1-1  By:  Turner                                            S.B. No. 819
    1-2        (In the Senate - Filed March 10, 1993; March 15, 1993, read
    1-3  first time and referred to Committee on Finance; April 15, 1993,
    1-4  reported adversely, with favorable Committee Substitute by the
    1-5  following vote:  Yeas 11, Nays 0; April 15, 1993, sent to printer.)
    1-6                            COMMITTEE VOTE
    1-7                          Yea     Nay      PNV      Absent 
    1-8        Montford           x                               
    1-9        Turner             x                               
   1-10        Armbrister         x                               
   1-11        Barrientos         x                               
   1-12        Bivins             x                               
   1-13        Ellis              x                               
   1-14        Haley              x                               
   1-15        Moncrief                                      x    
   1-16        Parker             x                               
   1-17        Ratliff            x                               
   1-18        Sims                                          x    
   1-19        Truan              x                               
   1-20        Zaffirini          x                               
   1-21  COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR S.B. No. 819                   By:  Turner
   1-22                         A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
   1-23                                AN ACT
   1-24  relating to financial assistance programs administered by the
   1-25  Veterans' Land Board.
   1-27                               ARTICLE 1
   1-28        SECTION 1.01.  Section 161.001, Natural Resources Code, is
   1-29  amended to read as follows:
   1-30        Sec. 161.001.  DEFINITIONS.  (a)  In this chapter:
   1-31              (1)  "Board" means the Veterans' <Veterans> Land Board.
   1-32              (2)  "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of the
   1-33  General Land Office.
   1-34              (3)  "Land office" means the General Land Office.
   1-35              (4)  "Program" means the Veterans' <Veterans> Land
   1-36  Program.
   1-37              (5)  "Fund" means the veterans' <veterans> land fund.
   1-38              (6)  "Bonds" means general obligation <veterans land>
   1-39  bonds issued by the board for the purpose of funding the program.
   1-40              (7)  "Veteran" means a person who:
   1-41                    (A)(i)  served not less than 90 continuous days
   1-42  <after September 16, 1940>, unless sooner discharged by reason of a
   1-43  service-connected disability, on active duty in the Army, Navy, Air
   1-44  Force, Coast Guard, United States Public Health Service (as
   1-45  constituted under 42 U.S.C. Section 201 et seq.),<;> or Marine
   1-46  Corps of the United States after September 16, 1940, and who on
   1-47  <and has not been dishonorably discharged or released from any of
   1-48  those branches as of> the date of filing an application under the
   1-49  program has not been dishonorably discharged from the branch of the
   1-50  service in which the person served;
   1-51                          (ii)  has at least <his application, or who
   1-52  has completed> 20 years of active or reserve military service as
   1-53  computed when determining the person's eligibility to receive
   1-54  retired pay <creditable for retirement> under applicable federal
   1-55  law; <laws,> or
   1-56                          (iii)  has enlisted or received an <who has
   1-57  completed all initial active duty training required as a condition
   1-58  of enlistment or> appointment in the Texas National Guard, who has
   1-59  completed all initial active duty training required as a condition
   1-60  of the enlistment or appointment, and who on the date of filing the
   1-61  person's application has not been dishonorably discharged from the
   1-62  Texas National Guard;
   1-63                    (B)  at the time of the person's <his>
   1-64  enlistment, induction, commissioning, appointment, or drafting was
   1-65  a bona fide resident of this state or has resided in this state at
   1-66  least five years immediately before the date of filing an <his>
   1-67  application under this chapter <for a loan>; and
   1-68                    (C)  at the time of the person's <his>
    2-1  application <for a loan> under this chapter is <a citizen of the
    2-2  United States and> a bona fide resident of this state.  The term
    2-3  includes the unmarried surviving spouse of a veteran who died or
    2-4  who is identified as missing in action if the deceased or missing
    2-5  veteran meets the requirements of this section, with the exception
    2-6  that the deceased or missing veteran need not have served 90
    2-7  continuous days under Paragraph (A)(i) of this subdivision, and if
    2-8  the deceased or missing veteran <in the line of duty provided the
    2-9  deceased veteran> was a bona fide resident of this state at the
   2-10  time of enlistment, induction, commissioning, appointment, or
   2-11  drafting.  <In order for the surviving spouse to qualify, the
   2-12  deceased veteran must meet the requirements in this section with
   2-13  the exception that the deceased veteran need not have served 90
   2-14  continuous days><.>
   2-15        (b)  Notwithstanding Subdivision (7) of Subsection (a) of
   2-16  this section, the board may by rule change the definition of
   2-17  "veteran" as necessary or appropriate to protect the best interests
   2-18  of the program <in response to changes in the laws of the United
   2-19  States as they may affect the program>.
