By:  Moncrief                                          S.B. No. 673
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to the continuation and operation of the State Board of
    1-2  Dental Examiners and to the regulation of the practice of dentistry
    1-3  and dental hygiene; providing penalties.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Article 4543a, Revised Statutes, is amended by
    1-6  amending Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 and adding Sections 5 and 6 to
    1-7  read as follows:
    1-8        Sec. 1.  (a)(1)  The State Board of Dental Examiners, also
    1-9  known as the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners, shall consist
   1-10  of 15 members.  Eight <Ten> members must be reputable, practicing
   1-11  dentists who have resided in the State of Texas and have been
   1-12  actively engaged in the practice of dentistry for five years <next>
   1-13  preceding their appointment, none of whom shall be members of the
   1-14  faculty of any dental or dental hygiene school or college or of the
   1-15  dental or dental hygiene department of any medical school or
   1-16  college or shall have a financial interest in any such school or
   1-17  college.  Two members must be reputable, practicing dental
   1-18  hygienists who have resided in the State of Texas and have been
   1-19  actively engaged in the practice of dental hygiene for five years
   1-20  <next> preceding the appointment, who are not licensed to practice
   1-21  dentistry in this state, and who shall not be a member of the
   1-22  faculty of any dental or dental hygiene school or college or of the
   1-23  dental or dental hygiene department of any medical school or
   1-24  college or shall have a financial interest in any such school or
    2-1  college.  Five <Three> members must be members of the general
    2-2  public.  A person is not eligible for appointment as a member if
    2-3  the person:
    2-4                    (A)  has ever had his license to practice
    2-5  dentistry or dental hygiene revoked by the Board, provided that the
    2-6  revocation has not been subsequently overturned by final order of a
    2-7  court of law, based upon acts which, in the opinion of the Board,
    2-8  violated any provision of the statutes of the State of Texas
    2-9  relating to the practice of dentistry, dental hygiene, or any
   2-10  provision of this chapter; or
   2-11                    (B)  is an adverse party in civil litigation
   2-12  against the Board.
   2-13              (2)  A person is not eligible for appointment as a
   2-14  public member if the person or the person's spouse:
   2-15                    (A)  is registered, certified, or licensed by an
   2-16  occupational regulatory agency in the field of health care;
   2-17                    (B)  is employed by or participates in the
   2-18  management of a business entity or other organization that is
   2-19  regulated by the Board or receives funds from the Board <provides
   2-20  health-care services or that sells, manufactures, or distributes
   2-21  health-care supplies or equipment>;
   2-22                    (C)  owns, controls, or has, directly or
   2-23  indirectly, more than a 10 percent interest in a business entity or
   2-24  other organization that is regulated by the Board or receives funds
   2-25  from the Board; <provides health-care services or that sells,
   2-26  manufactures, or distributes health-care supplies or equipment; or>
   2-27                    (D)  uses or receives a substantial amount of
    3-1  tangible goods, services, or funds from the Board, other than
    3-2  compensation or reimbursement authorized by law for Board
    3-3  membership, attendance, or expenses; or
    3-4                    (E)  is employed by an individual serving as a
    3-5  member of the Board.
    3-6        (b)  Appointments to the Board shall be made without regard
    3-7  to the race, color, disability <creed>, sex, religion, age, or
    3-8  national origin of the appointees.  In making appointments under
    3-9  this section, the Governor shall attempt to appoint members of
   3-10  different minority groups including females, African-Americans,
   3-11  Hispanic-Americans, Native Americans, and Asian-Americans.
   3-12        (c)  All members of the Board shall have full and identical
   3-13  privileges, except that only dentist members may participate in
   3-14  passing or failing applicants for a license to practice dentistry
   3-15  during the clinical portion of the Board examinations for dentists.
   3-16        Sec. 2.  The term of office of each member of said Board
   3-17  shall be limited to one six-year term or until their successors
   3-18  shall be appointed and qualify.  Board terms are limited to one
   3-19  six-year term <except that this restriction shall not prohibit
   3-20  those Board members holding office on May 1, 1981, from being
   3-21  reappointed to one additional six-year term>.  The terms shall be
   3-22  staggered with the terms of one-third of the members expiring every
   3-23  two years.  The members of said Board shall be appointed by the
   3-24  Governor of the State.  Before entering upon the duties of his
   3-25  office each member of the Board shall take the constitutional oath
   3-26  of office, same to be filed with the Secretary of State.  The
   3-27  Governor shall designate one member of the Board as chair of the
    4-1  Board to serve in that capacity at the pleasure of the Governor.
    4-2  At its first meeting the Board shall organize by electing one
    4-3  member <President and one> Secretary chosen to serve one year.
    4-4  Said Board shall hold regular meetings at least twice a year at
    4-5  such times and places as the Board shall deem most convenient for
    4-6  applicants for examination.  Due notice of such meetings shall be
    4-7  given by publication in such papers as may be selected by the
    4-8  Board.  The Board may prescribe rules and regulations, in harmony
    4-9  with the provision of this title governing its own proceedings and
   4-10  the examinations of applicants for the practice of dentistry.  The
   4-11  Board is subject to the open meetings law, Chapter 271, Acts of the
   4-12  60th Legislature, Regular Session, 1967, as amended (Article
   4-13  6252-17, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and the Administrative
   4-14  Procedure and Texas Register Act, as amended (Article 6252-13a,
   4-15  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
   4-16        Sec. 3.  (a)  An officer, employee, or paid consultant of a
   4-17  Texas trade association in the field of health care may not be a
   4-18  member or employee of the board who is exempt from the state's
   4-19  position classification plan or is compensated at or above the
   4-20  amount prescribed by the General Appropriations Act for step 1,
   4-21  salary group 17, of the position classification salary schedule.
   4-22        (b)  A person who is the spouse of an officer, manager, or
   4-23  paid consultant of a Texas trade association in the field of health
   4-24  care may not be a Board member and may not be a Board employee who
   4-25  is exempt from the state's position classification plan or is
   4-26  compensated at or above the amount prescribed by the General
   4-27  Appropriations Act for step 1, salary group 17, of the position
    5-1  classification salary schedule.
    5-2        (c)  A person may not serve as a member of the Board or act
    5-3  as general counsel to the Board if the person is required to
    5-4  register as a lobbyist under Chapter 305, Government Code, because
    5-5  of the person's activities for compensation on behalf of a
    5-6  profession related to the operation of the Board.
    5-7        (d)  For purposes of this section, a Texas trade association
    5-8  is a nonprofit, cooperative, and voluntarily joined association of
    5-9  business or professional competitors in this state designed to
   5-10  assist its members and its industry or profession in dealing with
   5-11  mutual business or professional problems and in promoting their
   5-12  common interest.  <A member or employee of the Board may not be an
   5-13  officer, employee, or paid consultant of a trade association in the
   5-14  dental industry.  A member or employee of the Board may not be
   5-15  related within the second degree by affinity or within the second
   5-16  degree by consanguinity, as determined under Article 5996h, Revised
   5-17  Statutes, to a person who is an officer, employee, or paid
   5-18  consultant of a trade association in the regulated industry.  A
   5-19  person who is required to register as a lobbyist under Chapter 305,
   5-20  Government Code, by virtue of the person's activities on behalf of
   5-21  a trade or professional association in the profession regulated by
   5-22  the Board, may not serve as a member of the Board or act as the
   5-23  general counsel to the Board.>
   5-24        Sec. 4.  (a)  It is a ground for removal from the Board if a
   5-25  member:
   5-26              (1)  does not have at the time of appointment the
   5-27  qualifications required by Section 1 of this article for
    6-1  appointment to the Board;
    6-2              (2)  does not maintain during the service on the Board
    6-3  the qualifications required by Section 1 of this article for
    6-4  appointment to the Board;
    6-5              (3)  violates a prohibition established by Section 3 of
    6-6  this article; <or>
    6-7              (4)  fails to attend at least one-half of the regularly
    6-8  scheduled meetings that the member is eligible to attend during a
    6-9  calendar <held each> year; or
   6-10              (5)  cannot discharge the member's duties for a
   6-11  substantial part of the term for which the member is appointed
   6-12  because of illness or disability.
   6-13        (b)  The validity of an action of the Board is not affected
   6-14  by the fact that it was taken when a ground for removal of a member
   6-15  of the Board existed.
   6-16        (c)  If the Executive Director or any member of the Board has
   6-17  knowledge that a potential ground for removal exists, the Executive
   6-18  Director or member of the board shall notify the Board of the
   6-19  ground.  The Board shall then notify the Governor that a potential
   6-20  ground for removal exists <informed in writing of a violation that
   6-21  constitutes a ground under Subsection (a) of this section for the
   6-22  removal of a member of the Board, the Board shall include on the
   6-23  agenda of its next regularly scheduled meeting a review of the
   6-24  alleged violation.  After review, the Board shall report its
   6-25  findings to the Governor for appropriate action consistent with
   6-26  Article XV, Section 9, of the Texas Constitution>.
   6-27        Sec. 5.  (a)  Each Board member shall comply with the Board
    7-1  member training requirements established by any other state agency
    7-2  that is given authority to establish the requirements for the
    7-3  Board.
    7-4        (b)  The Board shall provide to its members and employees, as
    7-5  often as necessary, information regarding their qualifications for
    7-6  office or employment under this article and their responsibilities
    7-7  under applicable laws relating to standards of conduct for state
    7-8  officers or employees.
    7-9        Sec. 6.  (a)  The Board shall establish a training program
   7-10  for the members of the Board.
