other than its
  41-10  corporate name, the name under which the corporation is to be
  41-11  qualified.
  41-12              (2)  A statement that the corporation is a non-profit
  41-13  corporation.
  41-14              (3)  The date of incorporation and the period of
  41-15  duration of the corporation.
  41-16              (4)  The street address of the principal office of the
  41-17  corporation in the state or country under the laws of which it is
  41-18  incorporated.
  41-19              (5)  The street address of the proposed registered
  41-20  office of the corporation in this State, and the name of its
  41-21  proposed registered agent in this State at such address.
  41-22              (6)  The purpose or purposes of the corporation which
  41-23  it proposes to pursue in conducting its affairs in this State.
  41-24              (7)  The names and respective addresses of the
  41-25  directors and officers of the corporation.
  41-26              (8)  A statement of whether or not the corporation has
  41-27  members.
   42-1              (9)  Such additional information as may be necessary or
   42-2  appropriate in order to enable the Secretary of State to determine
   42-3  whether such corporation is entitled to a certificate of authority
   42-4  to conduct affairs in this State.
   42-5        SECTION 29.  Article 8.06, Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act
   42-6  (Article 1396-8.06, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
   42-7  read as follows:
   42-8        Art. 8.06.  Effect of Certificate of Authority.  A.  Upon the
   42-9  issuance of a certificate of authority by the Secretary of State,
  42-10  the corporation shall be authorized to conduct affairs in this
  42-11  State for those purposes set forth in its application and the
  42-12  certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the right of the
  42-13  corporation to conduct affairs in this State for that purpose,
  42-14  except as against this State in a proceeding to revoke the
  42-15  certificate<, subject, however, to the right of this State to
  42-16  revoke such authority as provided in this Act>.
  42-17        SECTION 30.  Section A, Article 8.08, Texas Non-Profit
  42-18  Corporation Act (Article 1396-8.08, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
  42-19  is amended to read as follows:
  42-20        A.  A foreign corporation authorized to conduct affairs in
  42-21  this state may change its registered office or change its
  42-22  registered agent, or both, upon filing in the office of the
  42-23  Secretary of State a statement setting forth:
  42-24              (1)  The name of the corporation.
  42-25              (2)  The street <post-office> address of its then
  42-26  registered office.
  42-27              (3)  If the street <post-office> address of its
   43-1  registered office is to be changed, the street <post-office>
   43-2  address to which the registered office is to be changed.
   43-3              (4)  The name of its then registered agent.
   43-4              (5)  If its registered agent is to be changed, the name
   43-5  of its successor registered agent.
   43-6              (6)  That the street <post-office> address of its
   43-7  registered office and the post-office address of the business
   43-8  office of its registered agent, as changed, will be identical.
   43-9              (7)  That such change was authorized by its Board of
  43-10  Directors or by an officer of the corporation so authorized by the
  43-11  Board of Directors, or if the management of the corporation is
  43-12  vested in its members pursuant to Article 2.14C of this Act, by the
  43-13  members.
  43-14        SECTION 31.  Article 8.12, Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act
  43-15  (Article 1396-8.12, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
  43-16  read as follows:
  43-17        Art. 8.12.  Amended Certificate of Authority.  A.  If a
  43-18  foreign corporation authorized to conduct affairs in this State
  43-19  changes any information reflected on its original or an amended
  43-20  application for a certificate of authority, including the change of
  43-21  its corporate name or a change in the purposes authorized by its
  43-22  existing certificate of authority, the corporation shall file an
  43-23  application for amended certificate of authority setting forth the
  43-24  change with the Secretary of State  <A foreign corporation
  43-25  authorized to conduct affairs in this State shall procure an
  43-26  amended certificate of authority in the event it changes its
  43-27  corporate name, or desires to pursue in this State other or
   44-1  additional purposes than those set forth in its prior application
   44-2  for a certificate of authority, by making application therefor to
   44-3  the Secretary of State>.
