1-1  By:  Armbrister                                        S.B. No. 556
    1-2        (In the Senate - Filed March 2, 1993; March 3, 1993, read
    1-3  first time and referred to Committee on Natural Resources;
    1-4  April 2, 1993, reported adversely, with favorable Committee
    1-5  Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 8, Nays 0; April 2, 1993,
    1-6  sent to printer.)
    1-7                            COMMITTEE VOTE
    1-8                          Yea     Nay      PNV      Absent 
    1-9        Sims               x                               
   1-10        Truan              x                               
   1-11        Armbrister         x                               
   1-12        Barrientos                                     x   
   1-13        Bivins             x                               
   1-14        Brown              x                               
   1-15        Carriker           x                               
   1-16        Lucio              x                               
   1-17        Montford                                       x   
   1-18        Ratliff            x                               
   1-19        Shelley                                        x   
   1-20  COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR S.B. No. 556               By:  Armbrister
   1-21                         A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
   1-22                                AN ACT
   1-23  relating to regulating the taking of crab, molluscan shellfish, and
   1-24  other aquatic life; providing civil and criminal penalties.
   1-26        SECTION 1.  Chapter 436, Health and Safety Code, is amended
   1-27  to read as follows:
   1-28                      CHAPTER 436.  AQUATIC LIFE
   1-29                   SUBCHAPTER A.  GENERAL PROVISIONS
   1-30        Sec. 436.001.  SHORT TITLE.  This chapter may be cited as the
   1-31  Texas Aquatic Life Act.
   1-32        Sec. 436.002.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
   1-33              (1)  "Approved area" means a molluscan shellfish
   1-34  growing area determined to be acceptable for harvesting of
   1-35  molluscan shellfish for direct marketing according to the National
   1-36  Shellfish Sanitation Program.
   1-37              (2)  "Approved source" means a source of molluscan
   1-38  shellfish acceptable to the director.
   1-39              (3)  "Aquatic life" means animals and plants that live
   1-40  in water.
   1-41              (4)  "Authorized agent" means an employee of the
   1-42  department who is designated by the director to enforce provisions
   1-43  of this chapter.
   1-44              (5)  "Board" means the Texas Board of Health.
   1-45              (6)  "Closed area" means a molluscan shellfish growing
   1-46  area where the taking including the harvesting for sale, the
   1-47  harvesting for transplant, or the gathering for depuration of
   1-48  molluscan shellfish is temporarily or permanently not permitted.  A
   1-49  closed area status may be placed on any one of the five classified
   1-50  area designations established by the National Shellfish Sanitation
   1-51  Program.
   1-52              (7)  "Conditionally approved area" means a molluscan
   1-53  shellfish growing area determined to meet approved area criteria
   1-54  for a predictable period conditioned on performance standards
   1-55  specified in a management plan.  A conditionally approved area is a
   1-56  closed area when the area does not meet the approved area criteria.
   1-57              (8)  "Conditionally restricted area" means a molluscan
   1-58  shellfish growing area determined to meet restricted area criteria
   1-59  for a predictable period conditioned on performance standards
   1-60  specified in a management plan.  A conditionally restricted area is
   1-61  open for transplanting or gathering for depuration only during the
   1-62  times it meets the restricted area criteria and is specified as a
   1-63  conditionally restricted area by the department.  A conditionally
   1-64  restricted area is a closed area at all times for harvesting of
   1-65  molluscan shellfish for direct marketing.
   1-66              (9)  "Container" means the physical material in contact
   1-67  with or immediately surrounding molluscan shellfish or crabmeat
   1-68  that confines it into a single unit.
    2-1              (10)  "Crabmeat" means the edible meat of steamed or
    2-2  cooked crabs that has not been processed other than by picking,
    2-3  packing, and chilling.
    2-4              (11)  "Crabmeat processing license" means a numbered
    2-5  document issued by the department that authorizes a person to
    2-6  process crabmeat for sale.
    2-7              (12)  "Crabmeat processor" means a person who cooks and
    2-8  backs crabs and who picks, packs, or pasteurizes crabmeat.
    2-9              (13)  "Department" means the Texas Department of
   2-10  Health.
   2-11              (14)  "Depletion" means the removal of all existing
   2-12  commercial quantities of market-size molluscan shellfish.
   2-13              (15)  "Depuration" means the process of using any
   2-14  approved artificially controlled aquatic environment to reduce the
   2-15  level of bacteria and viruses in molluscan shellfish.
   2-16              (16)  "Depuration plant" means a place where depuration
   2-17  of molluscan shellfish occurs.
   2-18              (17)  "Director" means the executive head of the Texas
   2-19  Department of Health.
   2-20              (18)  "Growing area" means an area that supports or
   2-21  could support live molluscan shellfish.
   2-22              (19)  "Health authority" means a physician authorized
   2-23  to administer state or local laws relating to public health.
   2-24              (20)  "Label" means written, printed, or graphic matter
   2-25  appearing on a container of molluscan shellfish or crabmeat,
   2-26  including any written, printed, or graphic matter on any wrappers
   2-27  or accompanying any molluscan shellfish or crabmeat.
   2-28              (21)  "Molluscan shellfish" means an edible species of
   2-29  oyster, clam, or mussel that is shucked, in the shell, fresh, or
   2-30  fresh frozen, in whole or in part, as defined by the National
   2-31  Shellfish Sanitation Program.
   2-32              (22)  "National Shellfish Sanitation Program" means the
   2-33  cooperative program by the states, the United States Food and Drug
   2-34  Administration, and the shellfish industry that classifies
   2-35  molluscan shellfish growing areas and certifies interstate
   2-36  molluscan shellfish shippers according to the National Shellfish
   2-37  Sanitation Program Manual of Operations or its successor program
   2-38  and documents.
   2-39              (23)  "Open area" means a molluscan shellfish growing
   2-40  area where harvesting for sale, harvesting for transplant, or
   2-41  gathering for depuration of molluscan shellfish is permitted.  An
   2-42  open area status may be placed on any one of the classified area
   2-43  designations established by the National Shellfish Sanitation
   2-44  Program except for a prohibited area.
   2-45              (24)  "Pasteurization plant" means a place where
   2-46  crabmeat is heat-treated in compliance with rules adopted by the
   2-47  board, without complete sterilization, to improve the keeping
   2-48  qualities of the meat.
   2-49              (25)  "Picking plant" means a place where crabs are
   2-50  cooked and edible meat is picked from the crabs.
   2-51              (26)  "Possess" means the act of having in possession
   2-52  or control, keeping, detaining, restraining, or holding as owner,
   2-53  agent, bailee, or custodian for another.
   2-54              (27)  "Prohibited area" means an area where the
   2-55  director finds, according to a sanitary, chemical, or
   2-56  bacteriological survey, that the area contains aquatic life that is
   2-57  unfit for human consumption.  A prohibited area for molluscan
   2-58  shellfish means a molluscan shellfish growing area determined to be
   2-59  unacceptable for transplanting, gathering for depuration, or
   2-60  harvesting of molluscan shellfish.  The only molluscan shellfish
   2-61  removal permitted from a prohibited area is for the purpose of
   2-62  depletion.
   2-63              (28)  "Principal display panel" means the part of a
   2-64  label that is most likely to be displayed, presented, shown, or
   2-65  examined under normal and customary conditions of display for sale.
   2-66              (29)  "Public water" means all bodies of water that are
   2-67  the property of the state under Section 1.011, Parks and Wildlife
   2-68  Code.
   2-69              (30)  "Restricted area" means a molluscan shellfish
   2-70  growing area that is determined to be unacceptable for harvesting
    3-1  of molluscan shellfish for direct marketing but that is acceptable
    3-2  for transplanting or gathering for depuration.  A restricted area
    3-3  may be closed for transplanting or gathering for depuration when
    3-4  the area does not meet the restricted area criteria established by
    3-5  the National Shellfish Sanitation Program.
    3-6              (31)  "Sale" means the transfer of ownership or the
    3-7  right of possession of an item to a person for consideration and
    3-8  includes barter.
    3-9              (32)  "Shellfish certificate" means a numbered document
   3-10  issued by the department that authorizes a person to process
   3-11  molluscan shellfish for sale.