   7-11        (b)  Before a member of the Board may assume the member's
   7-12  duties, the member must complete at least one course of the
   7-13  training program established under this section, and before the
   7-14  member may be confirmed by the senate, the member must pass an
   7-15  examination given in conjunction with the attorney general on
   7-16  subjects described by Subsections (c)(7), (8), and (9) of this
   7-17  section.
   7-18        (c)  A training program established under this section shall
   7-19  provide information to a participant regarding:
   7-20              (1)  the enabling legislation that created the Board;
   7-21              (2)  the programs operated by the Board;
   7-22              (3)  the role and functions of the Board;
   7-23              (4)  the rules of the Board with an emphasis on the
   7-24  rules that relate to disciplinary and investigatory authority;
   7-25              (5)  the current budget for the Board;
   7-26              (6)  the results of the most recent formal audit of the
   7-27  Board;
    8-1              (7)  the requirements of the:
    8-2                    (A)  open meetings law, Chapter 271, Acts of the
    8-3  60th Legislature, Regular Session, 1967 (Article 6252-17, Vernon's
    8-4  Texas Civil Statutes), and its subsequent amendments;
    8-5                    (B)  open records law, Chapter 424, Acts of the
    8-6  63rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1973 (Article 6252-17a, Vernon's
    8-7  Texas Civil Statutes), and its subsequent amendments; and
    8-8                    (C)  Administrative Procedure and Texas Register
    8-9  Act (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) and its
   8-10  subsequent amendments;
   8-11              (8)  the requirements of the conflict of interest laws
   8-12  and other laws relating to public officials; and
   8-13              (9)  any applicable ethics policies adopted by the
   8-14  Board or the Texas Ethics Commission.
   8-15        (d)  In developing the training requirements provided for in
   8-16  this section, the Board shall consult with the governor's office
   8-17  and the Texas Ethics Commission.
   8-18        (e)  In the event that another state agency or entity is
   8-19  given the authority to establish the training requirements, the
   8-20  Board shall allow that training in lieu of developing its own
   8-21  program.
   8-22        SECTION 2.  Article 4543b, Revised Statutes, is amended to
   8-23  read as follows:
   8-24        Art. 4543b.  Sunset Provision.  The State Board of Dental
   8-25  Examiners is subject to Chapter 325, Government Code (Texas Sunset
   8-26  Act).  Unless continued in existence as provided by that chapter,
   8-27  the board is abolished September 1, 2005 <1993>.
    9-1        SECTION 3.  Sections 1 and 5, Article 4544, Revised Statutes,
    9-2  are amended to read as follows:
    9-3        Sec. 1.  (a)  It shall be the duty of the Board to provide
    9-4  for the examination of <examine> all applicants for license to
    9-5  practice dentistry in this State.  Each person applying for an
    9-6  examination shall pay to said Board a fee set by the Board and
    9-7  shall be granted a license to practice dentistry in this State upon
    9-8  his satisfactorily passing an examination provided for <given> by
    9-9  said Board on subjects and operations pertaining to dentistry which
   9-10  shall include Anatomy, Physiology, Anaesthesia, Biochemistry,
   9-11  Dental Materials, Diagnosis, Treatment Planning, Ethics,
   9-12  Jurisprudence, Hygiene, Pharmacology, Operative Dentistry, Oral
   9-13  Surgery, Orthodontia, Periodontia, Prosthetic Dentistry, Pathology,
   9-14  Microbiology, and such other subjects as are regularly taught in
   9-15  reputable Dental Schools as the Board may in its discretion
   9-16  require.  The examination shall be given either orally or in
   9-17  writing, or by giving a practical demonstration of the applicant's
   9-18  skill, or by any combination of such methods or subjects as the
   9-19  Board may in its discretion require.  The Board shall contract with
   9-20  an independent or regional testing service for any required
   9-21  clinical examination.  In the event that the Board uses a regional
   9-22  testing service, the Board is authorized to contract for or
   9-23  otherwise use the services of licensed dentists in this state for
   9-24  the purpose of providing assistance to the regional testing
   9-25  service.  The Board shall have the written portion of the
   9-26  examination validated by an independent testing professional.
   9-27        (b)  The Board by rule shall set the number of and conditions
   10-1  for examination retakes.  The Board may require an applicant who
   10-2  fails the examination to meet additional education requirements set
   10-3  by the Board.
   10-4        Sec. 5.  (a)  The Board shall develop a mandatory continuing
   10-5  education program.
   10-6        (b)  The Board by rule shall:
   10-7              (1)  establish the minimum hours of continuing
   10-8  education required for license renewal;
   10-9              (2)  identify the key factors that lead to the
  10-10  competent performance of professional duties under this Act;
  10-11              (3)  develop a process to evaluate and approve
  10-12  continuing education courses; and
  10-13              (4)  develop a process to assess a licensee's
  10-14  participation and performance in continuing education courses that
  10-15  will enable the Board to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the
  10-16  program.
  10-17        (c)  The Board is authorized to assess the continuing
  10-18  education needs of licensees and may require licensees to attend
  10-19  continuing education courses specified by the Board <may recognize,
  10-20  prepare, or carry out continuing education programs for persons it
  10-21  licenses or certifies.  Participation in the programs is
  10-22  voluntary>.
  10-23        SECTION 4.  Article 4545a, Revised Statutes, is amended to
  10-24  read as follows:
  10-27        Sec. 1.  (a)  The State Board of Dental Examiners <may, in
   11-1  the discretion of the Board in each instance>, upon payment by the
   11-2  applicant <for registration> of a fee set by the Board, shall grant
   11-3  a license to practice dentistry or dental hygiene to any reputable
   11-4  dentist or dental hygienist who:
   11-5              (1)  is licensed in good standing as a dentist or
   11-6  dental hygienist in another state, the District of Columbia, or a
   11-7  territory of the United States that has licensing requirements that
   11-8  are substantially equivalent to the requirements of this Act;
   11-9              (2)  has not been the subject of final or pending
  11-10  disciplinary action in any state in which the dentist or dental
  11-11  hygienist is or has been licensed;
  11-12              (3)  has graduated from a dental or dental hygiene
  11-13  school accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the
  11-14  American Dental Association;
  11-15              (4)  has passed a national or other examination
  11-16  recognized by the Board relating to dentistry or dental hygiene;
  11-17              (5)  has successfully completed the Board's
  11-18  jurisprudence examination;
  11-19              (6)  has submitted documentation of current
  11-20  cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification; and
  11-21              (7)  has practiced dentistry or dental hygiene:
  11-22                    (A)  for a minimum of five years immediately
  11-23  prior to applying;
  11-24                    (B)  as a dental educator for a minimum of five
  11-25  years; or
  11-26                    (C)  has completed two years of obligated service
  11-27  in the state under the National Health Service Corps or other
   12-1  federal scholarship or loan repayment program.
   12-2        (b)  The Board must complete the processing of an application
   12-3  for a license not later than the 180th day after all documentation
   12-4  and examination results required by this section have been received
   12-5  by the Board or grant a license to the applicant.
   12-6        Sec. 2.  (a)  The Board, upon payment by the applicant of a
   12-7  fee set by the Board, shall grant a license to a dentist or dental
   12-8  hygienist who has not graduated from a dental or dental hygiene
   12-9  school accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the
  12-10  American Dental Association if:
  12-11              (1)  the dentist or dental hygienist has practiced for
  12-12  a minimum of five years immediately prior to applying;
  12-13              (2)  the dentist or dental hygienist has not been the
  12-14  subject of final or pending disciplinary action in any jurisdiction
  12-15  in which the dentist or dental hygienist is or has been licensed;
  12-16              (3)  the Board, through a procedure adopted by rule,
  12-17  has determined that the educational qualifications are equivalent
  12-18  to those required to practice dentistry in the state; and
  12-19              (4)  the dentist or dental hygienist has completed all
  12-20  examinations required by the Board for licensure.
  12-21        (b)  The Board must complete the processing of an application
  12-22  for a license not later than the 180th day after all documentation,
  12-23  the determination of educational equivalency, and examination
  12-24  results required by this section have been received by the Board or
  12-25  grant a license to the applicant <license to practice dentistry to
  12-26  any reputable dentist who is a graduate of a reputable dental
  12-27  college or has qualified on examination for the certificate of
   13-1  dental qualification for a commission as a dentist in the Armed
   13-2  Forces of the United States and to licentiates of other States or
   13-3  territories having requirements for dental registration and
   13-4  practice equal to those established by this law.  Applications for
   13-5  license under the provisions of this Article shall be in writing
   13-6  and upon a form to be prescribed by the State Board of Dental
   13-7  Examiners.  Said application shall be accompanied by a diploma or a
   13-8  photograph thereof, awarded to the applicant by a reputable dental
   13-9  college, or a certified transcript of the certificate or license or
  13-10  commission issued to the applicant by the Armed Forces of the
  13-11  United States, or by a license or a certified copy of license to
  13-12  practice dentistry, lawfully issued to the applicant by some other
  13-13  State or territory; and shall also be accompanied by an affidavit
  13-14  from an executive officer of the Armed Forces of the United States,
  13-15  the President or Secretary of the Board of Dental Examiners who
  13-16  issued the said license, or by a legally constituted dental
  13-17  registration officer of the State or territory in which the
  13-18  certificate or license was granted upon which the applications for
  13-19  dental registration in Texas is based.  Said affidavit shall recite
  13-20  that the accompanying certificate or license has not been cancelled
  13-21  or revoked except by honorable discharge by the Armed Forces of the
  13-22  United States, and that the statement of qualifications made in the
  13-23  application for dental registration in Texas is true and correct.