   44-4        B.  <Any other statement on the original application for a
   44-5  certificate of authority may be changed by filing an application
   44-6  for an amended certificate of authority setting forth the change.>
   44-7        <C.>  An application for an amended certificate of authority
   44-8  submitted because of a name change must be accompanied by a
   44-9  certificate from the proper filing officer in the jurisdiction of
  44-10  incorporation evidencing the name change.
  44-11        C. <D.>  The requirements in respect to the form and contents
  44-12  of such application, the manner of its execution, the filing of the
  44-13  original and a copy of the application with the Secretary of State,
  44-14  the issuance of an amended certificate of authority and the effect
  44-15  thereof, shall be the same as in the case of an original
  44-16  application for a certificate of authority.
  44-17        SECTION 32.  Section A, Article 8.13, Texas Non-Profit
  44-18  Corporation Act (Article 1396-8.13, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
  44-19  is amended to read as follows:
  44-20        A.  A foreign corporation authorized to conduct affairs in
  44-21  this State may withdraw from this State upon procuring from the
  44-22  Secretary of State a certificate of withdrawal.  In order to
  44-23  procure such certificate of withdrawal, such foreign corporation
  44-24  shall deliver to the Secretary of State an application for
  44-25  withdrawal, which shall set forth:
  44-26              (1)  The name of the corporation and the state or
  44-27  country under the laws of which it is incorporated.
   45-1              (2)  That the corporation is not conducting affairs in
   45-2  this State.
   45-3              (3)  That the corporation surrenders its authority to
   45-4  conduct affairs in this State.
   45-5              (4)  That the corporation revokes the authority of its
   45-6  registered agent in this State to accept service of process and
   45-7  consents that service of process in any action, suit or proceeding
   45-8  based upon any cause of action arising in this State during the
   45-9  time the corporation was authorized to conduct affairs in this
  45-10  State may thereafter be made on such corporation by service thereof
  45-11  on the Secretary of State.
  45-12              (5)  A street or post office address to which the
  45-13  Secretary of State may mail a copy of any process against the
  45-14  corporation that may be served on him.
  45-15              (6)  A statement that all sums due, or accrued, to this
  45-16  State have been paid, or that adequate provision has been made for
  45-17  the payment thereof.
  45-18              (7)  A statement that all known creditors or claimants
  45-19  have been paid or provided for and that the corporation is not
  45-20  involved in or threatened with litigation in any court in this
  45-21  State, or that adequate provision has been made for the
  45-22  satisfaction of any judgment, order or decree which may be entered
  45-23  against it in any pending suits.
  45-24        SECTION 33.  Section B, Article 8.15, Texas Non-Profit
  45-25  Corporation Act (Article 1396-8.15, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
  45-26  is amended to read as follows:
  45-27        B.  The certificate of authority of a foreign corporation to
   46-1  conduct affairs in this state may be revoked by order of the
   46-2  Secretary of State when it is established that it is in default in
   46-3  any of the following particulars:
   46-4              (1)  The corporation has failed to file any report
   46-5  within the time required by law, or has failed to pay any fees,
   46-6  franchise taxes, or penalties prescribed by law when the same have
   46-7  become due and payable; or
   46-8              (2)  The corporation has failed to maintain a
   46-9  registered agent in this state as required by law; or
  46-10              (3)  The corporation has changed any information
  46-11  reflected on its original or amended application for a certificate
  46-12  of authority, including the change of its corporate name or a
  46-13  change in the purposes authorized by its existing certificate of
  46-14  authority <its corporate name> and has failed to file with the
  46-15  Secretary of State within thirty days after such change <of name>
  46-16  became effective, an application for an amended certificate of
  46-17  authority, or that the corporation has changed its corporate name
  46-18  and that the newly adopted name is not available for use in this
  46-19  state; or
  46-20              (4)  The corporation has failed to pay the filing fee
  46-21  for the corporation's certificate of authority, or the fee was paid
  46-22  by an instrument that was dishonored when presented by the state
  46-23  for payment.
