1-1  By:  Moncrief                                          S.B. No. 589
    1-2        (In the Senate - Filed March 3, 1993; March 4, 1993, read
    1-3  first time and referred to Committee on Health and Human Services;
    1-4  May 3, 1993, reported adversely, with favorable Committee
    1-5  Substitute by the following vote:  Yeas 5, Nays 0; May 3, 1993,
    1-6  sent to printer.)
    1-7                            COMMITTEE VOTE
    1-8                          Yea     Nay      PNV      Absent 
    1-9        Zaffirini          x                               
   1-10        Ellis              x                               
   1-11        Madla              x                               
   1-12        Moncrief           x                               
   1-13        Nelson             x                               
   1-14        Patterson                                      x   
   1-15        Shelley                                        x   
   1-16        Truan                                          x   
   1-17        Wentworth                                      x   
   1-18  COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR S.B. No. 589                 By:  Moncrief
   1-19                         A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
   1-20                                AN ACT
   1-21  relating to the Health Care Provider Referral Act; creating
   1-22  offenses and providing penalties.
   1-24        SECTION 1.  Chapter 161, Health and Safety Code, is amended
   1-25  by adding Subchapter K to read as follows:
   1-26                  SUBCHAPTER K.  HEALTH CARE PROVIDER
   1-27                             REFERRAL ACT
   1-28        Sec. 161.111.  SHORT TITLE.  This subchapter shall be known
   1-29  and may be cited as the Health Care Provider Referral Act.
   1-30        Sec. 161.112.  DEFINITIONS.  In this subchapter:
   1-31              (1)  "Entity" means any individual, partnership, firm,
   1-32  corporation or other business entity.
   1-33              (2)  "Family member" means a health care provider's
   1-34  relationship to a person within the second degree of consanguinity
   1-35  or affinity.
   1-36              (3)  "Group practice" means a group of two or more
   1-37  licensed health care providers legally organized as a partnership,
   1-38  professional corporation, or similar association for which:
   1-39                    (A)  each member of the group provides a full
   1-40  range of health care services, including medical care,
   1-41  consultation, diagnosis, or treatment through the joint use of
   1-42  shared office space, facilities, equipment, and personnel;
   1-43                    (B)  substantially all of the services of the
   1-44  members of the group are provided through the group and are billed
   1-45  under a billing number assigned to the group, and payments received
   1-46  are treated as receipts of the group; and
   1-47                    (C)  the overhead expenses of and the income from
   1-48  the practice are distributed in accordance with methods previously
   1-49  determined.
   1-50              (4)  "Health care facility" means an ambulatory
   1-51  surgical center, a hospice, a nursing home, a home health agency, a
   1-52  diagnostic imaging center, a freestanding radiation therapy center,
   1-53  an infusion center, a pharmacy, a clinical laboratory, a
   1-54  psychiatric treatment facility, a cardiac catheterization
   1-55  laboratory, a medical equipment supplier, an alcohol or chemical
   1-56  dependency treatment center, a physical rehabilitation center, a
   1-57  lithotripsy center, a renal dialysis facility, an ambulatory care
   1-58  center, a birth center, a subacute care facility, a nursing home
   1-59  component licensed under Subchapter B, Chapter 242, within a
   1-60  continuing care facility certified under Chapter 246, or a mental
   1-61  health care center, which health care facility provides or supplies
   1-62  health care goods or services used in the treatment of patients.
   1-63              (5)  "Health care goods or services" means health care
   1-64  procedures, including treatment, diagnosis, and medical care,
   1-65  provided by or through a health care provider or health care
   1-66  facility or medical equipment, supplies, drugs, or other items used
   1-67  in the treatment of a patient.  For the purposes of this
   1-68  subchapter, "health care goods and services" may refer to either
    2-1  health care goods or health care services or both health care goods
    2-2  and services.
    2-3              (6)  "Health care provider" means a individual who
    2-4  furnishes health care goods or services under a license,
    2-5  certificate, regulation, or other similar evidence of regulation
    2-6  issued by this state or another state of the United States.
    2-7              (7)  "Investor" means a person or entity owning,
    2-8  directly or indirectly, a legal or beneficial ownership or
    2-9  investment interest, including without limitation through a family
   2-10  member, trust, or another entity related to the investor within the
   2-11  meaning of 42 C.F.R. Section 413.17.