   3-12              (33)  "Shellfish processor" means a person who
   3-13  depurates, shucks, packs, or repacks molluscan shellfish.
   3-14              (34)  "Take" means catch, hook, net, snare, trap, kill,
   3-15  or capture by any means, including the attempt to take.
   3-16        Sec. 436.003.  AUTHORITY TO DELEGATE POWERS AND DUTIES.
   3-17  (a)  The board by rule may delegate a power or duty imposed on the
   3-18  director in this chapter, including the power or duty to issue
   3-19  emergency rules or orders or to render a final administrative
   3-20  decision.
   3-21        (b)  A health authority may delegate any power or duty
   3-22  imposed on the health authority in this chapter to an employee of
   3-23  the local health department, the local health unit, or the public
   3-24  health district in which the health authority serves, unless
   3-25  otherwise restricted by law.
   3-26         (Sections 436.004 to 436.010 reserved for expansion
   3-27                    SUBCHAPTER B.  PROHIBITED ACTS
   3-28        Sec. 436.011.  PROHIBITED ACTS.  The following acts and the
   3-29  causing of the following acts within this state are unlawful and
   3-30  prohibited:
   3-31              (1)  taking, selling, offering for sale, or holding for
   3-32  sale molluscan shellfish from a closed area;
   3-33              (2)  taking, selling, offering for sale, or holding for
   3-34  sale molluscan shellfish from a restricted or conditionally
   3-35  restricted area without complying with a rule adopted by the board
   3-36  to ensure that the molluscan shellfish have been purified, unless:
   3-37                    (A)  permission is first obtained from the Parks
   3-38  and Wildlife Department and the transplanting is supervised by that
   3-39  department; and
   3-40                    (B)  the Parks and Wildlife Department furnishes
   3-41  a copy of the transplant permit to the director before
   3-42  transplanting activities begin;
   3-43              (3)  possessing a species of aquatic life taken from a
   3-44  prohibited area while the area was prohibited for that species;
   3-45              (4)  operating as a molluscan shellfish processor
   3-46  without a shellfish certificate for each plant or place of
   3-47  business;
   3-48              (5)  operating as a crabmeat processor without a
   3-49  crabmeat processing license for each plant;
   3-50              (6)  selling, offering for sale, or holding for sale
   3-51  molluscan shellfish or crabmeat that has not been picked, handled,
   3-52  packaged, or pasteurized in accordance with the rules adopted by
   3-53  the board;
   3-54              (7)  selling, offering for sale, or holding for sale
   3-55  molluscan shellfish or crabmeat from facilities for the handling
   3-56  and packaging of molluscan shellfish or crabmeat that do not comply
   3-57  with the rules adopted by the board;
   3-58              (8)  selling, offering for sale, or holding for sale
   3-59  molluscan shellfish or crabmeat that is not labeled in accordance
   3-60  with the rules adopted by the board;
   3-61              (9)  selling, offering for sale, or holding for sale
   3-62  molluscan shellfish that is not in a container bearing a valid
   3-63  certificate number from a state or nation whose molluscan shellfish
   3-64  certification program conforms to the current Manual of Operations
   3-65  for Sanitary Control of the Shellfish Industry issued by the Food
   3-66  and Drug Administration or its successor, except selling molluscan
   3-67  shellfish removed from a container bearing a valid certificate
   3-68  number for on-premises consumption; in the event the Texas
   3-69  Molluscan Shellfish Program is found to be out of conformity with
   3-70  the current Manual of Operations, selling, offering for sale, or
    4-1  holding for sale molluscan shellfish in a container bearing a valid
    4-2  Texas certificate number shall not be considered a violation of
    4-3  this chapter provided all other requirements of this chapter are
    4-4  complied with and the shellfish have come from an approved source;
    4-5              (10)  processing, transporting, storing for sale,
    4-6  possessing with intent to sell, offering for sale, or selling
    4-7  molluscan shellfish or crabmeat for human consumption that is
    4-8  adulterated or misbranded;
    4-9              (11)  removing or disposing of a detained or embargoed
   4-10  article in violation of Section 436.028;
   4-11              (12)  altering, mutilating, destroying, obliterating,
   4-12  or removing all or part of the labeling of a container;
   4-13              (13)  adulterating or misbranding molluscan shellfish
   4-14  or crabmeat in commerce;
   4-15              (14)  refusing to permit entry or inspection, to permit
   4-16  the taking of a sample, or to permit access to or copying by an
   4-17  authorized agent of a record required by this chapter;
   4-18              (15)  failing to establish or maintain a record or
   4-19  report required by this chapter or by a rule adopted by the board;
   4-20  or
   4-21              (16)  violating a rule adopted by the board or an
   4-22  emergency rule or order adopted by the director.
   4-23         (Sections 436.012 to 436.020 reserved for expansion
   4-24                      SUBCHAPTER C.  ENFORCEMENT
   4-25        Sec. 436.021.  DEFINITION.  In this subchapter, "detained or
   4-26  embargoed article" means molluscan shellfish or crabmeat that has
   4-27  been detained or embargoed under Section 436.028.
   4-28        Sec. 436.022.  INSPECTION.  (a)  The director, an authorized
   4-29  agent, or a health authority may, on presenting appropriate
   4-30  credentials to the owner, operator, or agent in charge:
   4-31              (1)  enter at reasonable times, including when
   4-32  processing is conducted, an establishment or location in which
   4-33  molluscan shellfish or crabmeat is processed, packed, pasteurized,
   4-34  or held for introduction into commerce or held after introduction
   4-35  into commerce;
   4-36              (2)  enter a vehicle being used to transport or hold
   4-37  the molluscan shellfish or crabmeat in commerce; or
   4-38              (3)  inspect the establishment, location, or vehicle,
   4-39  including equipment, records, files, papers, materials, containers,
   4-40  labels, or other items, and obtain samples necessary for
   4-41  enforcement of this chapter.
   4-42        (b)  The inspection of an establishment or location is to
   4-43  determine whether the molluscan shellfish or crabmeat:
   4-44              (1)  is adulterated or misbranded;
   4-45              (2)  may not be processed, introduced into commerce,
   4-46  sold, or offered for sale under this chapter or the rules adopted
   4-47  by the board; or
   4-48              (3)  is otherwise in violation of this chapter.
   4-49        (c)  The director, an authorized agent, or a health authority
   4-50  may not inspect:
   4-51              (1)  financial data;
   4-52              (2)  sales data, other than shipment data;
   4-53              (3)  pricing data;
   4-54              (4)  personnel data, other than personnel data relating
   4-55  to the qualifications of technical and professional personnel; or
   4-56              (5)  research data.
   4-57        Sec. 436.023.  ACCESS TO RECORDS.  A person who is required
   4-58  to maintain records under this chapter or a rule adopted by the
   4-59  board or a person who is in charge or custody of those records on
   4-60  request shall permit the director, authorized agent, or health
   4-61  authority at all reasonable times to have access to and to copy the
   4-62  records.
   4-63        Sec. 436.024.  ACCESS TO RECORDS SHOWING MOVEMENT IN
   4-64  COMMERCE.  (a)  A commercial carrier or other person receiving or
   4-65  holding molluscan shellfish or crabmeat in commerce on request
   4-66  shall permit the director, authorized agent, or health authority at
   4-67  all reasonable times to have access to and to copy all records
   4-68  showing:
   4-69              (1)  the movement in commerce of the molluscan
   4-70  shellfish or crabmeat;
    5-1              (2)  the holding after movement in commerce of the
    5-2  molluscan shellfish or crabmeat; or
    5-3              (3)  the quantity, shipper, and consignee of the
    5-4  molluscan shellfish or crabmeat.
    5-5        (b)  The carrier or other person may not refuse access to and
    5-6  copying of the requested records if the request is accompanied by a
    5-7  written statement that specifies the nature or kind of molluscan
    5-8  shellfish or crabmeat to which the request relates.
    5-9        (c)  A carrier is not subject to other provisions of this
   5-10  chapter solely because of the carrier's receipt, carriage, holding,
   5-11  or delivery of molluscan shellfish or crabmeat in the usual course
   5-12  of business as a carrier.