  13-24  Applicants for license under the provisions of this Article shall
  13-25  subscribe to an oath in writing which shall be a part of said
  13-26  application, stating that the license, certificate, or authority
  13-27  under which the applicant practiced dentistry in the State or
   14-1  territory from which the applicant removed, was at the time of such
   14-2  removal in full force and not suspended or cancelled; that the
   14-3  applicant is the identical person to whom the said certificate,
   14-4  license, or commission and the said dental diploma were issued, and
   14-5  that no proceeding was pending at the time of such removal, or is
   14-6  at the present time pending against the applicant for the
   14-7  cancellation of such certificate, license or authority to practice
   14-8  dentistry in the State or territory in which the same was issued,
   14-9  and that no prosecution was then, or is at the time of the
  14-10  application, pending against the applicant in any State or Federal
  14-11  Court for any offense which under the law of Texas is a felony>.
  14-12        SECTION 5.  Subsection (a), Section 1, Article 4548f, Revised
  14-13  Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
  14-14        (a)  It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or
  14-15  corporation to engage in false, misleading, or deceptive
  14-16  advertising arising out of or in connection with the practice of
  14-17  dentistry.  The Board may not adopt rules restricting competitive
  14-18  bidding or advertising by a person regulated by the Board except to
  14-19  prohibit false, misleading, or deceptive practices by the person.
  14-20  The Board may not include in its rules to prohibit false,
  14-21  misleading, or deceptive practices by a person regulated by the
  14-22  Board a rule that:
  14-23              (1)  restricts the use of any medium for advertising;
  14-24              (2)  restricts the person's personal appearance or use
  14-25  of the person's voice in an advertisement;
  14-26              (3)  relates to the size or duration of an
  14-27  advertisement by the person; or 
   15-1              (4)  restricts the person's advertisement under a trade
   15-2  name, except a rule may require that an advertisement under a trade
   15-3  name include the name or names of the dental owner or owners of the
   15-4  practice.  <Provided, however, nothing herein shall be construed to
   15-5  restrict or prohibit:>
   15-6              <(1)  the type of advertising medium;>
   15-7              <(2)  the size or duration of any advertisement;>
   15-8              <(3)  the truthful advertising of prices for any type
   15-9  of dental services;>
  15-10              <(4)  the use of agents or employees in advertising;>
  15-11              <(5)  a person's personal appearance or use of his
  15-12  personal voice in an advertisement.>
  15-13        SECTION 6.  Article 4548h, Revised Statutes, is amended to
  15-14  read as follows:
  15-17        Sec. 1.  (a)  <AUTHORITY GRANT LICENSE.>  The State Board of
  15-18  Dental Examiners shall keep an information file about each
  15-19  complaint filed with the Board.  The Board's information file shall
  15-20  be kept current and contain a record for each complaint of:
  15-21              (1)  all persons contacted in relation to the
  15-22  complaint;
  15-23              (2)  a summary of findings made at each step of the
  15-24  complaint process;
  15-25              (3)  an explanation of the legal basis and reason for a
  15-26  complaint that is dismissed; and
  15-27              (4)  other relevant information.
   16-1        (b)  If a written complaint is filed with the Board that the
   16-2  Board has authority to resolve, the Board, at least as frequently
   16-3  as quarterly and until final disposition of the complaint, shall
   16-4  notify the parties to the complaint of the status of the complaint
   16-5  unless the notice would jeopardize an undercover investigation.
   16-6        (c)  The Board by rule shall adopt a form to standardize
   16-7  information concerning complaints made to the Board.  The Board by
   16-8  rule shall prescribe information to be provided to a person when
   16-9  the person files a complaint with the Board.
  16-10        (d)  The Board shall provide reasonable assistance to a
  16-11  person who wishes to file a complaint with the Board.
  16-12        (e)  The Board shall adopt rules concerning the investigation
  16-13  of a complaint filed with the Board.  The rules adopted under this
  16-14  subsection shall:
  16-15              (1)  distinguish between categories of complaints;
  16-16              (2)  ensure that complaints are not dismissed without
  16-17  appropriate consideration;
  16-18              (3)  require that the Board be advised of a complaint
  16-19  that is dismissed and that a letter be sent to the person who filed
  16-20  the complaint explaining the action taken on the dismissed
  16-21  complaint;
  16-22              (4)  ensure that the person who filed the complaint has
  16-23  an opportunity to explain the allegations made in the complaint;
  16-24  and
  16-25              (5)  require that all investigators used by the Board
  16-26  shall be state employees.
  16-27        (f)  The Board shall dispose of all complaints in a timely
   17-1  manner.  The Board shall establish a schedule for conducting each
   17-2  phase of a complaint that is under the control of the Board.  The
   17-3  schedule shall be kept in the information file for the complaint.
   17-4  A change in the schedule must be noted in the complaint information
   17-5  file.
   17-6        (g)  The Executive Director of the Board shall notify the
   17-7  Board of the number of complaints that extend beyond a two-year
   17-8  time frame for resolution.  The Executive Director shall provide
   17-9  the Board with an explanation of the reasons that the complaints
  17-10  have not been resolved.  The notice and explanation required shall
  17-11  be provided to the Board periodically at regularly scheduled Board
  17-12  meetings.
  17-13        (h)  The Board by rule shall adopt procedures governing:
  17-14              (1)  informal disposition of a contested case under
  17-15  Section 13(e), Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act
  17-16  (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and its
  17-17  subsequent amendments; and
  17-18              (2)  informal proceedings held in compliance with
  17-19  Section 18(c), Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act
  17-20  (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and its
  17-21  subsequent amendments.
  17-22        (i)  Rules adopted under this section must provide the
  17-23  complainant, where applicable and permitted by law, an opportunity
  17-24  to be heard, must provide the licensee an opportunity to be heard,
  17-25  and must require the presence of an attorney to advise the Board or
  17-26  the Board's employees.  The attorney must be a member of the
  17-27  Board's legal staff, if the Board has a legal staff.  If the Board
   18-1  does not have a legal staff, the attorney must be an employee of
   18-2  the office of the attorney general.
   18-3        (j)  The Board by rule shall develop a system for monitoring
   18-4  license holders' compliance with the requirements of this Act.
   18-5  Rules adopted under this section shall include procedures for
   18-6  monitoring a license holder who is ordered by the Board to perform
   18-7  certain acts to ascertain that the license holder performs the
   18-8  required acts and to identify and monitor license holders who
   18-9  represent a risk to the public <be and they are hereby authorized
  18-10  to refuse to grant a license to practice dentistry to any person or
  18-11  persons who have been guilty, in the opinion of said Board, of
  18-12  violating any of the provisions of the Statutes of the State of
  18-13  Texas relating to the practice of dentistry, or any provisions of
  18-14  Chapter 9, Title 71, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as
  18-15  amended, within twelve (12) months prior to the filing of an
  18-16  application for such license>.
  18-18  LICENSE.> (a)  The <State> Board <of Dental Examiners> shall
  18-19  revoke, cancel or suspend any license or licenses that may have
  18-20  been issued by such Board, place on probation a person whose
  18-21  license has been suspended, or reprimand a licensee if in the
  18-22  opinion of a majority of such Board, any person or persons to whom
  18-23  a license has been issued by said Board to practice dentistry or
  18-24  dental hygiene in this State, shall have, after the issuance of
  18-25  such license, violated any of the provisions of the Statutes of the
  18-26  State of Texas relating to the practice of dentistry or dental
  18-27  hygiene in this State, or any of the provisions of Chapter 9, Title
   19-1  71, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended, or any
   19-2  amendments that may hereafter be made thereto, or a rule of the
   19-3  Board.  All revocations, cancellations or suspensions of licenses
   19-4  by the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners shall be made in the
   19-5  manner provided by the Administrative Procedure and Texas Register
   19-6  Act (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
   19-7        (b)  All complaints to be considered by the Board under this
   19-8  article shall be made in writing and<, subscribed and sworn to by
   19-9  the person presenting such complaint, which complaint> shall set
  19-10  out the alleged violations of such Statutes or rules <and declaring
  19-11  it to be the opinion of the person presenting such complaint that
  19-12  the person or persons so accused have so violated said Statutes>.
  19-13        (c)  All complaints under this article as received shall be
  19-14  filed with the Secretary of the Board or an authorized employee of
  19-15  the Board.  All complaints filed with the Board shall be reviewed
  19-16  to determine jurisdiction, and if jurisdiction exists <When a
  19-17  complaint is made by a member of the Board, its agents or
  19-18  employees>, the Secretary of the Board or designee <shall cause
  19-19  such complaint to be docketed on its records in the name of the
  19-20  Texas State Board of Dental Examiners versus the person against
  19-21  whom such complaint has been made, and shall mail a copy of such
  19-22  docketed complaint by registered mail to the accused person under
  19-23  the jurisdiction of the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners
  19-24  charged with having violated such Statutes.  When a complaint is
  19-25  made by others than the members of the Board, its agents or
  19-26  employees, the Board or its duly authorized representative> shall
  19-27  cause an investigation of such complaint to be made to determine
   20-1  the facts in such case.  If <, and if> the facts as determined by
   20-2  such investigation<, in the discretion of the Secretary of the
   20-3  Board,> justify further action, the disposition of the complaint
   20-4  shall comply with this article <the docketing of such complaint for
   20-5  hearing before the Board, then the Secretary of the Board shall
   20-6  cause such complaint to be docketed on its records in the name of
   20-7  the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners versus the person against
   20-8  whom such complaint has been made, and shall mail a copy of such
   20-9  docketed complaint by registered mail to the accused person under
  20-10  the jurisdiction of the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners
  20-11  charged with having violated such Statutes>.