  46-24        SECTION 34.  Article 9.10, Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act
  46-25  (Article 1396-9.10, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by
  46-26  adding Sections C and D to read as follows:
  46-27        C.  The articles of incorporation may provide that any action
   47-1  required by this Act to be taken at a meeting of the members or
   47-2  directors of a corporation or any action that may be taken at a
   47-3  meeting of the members or directors or of any committee may be
   47-4  taken without a meeting if a consent in writing, setting forth the
   47-5  action to be taken, is signed by a sufficient number of members,
   47-6  directors, or committee members as would be necessary to take that
   47-7  action at a meeting at which all of the members, directors, or
   47-8  members of the committee were present and voted.  Any written
   47-9  consent shall bear the date of signature of each member, director,
  47-10  or committee member who signs the consent.  A written consent
  47-11  signed by less than all of the members, directors, or committee
  47-12  members is not effective to take the action that is the subject of
  47-13  the consent unless, within 60 days after the date of the earliest
  47-14  dated consent delivered to the corporation in the manner required
  47-15  by this article, a consent signed by the required number of
  47-16  members, directors, or committee members is delivered to the
  47-17  corporation to its registered office, registered agent, principal
  47-18  place of business, transfer agent, registrar, exchange agent, or an
  47-19  officer or agent of the corporation having custody of the books in
  47-20  which proceedings of meetings of members, directors, or committees
  47-21  are recorded.  Delivery shall be by hand or certified or registered
  47-22  mail, return receipt requested.  Delivery to the corporation's
  47-23  principal place of business shall be addressed to the president or
  47-24  principal executive officer of the corporation.  Prompt notice of
  47-25  the taking of any action by members, directors, or a committee with
  47-26  a meeting by less than unanimous written consent shall be given to
  47-27  all members, directors, or committee members who did not consent in
   48-1  writing to the action.  If any action by members, directors, or a
   48-2  committee is taken by written consent signed by less than all of
   48-3  the members, directors, or committee members, any articles or
   48-4  documents filed with the Secretary of State as a result of the
   48-5  taking of the action shall state, in lieu of any statement required
   48-6  by this Act concerning any vote of the members or directors, that
   48-7  written consent has been given in accordance with the provisions of
   48-8  this article and that any written notice required by this article
   48-9  has been given.
  48-10        D.  A telegram, telex, cablegram, or similar transmission by
  48-11  a member, director, or member of a committee or a photographic,
  48-12  photostatic, facsimile, or similar reproduction of a writing signed
  48-13  by a member, director, or member of a committee shall be regarded
  48-14  as signed by the member, director, or member of a committee for
  48-15  purposes of this article.
  48-16        SECTION 35.  Article 10.04, Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act
  48-17  (Article 1396-10.04, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to
  48-18  read as follows:
  48-19        Art. 10.04.  To What Corporations This Act Applies; Procedure
  48-20  for Adoption of Act by Existing Corporation.  A.  This Act does not
  48-21  apply to domestic corporations organized under any statute other
  48-22  than this Act or to any foreign corporations granted authority to
  48-23  conduct affairs within this State under any statute other than this
  48-24  Act.  If any domestic corporation is organized under or is governed
  48-25  by a statute that does not contain a provision regarding a matter
  48-26  provided for in this Act, or any foreign corporation is granted
  48-27  authority to conduct affairs within this State under a statute that
   49-1  does not contain a provision regarding a matter provided for in
   49-2  this Act in respect of foreign corporations, or if a statute
   49-3  specifically provides that the general laws for incorporation or
   49-4  for the granting of a certificate of authority to conduct affairs
   49-5  in this State supplement the provisions of that statute, the
   49-6  provisions of this Act apply only to the extent not inconsistent
   49-7  with the provisions of the other statute or with the express
   49-8  provisions of the corporation's articles of incorporation or
   49-9  bylaws.  <Until September 1, 1961, this Act shall not apply to any
  49-10  domestic corporation duly chartered and existing on the effective
  49-11  date of this Act, or to any foreign corporation, unless such
  49-12  domestic corporation shall voluntarily elect to adopt the
  49-13  provisions of this Act and shall comply with the procedure
  49-14  prescribed by Section B of this Article, and unless such foreign
  49-15  corporation shall procure a certificate of authority pursuant to
  49-16  Part Eight of this Act.>
  49-17        <B.  From and after the effective date of this Act and prior
  49-18  to September 1, 1961, any domestic corporation duly chartered and