   5-13        Sec. 436.025.  EMERGENCY ORDER.  (a)  The director may issue
   5-14  an emergency order that mandates or prohibits the taking,
   5-15  processing, or sale of molluscan shellfish or crabmeat in the
   5-16  department's jurisdiction if:
   5-17              (1)  the processing or sale of the molluscan shellfish
   5-18  or crabmeat creates or poses an immediate threat to human life or
   5-19  health; and
   5-20              (2)  other procedures available to the department to
   5-21  remedy or prevent the threat will result in unreasonable delay.
   5-22        (b)  The director may issue the emergency order without
   5-23  notice and hearing if the director or a person designated by the
   5-24  director determines that issuing the emergency order without notice
   5-25  and hearing is necessary under the circumstances.
   5-26        (c)  If an emergency order is issued without a hearing, the
   5-27  department shall determine the earliest time and place for a
   5-28  hearing at which the emergency order shall be affirmed, modified,
   5-29  or set aside.  The hearing shall be held under board rules.
   5-30        (d)  This section prevails over Sections 11.013 and 12.001.
   5-31        Sec. 436.026.  VIOLATION; INJUNCTION.  (a)  The director, an
   5-32  authorized agent, or a health authority may petition the district
   5-33  court for a temporary restraining order to restrain a continuing
   5-34  violation or a threat of a continuing violation of Section 436.011
   5-35  if the director, authorized agent, or health authority believes
   5-36  that:
   5-37              (1)  a person has violated, is violating, or is
   5-38  threatening to violate a provision of Section 436.011; and
   5-39              (2)  the violation or threatened violation creates an
   5-40  immediate threat to the health and safety of the public.
   5-41        (b)  If the court finds that a person is violating or
   5-42  threatening to violate Section 436.011, the court shall grant
   5-43  injunctive relief.
   5-44        (c)  Venue for a suit brought under this section is in the
   5-45  county in which the violation or threat of violation is alleged to
   5-46  have occurred or in Travis County.
   5-47        Sec. 436.027.  CIVIL PENALTY.  (a)  At the request of the
   5-48  director, the attorney general or a district, county, or municipal
   5-49  attorney shall institute an action in district or county court to
   5-50  collect a civil penalty from a person who has violated Section
   5-51  436.011.
   5-52        (b)  A person who violates Section 436.011 is liable for a
   5-53  civil penalty not to exceed $25,000 a day for each violation.  Each
   5-54  day of a continuing violation constitutes a separate violation for
   5-55  purposes of penalty assessment.
   5-56        (c)  In determining the amount of the penalty, the court
   5-57  shall consider:
   5-58              (1)  the person's history of previous violations under
   5-59  this chapter;
   5-60              (2)  the seriousness of the violation;
   5-61              (3)  any hazard to the health and safety of the public;
   5-62              (4)  the demonstrated good faith of the person; and
   5-63              (5)  other matters as justice may require.
   5-64        (d)  A civil penalty recovered in a suit instituted by the
   5-65  attorney general under this chapter shall be deposited in the state
   5-66  treasury to the credit of the general revenue fund.  A civil
   5-67  penalty recovered in a suit instituted by a local government under
   5-68  this chapter shall be paid to the local government.
   5-69        (e)  Venue for a suit to collect a civil penalty brought
   5-70  under this section is in the municipality or county in which the
    6-1  violation occurred or in Travis County.
    6-2        Sec. 436.028.  DETAINED OR EMBARGOED ARTICLE.  (a)  The
    6-3  director or an authorized agent may detain or embargo molluscan
    6-4  shellfish or crabmeat if the director or authorized agent believes
    6-5  or has probable cause to believe that the molluscan shellfish or
    6-6  crabmeat:
    6-7              (1)  is adulterated; or
    6-8              (2)  is misbranded so that the molluscan shellfish or
    6-9  crabmeat is dangerous or fraudulent under this chapter.
   6-10        (b)  The director or an authorized agent shall affix to any
   6-11  molluscan shellfish or crabmeat a tag or other appropriate marking
   6-12  that gives notice that the molluscan shellfish or crabmeat is, or
   6-13  is suspected of being, adulterated or misbranded and that the
   6-14  molluscan shellfish or crabmeat has been detained or embargoed.
   6-15        (c)  The tag or marking on a detained or embargoed article
   6-16  must prohibit the removal or disposal of the article unless
   6-17  permission is given by the director, the authorized agent, or a
   6-18  court.
   6-19        (d)  A person may not remove a detained or embargoed article
   6-20  from the premises or dispose of it without permission of the
   6-21  director, the authorized agent, or a court.  The director or the
   6-22  authorized agent may permit perishable goods to be moved to a place
   6-23  suitable for proper storage.
   6-24        (e)  The director or an authorized agent shall remove the tag
   6-25  or other marking from a detained or embargoed article if the
   6-26  director or an authorized agent believes that the article is not
   6-27  adulterated or misbranded.
   6-28        (f)  The claimant of a detained or embargoed article may move
   6-29  the article to a secure storage area with the permission of the
   6-30  director or an authorized agent.
   6-32  ARTICLE.  (a)  The director or authorized agent may order the
   6-33  claimant or the claimant's agent to move a detained or embargoed
   6-34  article to a secure place to prevent the unauthorized disposal or
   6-35  removal of the article.
   6-36        (b)  If the claimant fails to carry out the order, the
   6-37  director or the authorized agent may move the article.
   6-38        (c)  If the director or the authorized agent moves the
   6-39  article, the director shall assess the cost of removal against the
   6-40  claimant.
   6-41        (d)  The director may request the attorney general to bring
   6-42  an action in the district court in Travis County to recover the
   6-43  costs of removal.  In a judgment in favor of the state, the court
   6-44  may award costs, attorney fees, and interest from the date the
   6-45  expense was incurred until the date the department is reimbursed.
   6-46        Sec. 436.030.  RECALL FROM COMMERCE.  (a)  The director may
   6-47  order a recall of molluscan shellfish or crabmeat with:
   6-48              (1)  the detention or embargo of molluscan shellfish or
   6-49  crabmeat;
   6-50              (2)  the issuance of an emergency order under Section
   6-51  436.025; or
   6-52              (3)  both.
   6-53        (b)  The director's recall order may require that the
   6-54  molluscan shellfish or crabmeat be removed to one or more secure
   6-55  areas approved by the director or authorized agent.
   6-56        (c)  The recall order must be in writing and be signed by the
   6-57  director and may be issued:
   6-58              (1)  before or in conjunction with a tag or other
   6-59  marking as provided by Section 436.028;
   6-60              (2)  with an emergency order authorized by Section
   6-61  436.025; or
   6-62              (3)  both.
   6-63        (d)  The recall order is effective until it expires by its
   6-64  own terms, is withdrawn by the director, is reversed by a court in
   6-65  an order denying condemnation, or is set aside at a hearing
   6-66  authorized by Section 436.025.
   6-67        (e)  The claimant shall pay the costs of the removal and
   6-68  storage of a recalled product.  If the claimant or the claimant's
   6-69  agent fails to carry out the recall order, the director may recall
   6-70  the product.  The director shall assess the costs of the recall
    7-1  against the claimant.
    7-2        (f)  The director may request the attorney general to bring
    7-3  an action in a district court in Travis County to recover the costs
    7-4  of recall.  In a judgment in favor of the state, the court may
    7-5  award costs, attorney fees, and interest from the date the expense
    7-6  was incurred until the date the department is reimbursed.
    7-7        Sec. 436.031.  CONDEMNATION.  If molluscan shellfish or
    7-8  crabmeat is adulterated or misbranded, an action for the
    7-9  condemnation of the molluscan shellfish or crabmeat may be filed in
   7-10  a district court in whose jurisdiction the molluscan shellfish or
   7-11  crabmeat is located.
   7-13  CRABMEAT.  (a)  The court may order the destruction of sampled,
   7-14  detained, or embargoed molluscan shellfish or crabmeat if the court
   7-15  finds that the article is adulterated or misbranded.
   7-16        (b)  After entry of the court's order, an authorized agent
   7-17  shall supervise the destruction of the article.
   7-18        (c)  The claimant shall pay the cost of the destruction of
   7-19  the article.
   7-20        (d)  The court shall order the claimant or the claimant's
   7-21  agent to pay court costs, storage fees, and other proper expenses.