  20-12        (d)  If a licensee suspension is probated, the Board may
  20-13  require the practitioner:
  20-14              (1)  to report regularly to the Board on matters that
  20-15  are the basis of the probation;
  20-16              (2)  to limit practice to the areas prescribed by the
  20-17  Board; or
  20-18              (3)  to continue or review professional education until
  20-19  the practitioner attains a degree of skill satisfactory to the
  20-20  Board in those areas that are the basis of the probation.
  20-21        (e)  If the Board or an executive committee of the Board
  20-22  determines from the evidence or information presented to it that a
  20-23  person licensed under this Act by continuation in practice would
  20-24  constitute a clear, imminent or continuing threat to a person's
  20-25  physical health or well-being, the Board or the executive committee
  20-26  of the Board shall temporarily suspend the license of that person.
  20-27  The license may be suspended under this section without notice or
   21-1  hearing on the complaint, provided institution of proceedings for a
   21-2  hearing held by the State Office of Administrative Hearings is
   21-3  initiated simultaneously with the temporary suspension.  A hearing
   21-4  shall be held not later than fourteen (14) days after the date of
   21-5  the suspension unless a continuance is requested by the licensee.
   21-6  A second hearing on the suspension shall be held by the State
   21-7  Office of Administrative Hearings within sixty (60) days after the
   21-8  date the suspension was ordered or after the date specified in the
   21-9  continuance requested by the licensee.  The time requirements in
  21-10  this subsection must be adhered to or the suspension is lifted
  21-11  without further order or action.
  21-12        (f)  All complaints considered by the Board must be filed
  21-13  with the Board within four (4) years after the date on which the
  21-14  act occurred or within four (4) years after a complainant
  21-15  discovered or in the exercise of reasonable diligence should have
  21-16  discovered, the occurrence of the act.
  21-17        Sec. 3.  <APPEAL TO COURT.>  (a)  A person aggrieved by a
  21-18  ruling, order, or decision of the Board under this article has the
  21-19  right to appeal to a district court in the county of his residence
  21-20  or in the county where the alleged offense occurred within thirty
  21-21  (30) days from the service of notice of the action of the <State>
  21-22  Board <of Dental Examiners>.
  21-23        (b)  The appeal having been properly filed, the court may
  21-24  request of the Board and the Board on receiving the request shall
  21-25  within thirty (30) days prepare and transmit to the court a
  21-26  certified copy of its entire record in the matter in which the
  21-27  appeal has been taken.  The appeal shall be tried in accordance
   22-1  with the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure.
   22-2        (c)  <In the event an appeal is taken by a licensee, the
   22-3  appeal shall act as a supersedeas providing the appealing party
   22-4  files a bond as the court may direct, and the court shall dispose
   22-5  of the appeal and enter its decision promptly.>
   22-6        <(d)>  If an aggrieved person fails to perfect an appeal as
   22-7  provided in this section, the Board's ruling shall become final.
   22-8        (d) <(e)>  Review by the court shall be by the substantial
   22-9  evidence rule and not de novo.
  22-10        (e)  The court may, in its discretion, permit a person who
  22-11  files an appeal under this section to stay enforcement of penalty
  22-12  or punishment by giving to the court a supersedeas bond that is
  22-13  approved by the court, unless there is a finding of clear, imminent
  22-14  or continuing harm to a person's physical health or well-being by
  22-15  the State Office of Administrative Hearings under Section 2(e) of
  22-16  this article.  If the court sustains the occurrence of the
  22-17  violation, the court may uphold the amount of penalty or punishment
  22-18  assessed or may reduce the amount of penalty or punishment
  22-19  assessed.  If the court does not sustain the occurrence of the
  22-20  violation, the court shall order that no penalty or punishment is
  22-21  assessed.
  22-22        Sec. 4.  <ADDITIONAL OFFICES.>  No statute relating to the
  22-23  practice of dentistry in this State shall be construed to prohibit
  22-24  any duly authorized, licensed, and registered dentist from
  22-25  maintaining any number of offices in this State, provided said
  22-26  dentist assumes full legal responsibility and liability for the
  22-27  dental services rendered in such offices and further provided that
   23-1  the dentist complies with such requirements as may be prescribed by
   23-2  the Board in its Rules <and Regulations> for the purpose of
   23-3  protecting the health and safety of the patients receiving dental
   23-4  care at such offices.
   23-5        SECTION 7.  Article 4548i, Revised Statutes, is amended to
   23-6  read as follows:
   23-7        Art. 4548i.  Punishment.  (a)  Any person who shall violate
   23-8  any provision of Chapter Nine, Title 71, Revised Statutes, commits
   23-9  an offense.  An offense under this section is a Class A
  23-10  misdemeanor.  If it is shown at a trial of an offense under this
  23-11  section that the defendant was previously convicted under this
  23-12  section of any misdemeanor or the offense involves practicing
  23-13  without an appropriate license issued by the Board, the offense is
  23-14  a felony of the third degree.  Each day of such violation shall be
  23-15  a separate offense.
  23-16        (b)  Any person who shall violate a provision of Chapter
  23-17  Nine, Title 71, Revised Statutes, is liable to the state for a
  23-18  civil penalty in an amount not to exceed $2,500.  Each day a
  23-19  violation continues or occurs is a separate violation for the
  23-20  purpose of imposing a penalty.  On request of the Board, the
  23-21  attorney general or the county attorney or district attorney of the
  23-22  county in which the violation is alleged to have occurred shall
  23-23  file suit to collect the penalty.  A civil penalty collected under
  23-24  this section shall be deposited in the state treasury to the credit
  23-25  of the general revenue fund.
  23-26        SECTION 8.  Chapter 9, Title 71, Revised Statutes, is amended
  23-27  by adding Article 4548j to read as follows:
   24-1        Art. 4548j.  ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY.  (a)  The Board may
   24-2  impose an administrative penalty against a person licensed or
   24-3  regulated under this Act who violates this Act or a rule or order
   24-4  adopted under this Act.
   24-5        (b)  The penalty for a violation may be in an amount not to
   24-6  exceed $5,000.  Each day a violation continues or occurs is a
   24-7  separate violation for purposes of imposing a penalty.
   24-8        (c)  The Executive Director of the Board or a subcommittee of
   24-9  the Board shall determine the amount of the penalty based on a
  24-10  standardized penalty schedule.  Any subcommittee of the Board shall
  24-11  consist of at least one public member of the Board.  The penalty
  24-12  schedule shall be developed by the Board, through rule, and shall
  24-13  be based on the following criteria:
  24-14              (1)  the seriousness of the violation, including but
  24-15  not limited to the nature, circumstances, extent, and gravity of
  24-16  the prohibited acts, and the hazard or potential hazard created to
  24-17  the health, safety, or welfare of the public;
  24-18              (2)  the economic damage to property or the environment
  24-19  caused by the violation;
  24-20              (3)  the history of previous violations;
  24-21              (4)  the amount necessary to deter future violations;
  24-22              (5)  efforts to correct the violation; and
  24-23              (6)  any other matter that justice may require.
  24-24        (d)  An Executive Director or a subcommittee of the Board who
  24-25  determines that a violation has occurred may issue to the Board a
  24-26  report that states the facts on which the determination is based
  24-27  and the director's or the subcommittee's recommendation on the
   25-1  imposition of a penalty, including a recommendation on the amount
   25-2  of the penalty.
   25-3        (e)  Within 14 days after the date the report is approved by
   25-4  the Board, the Executive Director shall give written notice of the
   25-5  report to the person.  The notice may be given by certified mail.
   25-6  The notice must include a notice of all the alleged violations and
   25-7  a statement of the amount of the recommended penalty and must
   25-8  inform the person that the person has a right to a hearing on the
   25-9  occurrence of the violation, the amount of the penalty, or both the
  25-10  occurrence of the violation and the amount of the penalty.
  25-11        (f)  Within 20 days after the date the person receives the
  25-12  notice, the person in writing may accept the determination and
  25-13  recommended penalty of the Executive Director or subcommittee or
  25-14  may make a written request for a hearing on the occurrence of the
  25-15  violation, the amount of the penalty, or both the occurrence of the
  25-16  violation and the amount of the penalty.
  25-17        (g)  If the person accepts the determination and recommended
  25-18  penalty of the Executive Director or subcommittee, the Board by
  25-19  order shall approve the determination and impose the recommended
  25-20  penalty.
  25-21        (h)  If the person requests a hearing or fails to respond
  25-22  timely to the notice, the Executive Director shall set a hearing
  25-23  and give notice of the hearing to the person.  The hearing shall be
  25-24  held by an administrative law judge of the State Office of
  25-25  Administrative Hearings.  The administrative law judge shall make
  25-26  findings of fact and conclusions of law and promptly issue to the
  25-27  Board a proposal for a decision about the occurrence of the
   26-1  violation and the amount of a proposed penalty.  Based on the
   26-2  findings of fact, conclusions of law, and proposal for a decision,
   26-3  the Board by order may find that a violation has occurred and
   26-4  impose a penalty or may find that no violation occurred.
   26-5        (i)  The notice of the Board's order given to the person
   26-6  under the Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act (Article
   26-7  6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) and its subsequent
   26-8  amendments must include a statement of the right of the person to
   26-9  judicial review of the order.