   2-12              (8)  "Ownership or investment interest" means an equity
   2-13  or debt security issued by an entity, including without limitation,
   2-14  shares of stock in a corporation, units or other interest in a
   2-15  partnership, bonds, debentures, notes, or other equity interest or
   2-16  debt instruments.  "Ownership or investment interest" includes any
   2-17  consideration paid as compensation or in any manner which is a
   2-18  product of or incident to or in any way related to such equity or
   2-19  debt security, shares of stock in a corporation, units or other
   2-20  interest in a partnership, bonds, debentures, notes, or other
   2-21  equity interest or debt instruments.  "Ownership or investment
   2-22  interest" does not include an investment interest in an entity that
   2-23  is the sole provider of health goods or services in a rural area.
   2-24              (9)  "Referral" means any referral of a patient for
   2-25  health care goods or services by a health care provider with the
   2-26  authority to order such health care goods or services, including:
   2-27                    (A)  the forwarding of a patient by a health care
   2-28  provider to another health care provider, a health care facility,
   2-29  or a health care supplier; or
   2-30                    (B)  the request or establishment of a plan of
   2-31  care by a health care provider, which includes the provision of
   2-32  health care goods or services.
   2-33              (10)  "Rural area" means a county with a population
   2-34  density of no more than 100 persons per square mile as defined by
   2-35  the United State Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census.
   2-37  (a)  A health care provider shall not refer a patient for the
   2-38  provision of any health care good or service to a health care
   2-39  facility in which the health care provider or a family member of
   2-40  the health care provider is an investor.
   2-41        (b)  A health care provider or health care facility shall not
   2-42  present to any individual, third-party payor, or other person a
   2-43  bill or claim for payment for a health care good or service
   2-44  furnished pursuant to a referral prohibited by this subchapter.
   2-45        (c)  If a health care provider or health care facility
   2-46  receives any amount billed or claimed in violation of this section,
   2-47  the health care provider or health care facility shall refund
   2-48  promptly to the applicable payor or individual the amount received.
   2-49        (d)  A hospital, licensed pursuant to Chapter 241, shall not
   2-50  discriminate against or otherwise penalize a health care provider
   2-51  for complying with this Act.
   2-52        (e)  A health care provider who is an investor in a health
   2-53  care facility shall disclose any ownership or investment interest
   2-54  in the health care facility to:
   2-55              (1)  a patient when making a referral to the health
   2-56  care facility; and
   2-57              (2)  a third-party payor on request.
   2-58        Sec. 161.114.  EXEMPTIONS.  Section 161.113 does not apply
   2-59  to:
   2-60              (1)  a health care provider whose ownership or
   2-61  investment interest in a health care facility is permitted by 42
   2-62  U.S.C. Section 1320a-7b(b) or any regulations promulgated pursuant
   2-63  thereto;
   2-64              (2)  a referral made for health care goods or services
   2-65  within a group practice by one member of the group practice to
   2-66  another member or bona fide employee of the group practice acting
   2-67  within the member's or employee's area of training or scope of
   2-68  practice;
   2-69              (3)  a health care provider or health care facility
   2-70  which furnishes health care goods or services in a rural area;
    3-1              (4)  a health care provider who refers a patient for
    3-2  the provision of a health care good or service at a health care
    3-3  facility at which such health care good or service is furnished by
    3-4  or under the personal supervision of the health care provider and
    3-5  which health care good or service is within the health care
    3-6  provider's licensure, area of competence, and recognized scope of
    3-7  practice or specialty; or if the health care provider is a member
    3-8  of a group practice, by or under the supervision of another member
    3-9  or bona fide employee of the group practice acting within the
   3-10  member's or employee's area of training or scope of practice; or
   3-11              (5)  a referral made pursuant to an arrangement between
   3-12  the referring health care provider and a health maintenance
   3-13  organization, competitive medical plan, prepaid health plan, or
   3-14  another health plan permitted by 42 U.S.C. Section 1320a-7b(b) or
   3-15  any regulation promulgated pursuant thereto.
   3-16        Sec. 161.115.  VIOLATIONS.  (a)  It is a violation of this
   3-17  subchapter for a person to:
   3-18              (1)  make a referral prohibited by this subchapter;
   3-19              (2)  present or cause to be presented a bill or a claim
   3-20  for a good or service which is prohibited by this subchapter; or
   3-21              (3)  fail to refund an amount received in violation of
   3-22  this subchapter.
   3-23        (b)  It is a violation of this subchapter for a hospital,
   3-24  licensed pursuant to Chapter 241, to discriminate against or
   3-25  otherwise penalize a health care provider for complying with this
   3-26  Act.