   7-22        Sec. 436.033.  CORRECTION BY PROPER LABELING.  (a)  A court
   7-23  may order the delivery of sampled, detained, or embargoed molluscan
   7-24  shellfish or crabmeat that is misbranded to the claimant for
   7-25  relabeling under the supervision of the director or an authorized
   7-26  agent if:
   7-27              (1)  the court costs and other expenses have been paid;
   7-28              (2)  proper labeling can correct the misbranding; and
   7-29              (3)  the claimant executes a bond, conditioned on the
   7-30  correction of the misbranding by proper labeling.
   7-31        (b)  The claimant shall pay the costs of the supervision.
   7-32        (c)  The court shall order the return of the molluscan
   7-33  shellfish or crabmeat to the claimant if the director or an
   7-34  authorized agent represents to the court that the molluscan
   7-35  shellfish or crabmeat no longer violates this chapter and that the
   7-36  expenses of supervision are paid.
   7-37        Sec. 436.034.  ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY.  (a)  The director may
   7-38  assess an administrative penalty against a person who violates
   7-39  Section 436.011 or an order issued under this chapter.
   7-40        (b)  In determining the amount of the penalty, the director
   7-41  shall consider:
   7-42              (1)  the person's previous violations;
   7-43              (2)  the seriousness of the violation;
   7-44              (3)  the hazard to the health and safety of the public;
   7-45              (4)  the person's demonstrated good faith; and
   7-46              (5)  other matters as justice may require.
   7-47        (c)  The penalty may not exceed $25,000 a day for each
   7-48  violation.
   7-49        (d)  Each day of a continuing violation constitutes a
   7-50  separate violation.
   7-52  (a)  The director may assess an administrative penalty only after a
   7-53  person charged with a violation is given an opportunity for a
   7-54  hearing.
   7-55        (b)  If a hearing is held, the director shall make findings
   7-56  of fact and shall issue a written decision regarding the violation
   7-57  and the amount of the penalty.
   7-58        (c)  If the person charged with the violation does not
   7-59  request a hearing, the director may assess a penalty after
   7-60  determining that a violation has occurred and the amount of the
   7-61  penalty.
   7-62        (d)  The director shall issue an order requiring a person to
   7-63  pay a penalty assessed under this section.
   7-64        (e)  The director may consolidate a hearing held under this
   7-65  section with another proceeding.
   7-66        Sec. 436.036.  PAYMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY.  (a)  Not
   7-67  later than the 30th day after the date an order is issued under
   7-68  Section 436.035(d), the director shall notify the person against
   7-69  whom the penalty is assessed of the order and the amount of the
   7-70  penalty.
    8-1        (b)  Not later than the 30th day after the date notice of the
    8-2  order is given to the person, the person shall:
    8-3              (1)  pay the penalty in full; or
    8-4              (2)  seek judicial review of the amount of the penalty,
    8-5  the findings of the director, or both.
    8-6        (c)  If the person seeks judicial review, the person shall:
    8-7              (1)  send the amount of the penalty to the director for
    8-8  placement in an escrow account; or
    8-9              (2)  post with the director a bond for the amount of
   8-10  the penalty.
   8-11        (d)  A bond posted under this section must be in a form
   8-12  approved by the director and must be effective until judicial
   8-13  review of the order or decision is final.
   8-14        (e)  A person who does not send the money to the director or
   8-15  post the bond within the period described by Subsection (b) waives
   8-16  all rights to contest the violation or the amount of the penalty.
   8-17        (f)  The attorney general, at the request of the director,
   8-18  may bring a civil action to recover an administrative penalty
   8-19  assessed under this subchapter.
   8-20        Sec. 436.037.  REFUND OF ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY.  Not later
   8-21  than the 30th day after the date of a judicial determination that
   8-22  an administrative penalty against a person should be reduced or not
   8-23  assessed, the director shall:
   8-24              (1)  remit to the person the appropriate amount of any
   8-25  penalty payment plus accrued interest; or
   8-26              (2)  execute a release of the bond if the person has
   8-27  posted a bond.
   8-28        Sec. 436.038.  CRIMINAL PENALTY; DEFENSES.  (a)  A person
   8-29  commits an offense if the person intentionally, knowingly,
   8-30  recklessly, or with criminal negligence commits an unlawful act
   8-31  under Section 436.011.
   8-32        (b)  A violation of Section 436.011(1), (2), or (3) is a
   8-33  Class B Parks and Wildlife Code misdemeanor under Section 12.405,
   8-34  Parks and Wildlife Code.  Each day of a continuing violation
   8-35  constitutes a separate offense.  Commissioned officers of the Parks
   8-36  and Wildlife Department shall enforce Sections 436.011(1), (2), and
   8-37  (3).
   8-38        (c)  If it is shown at trial that the defendant has been
   8-39  convicted once within five years before the trial date of a
   8-40  violation of Section 436.011(1) or (2), a violation by the
   8-41  defendant under Section 436.011(1) or (2) is a Class A Parks and
   8-42  Wildlife Code misdemeanor under Section 12.404, Parks and Wildlife
   8-43  Code.
   8-44        (d)  If it is shown at trial that the defendant has been
   8-45  convicted two or more times within five years before the trial date
   8-46  of a violation of Section 436.011(1) or (2), a violation by the
   8-47  defendant under Section 436.011(1) or (2) is a Parks and Wildlife
   8-48  Code felony under Section 12.407, Parks and Wildlife Code.
   8-49        (e)  A violation of Section 436.011(4), (5), (6), (7), (8),
   8-50  (9), (10), (11), (12), (13), (14), or (15) is a Class A
   8-51  misdemeanor.  Each day of a continuing violation constitutes a
   8-52  separate offense.
   8-53        (f)  A person is not subject to the penalties of Subsection
   8-54  (e) if the person received molluscan shellfish or crabmeat in
   8-55  commerce and delivered or offered to deliver the molluscan
   8-56  shellfish or crabmeat in good faith, unless the person refuses to
   8-57  furnish on request of the director, an authorized agent, or a
   8-58  health authority the name and address of the person from whom the
   8-59  product was received and copies of any documents relating to the
   8-60  receipt of the product.
   8-61        (g)  A publisher, radiobroadcast licensee, or agency or
   8-62  medium for the publication or broadcast of an advertisement, except
   8-63  the harvester, processor, distributor, or seller of molluscan
   8-64  shellfish or crabmeat to which a false advertisement relates, is
   8-65  not liable under this section for the publication or broadcast of
   8-66  the false advertisement unless the person has refused to furnish,
   8-67  on the request of the director, the name and address of the
   8-68  harvester, processor, distributor, seller, or advertising agency
   8-69  residing in this state who caused the person to publish or
   8-70  broadcast the advertisement.
    9-1        (h)  A person is not subject to the penalties of Subsection
    9-2  (e) for a violation of Section 436.011 involving misbranded
    9-3  molluscan shellfish or crabmeat if the violation exists only
    9-4  because the product is misbranded because of a mistake in
    9-5  advertising, unless the violation is committed with intent to
    9-6  defraud or mislead.
    9-7        Sec. 436.039.  INITIATION OF PROCEEDINGS.  The attorney
    9-8  general or a district, county, or municipal attorney to whom the
    9-9  director, an authorized agent, or a health authority reports a
   9-10  violation of this chapter shall prosecute without delay.
   9-11        Sec. 436.040.  MINOR VIOLATION.  This chapter does not
   9-12  require the director, an authorized agent, or a health authority to
   9-13  report for prosecution a minor violation of this chapter if the
   9-14  director, authorized agent, or health authority believes that the
   9-15  public interest is adequately served by a written warning.
   9-16         (Sections 436.041 to 436.060 reserved for expansion
   9-18        Sec. 436.061.  ADULTERATED AQUATIC LIFE.  (a)  A species of
   9-19  aquatic life is adulterated if it has been taken from an area
   9-20  declared prohibited for that species by the director.