  26-10        (j)  Within 30 days after the date the Board's order is final
  26-11  as provided by Section 16(c), Administrative Procedure and Texas
  26-12  Register Act (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and
  26-13  its subsequent amendments, the person shall:
  26-14              (1)  pay the amount of the penalty;
  26-15              (2)  pay the amount of the penalty and file a petition
  26-16  for judicial review contesting the occurrence of the violation, the
  26-17  amount of the penalty, or both the occurrence of the violation and
  26-18  the amount of penalty; or
  26-19              (3)  without paying the amount of the penalty, file a
  26-20  petition for judicial review contesting the occurrence of the
  26-21  violation, the amount of the penalty, or both the occurrence of the
  26-22  violation and the amount of penalty.
  26-23        (k)  Within the 30-day period, a person who acts under
  26-24  Subsection (j)(3) of this section may:
  26-25              (1)  stay enforcement of penalty by:
  26-26                    (A)  paying the amount of the penalty to the
  26-27  court for placement in an escrow account; or
   27-1                    (B)  giving to the court a supersedeas bond that
   27-2  is approved by the court for the amount of the penalty and that is
   27-3  effective until all judicial review of the Board's order is final;
   27-4  or
   27-5              (2)  request the court to stay enforcement of the
   27-6  penalty by:
   27-7                    (A)  filing with the court a sworn affidavit of
   27-8  the person stating that the person is financially unable to pay the
   27-9  amount of the penalty and is financially unable to give the
  27-10  supersedeas bond; and
  27-11                    (B)  giving a copy of the affidavit to the
  27-12  Executive Director by certified mail.
  27-13        (l)  An Executive Director who receives a copy of an
  27-14  affidavit under Subsection (k)(2) of this section may file with the
  27-15  court, within five days after the date the copy is received, a
  27-16  contest to the affidavit.  The court shall hold a hearing on the
  27-17  facts alleged in the affidavit as soon as practicable and shall
  27-18  stay the enforcement of the penalty on finding that the alleged
  27-19  facts are true.  The person who files an affidavit has the burden
  27-20  of proving that the person is financially unable to pay the amount
  27-21  of the penalty and to give the supersedeas bond.
  27-22        (m)  If the person does not pay the amount of the penalty and
  27-23  the enforcement of the penalty is not stayed, the Executive
  27-24  Director may refer the matter to the attorney general for
  27-25  collection of the amount of the penalty.
  27-26        (n)  Judicial review of the order of the Board:
  27-27              (1)  is instituted by filing a petition as provided by
   28-1  Section 19, Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act
   28-2  (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and its
   28-3  subsequent amendments; and
   28-4              (2)  is under the substantial evidence rule.
   28-5        (o)  If the court sustains the occurrence of the violation,
   28-6  the court may uphold or reduce the amount of the penalty and order
   28-7  the person to pay the full or reduced amount of the penalty.  If
   28-8  the court does not sustain the occurrence of the violation, the
   28-9  court shall order that no penalty is owed.
  28-10        (p)  When the judgment of the court becomes final, the court
  28-11  shall proceed under this subsection.  If the person paid the amount
  28-12  of the penalty and if that amount is reduced or is not upheld by
  28-13  the court, the court shall order that the appropriate amount plus
  28-14  accrued interest be remitted to the person.  The rate of the
  28-15  interest is the rate charged on loans to depository institutions by
  28-16  the New York Federal Reserve Bank, and the interest shall be paid
  28-17  for the period beginning on the date the penalty was paid and
  28-18  ending on the date the penalty is remitted.  If the person gave a
  28-19  supersedeas bond and if the amount of the penalty is reduced, the
  28-20  court shall order the release of the bond after the person pays the
  28-21  amount.
  28-22        (q)  A penalty collected under this section shall be remitted
  28-23  to the comptroller for deposit in the Dental Registration Fund in
  28-24  the general revenue fund.  These funds may only be used to fund an
  28-25  approved peer assistance program.
  28-26        (r)  All proceedings under this section are subject to the
  28-27  Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act (Article 6252-13a,
   29-1  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) and its subsequent amendments.
   29-2        (s)  Nothing in this article shall be construed as preventing
   29-3  the board from assessing an administrative penalty using an
   29-4  informal proceeding governed by the requirements in Article 4548h,
   29-5  Revised Statutes.
   29-6        SECTION 9.  Article 4549, Revised Statutes, is amended to
   29-7  read as follows:
  29-10        Sec. 1.  The <Texas> State Board of Dental Examiners shall
  29-11  have authority to refuse to examine any person or refuse to issue a
  29-12  dental license or a dental hygienist license to any person for any
  29-13  one or more of the following causes:
  29-14        (a)  Proof of presentation to the Board of any dishonest or
  29-15  fake evidence of qualification, or being guilty of any illegality,
  29-16  fraud or deception in the process of examination, or for the
  29-17  purpose of securing a license or certificate.
  29-18        (b)  Proof of chronic or habitual intoxication or addiction
  29-19  to drugs on the part of the applicant.
  29-20        (c)  Proof that the applicant has been guilty of dishonest or
  29-21  illegal practices in or connected with the practice of dentistry or
  29-22  dental hygiene.
  29-23        (d)  Proof of conviction of the applicant of a felony
  29-24  involving moral turpitude under the laws of this State or any other
  29-25  State or of the United States.
  29-26        (e)  Proof that the applicant violated any of the provisions
  29-27  of the Statutes of the State of Texas relating to the practice of
   30-1  dentistry or any provisions of Chapter 9, Title 71, Revised
   30-2  Statutes, and its subsequent amendments, within 12 months before
   30-3  the filing of an application for the license.
   30-4        Sec. 2.  <The provisions of this Article relating to the
   30-5  suspension or revocation of a license do not apply to a person
   30-6  convicted of a felony under Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code,
   30-7  Section 485.033, Health and Safety Code, or Chapter 483, Health and
   30-8  Safety Code.>
   30-9        <Sec. 3.>  The <Texas> State Board of Dental Examiners <and
  30-10  the District Courts of this State> shall have <concurrent>
  30-11  jurisdiction and authority, after notice and hearing <as
  30-12  hereinafter provided>, to suspend or revoke a dental license or a
  30-13  dental hygienist license, to place on probation a person whose
  30-14  license or certificate is suspended, or to reprimand a licensee or
  30-15  certificate holder, and in addition to or in lieu of said
  30-16  suspension, revocation, probation, or reprimand, to assess an
  30-17  administrative penalty as provided for in Article 4548j, Revised
  30-18  Statutes, <a fine in an amount not to exceed $2,500 payable to the
  30-19  dental registration fund> for any one or more of the following
  30-20  causes:
  30-21        (a)  Proof of insanity of the holder of a license or
  30-22  certificate, as adjudged by the regularly constituted authorities.
  30-23        (b)  Proof of conviction of the holder of a license or
  30-24  certificate of any felony or a misdemeanor involving fraud under
  30-25  the laws of this State or any other State or of the United States.
  30-26        (c)  That the holder thereof has been or is guilty of
  30-27  dishonorable conduct, malpractice or gross incompetency in the
   31-1  practice of dentistry or dental hygiene.
   31-2        (d)  That the holder thereof has been or is guilty of any
   31-3  deception or misrepresentation for the purpose of soliciting or
   31-4  obtaining patronage.
   31-5        (e)  That the holder thereof procured a license or
   31-6  certificate through fraud or misrepresentation.
   31-7        (f)  That the holder thereof is addicted to habitual
   31-8  intoxication or the use of drugs.
   31-9        (g)  That a dentist employs or permits or has employed or
  31-10  permitted persons to practice dentistry in the office or offices
  31-11  under his control or management, who were not licensed to practice
  31-12  dentistry.
  31-13        (h)  That the holder thereof has failed to use proper
  31-14  diligence in the conduct of his practice or to safeguard his
  31-15  patients against avoidable infections.
  31-16        (i)  That the holder thereof has failed or refused to comply
  31-17  with any State law relating to the regulation of dentists or dental
  31-18  hygienists.
  31-19        (j)  That the holder thereof has failed or refused to comply
  31-20  with the adopted and promulgated rules and regulations of the
  31-21  Board.
  31-22        (k)  That the holder thereof is physically or mentally
  31-23  incapable of practicing with safety to dental patients.
  31-24        (l)  That the holder thereof has been negligent in the
  31-25  performance of dental services which injured or damaged dental
  31-26  patients.
  31-27        (m)  Proof of suspension, revocation, probation, reprimand,
   32-1  or other restriction by another State of a license or certificate
   32-2  to practice dentistry or dental hygiene based upon acts by the
   32-3  licensee or certificate holder enumerated in this section.
   32-4        (n)  That the holder thereof has knowingly provided or agreed
   32-5  to provide dental care in a manner which violates any provision of
   32-6  federal or State law regulating a plan whereby any person
   32-7  undertakes to provide, arrange for, pay for, or reimburse any part
   32-8  of the cost of any dental care services or regulating the business
   32-9  of insurance.
  32-10        Sec. 3 <4>.  (a)  If the Board proposes to refuse to examine
  32-11  a person, <to suspend or revoke a license or certificate, to place
  32-12  on probation a person whose license or certificate has been
  32-13  suspended, or to reprimand a licensee or certificate holder,> the
  32-14  person is entitled to a hearing before the Board.
  32-15        (b)  The hearing under this section and an appeal from the
  32-16  hearing under this section are governed by the Administrative
  32-17  Procedure and Texas Register Act, as amended (Article 6252-13a,
  32-18  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
  32-19        <Sec. 5.  (a)  All complaints to be considered by the Board
  32-20  shall be made in writing, subscribed and sworn to by the person
  32-21  presenting such complaint, which complaint shall set out the
  32-22  alleged violations of such Statutes or rules and declaring it to be
  32-23  the opinion of the person presenting such complaint that the person
  32-24  or persons so accused have so violated said Statutes or rules.>
  32-25        <(b)  All complaints as received shall be filed with the
  32-26  Secretary of the Board or an authorized employee of the Board.