   3-27        (c)  It is a violation of this subchapter for a health care
   3-28  provider to enter into an arrangement or scheme which the health
   3-29  care provider knew or should have known has the principal purpose
   3-30  of assuring referrals by the health care provider to a particular
   3-31  health care facility which, if the health care provider made
   3-32  referrals to such health care facility, would be a violation of
   3-33  this subchapter.
   3-34        Sec. 161.116.  DECEPTIVE TRADE PRACTICES.  A violation of
   3-35  this subchapter constitutes a false, misleading, or deceptive act
   3-36  or practice within the meaning of Section 17.46(a), Subchapter E,
   3-37  Chapter 17, Business & Commerce Code, and any remedy prescribed by
   3-38  that subchapter may be used by the attorney general or a district
   3-39  or county attorney to enforce this subchapter.  Nothing in this
   3-40  section shall be construed to permit a private cause of action
   3-41  under Subchapter E, Chapter 17, Business & Commerce Code.
   3-42        Sec. 161.117.  CIVIL PENALTY AND INJUNCTION.  (a)  A person
   3-43  is subject to a civil penalty of not more than $15,000 for each
   3-44  violation of this subchapter.  Each bill or claim submitted for a
   3-45  health care good or service constitutes a separate violation.  Each
   3-46  referral of a patient constitutes a separate violation.
   3-47        (b)  A person is subject to a civil penalty of not more than
   3-48  $100,000 for each violation of Section 161.115(c).  Each agreement,
   3-49  arrangement, or scheme constitutes a separate violation.
   3-50        (c)  In determining the amount of the civil penalty, the
   3-51  court shall consider:
   3-52              (1)  the person's, facility's, or supplier's previous
   3-53  violations;
   3-54              (2)  the seriousness of the violation, including the
   3-55  nature, circumstances, extent, and gravity of the violation;
   3-56              (3)  whether the health and safety of the public was
   3-57  threatened by the violation;
   3-58              (4)  the demonstrated good faith of the person,
   3-59  facility, or supplier; and
   3-60              (5)  the amount necessary to deter future violations.
   3-61        (d)  The attorney general or a district or county attorney
   3-62  may maintain an action for a violation of this subchapter in the
   3-63  name of the state.
   3-64        (e)  Venue may be maintained in Travis County or in the
   3-65  county in which the violation occurred.
   3-66        (f)  The district court may grant any prohibitory or
   3-67  mandatory injunctive relief warranted by the facts, including a
   3-68  temporary restraining order, temporary injunction, or permanent
   3-69  injunction.
   3-70        (g)  The party bringing the suit may:
    4-1              (1)  combine a suit to assess and recover civil
    4-2  penalties with a suit for injunctive relief; or
    4-3              (2)  file a suit to assess and recover civil penalties
    4-4  independently of a suit for injunctive relief.
    4-5        (h)  The party bringing the suit may recover reasonable
    4-6  expenses incurred in obtaining injunctive relief, civil penalties,
    4-7  or both, including investigative costs, court costs, reasonable
    4-8  attorney fees, witness fees, and deposition expenses.  A penalty
    4-9  collected under this section by the attorney general shall be
   4-10  deposited to the credit of the general revenue fund.  A penalty
   4-11  collected under this section by a district or county attorney shall
   4-12  be deposited to the credit of the general fund of the county which
   4-13  has brought the suit.
   4-14        (i)  The injunctive relief and civil penalty authorized by
   4-15  this subchapter are in addition to any other civil, administrative,
   4-16  or criminal remedies provided by law.
   4-17        Sec. 161.118.  DISCIPLINARY ACTION.  In addition to the
   4-18  penalties prescribed by this subchapter, a violation of a provision
   4-19  of this subchapter by an individual or facility that is licensed by
   4-20  a state regulatory agency constitutes grounds for disciplinary
   4-21  action by the appropriate regulatory agency.
   4-22        Sec. 161.119.  MARKUP ON CHARGES PROHIBITED.  (a)  A bill,
   4-23  claim, or other request for payment presented by a health care
   4-24  provider for health care goods or services that includes a charge
   4-25  for an ancillary service that was not furnished by or under the
   4-26  supervision of the health care provider, by or under the
   4-27  supervision of another member or employee of the group practice
   4-28  acting within the member's or employee's area of training or scope
   4-29  of practice shall not exceed:
   4-30              (1)  the health care provider's actual acquisition
   4-31  cost, after deducting any discounts; and
   4-32              (2)  a reasonable charge for billing expenses or
   4-33  administrative expenses incurred in the collection, delivery,
   4-34  receipt, or storage of any specimen, test material, or result
   4-35  utilized by the health care provider.