   9-21        (b)  Molluscan shellfish or crabmeat is adulterated if:
   9-22              (1)  it bears or contains a poisonous or deleterious
   9-23  substance that may render it injurious to health unless the
   9-24  substance is a naturally occurring substance and the quantity of
   9-25  the substance in the molluscan shellfish or crabmeat does not
   9-26  ordinarily render the substance injurious to health;
   9-27              (2)  it consists in whole or in part of a diseased,
   9-28  contaminated, filthy, or putrid substance or if it is otherwise
   9-29  unfit for human consumption;
   9-30              (3)  it has been produced, prepared, packed, or held
   9-31  under unsanitary conditions whereby it may have become contaminated
   9-32  with filth or may have been rendered diseased, unwholesome, or
   9-33  injurious to health;
   9-34              (4)  it is in whole or in part the product of diseased
   9-35  aquatic life or has died otherwise than by taking;
   9-36              (5)  its container is made in whole or in part of a
   9-37  poisonous or deleterious substance that may render the contents
   9-38  injurious to health;
   9-39              (6)  it has been intentionally exposed to radiation,
   9-40  unless the use of the radiation complied with a regulation or an
   9-41  exemption under Section 409, Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act
   9-42  (21 U.S.C. Section 348);
   9-43              (7)  a substance has been substituted in whole or in
   9-44  part for it;
   9-45              (8)  damage to or inferiority of the product has been
   9-46  concealed;
   9-47              (9)  a substance has been added, mixed, or packed to
   9-48  increase its bulk or weight, to reduce its quality or strength, or
   9-49  to make it appear better or of greater value than it is;
   9-50              (10)  it contains a chemical substance containing
   9-51  sulphites, sulphur dioxide, or any other chemical preservative that
   9-52  is not approved by the Animal Plant Health Inspection Service or by
   9-53  rules of the board;
   9-54              (11)  the molluscan shellfish have been taken from a
   9-55  closed area;
   9-56              (12)  the molluscan shellfish have been taken from a
   9-57  restricted or conditionally restricted area and have not been
   9-58  purified under the rules adopted by the board;
   9-59              (13)  the molluscan shellfish have been processed by a
   9-60  person without a shellfish certificate;
   9-61              (14)  the molluscan shellfish have not been handled and
   9-62  packaged in accordance with the rules adopted by the board;
   9-63              (15)  the crabmeat has been processed by a person
   9-64  without a crabmeat processing license; or
   9-65              (16)  the crabmeat was not picked, packed, or
   9-66  pasteurized in accordance with the rules adopted by the board.
   9-67         (Sections 436.062 to 436.070 reserved for expansion
   9-68                      SUBCHAPTER E.  MISBRANDING
   9-70  Molluscan shellfish or crabmeat is misbranded if:
   10-1              (1)  its labeling is false, misleading, or fails to
   10-2  conform with the requirements of Section 436.081;
   10-3              (2)  it is offered for sale under the name of another
   10-4  food;
   10-5              (3)  its container is made, formed, or filled so as to
   10-6  be misleading;
   10-7              (4)  a word, statement, or other information required
   10-8  by this chapter or a rule adopted under this chapter to appear on a
   10-9  label is not prominently and conspicuously placed on the label and
  10-10  is not likely to be read and understood by the ordinary individual
  10-11  under customary conditions of purchase and use; or
  10-12              (5)  it does not have a label containing:
  10-13                    (A)  the name, address, and certification or
  10-14  license number of the processor;
  10-15                    (B)  an accurate statement in a uniform location
  10-16  on the principal display panel of the quantity of the contents in
  10-17  terms of weight, measure, or numerical count; and
  10-18                    (C)  a date as provided by rules adopted by the
  10-19  board.
  10-20         (Sections 436.072 to 436.080 reserved for expansion
  10-22        Sec. 436.081.  FAIR PACKAGING AND LABELING.  (a)  A label on
  10-23  molluscan shellfish or crabmeat shall conform to the requirements
  10-24  for the declaration of net quantity of contents under Section 1453,
  10-25  Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (15 U.S.C. Section 1453), and the
  10-26  regulations adopted under that Act.
  10-27        (b)  The label on a package of molluscan shellfish or
  10-28  crabmeat that represents the number of servings contained in the
  10-29  package shall state the net quantity in terms of weight, measure,
  10-30  or numerical count of each serving.
  10-31        (c)  A person may not distribute or cause to be distributed
  10-32  in commerce any molluscan shellfish or crabmeat if a qualifying
  10-33  word or phrase appears with the statement of the net quantity of
  10-34  contents required by Subsection (a).  A supplemental statement at
  10-35  another place on the package may contain descriptions in
  10-36  nondeceptive terms of the net quantity of contents, except the
  10-37  supplemental statement of net quantity of contents may not include
  10-38  a term qualifying a unit of weight, measure, or count that tends to
  10-39  exaggerate the amount of the shellfish or crabmeat in the package.
  10-40        Sec. 436.082.  FALSE ADVERTISEMENT.  An advertisement of
  10-41  molluscan shellfish or crabmeat is false if it is false or
  10-42  misleading in any manner.
  10-43         (Sections 436.083 to 436.090 reserved for expansion
  10-45        Sec. 436.091.  DECLARATION OF PROHIBITED AREAS.  (a)  The
  10-46  director by order shall declare a body of public water to be a
  10-47  prohibited area if:
  10-48              (1)  the director finds, according to a sanitary,
  10-49  chemical, or bacteriological survey, that the area contains aquatic
  10-50  life that is unfit for human consumption; or
  10-51              (2)  aquatic life from a prohibited area may have been
  10-52  transferred to that body of public water.
  10-53        (b)  The director shall modify or revoke an order according
  10-54  to the results of a sanitary, chemical, or bacteriological survey
  10-55  conducted by the department.  The director shall file the order in
  10-56  the department's office and shall furnish without charge a copy of
  10-57  the order describing prohibited areas on request.
  10-58        (c)  The director shall conspicuously outline prohibited
  10-59  areas on maps and shall furnish the maps without charge on request.
  10-60  The failure of a person to obtain that information does not relieve
  10-61  that person from liability under this chapter.
  10-62         (Sections 436.092 to 436.100 reserved for expansion
  10-63                  SUBCHAPTER H.  MOLLUSCAN SHELLFISH
  10-64        Sec. 436.101.  CLASSIFICATION OF GROWING AREAS.  (a)  The
  10-65  director by order shall designate an area that is coastal water
  10-66  according to the rules of the Parks and Wildlife Commission as an
  10-67  approved area, a conditionally approved area, a restricted area, a
  10-68  conditionally restricted area, or a prohibited area, according to
  10-69  the classification categories in the current National Shellfish
  10-70  Sanitation Program Manual of Operations or its successor.  Coastal
   11-1  water is a prohibited area for the taking of molluscan shellfish
   11-2  unless designated otherwise by the director.
   11-3        (b)  The director shall prohibit the taking of molluscan
   11-4  shellfish for a specified period from water to which molluscan
   11-5  shellfish may have been transferred from a restricted or
   11-6  conditionally restricted area.
   11-7        (c)  The director by order shall designate growing areas as
   11-8  closed areas or open areas.  The director shall modify or revoke an
   11-9  order according to the results of sanitary and bacteriological
  11-10  surveys conducted by the department.  The director shall file the
  11-11  order in the department's office and shall furnish without charge a
  11-12  copy of the order describing the open or closed area on request.
  11-13        (d)  The director shall conspicuously outline the
  11-14  classifications of areas for the taking of molluscan shellfish on
  11-15  maps and shall furnish the maps without charge on request.  The
  11-16  failure of a person to obtain that information does not relieve
  11-17  that person from liability under this chapter.
  11-18        Sec. 436.102.  DEPURATION.  (a)  The director may allow
  11-19  depuration by artificial means of molluscan shellfish taken from a
  11-20  restricted or conditionally restricted area, subject to the rules
  11-21  adopted by the board and under the supervision the director
  11-22  considers necessary to protect public health.
  11-23        (b)  A molluscan shellfish plant operator may employ an
  11-24  off-duty peace officer to monitor the gathering of shellfish for
  11-25  depuration from a restricted or conditionally restricted area as
  11-26  provided by the rules adopted by the board under Subsection (a).
  11-27  In this subsection, "peace officer" includes those persons listed
  11-28  in Article 2.12, Code of Criminal Procedure.
  11-29         (Sections 436.103 to 436.110 reserved for expansion
  11-31                       AND RULEMAKING AUTHORITY
  11-32        Sec. 436.111.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
  11-33              (1)  "Certificate" means a shellfish certificate issued
  11-34  by the department.