  32-27  When a complaint is made by a member of the Board, its agents or
   33-1  employees, the Secretary of the Board or its authorized employee
   33-2  shall cause such complaint to be docketed on its records in the
   33-3  name of the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners versus the person
   33-4  against whom such complaint has been made, and shall mail a copy of
   33-5  such docketed complaint by registered or certified mail to the
   33-6  accused person under the jurisdiction of the Texas State Board of
   33-7  Dental Examiners charged with having violated such Statutes or
   33-8  rules.  When a complaint is made by others than the members of the
   33-9  Board, its agents or employees, the Board or its duly authorized
  33-10  representative shall cause an investigation of such complaint to be
  33-11  made to determine the facts in such case, and if the facts as
  33-12  determined by such investigation, in the discretion of the
  33-13  Secretary of the Board or its authorized employee, justify the
  33-14  docketing of such complaint for hearing before the Board, then the
  33-15  Secretary of the Board or its authorized employee shall cause such
  33-16  complaint to be docketed on its records in the name of the Texas
  33-17  State Board of Dental Examiners versus the person against whom such
  33-18  complaint has been made, and shall mail a copy of such docketed
  33-19  complaint by registered or certified mail to the accused person
  33-20  under the jurisdiction of the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners
  33-21  charged with having violated such Statutes or rules.>
  33-22        <(c)  The Board shall keep an information file about each
  33-23  complaint filed with the Board relating to a licensee or
  33-24  certificate holder.  If a written complaint is filed with the Board
  33-25  relating to a licensee or certificate holder, the Board, at least
  33-26  as frequently as quarterly and until final disposition of the
  33-27  complaint, shall notify the parties to the complaint of the status
   34-1  of the complaint unless the notice would jeopardize an undercover
   34-2  investigation.>
   34-3        <(d)  The Board may request a dental peer review or grievance
   34-4  committee to submit information to the Board about the activities
   34-5  of the committee.>
   34-6        <Sec. 6.  If said Board shall make and enter any order
   34-7  revoking or suspending any person's license or certificate, placing
   34-8  a person on probation, or reprimanding a person as hereinabove
   34-9  provided, the person may take an appeal to the District Court of
  34-10  the County of the residence of the person by filing an appropriate
  34-11  petition for such purpose.  Said cause shall be placed on the
  34-12  docket of said Court in the name of the party or parties filing
  34-13  same, as plaintiff, and the Texas State Board of Dental Examiners,
  34-14  as defendants.>
  34-15        <Sec. 7.  Proceedings before the District Courts of this
  34-16  State shall be as follows:>
  34-17        <It shall be the duty of the several District and County
  34-18  Attorneys of this State, on the request of any member of the Texas
  34-19  State Board of Dental Examiners or by complaint presented to any
  34-20  District Court of the State or county in which such alleged offense
  34-21  occurred, to file and prosecute appropriate judicial proceedings in
  34-22  the name of the State against the person or persons alleged to have
  34-23  so violated such Statute.  Such complaint shall be made in writing
  34-24  and filed in the District Court of the State or county in which the
  34-25  alleged offense occurred, and such complaint shall distinctly set
  34-26  forth the charges and grounds thereof and shall be subscribed and
  34-27  sworn to.  When such complaint is made by any County or District
   35-1  Attorney, as herein provided, it shall be subscribed and sworn to
   35-2  by the prosecutor and shall be filed with the Clerk of the Court.
   35-3  The Court, upon the filing of said complaint, shall order the
   35-4  accused dentist to show cause why his license to practice dentistry
   35-5  in this State shall not be suspended or revoked.>
   35-6        <Citation therein shall be issued in the name of the State of
   35-7  Texas and in manner and form as in other cases and the same shall
   35-8  be served upon the defendant at least twenty (20) days before the
   35-9  trial date set therein.  Upon the return of said citation executed,
  35-10  if the defendant shall appear and deny the charge, the cause shall
  35-11  be docketed for trial and conducted in the name of the State of
  35-12  Texas against the defendant.  A jury of twelve (12) persons shall
  35-13  be summoned as in cases during term time of the court when no
  35-14  regular jury is available and as prescribed by law and shall be
  35-15  impanelled unless waived by the defendant, and the cause shall be
  35-16  tried in like manner as in other civil cases.  If the said accused
  35-17  dentist be found guilty or shall fail to appear and deny the charge
  35-18  after being cited as aforesaid, the Court may by proper order
  35-19  entered on the minutes, suspend his license for a time or revoke
  35-20  and cancel it entirely and may also give proper judgment of cost,
  35-21  from which order an appeal may be taken to the Court of Civil
  35-22  Appeals as in other civil cases.>
  35-23        SECTION 10.  Article 4549b, Revised Statutes, is amended to
  35-24  read as follows:
  35-25        Art. 4549b.  CONSUMER INFORMATION.  (a)  The Board shall
  35-26  prepare information of public <consumer> interest describing the
  35-27  <regulatory> functions of the Board and <describing> the Board's
   36-1  procedures by which <consumer> complaints are filed with and
   36-2  resolved by the Board.  The Board shall make the information
   36-3  available to the general public and appropriate state agencies.
   36-4        (b)  The Board by rule shall establish methods by which
   36-5  consumers and service recipients are notified of the name, mailing
   36-6  address, and telephone number of the Board for the purpose of
   36-7  directing complaints to the Board.  The Board may provide for that
   36-8  notification:
   36-9              (1)  on each registration form, application, brochure,
  36-10  or written contract for services of an individual or entity
  36-11  regulated under this Act;
  36-12              (2)  on a sign prominently displayed in the place of
  36-13  business of each individual or entity regulated under this Act; or
  36-14              (3)  in a bill for service provided by an individual or
  36-15  entity regulated under this Act.
  36-16        (c)  The Board shall list along with its regular telephone
  36-17  number the toll-free telephone number that may be called to present
  36-18  a complaint about a health professional if the toll-free number is
  36-19  established under other state law.
  36-20        SECTION 11.  Sections 1, 2, and 4, Article 4550a, Revised
  36-21  Statutes, are amended to read as follows:
  36-22        Sec. 1.  It shall be the duty of all persons holding a dental
  36-23  license or dental hygienist license issued by the State Board of
  36-24  Dental Examiners, to annually apply and to be registered as such
  36-25  practitioners with the State Board of Dental Examiners on or before
  36-26  March 1st of each calendar year.  Each person so registering shall
  36-27  pay in connection with such annual registration for the receipt
   37-1  hereinafter provided for, a fee as determined by said Board
   37-2  according to the needs of said Board, such payment to be made by
   37-3  each person to such Board, and every person so registering shall
   37-4  file with said Board a written application setting forth such facts
   37-5  as the Board may require.  A person holding a dental hygienist
   37-6  license must attach to the application proof of current
   37-7  certification <that the person has successfully completed a course>
   37-8  in cardiopulmonary resuscitation given or approved by the American
   37-9  Heart Association or American Red Cross <not earlier than one year
  37-10  before the date on which the license must be renewed or>, in the
  37-11  event that the person is not physically capable of successfully
  37-12  completing such training, a written statement executed by either a
  37-13  licensed physician or an instructor in cardiopulmonary
  37-14  resuscitation approved by the American Heart Association or
  37-15  American Red Cross that describes such physical incapacity.  In
  37-16  lieu of this requirement for annual cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  37-17  certification, a dental hygienist licensed by the Texas State Board
  37-18  of Dental Examiners and residing in a country other than the United
  37-19  States may satisfy this requirement by submitting proof of
  37-20  residence upon the annual date of renewal.  Upon receipt of such
  37-21  applications, accompanied by such fees, said Board, after
  37-22  ascertaining either from its records or other sources deemed by it
  37-23  to be reliable, that the applicant holds a valid license or
  37-24  certificate to practice in this State, shall issue to the applicant
  37-25  an annual registration certificate or receipt certifying that he
  37-26  has filed such application and has paid the required fee; provided,
  37-27  that the filing of such application, the payment of such fee, and
   38-1  the issuance of such receipt therefor, shall not entitle the holder
   38-2  thereof to lawfully practice within the State of Texas unless he in
   38-3  fact holds a license or certificate as such practitioner issued by
   38-4  the State Board of Dental Examiners, as provided by this law, and
   38-5  unless said license or certificate is in full force and effect; and
   38-6  provided further, that in any prosecution for unlawful practice
   38-7  such receipt showing payment of the annual registration fee
   38-8  required by this chapter shall not be treated as evidence that the
   38-9  holder thereof is lawfully entitled to practice.
  38-10        Sec. 2.  (a)  If any person required to register as a
  38-11  practitioner under the provisions hereof shall fail or refuse to
  38-12  apply for such registration and pay such fee on or before the
  38-13  specified date <March 1st> of each calendar year, as hereinabove
  38-14  set forth, his license or certificate to practice issued to him,
  38-15  shall thereafter stand suspended so that thereafter in practicing
  38-16  he shall be subject to the penalties imposed by law upon any person
  38-17  unlawfully practicing.
  38-18        (b)  A person may renew an unexpired license or certificate
  38-19  by paying to the Board before the expiration of the license or
  38-20  certificate the required renewal fee.
  38-21        (c)  If a person's license or certificate has been expired
  38-22  for not longer than ninety (90) days, the person may renew it by
  38-23  paying to the Board the required renewal fee and a fee that is
  38-24  one-half of the examination fee for the license or certificate.