   4-36        SECTION 2.  Section 161.091, Health and Safety Code, is
   4-37  amended to read as follows:
   4-38        Sec. 161.091.  PROHIBITION ON ILLEGAL REMUNERATION.  (a)  A
   4-39  person <licensed, certified, or registered by a health care
   4-40  regulatory agency of this state> commits an offense if the person
   4-41  intentionally or knowingly accepts <offers to pay> or agrees to
   4-42  accept any remuneration directly or indirectly, overtly or
   4-43  covertly, in cash or in kind, <to or> from any person, firm,
   4-44  association of persons, partnership, or corporation for:
   4-45              (1)  securing or soliciting patients for a person
   4-46  licensed, certified, or registered by a state health care
   4-47  regulatory agency; or
   4-48              (2)  purchasing, leasing, ordering, or arranging for or
   4-49  recommending any purchase, lease, or order of health care goods or
   4-50  services <or patronage>.
   4-51        (b)  A person commits an offense if the person intentionally
   4-52  or knowingly offers to pay, agrees to pay, or pays any remuneration
   4-53  directly or indirectly, overtly or covertly, in cash or in kind, to
   4-54  any person, firm, association of persons, partnership, or
   4-55  corporation for:
   4-56              (1)  securing or soliciting patients for a person
   4-57  licensed, certified, or registered by a state health care
   4-58  regulatory agency; or
   4-59              (2)  purchasing, leasing, ordering, or arranging for or
   4-60  recommending any purchase, lease, or order of health care goods or
   4-61  services.  <This section shall not be construed to prohibit
   4-62  advertising except that which is false, misleading, or deceptive or
   4-63  that which advertises professional superiority or the performance
   4-64  of a professional service in a superior manner and that is not
   4-65  readily subject to verification.>
   4-66        (c)  Except as provided by this section, an offense under
   4-67  this section is a Class A misdemeanor.  If it is shown on <in> the
   4-68  trial of a person under <violation of> this section that the person
   4-69  has previously been convicted of an offense under <a violation of>
   4-70  this section or that the person was employed by a federal, state,
    5-1  or local government at the time the offense occurred, the offense
    5-2  is<, on conviction the person shall be punished for> a felony of
    5-3  the third degree.  In addition to any other penalties or remedies
    5-4  provided, a violation of this section shall be grounds for
    5-5  disciplinary action by a <the> regulatory agency that has issued a
    5-6  license, certification, or registration to the person.
    5-7        (d)  <The appropriate health care regulatory agency may
    5-8  institute an action to enjoin a violation or potential violation of
    5-9  this section.  The action for an injunction shall be in addition to
   5-10  any other action, proceeding, or remedy authorized by law.  The
   5-11  regulatory agency shall be represented by the attorney general.>
   5-12        <(e)  This section shall not be construed to prohibit
   5-13  remuneration for advertising, marketing, or other services that are
   5-14  provided for the purpose of securing or soliciting patients
   5-15  provided the remuneration is set in advance, is consistent with the
   5-16  fair market value of the services, and is not based on the volume
   5-17  or value of any patient referrals or business otherwise generated
   5-18  between the parties.>
   5-19        <(f)>  This section shall <not> be construed to permit
   5-20  <prohibit> any payment, business arrangements, or payments practice
   5-21  permitted <not prohibited> by 42 U.S.C. Section 1320a-7b(b) or any
   5-22  regulations promulgated pursuant thereto.
   5-23        (e) <(g)>  This section shall not apply to licensed insurers,
   5-24  governmental entities, including intergovernmental risk pools
   5-25  established under Chapter 172, Local Government Code, and
   5-26  institutions as defined in the Texas State College and University
   5-27  Employees Uniform Insurance Benefits Act (Article 3.50-3, Vernon's
   5-28  Texas Insurance Code), group hospital service corporations, or
   5-29  health maintenance organizations which reimburse, provide, offer to
   5-30  provide, or administer hospital, medical, dental, or other
   5-31  health-related benefits under a health benefits plan for which it
   5-32  is the payor.
   5-33        SECTION 3.  (a)  The change in law made by Section 2 of this
   5-34  Act applies only to an offense or violation committed on or after
   5-35  the effective date of this Act.  For purposes of this section, an
   5-36  offense or violation is committed before the effective date of this
   5-37  Act if any element of the offense or violation occurs before that
   5-38  date.
   5-39        (b)  An offense or violation committed before the effective
   5-40  date of this Act is covered by the law in effect when the offense
   5-41  or violation was committed, and the former law is continued in
   5-42  effect for that purpose.