  11-35              (2)  "License" means a crabmeat processing license
  11-36  issued by the department.
  11-37        Sec. 436.112.  RULEMAKING AUTHORITY.  The board may adopt
  11-38  rules for the enforcement of this chapter.  The board shall adopt
  11-39  rules establishing specifications for molluscan shellfish
  11-40  processing and crabmeat processing and shall furnish without charge
  11-41  printed copies of the rules on request.
  11-43  (a)  A person may not operate as a molluscan shellfish or crabmeat
  11-44  processor unless the person submits an application for a
  11-45  certificate or a license to the department according to rules
  11-46  adopted by the board and receives a certificate or license for each
  11-47  plant or place of business.
  11-48        (b)  When an application has been properly filed with the
  11-49  department, the director or an authorized agent shall inspect the
  11-50  property identified in the application, including buildings and
  11-51  equipment, and the operating procedures under which the product is
  11-52  processed.
  11-53        (c)  The director shall issue a certificate or license to a
  11-54  person who operates a plant or place of business that conforms to
  11-55  the requirements of this chapter and rules adopted by the board.
  11-56        (d)  A certificate is nontransferrable and expires at 11:59
  11-57  p.m. on August 31 of each year.
  11-58        (e)  A license is nontransferrable and expires at 11:59 p.m.
  11-59  on the last day of February each year.
  11-60        (f)  A person shall apply for a new certificate or license
  11-61  each year for each plant or place of business.
  11-63  REVOCATION OF CERTIFICATE OR LICENSE.  (a)  After notice to the
  11-64  applicant and opportunity for a hearing, the department may refuse
  11-65  an application for a certificate or a license or may suspend or
  11-66  revoke a certificate or license.
  11-67        (b)  The board by rule shall establish minimum standards for
  11-68  a certificate or license and criteria for the refusal to issue a
  11-69  certificate or license and the suspension or revocation of a
  11-70  certificate or license.
   12-1        Sec. 436.115.  HEARINGS AND APPEALS.  (a)  A hearing under
   12-2  this chapter is governed by the procedures for a contested case
   12-3  hearing under the Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act
   12-4  (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) and the board's
   12-5  formal hearing rules.
   12-6        (b)  An appeal from a final administrative decision under
   12-7  this chapter shall be conducted under the Administrative Procedure
   12-8  and Texas Register Act (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil
   12-9  Statutes).
  12-11        <Sec. 436.001.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:>
  12-12              <(1)  "Aquatic life" means animals and plants that live
  12-13  in water.>
  12-14              <(2)  "Board" means the Texas Board of Health.>
  12-15              <(3)  "Commissioner" means the commissioner of health.>
  12-16              <(4)  "Department" means the Texas Department of
  12-17  Health.>
  12-18              <(5)  "Public water" means all bodies of water that are
  12-19  the property of the state under Section 1.011, Parks and Wildlife
  12-20  Code.>
  12-21              <(6)  "Sale" means the transfer of ownership or the
  12-22  right of possession of an item to a person for consideration and
  12-23  includes barter.>
  12-24        <Sec. 436.002.  APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER.  This subchapter
  12-25  does not apply to oysters, clams, and mussels, or to the taking,
  12-26  selling, or offering or holding for sale of oysters, clams, and
  12-27  mussels from a polluted area to which Subchapter B applies.>
  12-28        <Sec. 436.003.  DECLARATION OF PROHIBITED AREAS.  (a)  The
  12-29  commissioner by order shall declare any public water to be a
  12-30  prohibited area if:>
  12-31              <(1)  the commissioner finds, according to a sanitary,
  12-32  chemical, or bacteriological survey, that the area contains aquatic
  12-33  life that is unfit for human consumption; or>
  12-34              <(2)  aquatic life from a prohibited area may have been
  12-35  transferred to that public water.>
  12-36        <(b)  The commissioner's  order closes the prohibited area to
  12-37  the taking of aquatic life for the period the commissioner
  12-38  considers advisable.>
  12-39        <(c)  The commissioner shall modify or revoke an order in
  12-40  accordance with the results of a sanitary, chemical, or
  12-41  bacteriological survey conducted by the department.  The
  12-42  commissioner shall file the order in the department's office and
  12-43  shall furnish without charge a copy of the order describing
  12-44  prohibited areas to any interested person.>
  12-45        <(d)  The commissioner shall conspicuously outline prohibited
  12-46  areas on maps and shall furnish the maps without charge to any
  12-47  interested person.  The failure of a person to avail himself of
  12-48  that information does not relieve that person from liability under
  12-49  this subchapter.>
  12-50        <Sec. 436.004.  TAKING, OFFERING, OR SELLING AQUATIC LIFE
  12-51  FROM PROHIBITED AREAS; CRIMINAL PENALTY.  (a)  A person commits an
  12-52  offense if the person takes, sells, or offers or holds for sale or
  12-53  human consumption any aquatic life from an area declared by the
  12-54  commissioner to be a prohibited area.>
  12-55        <(b)  An offense under this section is a misdemeanor
  12-56  punishable by a fine of not less than $200 or more than $500.>
  12-57        <(c)  Each day of a continuing violation constitutes a
  12-58  separate offense.>
  12-59        <(d)  Commissioned law enforcement officers of the Parks and
  12-60  Wildlife Department shall enforce this section.>
  12-61        <Sec. 436.005.  DISPOSITION OF AQUATIC LIFE.  (a)  Aquatic
  12-62  life taken from a prohibited area and offered or held for sale or
  12-63  human consumption is subject to immediate condemnation, seizure,
  12-64  and confiscation by the commissioner or the commissioner's agents.>
  12-65        <(b)  The aquatic life shall be held or destroyed or
  12-66  otherwise disposed of as directed by the commissioner.>
  12-67         <Sections 436.006 to 436.010 reserved for expansion>
  12-68                       <SUBCHAPTER B.  SHELLFISH>
  12-69        <Sec. 436.011.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:>
  12-70              <(1)  "Board" means the Texas Board of Health.>
   13-1              <(2)  "Commissioner" means the commissioner of health.>
   13-2              <(3)  "Department" means the Texas Department of
   13-3  Health.>
   13-4              <(4)  "Polluted area" means an area that is
   13-5  continuously or intermittently subject to the discharge of sewage
   13-6  or other wastes, or to the presence of coliform organisms in
   13-7  quantities likely to indicate that shellfish taken from the area
   13-8  are unfit for human consumption.>
   13-9              <(5)  "Shellfish" means oysters, clams, and mussels,
  13-10  either fresh or frozen and either shucked or in the shell.>
  13-11        <Sec. 436.012.  DECLARATION OF POLLUTED AREAS.  (a)  The
  13-12  commissioner by order shall declare to be polluted any area within
  13-13  the jurisdiction of the state that the commissioner finds is a
  13-14  polluted area.>
  13-15        <(b)  The commissioner shall close to the taking of shellfish
  13-16  for the period the commissioner considers advisable any water to
  13-17  which shellfish from a polluted area may have been transferred.>
  13-18        <(c)  The commissioner shall modify or revoke an order in
  13-19  accordance with the results of sanitary and bacteriological surveys
  13-20  conducted by the department.  The commissioner shall file the order
  13-21  in the department's office and shall furnish without charge a copy
  13-22  of the order describing polluted areas to any interested person.>
  13-23        <(d)  The commissioner shall conspicuously outline polluted
  13-24  areas on maps and shall furnish the maps without charge to any
  13-25  interested person.  The failure of a person to avail himself of
  13-26  that information does not relieve that person from liability under
  13-27  this subchapter.>
  13-28        <Sec. 436.013.  RULES.  (a)  The board shall adopt rules
  13-29  establishing specifications for shellfish plant facilities and for
  13-30  the harvesting, transporting, storing, handling, and packaging of
  13-31  shellfish.>
  13-32        <(b)  The board may adopt rules necessary for the efficient
  13-33  enforcement of this subchapter.>
  13-34        <(c)  A rule adopted under this subchapter takes effect three
  13-35  months after the date on which the rule is adopted.>
  13-36        <(d)  The board shall furnish without charge printed copies
  13-37  of the rules to any interested person on request.>