  38-25        (d)  If a person's license or certificate has been expired
  38-26  for longer than ninety (90) days but less than one year <two
  38-27  years>, the person may renew it by paying to the Board all unpaid
   39-1  renewal fees and a fee that is equal to the examination fee for the
   39-2  license or certificate.
   39-3        (e)  If a person's license or certificate has been expired
   39-4  for one year <two years> or longer, the person may not renew it,
   39-5  except as provided by Section 2A of this article.  The person may
   39-6  obtain a new license or certificate by submitting to reexamination
   39-7  and complying with the requirements and procedures for obtaining an
   39-8  original license or certificate.  However, the Board may adopt
   39-9  rules providing for renewal without reexamination of an expired
  39-10  license of a person who was licensed in this state, moved to
  39-11  another state, and is currently licensed and has been in practice
  39-12  in the other state for the two years preceding application.  The
  39-13  person must pay to the Board a fee that is equal to the examination
  39-14  fee for the license.
  39-15        (f)  At least thirty (30) days before the expiration of a
  39-16  person's license, the <The> Board shall send written notice of the
  39-17  impending license expiration to the person at the licensee's last
  39-18  known address according to the records of the Board <must notify
  39-19  each licensee in writing of that licensee's impending license
  39-20  expiration 30 days prior to said expiration and shall attempt to
  39-21  obtain from the licensee signed receipt confirming receipt of
  39-22  notification>.
  39-23        (g)  Provided, however, that the requirements governing the
  39-24  payment of the annual registration fees and penalties for late
  39-25  registration shall not apply to licensees who are on active duty
  39-26  with the Armed Forces of the United States of America, and are not
  39-27  engaged in private or civilian practice.
   40-1        (h)  The Board by rule may adopt a system under which
   40-2  licenses expire on various dates during the year.  For the year in
   40-3  which the license expiration date is changed, license fees payable
   40-4  on March 1 shall be prorated on a monthly basis so that each
   40-5  licensee shall pay only that portion of the license fee that is
   40-6  allocable to the number of months during which the license is
   40-7  valid.  On renewal of the license on the new expiration date, the
   40-8  total license renewal fee is payable.
   40-9        Sec. 4.  (a)  To aid the Board in performing its duties, the
  40-10  Board is hereby authorized to employ an Executive <Secretary or>
  40-11  Director who shall receive a salary to be fixed by the Board, and
  40-12  who shall make and file a surety bond in a sum not less than Five
  40-13  Thousand Dollars ($5,000) conditioned for the faithful performance
  40-14  of all the duties of the <his> office and the safekeeping and
  40-15  proper disbursement of said "Dental Registration Fund" and all
  40-16  other funds received by the Executive Director <coming into his
  40-17  hands>; such salary shall be paid out of said "Dental Registration
  40-18  Fund" and shall not be in any way a charge upon the general revenue
  40-19  of the State.  The Executive Director, with the consent of the
  40-20  Board, may employ an Assistant Executive Director who shall perform
  40-21  all the duties required by law to be performed by the Executive
  40-22  Director when said Executive Director is absent or unable to act
  40-23  for any reason.  Said Board shall employ and provide such other
  40-24  employees as may be needed to assist the Executive <Secretary or>
  40-25  Director in performing the Executive Director's <his> duties and in
  40-26  carrying out the purposes of this Act, provided that their
  40-27  compensation shall be paid only out of the said "Dental
   41-1  Registration Fund."  All disbursements from "Dental Registration
   41-2  Fund" shall be made only upon the written approval of the President
   41-3  of the Board, Secretary of said Board, or an employee designated by
   41-4  the Board and upon warrants drawn by the Comptroller to be paid out
   41-5  of said fund.
   41-6        (b)  The Executive Director or the Executive Director's <his>
   41-7  designee shall develop <within one year of the effective date of
   41-8  this Act> an intraagency career ladder program.  The program shall
   41-9  require<, one part of which shall be> the intraagency posting of
  41-10  all nonentry level positions concurrently with <for at least ten
  41-11  (10) days prior to> any public posting.
  41-12        (c)  The Executive Director or the Executive Director's <his>
  41-13  designee shall develop <within one year of the effective date of
  41-14  this Act> a system of annual performance evaluations.  All <based
  41-15  on measurable job tasks.  Within two years of the effective date of
  41-16  this Act all> merit pay for Board employees <authorized by the
  41-17  Executive Director> must be based on the system established under
  41-18  <by> this section.
  41-19        (d)  The Executive Director or the Executive Director's
  41-20  designee shall prepare and maintain a written policy statement to
  41-21  ensure implementation of a program of equal employment opportunity
  41-22  under which all personnel transactions are made without regard to
  41-23  race, color, disability, sex, religion, age, or national origin.
  41-24  The policy statement must include:
  41-25              (1)  personnel policies, including policies relating to
  41-26  recruitment, evaluation, selection, appointment, training, and
  41-27  promotion of personnel that are in compliance with requirements of
   42-1  the Commission on Human Rights Act (Article 5221k, Vernon's Texas
   42-2  Civil Statutes) and its subsequent amendments;
   42-3              (2)  a comprehensive analysis of the Board work force
   42-4  that meets federal and state guidelines;
   42-5              (3)  procedures by which a determination can be made of
   42-6  significant underutilization in the board work force of all persons
   42-7  for whom federal or state guidelines encourage a more equitable
   42-8  balance; and
   42-9              (4)  reasonable methods to appropriately address those
  42-10  areas of significant underutilization.
  42-11        (e)  A policy statement prepared under Subsection (d) of this
  42-12  section must cover an annual period, be updated annually and
  42-13  reviewed by the Commission on Human Rights for compliance with
  42-14  Subdivision (1) of Subsection (d) of this section, and be filed
  42-15  with the governor's office.
  42-16        (f)  The governor's office shall deliver a biennial report to
  42-17  the legislature based on the information received under Subsection
  42-18  (e) of this section.  The report may be made separately or as a
  42-19  part of other biennial reports made to the legislature.
  42-20        (g)  The Board shall develop and implement policies that
  42-21  clearly define the respective responsibilities of the Board and the
  42-22  staff of the Board.
  42-23        (h)  The Board shall prepare and maintain a written plan that
  42-24  describes how a person who does not speak English can be provided
  42-25  reasonable access to the Board's programs.  The Board shall also
  42-26  comply with federal and state laws for program and facility
  42-27  accessibility.
   43-1        (i)  The Board shall develop and implement policies that
   43-2  provide the public with a reasonable opportunity to appear before
   43-3  the Board and to speak on any issue under the jurisdiction of the
   43-4  Board.
   43-5        SECTION 12.  Subsection (c), Section 3, Article 4550a,
   43-6  Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
   43-7        (c)  The <On or before the first day of January each year,
   43-8  the> Board shall file annually with <make in writing a complete and
   43-9  detailed report accounting for all funds received and disbursed by
  43-10  the Board/commission during the preceding year to> the governor and
  43-11  with <to> the presiding officer of each house of the legislature a
  43-12  complete and detailed written report accounting for all funds
  43-13  received and disbursed by the Board during the preceding fiscal
  43-14  year.  The annual report must be in the form and reported in the
  43-15  time provided by the General Appropriations Act.
  43-16        SECTION 13.  Section (b), Article 4551, Revised Statutes, is
  43-17  amended to read as follows:
  43-18        (b)  The Board shall establish reasonable and necessary fees
  43-19  so that the fees, in the aggregate, produce sufficient revenue to
  43-20  cover the cost of administering <for the administration of> this
  43-21  Act <in amounts not to exceed:>
  43-22              <(1)  dental examination fee:  $150;>
  43-23              <(2)  dental hygiene examination fee:  $75;>
  43-24              <(3)  annual renewal fees:>
  43-25                    <dentists:  $100,>
  43-26                    <dental hygienists:  $70,>
  43-27                    <dental labs:  $125;>
   44-1              <(4)  reciprocal registration fee:  $200;>
   44-2              <(5)  duplicate license fee:  $15;>
   44-3              <(6)  duplicate registration certificates:  $15>.
   44-4        The Board may not set a fee at an amount less than the amount
   44-5  of that fee on September 1, 1993 <shall not maintain unnecessary
   44-6  fund balances, and fee amounts shall be set in accordance with this
   44-7  requirement>.
   44-8        SECTION 14.  Section 4A, Chapter 475, Acts of the 52nd
   44-9  Legislature, 1951 (Article 4551e, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
  44-10  is amended to read as follows:
  44-12  <COMMITTEE>.  (a)  The Dental Hygiene Advisory Council <Committee>
  44-13  is hereby established.
  44-14        (b)  The Dental Hygiene Advisory Council <Committee> shall be
  44-15  composed <consist> of four <not more than eight> dental hygienists
  44-16  and two members of the general public  appointed by the governor to
  44-17  staggered six-year terms <Texas State Board of Dental Examiners.  A
  44-18  member of such advisory committee shall serve for a term of three
  44-19  years expiring on May 1 of the third year of the member's term.
  44-20  After the expiration of a member's term, the member shall continue
  44-21  to serve until the date a successor is appointed and has qualified.
  44-22  A person may not be appointed to serve for more than one full
  44-23  term>.