  49-19  existing on the effective date of this Act may voluntarily elect to
  49-20  adopt the provisions of this Act and may become subject to its
  49-21  provisions by taking the following steps:>
  49-22              <(1)  A resolution reciting that the corporation
  49-23  voluntarily adopts this Act shall be adopted by the board of
  49-24  directors and/or the members in accordance with the procedure
  49-25  prescribed by this Act for the amendment of articles of
  49-26  incorporation of such corporation.>
  49-27              <(2)  Upon adoption of the required resolution or
   50-1  resolutions, an instrument shall be executed in duplicate by the
   50-2  corporation by its president or a vice-president and by its
   50-3  secretary or an assistant secretary, and verified by one of the
   50-4  officers signing such statement, which shall set forth:>
   50-5                    <(a)  The name of the corporation.>
   50-6                    <(b)  Each resolution adopted by the corporation.>
   50-7                    <(c)  The date of the adoption of each
   50-8  resolution.>
   50-9                    <(d)  The street address of its initial
  50-10  registered office and the name of its initial registered agent at
  50-11  such address.>
  50-12              <(3)  Duplicate originals of such document shall be
  50-13  delivered to the Secretary of State.  If the Secretary of State
  50-14  finds that such document conforms to law, he shall, when all fees
  50-15  and franchise taxes have been paid as prescribed by law:>
  50-16                    <(a)  Endorse on each of such duplicate originals
  50-17  the word "Filed," and the month, day, and year of the filing
  50-18  thereof.>
  50-19                    <(b)  File one of such duplicate originals in his
  50-20  office.>
  50-21                    <(c)  Deliver the other duplicate original to the
  50-22  corporation or its representative.>
  50-23              <(4)  Upon the filing of such document, all provisions
  50-24  of this Act shall thereafter apply to the corporation; provided,
  50-25  however, that such delivery to and filing by the Secretary of State
  50-26  need not precede action by the directors and/or the members of a
  50-27  corporation in connection with amendments to its articles of
   51-1  incorporation or its by-laws under this Act so long as (a) such
   51-2  amendments do not become effective until after the Secretary of
   51-3  State has filed the document whereby such corporation adopts this
   51-4  Act and (b) the procedures and requirements of this Act for the
   51-5  adoption of such amendments, including requirements as to notice,
   51-6  shall have been complied with and satisfied.>
   51-7        <C.  Except for the exceptions and limitations of Section A
   51-8  of this Article, this Act shall apply to all domestic corporations
   51-9  organized after the date on which this Act becomes effective and to
  51-10  all domestic corporations electing to adopt this Act and
  51-11  manifesting their election in the manner provided in Section B of
  51-12  this Article, prior to September 1, 1961.>
  51-13        <D.  From and after September 1, 1961, this Act shall apply
  51-14  to all domestic corporations and to all foreign corporations
  51-15  conducting or seeking to conduct affairs within this State.  Those
  51-16  domestic corporations existing at the time that this Act becomes
  51-17  effective which have not meanwhile adopted this Act by complying
  51-18  with Section B of this Article shall, on September 1, 1961, be
  51-19  deemed to have elected to adopt this Act by not voluntarily
  51-20  dissolving.>
  51-21        <E.  No foreign corporation shall conduct affairs in this
  51-22  State after September 1, 1961, unless and until it shall have
  51-23  procured a certificate of authority in accordance with the
  51-24  requirements of Part Eight of this Act.  Such certificates may be
  51-25  applied for and issued at any time after the effective date of this
  51-26  Act and this Act shall thereafter apply to such corporation from
  51-27  the date of the issuance of its certificate of authority; provided,
   52-1  however, that if such corporation expressly so requests in its
   52-2  application, the effective date of its certificate may be delayed
   52-3  until September 1, 1961, even though issued prior to such date.>
   52-4        B. <F.>  In so far as the same are not inconsistent with or
   52-5  contrary to any applicable provision of the Insurance Code of
   52-6  Texas, or any amendment thereto, the provisions of this Act shall
   52-7  apply to and govern burial associations as defined in Article
   52-8  14.37, Texas Insurance Code local mutual aid associations,
   52-9  statewide mutual assessment corporations, and county mutual
  52-10  insurance companies; provided however, (a) that any such mutual
  52-11  insurance associations or companies may, upon advance approval of
  52-12  the Commissioner of Insurance, pay dividends to its members, and
  52-13  (b) that wherever in this Act some duty, responsibility, power,
  52-14  authority, or act is vested in, required of, or to be performed by
  52-15  the Secretary of State, such is to be vested in, required of, or
  52-16  performed by the Commissioner of Insurance in so far as such mutual
  52-17  insurance companies or associations are concerned.