  13-38        <Sec. 436.014.  COMPLIANCE WITH RULES.  (a)  The commissioner
  13-39  shall allow a shellfish plant a reasonable time to comply with a
  13-40  rule after its adoption, but that time may not exceed six months
  13-41  after the date on which the rule is adopted unless an extension is
  13-42  granted.>
  13-43        <(b)  The commissioner may grant an extension to a plant on a
  13-44  showing that more time is reasonably required for compliance.>
  13-45        <Sec. 436.015.  INSPECTION OF SHELLFISH PLANT.  (a)  The
  13-46  commissioner or the commissioner's agent shall inspect each
  13-47  shellfish plant and the practices followed in handling and
  13-48  packaging shellfish.  The commissioner shall issue a certificate
  13-49  attesting to compliance with the rules adopted under this
  13-50  subchapter to each operator who the commissioner finds is in
  13-51  compliance with the rules.>
  13-52        <(b)  The commissioner or the commissioner's agent may
  13-53  reinspect a plant at any time and shall revoke the operator's
  13-54  certificate if:>
  13-55              <(1)  the operator refuses to allow an inspection of
  13-56  the plant or free access to the plant at a reasonable hour; or>
  13-57              <(2)  the commissioner finds that the plant is not
  13-58  being operated in compliance with the rules adopted under this
  13-59  subchapter.>
  13-60        <Sec. 436.016.  PERFORMANCE BOND.  (a)  The commissioner may
  13-61  require a person holding a shellfish plant certificate to post and
  13-62  maintain with the commissioner a good and sufficient bond with a
  13-63  corporate surety or two personal sureties approved by the
  13-64  commissioner, or a cash deposit in a form acceptable to the
  13-65  commissioner, if reasonably necessary to ensure that the
  13-66  certificate holder will comply with the requirements imposed under
  13-67  this subchapter.>
  13-68        <(b)  If the certificate holder fails to comply with the
  13-69  requirements of this subchapter, the certificate holder or the
  13-70  certificate holder's surety forfeits to the commissioner an amount
   14-1  not to exceed $1,000.>
   14-2        <Sec. 436.017.  PURIFICATION OF SHELLFISH.  (a)  The
   14-3  commissioner may allow purification by artificial means of
   14-4  shellfish taken from polluted areas, subject to the rules adopted
   14-5  by the board and under the supervision the commissioner considers
   14-6  necessary to protect public health.>
   14-7        <(b)  A shellfish plant operator may employ off-duty peace
   14-8  officers to monitor the taking of shellfish from polluted areas as
   14-9  provided by the rules adopted to implement Subsection (a).  In this
  14-10  subsection, "peace officer" includes those persons listed in
  14-11  Article 2.12, Code of Criminal Procedure.>
  14-13  POLLUTED AREA.  A person may not take, sell, or offer or hold for
  14-14  sale any shellfish from a polluted area without complying with the
  14-15  rules adopted by the board to ensure that the shellfish have been
  14-16  purified.>
  14-17        <Sec. 436.019.  TRANSPLANTING SHELLFISH.  (a)  Section
  14-18  436.018 does not prohibit the transplanting of shellfish from
  14-19  polluted water if permission for the transplanting is first
  14-20  obtained from the Parks and Wildlife Department and the
  14-21  transplanting is supervised by that department.>
  14-22        <(b)  The Parks and Wildlife Department shall furnish a copy
  14-23  of the transplant permit to the commissioner before transplanting
  14-24  activities begin.>
  14-26  SHELLFISH PLANT.  A person may not operate a shellfish plant for
  14-27  the handling and packaging of shellfish without a certificate
  14-28  issued by the commissioner for each plant or place of business.>
  14-30  HANDLED SHELLFISH.  A person may not sell or offer or hold for sale
  14-31  any shell stock or shucked shellfish that have not been handled and
  14-32  packaged in accordance with the specifications adopted by the
  14-33  board.>
  14-35  IMPROPER FACILITIES.  A person may not sell or offer or hold for
  14-36  sale any shellfish from facilities for the packaging and handling
  14-37  of shellfish that do not comply with the specifications adopted by
  14-38  the board.>
  14-40  CERTIFICATE NUMBER.  (a)  A person may not sell or offer for sale
  14-41  any shellfish that are not in a container bearing a valid
  14-42  certificate number from a state or nation whose shellfish
  14-43  certification program conforms to the current Manual of Recommended
  14-44  Practice for Sanitary Control of the Shellfish Industry issued by
  14-45  the Food and Drug Administration.>
  14-46        <(b)  This section does not apply to the sale for on-premise
  14-47  consumption of shellfish removed from a certified container.>
  14-48        <Sec. 436.024.  CRIMINAL PENALTY.  (a)  A person commits an
  14-49  offense if the person violates this subchapter or a rule adopted
  14-50  under this subchapter.  Each day of a continuing violation
  14-51  constitutes a separate offense.>
  14-52        <(b)  An offense under Subsection (a) is a misdemeanor
  14-53  punishable by a fine of not less than $200 or more than $1,000,
  14-54  confinement in jail for not more than 180 days, or both.>
  14-55        <(c)  If it is shown at the trial of a defendant for a
  14-56  violation of Section 436.018 that the defendant has been convicted
  14-57  once within five years before the trial date of a violation of
  14-58  Section 436.018, the defendant is guilty of a misdemeanor
  14-59  punishable by a fine of not less than $500 or more than $2,000,
  14-60  confinement in jail for a term not to exceed one year, or both.>
  14-61        <(d)  If it is shown at the trial of a defendant for a
  14-62  violation of Section 436.018 that the defendant has been convicted
  14-63  two or more times within five years before the trial date of a
  14-64  violation of Section 436.018, the defendant is guilty of a felony
  14-65  punishable by imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years or
  14-66  less than two years.  In addition to imprisonment, an individual
  14-67  adjudged guilty of a felony under this subsection may be punished
  14-68  by a fine of not less than $2,000 or more than $5,000.>
  14-70  (a)  Shellfish held or offered for sale at retail or for human
   15-1  consumption are subject to immediate condemnation, seizure, and
   15-2  confiscation by the commissioner or the commissioner's agents if
   15-3  the shellfish:>
   15-4              <(1)  have not been handled and packaged in accordance
   15-5  with specifications adopted by the board;>
   15-6              <(2)  are not in a certified container; or>
   15-7              <(3)  are otherwise found by the commissioner to be
   15-8  unfit for human consumption.>
   15-9        <(b)  The shellfish shall be held or destroyed or disposed of
  15-10  as directed by the commissioner.>
  15-11        <Sec. 436.026.  ENFORCEMENT.  (a)  The commissioner and the
  15-12  commissioner's representatives, with assistance from officers of
  15-13  the Parks and Wildlife Department as determined by the executive
  15-14  director of that department, shall enforce this subchapter, other
  15-15  than Section 436.018.>
  15-16        <(b)  Commissioned officers of the Parks and Wildlife
  15-17  Department shall enforce Section 436.018.>
  15-18         <Sections 436.027 to 436.040 reserved for expansion>
  15-19                  <SUBCHAPTER C.  CRABMEAT PRODUCTION>
  15-20        <Sec. 436.041.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:>
  15-21              <(1)  "Board" means the Texas Board of Health.>
  15-22              <(2)  "Crabmeat" means the edible meat of steamed or
  15-23  cooked crabs that has not been processed, other than by picking,
  15-24  packing, and chilling.>
  15-25              <(3)  "Department" means the Texas Department of
  15-26  Health.>
  15-27              <(4)  "Pasteurization plant" means a plant in which
  15-28  crabmeat is heat-treated, without complete sterilization, to
  15-29  improve the keeping qualities of the meat.>
  15-30              <(5)  "Person" means an individual, partnership,
  15-31  corporation, or association.>
  15-32              <(6)  "Picking plant" means a place in which crabs are
  15-33  steamed or cooked and edible meat from the crabs is picked.>
  15-34        <Sec. 436.042.  LICENSE REQUIRED.  (a)  A person may not
  15-35  operate a picking or pasteurization plant unless the person has a
  15-36  license for that plant.>
  15-37        <(b)  A person must submit a license application to the
  15-38  department for each plant.>
  15-39        <(c)  A separate license is required for each plant.>
  15-40        <Sec. 436.043.  INSPECTIONS.  When an application has been
  15-41  properly filed with the department, the department shall inspect
  15-42  all properties identified in the application, all buildings and
  15-43  equipment on the property, and the operating procedures under which
  15-44  the product is processed.>
