By:  Parker, Lucio                                     S.B. No. 654
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to college board advanced placement tests and courses and
    1-2  to establishing the Texas Advanced Placement Incentive Program.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Title 2, Education Code, is amended by adding
    1-5  Chapter 35 to read as follows:
    1-7        Sec. 35.001.  DEFINITIONS.  In this chapter:
    1-8              (1)  "Board" means the State Board of Education.
    1-9              (2)  "College advanced placement course" means a
   1-10  board-approved high-school-level preparatory course for a college
   1-11  advanced placement test which incorporates all topics specified by
   1-12  the College Board on its standard syllabus for a given subject
   1-13  area.
   1-14              (3)  "College advanced placement test" means the
   1-15  advanced placement test administered by the College Board and
   1-16  Educational Testing Service.
   1-17              (4)  "College Board" means the College Board and
   1-18  Educational Testing Service.
   1-19              (5)  "Commissioner" means the commissioner of
   1-20  education.
   1-21              (6)  "Program" means the Texas Advanced Placement
   1-22  Incentive Program.
   1-23        Sec. 35.002.  CREATION OF PROGRAM AND PURPOSE.  (a)  The
    2-1  Texas Advanced Placement Incentive Program is created to recognize
    2-2  and reward those students, teachers, and schools that demonstrate
    2-3  success in achieving the educational goals of the state.
    2-4        (b)  Awards and subsidies granted under this chapter are for
    2-5  the public purpose of promoting an educated citizenry of the state.
    2-6        Sec. 35.003.  TYPES OF AWARDS.  (a)  Subject to legislative
    2-7  appropriations, schools participating in this program may be
    2-8  awarded the following:
    2-9              (1)  a one-time $3,000 equipment grant for providing a
   2-10  college advanced placement course, to be paid from available
   2-11  amounts in the Foundation School Program's technology allotment;
   2-12  and
   2-13              (2)  $100 for each student who scores a three or better
   2-14  on a college advanced placement test.
   2-15        (b)  Subject to legislative appropriations, teachers
   2-16  participating in this program may be awarded the following:
   2-17              (1)  subsidized teacher training, not to exceed $450
   2-18  per teacher, for college advanced placement courses;
   2-19              (2)  a one-time award of $250 for teaching a college
   2-20  advanced placement course for the first time; and
   2-21              (3)  a share of the teacher bonus pool, which shall be
   2-22  distributed by the teachers' school in shares proportional to the
   2-23  number of courses taught.
   2-24        (c)  To be eligible for an award under Subsection (b) of this
   2-25  section a teacher must teach a college advanced placement course.
    3-1        (d)  Fifty dollars may be deposited in the teacher bonus pool
    3-2  for each student enrolled in the school that scores a three or
    3-3  better on an advanced placement test.
    3-4        (e)  Students receiving a score of three or better on an
    3-5  advanced placement test may receive a reimbursement, not to exceed
    3-6  $65, for the advanced placement testing fee.  This reimbursement
    3-7  shall be reduced by the amount of any subsidies awarded either by
    3-8  the College Board or under Section 35.004 of this code.
    3-9        (f)  The commissioner shall analyze and adjust, as needed,
   3-10  the sum of and number of awards to ensure that the purpose of the
   3-11  program is realized.
   3-12        (g)  The commissioner shall have the authority to promulgate
   3-13  the rules necessary to meet the goals of this program.
   3-15  (a)  A student is entitled to a subsidy for a fee paid by the
   3-16  student to take a college advanced placement test if the student
   3-17  demonstrates financial need.  The board must adopt guidelines
   3-18  defining financial need consistent with the definition of financial
   3-19  need adopted by the College Board.
   3-20        (b)  To obtain a subsidy under this section, the student
   3-21  must:
   3-22              (1)  pay the fee for each college advanced placement
   3-23  test for which the student seeks a subsidy; and
   3-24              (2)  submit to the board through the student's guidance
   3-25  counselor a written application on a form prescribed by the
    4-1  commissioner demonstrating financial need and the amount of the fee
    4-2  paid by the student for each college advanced placement test.
    4-3        (c)  On approval by the board, the Central Education Agency
    4-4  may pay all eligible applicants an equal amount, not to exceed $25
    4-5  for each applicant.
    4-6        Sec. 35.005.  APPLICATION FOR AND USE OF SCHOOL AWARDS.
    4-7  (a)  A school shall give priority to academic enhancement purposes
    4-8  in using the awards received under this chapter.  The awards may
    4-9  not be used for any purpose related to athletics.
   4-10        (b)  To obtain an award under this section, the school must
   4-11  submit to the board a written application in a form, manner, and
   4-12  time prescribed by the commissioner.
   4-13        Sec. 35.006.  APPLICATION FOR TEACHER AWARDS AND
   4-14  REIMBURSEMENTS.  To obtain an award or reimbursement for training
   4-15  expenses under this section, a teacher must submit to the board a
   4-16  written application in a form, manner, and time prescribed by the
   4-17  commissioner.
   4-18        Sec. 35.007.  FUNDING.  (a)  The awards and subsidies granted
   4-19  under this chapter may be funded by donations, grants, or
   4-20  legislative appropriations.  The commissioner may solicit and
   4-21  receive grants and donations for the purpose of making awards under
   4-22  this chapter.  The donations, grants, or legislative appropriations
   4-23  shall be accounted for and distributed by the Central Education
   4-24  Agency.
   4-25        (b)  The Central Education Agency shall apply to the program
    5-1  any available funds from its appropriations which may be used for
    5-2  this purpose.
    5-3        (c)  All awards and subsidies granted under this program are
    5-4  subject to the availability of funds.
    5-5        (d)  Any applications for funding provided under Sections
    5-6  35.003 and 35.004 of this code may be filed with the commissioner
    5-7  beginning July 15, 1995.
    5-8        Sec. 35.008.  CONFIDENTIALITY.  All information received by
    5-9  the commissioner under this chapter from school districts and
   5-10  students is deemed confidential under Chapter 424, Acts of the 63rd
   5-11  Legislature, Regular Session, 1973 (Article 6252-17a, Vernon's
   5-12  Texas Civil Statutes).
   5-13        SECTION 2.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1994.
   5-14        SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
   5-15  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   5-16  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   5-17  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   5-18  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.