  52-18        C. <G.>  This Act shall not apply to those corporations
  52-19  excepted under Article 2.01 B, Subsections (3), (4), and (5) of
  52-20  this Act;  provided however, that if any of said excepted domestic
  52-21  corporations were heretofore or are hereafter organized not for
  52-22  profit under special statutes which contain no provisions in regard
  52-23  to some of the matters provided for in this Act, or if such special
  52-24  statutes specifically applicable provide that the general laws for
  52-25  incorporation shall supplement the provisions of such statutes,
  52-26  then the provisions of this Act shall apply to the extent that they
  52-27  are not inconsistent with the provisions of such special statutes.
   53-1        SECTION 36.  The Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act (Article
   53-2  1396-1.01 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) is amended by
   53-3  adding Article 10.07 to read as follows:
   53-5  In this article the following are permitted acts:
   53-6              (1)  the incorporation of a corporation under this Act;
   53-7              (2)  an amendment to a corporation's articles of
   53-8  incorporation;
   53-9              (3)  the restatement of articles of incorporation of a
  53-10  corporation;
  53-11              (4)  a voluntary dissolution;
  53-12              (5)  the authorization or withdrawal of a foreign
  53-13  corporation to conduct affairs in this State;
  53-14              (6)  an amendment to the certificate of authority of a
  53-15  foreign corporation;
  53-16              (7)  a change in registered office or registered agent;
  53-17  or
  53-18              (8)  a change of address of a registered agent.
  53-19        B.  A permitted act may be made effective as of a time and
  53-20  date after the time and date otherwise provided in this Act or may
  53-21  be made effective on the occurrence of events or facts that may
  53-22  occur in the future.  Those events or facts may include future acts
  53-23  of any person or entity, if:
  53-24              (1)  the articles, statement, application, or other
  53-25  filing that is required by this Act to be filed with the Secretary
  53-26  of State to make the permitted act effective clearly and expressly
  53-27  sets forth, in addition to any other statement or information
   54-1  required to be set forth:
   54-2                    (a)  the time and date on which the permitted act
   54-3  is to become effective; or
   54-4                    (b)  if the permitted act is to become effective
   54-5  on the occurrence of events or facts that may occur in the future,
   54-6  the manner in which the events or facts will operate to cause the
   54-7  permitted act to become effective;
   54-8              (2)  in the case of a permitted act that is to become
   54-9  effective on the mere passage of time as of a time or date after
  54-10  the time and date otherwise provided in this Act, the subsequent
  54-11  time and date must not be more than 180 days after the date of the
  54-12  filing of the articles, statement, application, or other filing
  54-13  that is otherwise required by this Act to be filed with the
  54-14  Secretary of State to make effective the permitted act; and
  54-15              (3)  in the case of a permitted act that is to be made
  54-16  effective on the occurrence of events or facts that may occur in
  54-17  the future, other than the mere passage of time, a statement that
  54-18  all the events or facts on which the effectiveness of the permitted
  54-19  act is conditioned have been satisfied or waived and the date on
  54-20  which the condition was satisfied or waived must be filed with the
  54-21  Secretary of State within 180 days of the date of the filing of the
  54-22  articles, statement, application, or other filing that is otherwise
  54-23  required by this Act for the permitted act to become effective.