  15-45        <Sec. 436.044.  LICENSE ISSUANCE.  (a)  The department shall
  15-46  issue a serially numbered license to a person who operates a plant
  15-47  that conforms to the requirements of this subchapter and board
  15-48  rules.>
  15-49        <(b)  A license is nontransferable and expires the last day
  15-50  of February of each year.>
  15-51        <(c)  A person who operates a picking or pasteurization plant
  15-52  must annually apply for a new license for each plant.>
  15-53        <Sec. 436.045.  RULES.  The board shall adopt rules for the
  15-54  picking, pasteurizing, storing, transporting, and selling of
  15-55  crabmeat to ensure a wholesome product.>
  15-56        <Sec. 436.046.  COMPLIANCE WITH BOARD RULES.  Crabmeat from
  15-57  this state or from plants outside this state must comply with the
  15-58  board rules as provided by this subchapter.  The department may
  15-59  seize and condemn crabmeat that does not comply with board rules.>
  15-60        <Sec. 436.047.  ADULTERATED OR SUBSTANDARD CRABMEAT.  (a)  A
  15-61  person may not process, transport, store for sale, possess with the
  15-62  intent to sell, offer or expose for sale, or sell any crabmeat for
  15-63  human consumption that is adulterated or that is packed or
  15-64  pasteurized in violation of this subchapter or a rule adopted under
  15-65  this subchapter.>
  15-66        <(b)  The possession of adulterated crabmeat by a person
  15-67  licensed under this subchapter is presumptive evidence of intent to
  15-68  sell the crabmeat for human consumption.>
  15-69        <(c)  Crabmeat is adulterated if:>
  15-70              <(1)  any substance has been substituted in whole or in
   16-1  part for the crabmeat;>
   16-2              <(2)  the crabmeat consists in whole or in part of any
   16-3  filthy, putrid, or decomposed substance, or the crabmeat is for any
   16-4  other reason unsound, unwholesome, unhealthful, or otherwise unfit
   16-5  for human consumption;>
   16-6              <(3)  the crabmeat has been prepared, packed, or held
   16-7  under unsanitary conditions that, in the department's judgment, may
   16-8  have contaminated the crabmeat with filth or may have made it
   16-9  injurious to health; or>
  16-10              <(4)  the crabmeat container is composed, in whole or
  16-11  in part, of any poisonous or deleterious substance that may make
  16-12  the contents injurious to health.>
  16-13        <Sec. 436.048.  LABELING OF CRABMEAT CONTAINERS.  (a)  A
  16-14  container of crabmeat must be conspicuously labeled in a manner
  16-15  approved by the department.  Stamping with ink is not permitted.>
  16-16        <(b)  The label must contain:>
  16-17              <(1)  the proper designation of the content of the
  16-18  container;>
  16-19              <(2)  the name and address of the picking plant in
  16-20  which the product was produced or the name and address of the
  16-21  distributor;>
  16-22              <(3)  the presence of any chemical, if any is allowed;>
  16-23              <(4)  the license number of the picking plant preceded
  16-24  by the state abbreviation plainly and conspicuously marked on the
  16-25  body of the container;>
  16-26              <(5)  the net weight of the contents; and>
  16-27              <(6)  any other information pertinent to the public
  16-28  health required by the department.>
  16-29        <(c)  If a label contains the name and address of the
  16-30  distributor, the name and address must be:>
  16-31              <(1)  preceded by the words "packed for" or
  16-32  "distributed by"; and>
  16-33              <(2)  followed by the word "distributor.">
  16-34        <(d)  A label may not bear a false or misleading statement.>
  16-35        <(e)  In this section, "label" means a display of written,
  16-36  printed, or other graphic matter on the immediate container,
  16-37  excluding package liners, of an article.>
  16-38        <Sec. 436.049.  REVOCATION OF LICENSE.  (a)  If the
  16-39  department finds that a provision of this subchapter has been
  16-40  violated by a license holder or that a violation has occurred or is
  16-41  occurring on any premises for which a license is issued, the
  16-42  department shall notify the license holder in writing of the nature
  16-43  of the violation and direct that the violation cease.>
  16-44        <(b)  The department may revoke the license of a license
  16-45  holder who refuses or fails to comply in the time and manner set
  16-46  forth in the notice.>
  16-47        <Sec. 436.050.  APPEAL OF DEPARTMENT DECISION.  An applicant
  16-48  for a license or a license holder who is aggrieved by a decision of
  16-49  the department in failing to issue or in revoking a license may
  16-50  appeal that decision to a district court in:>
  16-51              <(1)  the county in which the property identified in
  16-52  the application or license is located; or>
  16-53              <(2)  Travis County.>
  16-54        <Sec. 436.051.  PROSECUTION; INJUNCTION.  (a)  At the request
  16-55  of the health authority, the district or county attorney shall
  16-56  prosecute a person charged with a violation of this subchapter or a
  16-57  rule issued under this subchapter.>
  16-58        <(b)  In an appropriate proceeding, a district court may
  16-59  prohibit a repetition or continuance of an offense.  At the request
  16-60  of the health authority, the district or county attorney shall
  16-61  bring a suit to enjoin a violation of this subchapter or a rule
  16-62  issued under this subchapter.>
  16-63        <Sec. 436.052.  CRIMINAL PENALTY.  (a)  A person commits an
  16-64  offense if the person violates a provision of this subchapter or a
  16-65  rule adopted under this subchapter.>
  16-66        <(b)  An offense under this section is a misdemeanor
  16-67  punishable by a fine of not less than $25 or more than $200.>
  16-68        <(c)  Each violation constitutes a separate offense.>
  16-69        SECTION 2.  The change in law made by this Act applies only
  16-70  to a certificate or license issued under Chapter 436, Health and
   17-1  Safety Code, on or after the effective date of this Act.  A
   17-2  certificate or license issued before the effective date of this Act
   17-3  is covered by the law in effect when the certificate or license was
   17-4  issued, and the former law is continued in effect for this purpose.
   17-5        SECTION 3.  (a)  The change in law made by this Act applies
   17-6  only to an offense or unlawful act committed under Chapter 436,
   17-7  Health and Safety Code, on or after the effective date of this Act.
   17-8  For purposes of this section, an offense or unlawful act is
   17-9  committed before the effective date of this Act if any element of
  17-10  the offense or act occurs before the effective date.
  17-11        (b)  An offense or unlawful act committed before the
  17-12  effective date of this Act is covered by the law in effect when the
  17-13  offense was committed, and the former law is continued in effect
  17-14  for that purpose.
  17-15        SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993.
  17-16        SECTION 5.  The importance of this legislation and the
  17-17  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  17-18  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  17-19  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  17-20  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.
  17-21                               * * * * *
  17-22                                                         Austin,
  17-23  Texas
  17-24                                                         April 2, 1993
  17-25  Hon. Bob Bullock
  17-26  President of the Senate
  17-27  Sir:
  17-28  We, your Committee on Natural Resources to which was referred S.B.
  17-29  No. 556, have had the same under consideration, and I am instructed
  17-30  to report it back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do
  17-31  not pass, but that the Committee Substitute adopted in lieu thereof
  17-32  do pass and be printed.
  17-33                                                         Sims,
  17-34  Chairman
  17-35                               * * * * *
  17-36                               WITNESSES
  17-37                                                  FOR   AGAINST  ON
  17-38  ___________________________________________________________________
  17-39  Name:  Richard Edwin Thompson                                  x
  17-40  Representing:  Tx Dept. of Health
  17-41  City:  Austin
  17-42  -------------------------------------------------------------------
  17-43  Name:  Pauol C. Hammerschmidt                                  x
  17-44  Representing:  Tx Parks & Wildlife Dept.
  17-45  City:  Austin
  17-46  -------------------------------------------------------------------
  17-47  Name:  James E. Robertson                                      x
  17-48  Representing:  Tx Parks & Wildlife Dept.
  17-49  City:  Buda
  17-50  -------------------------------------------------------------------