   5-43        SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993, except
   5-44  that for a health care provider who acquires an ownership or
   5-45  investment interest in a health care facility or health care
   5-46  supplier prior to May 1, 1993, Subchapter K, Chapter 161, Health
   5-47  and Safety Code, as added by this Act, does not apply to a referral
   5-48  for health care goods or services which occurs before September 1,
   5-49  1996.
   5-50        SECTION 5.  The importance of this legislation and the
   5-51  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   5-52  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   5-53  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   5-54  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.
   5-55                               * * * * *
   5-56                                                         Austin,
   5-57  Texas
   5-58                                                         May 3, 1993
   5-59  Hon. Bob Bullock
   5-60  President of the Senate
   5-61  Sir:
   5-62  We, your Committee on Health and Human Services to which was
   5-63  referred S.B. No. 589, have had the same under consideration, and I
   5-64  am instructed to report it back to the Senate with the
   5-65  recommendation that it do not pass, but that the Committee
   5-66  Substitute adopted in lieu thereof do pass and be printed.
   5-67                                                         Zaffirini,
   5-68  Chair
   5-69                               * * * * *
   5-70                               WITNESSES
    6-1                                                  FOR   AGAINST  ON
    6-2  ___________________________________________________________________
    6-3                                                  FOR   AGAINST  ON
    6-4  ___________________________________________________________________
    6-5  Name:  Ted B. Roberts                            x
    6-6  Representing:  Tx Asso. of Business
    6-7  City:  Austin
    6-8  -------------------------------------------------------------------
    6-9  Name:  Ruben A. Perez                                    x
   6-10  Representing:  Am Health Enterprises, Inc.
   6-11  City:  San Antonio
   6-12  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   6-13  Name:  Harry W. Wallingford                      x
   6-14  Representing:  Tx Business Group on Health
   6-15  City:  Austin
   6-16  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   6-17  Name:  Lisa McGiffert                            x
   6-18  Representing:  Consumers Union
   6-19  City:  Austin
   6-20  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   6-21  Name:  Mary Ann Raesener                         x       x
   6-22  Representing:  Tx HMO Asso.
   6-23  City:  Austin
   6-24  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   6-25  Name:  J. B. Tolan                               x
   6-26  Representing:  Tx Business Group on Health
   6-27  City:  San Antonio
   6-28  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   6-29  Name:  Ralph Smith                               x
   6-30  Representing:  Tx Business Group on Health
   6-31  City:  The Woodlands
   6-32  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   6-33  Name:  Stephen E. Campbell                       x
   6-34  Representing:  Tx Physical Therapy Asso.
   6-35  City:  Dallas
   6-36  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   6-37  Name:  Anita Bradberry                           x
   6-38  Representing:  Tx Asso. for Home Care, Inc.
   6-39  City:  Austin
   6-40  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   6-41  Name:  George R. Miller                          x
   6-42  Representing:  Tx Pharmaceutical Asso.
   6-43  City:  San Antonio
   6-44  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   6-45  Name:  Hugh Lamensdorf, M.D.                             x
   6-46  Representing:  Self
   6-47  City:  Fort Worth
   6-48  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   6-49  Name:  Teri Flack                                              x
   6-50  Representing:  Attorney General's Office
   6-51  City:  Austin
   6-52  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   6-53  Name:  Nancy Sims                                x
   6-54  Representing:  Tx Business Group on Health
   6-55  City:  Houston
   6-56  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   6-57  Name:  Ruthann Geer                              x
   6-58  Representing:  Tx League of Women Voters
   6-59  City:  Austin
   6-60  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   6-61  Name:  Richard King                              x
   6-62  Representing:  A A R P
   6-63  City:  Round Rock
   6-64  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   6-65  Name:  Frank Santos                              x
   6-66  Representing:  TMA
   6-67  City:  Austin
   6-68  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   6-69  Name:  Tom Smith                                 x
   6-70  Representing:  Self
    7-1  City:  Austin
    7-2  -------------------------------------------------------------------
    7-3                                                  FOR   AGAINST  ON
    7-4  ___________________________________________________________________
    7-5  Name:  Roger Miller                              x
    7-6  Representing:  Cardiovascular Ventures Inc.
    7-7  City:  Austin
    7-8  -------------------------------------------------------------------
    7-9  Name:  Galt Graydon                              x
   7-10  Representing:  Tx Radiological Society
   7-11  City:  Austin
   7-12  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   7-13  Name:  Sara Speights                                     x
   7-14  Representing:  Tx Health Care Asso.
   7-15  City:  Austin
   7-16  -------------------------------------------------------------------