  54-24        C.  The statement required by Section A(3) of this article
  54-25  shall be executed on behalf of each domestic or foreign corporation
  54-26  or other entity that was required to execute the articles,
  54-27  statement, application, or other filing that is otherwise required
   55-1  by this Act to be filed with the Secretary of State to make
   55-2  effective the permitted act by an officer or other duly authorized
   55-3  representative, including an officer or duly authorized
   55-4  representative of any successor domestic or foreign corporation or
   55-5  other entity, and an original and copy shall be filed with the
   55-6  Secretary of State.  If the Secretary of State finds that the
   55-7  statement conforms to the provisions of this Act, the Secretary of
   55-8  State shall:
   55-9              (1)  endorse on the original and the copy the word
  55-10  "Filed" and the month, day, and year of the filing;
  55-11              (2)  file the original in the Secretary of State's
  55-12  office; and
  55-13              (3)  return the copy to the filing party or its
  55-14  representative.
  55-15        D.  If any permitted act is to become effective as of a time
  55-16  or date after the time and date otherwise provided in this Act, for
  55-17  the permitted act to become effective, notwithstanding any other
  55-18  provision of this Act to the contrary, the permitted act shall
  55-19  become, to the extent permitted by Section A of this article,
  55-20  effective as of the subsequent time and date, and any certificate
  55-21  issued by the Secretary of State on the filing of the articles,
  55-22  statement, application, or other filing that is otherwise required
  55-23  by this Act for the permitted act to become effective shall
  55-24  expressly state the time and date on which the permitted act is to
  55-25  become effective.
  55-26        E.  If a permitted act is to be made effective on the
  55-27  occurrence of events or facts that may occur in the future, other
   56-1  than the mere passage of time, and the statement required by
   56-2  Section A(3) of this article is filed with the Secretary of State
   56-3  within the time prescribed, the permitted act becomes effective as
   56-4  of the time and date on which the latest specified event or fact
   56-5  occurs or the time and date on which the condition is otherwise
   56-6  satisfied or waived.  Any certificate issued or notation,
   56-7  acknowledgement, or other statement made by the Secretary of State
   56-8  on the filing of the articles, statement, application, or other
   56-9  filing that is otherwise required by this Act for the permitted act
  56-10  to become effective shall state that "The effectiveness of the
  56-11  action to which this instrument relates is conditioned on the
  56-12  occurrence of certain facts or events described in the filing to
  56-13  which this instrument relates" or shall make reference in a manner
  56-14  the Secretary of State approves, to the fact that the effectiveness
  56-15  of the action is conditioned.  The time and date on which a
  56-16  condition to the effectiveness of a permitted act is satisfied or
  56-17  waived as set forth in a statement filed with the Secretary of
  56-18  State pursuant to Section A(3) of this article shall be
  56-19  conclusively regarded as the time and date on which the condition
  56-20  was satisfied or waived for purposes of this article.
  56-21        F.  If the effectiveness of any permitted act is conditioned
  56-22  on the occurrence of events or facts that may occur in the future,
  56-23  other than the mere passage of time, and the statement required by
  56-24  Section A(3) of this article is not filed with the Secretary of
  56-25  State within the time prescribed, the permitted act is not
  56-26  effective unless there is subsequently filed with the Secretary of
  56-27  State the articles, statement, application, or other filing
   57-1  required by this Act to be filed with the Secretary of State to
   57-2  make the permitted act effective.
   57-3        SECTION 37.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993.
   57-4        SECTION 38.  The importance of this legislation and the
   57-5  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   57-6  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   57-7  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   57-8  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.