  44-24        (c)  The advisory council <committee> shall advise the
  44-25  <Texas> State Board of Dental Examiners on matters relating to
  44-26  dental hygiene.  In order to assure that the advisory council
  44-27  <committee> is able to exercise properly its advisory powers, the
   45-1  <Texas> State Board of Dental Examiners shall provide the advisory
   45-2  council <committee> with timely notice of all Board meetings and a
   45-3  copy of the minutes of all Board meetings.  In addition, the Board
   45-4  shall not adopt any rule relating to the practice of dental hygiene
   45-5  unless said proposed rule has been submitted to the advisory
   45-6  council <committee> for review and comment at least thirty (30)
   45-7  days prior to the adoption of said rule.
   45-8        (d)  A member of the advisory council <committee> is entitled
   45-9  to the compensatory per diem set by the General Appropriations Act
  45-10  for each day that the member engages in council <committee>
  45-11  business.  Except for transportation expenses, a member is not
  45-12  entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses.  A member is
  45-13  entitled to reimbursement for transportation expenses as provided
  45-14  by the General Appropriations Act.
  45-15        SECTION 15.  Section 5, Chapter 475, Acts of the 52nd
  45-16  Legislature, 1951 (Article 4551e, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
  45-17  is amended to read as follows:
  45-18        Sec. 5.  Examination.  The <Texas> State Board of Dental
  45-19  Examiners shall hold meetings at such times and places as the Board
  45-20  shall designate for the purpose of examining qualified applicants
  45-21  for licensure as dental hygienists in this State.  All applicants
  45-22  for examination shall pay a fee set by the Board to said Board as
  45-23  determined by said Board according to its needs and shall apply
  45-24  upon forms furnished by the Board and shall furnish such other
  45-25  information as the Board may in its discretion require to determine
  45-26  any applicant's qualifications.  An applicant must attach to the
  45-27  application proof that the applicant has successfully completed a
   46-1  current course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation given or approved
   46-2  by the American Heart Association or American Red Cross <not
   46-3  earlier than one year> before the date on which the applicant
   46-4  submits the application or, in the event that the applicant is not
   46-5  physically capable of successfully completing such training, a
   46-6  written statement executed by either a licensed physician or an
   46-7  instructor in cardiopulmonary resuscitation approved by the
   46-8  American Heart Association or American Red Cross that describes
   46-9  such physical incapacity.  The Board shall have authority to employ
  46-10  the services of such examiners and clerks as may be needed to aid
  46-11  the Board in the performance of such duties.  The examination shall
  46-12  be taken by all applicants on such subjects and operations
  46-13  pertaining to dentistry and dental hygiene which shall include
  46-14  Dental Anatomy, Pharmacology, X-Ray, Ethics, Jurisprudence, and
  46-15  Hygiene, and such other subjects as are regularly taught in
  46-16  reputable schools of dentistry and dental hygiene, as the Board in
  46-17  its discretion may require.  The examination shall be given orally
  46-18  or in writing, or by giving a practical demonstration of the
  46-19  applicant's skill or by any combination of such methods or subjects
  46-20  as the Board may in its discretion require.  The Board shall grade
  46-21  each applicant upon the various phases of the examination and shall
  46-22  report such grades to the applicant within a reasonable time after
  46-23  such examination, and each applicant who has satisfactorily passed
  46-24  all phases of the examination as determined by the Board shall be
  46-25  entitled to and shall be issued a license permitting such applicant
  46-26  to practice dental hygiene in the State of Texas as is defined and
  46-27  regulated by the law of this State.
   47-1        SECTION 16.  Section (7), Article 4551f, Revised Statutes, is
   47-2  amended to read as follows:
   47-3        Sec. (7).  (a)  In this section, "person" means an
   47-4  individual, corporation, association, partnership, or other private
   47-5  legal entity.
   47-6        (b)  A person other than a dental laboratory or dental
   47-7  technician may not fill a prescription for the preparation or
   47-8  repair of a dental prosthetic appliance that is to be delivered by
   47-9  a licensed dentist to a dental patient.  <At the time the dental
  47-10  prosthetic appliance is delivered to the dentist, the dental
  47-11  laboratory that prepared or repaired the appliance must provide the
  47-12  dentist its registration number as assigned by the Board and the
  47-13  expiration date of its certificate of registration.  The dental
  47-14  laboratory must provide the number in writing.>
  47-15        (c)  A person may not offer or undertake to operate a dental
  47-16  laboratory or to provide the services described in Section (1) of
  47-17  this article unless the person holds a certificate of registration
  47-18  issued by the Board.
  47-19        (d)  At the time the dental prosthetic appliance is delivered
  47-20  to the dentist, the dental laboratory that prepared or repaired the
  47-21  appliance must provide the dentist its registration number as
  47-22  assigned by the Board and the expiration date of its certificate of
  47-23  registration.  The dental laboratory must provide the number in
  47-24  writing.
  47-25        (e)  A dentist may not knowingly prescribe, order, or receive
  47-26  a dental prosthetic appliance that is to be prepared or has been
  47-27  prepared by an unregistered dental laboratory.  <A dentist who
   48-1  violates this subsection commits an offense.  Except as provided by
   48-2  Subsection (f) of this section, an offense under this subsection is
   48-3  a Class C misdemeanor.>
   48-4        (f) <(e)>  A person who violates a subsection <Subsection (b)
   48-5  or (c)> of this section commits an offense.  An <Except as provided
   48-6  by Subsection (f) of this section, an> offense under Subsection (b)
   48-7  or (c) of this section is a third degree felony.  An offense under
   48-8  Subsection (d) or (e) of this section <subsection> is a Class C
   48-9  misdemeanor.
  48-10        (g) <(f)>  If it is shown on the trial of an offense under
  48-11  this section that the defendant has previously been convicted under
  48-12  Subsections (d) and (e) of this section, an offense <under this
  48-13  section> is a Class A misdemeanor.
  48-14        SECTION 17.  Chapter 9, Title 71, Revised Statutes, is
  48-15  amended by adding Article 4551n to read as follows:
  48-16        Art. 4551n.  EMPLOYMENT OF DENTISTS.  (a)  The Board shall,
  48-17  on a form and under rules adopted by the Board, approve and certify
  48-18  any health organization to employ dentists upon application by the
  48-19  organization and presentation of satisfactory proof to the Board
  48-20  that the organization:
  48-21              (1)  is a nonprofit corporation under the Texas
  48-22  Non-Profit Corporation Act (Article 1396-1.01 et seq., Vernon's
  48-23  Texas Civil Statutes) and its subsequent amendments and Section
  48-24  501(c)(3), Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Section 501);
  48-25  and
  48-26              (2)  is organized and operated as a migrant, community,
  48-27  or homeless health center under the authority of and in compliance
   49-1  with 42 U.S.C. Section 254b, 254c, or 256, to contract with or
   49-2  employ dentists licensed by the Board.
   49-3        (b)  Any dentist providing dental services under Subsection
   49-4  (a) of this section shall provide those services free of charge or
   49-5  at a reduced fee commensurate with the patient's ability to pay in
   49-6  strict compliance with the applicable provisions of 42 U.S.C.
   49-7  Section 254b, 254c, or 256.
   49-8        (c)  The Board may, at its discretion, refuse to approve or
   49-9  certify any such health organization making application to the
  49-10  Board if in the Board's determination the applying nonprofit
  49-11  corporation is established or organized or operated in
  49-12  contravention to or with the intent to circumvent any provision of
  49-13  this Act.
  49-14        SECTION 18.  Section (b), Article 4551d, Revised Statutes, is
  49-15  repealed.
  49-16        SECTION 19.  (a)  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993.
  49-17        (b)  As the terms of members of the State Board of Dental
  49-18  Examiners expire or as vacancies on the board occur, the governor
  49-19  shall appoint members to the board to achieve, as soon as possible,
  49-20  the membership plan prescribed for the board by Article 4543a,
  49-21  Revised Statutes, as amended by this Act.
  49-22        (c)  The changes in law made by this Act in the
  49-23  qualifications of and the prohibitions applying to members of the
  49-24  State Board of Dental Examiners do not affect the entitlement of a
  49-25  member serving on the board immediately before the effective date
  49-26  of this Act to continue to hold office on the board for the term
  49-27  for which the member was appointed.  The changes in law apply only
   50-1  to a member appointed on or after September 1, 1993.
   50-2        (d)  As soon as possible on or after the effective date of
   50-3  this Act, the governor shall appoint six members to the Dental
   50-4  Hygiene Advisory Council.  In making the appointments, the governor
   50-5  shall designate two members for terms expiring February 1, 1995,
   50-6  two members for terms expiring February 1, 1997, and two members
   50-7  for terms expiring February 1, 1999.
   50-8        (e)  The current Dental Hygiene Advisory Committee
   50-9  established under Section 4A, Chapter 475, Acts of the 52nd
  50-10  Legislature, 1951 (Article 4551e, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes),
  50-11  shall continue to advise the board until the governor appoints a
  50-12  quorum of members of the Dental Hygiene Advisory Council.  At that
  50-13  time the Dental Hygiene Advisory Committee is abolished and the new
  50-14  council assumes its duties.
  50-15        (f)  The changes in law made by this Act relating to a
  50-16  penalty that may be imposed apply only to a violation of the Dental
  50-17  Practice Act (Article 4543 et seq., Revised Statutes) or a rule
  50-18  adopted by the State Board of Dental Examiners that occurs on or
  50-19  after the effective date of this Act.  A violation occurs on or
  50-20  after the effective date of this Act only if each element of the
  50-21  violation occurs on or after that date.  A violation that occurs
  50-22  before the effective date of this Act is governed by the law in
  50-23  effect on the date the violation occurred, and the former law is
  50-24  continued in effect for this purpose.
  50-25        SECTION 20.  The importance of this legislation and the
  50-26  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  50-27  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   51-1  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   51-2  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.