   2-20        SECTION 1.02.  Section 161.061, Natural Resources Code, is
   2-21  amended to read as follows:
   2-22        Sec. 161.061.  GENERAL DUTIES OF BOARD.  The board shall:
   2-23              (1)  authorize and execute negotiable bonds as provided
   2-24  by law;
   2-25              (2)  provide by resolution for use of the fund in a
   2-26  manner that will effectuate the intent of the constitution and the
   2-27  law;
   2-28              (3)  prescribe <fix> the interest rates as provided by
   2-29  law;
   2-30              (4)  provide for the forfeiture of contracts of sale
   2-31  and purchase and resale of forfeited land;
   2-32              (5)  conduct investigations it considers necessary; and
   2-33              (6)  formulate policies and rules necessary and not in
   2-34  conflict with the law to ensure the proper administration and to
   2-35  carry out the intent and purposes of the law.
   2-36        SECTION 1.03.  Subchapter C, Chapter 161, Natural Resources
   2-37  Code, is amended by adding Section 161.074 to read as follows:
   2-38        Sec. 161.074.  BOND ENHANCEMENT AGREEMENTS.  The board may at
   2-39  any time and from time to time enter into one or more bond
   2-40  enhancement agreements that the board determines to be necessary or
   2-41  appropriate to place the obligation of the board, as represented by
   2-42  the bonds, in whole or in part, on the interest rate, currency,
   2-43  cash flow, or other basis desired by the board.  Bond enhancement
   2-44  agreements may include, on terms and conditions approved by the
   2-45  board, interest rate swap agreements, currency swap agreements,
   2-46  forward payment conversion agreements, agreements providing for
   2-47  payments based on levels of or changes in interest rates or
   2-48  currency exchange rates, agreements to exchange cash flows or a
   2-49  series of payments, or agreements, including options, puts, or
   2-50  calls, to hedge payment, currency, rate, spread, or other exposure.
   2-51  A bond enhancement agreement is an agreement for professional
   2-52  services and shall contain the terms and conditions and be for the
   2-53  period that the board approves.  The fees and expenses of the board
   2-54  in connection with the issuance of bonds and the purchase and sale
   2-55  of land may be paid from money in the fund, provided that payments
   2-56  due from the board under a bond enhancement agreement, other than
   2-57  fees and expenses, that relate to the payment of debt service on
   2-58  bonds constitute payments of principal of and interest on the
   2-59  bonds.
   2-60        SECTION 1.04.  The heading of Subchapter D, Chapter 161,
   2-61  Natural Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
   2-63        SECTION 1.05.  Section 161.113, Natural Resources Code, is
   2-64  amended to read as follows:
   2-65        Sec. 161.113.  INTEREST RATE.  <(a)>  The bonds shall bear
   2-66  the rate or rates of interest prescribed by the board.
   2-67        <(b)  The weighted average annual interest rate of the bonds,
   2-68  as that phrase is commonly and ordinarily used and understood in
   2-69  the municipal bond market, may not be more than six percent in each
   2-70  installment.>
    3-1        SECTION 1.06.  Section 161.114, Natural Resources Code, is
    3-2  amended to read as follows:
    3-3        Sec. 161.114.  PAYMENT AND MATURITY OF BONDS.  (a)  The bonds
    3-4  shall be payable as provided by the board and shall mature serially
    3-5  or otherwise not later than 40 years from their date.
    3-6        (b)  Bonds previously issued shall mature according to their
    3-7  provisions.
    3-8        (c)  The board shall determine the medium of payment for both
    3-9  principal of and interest on the bonds.
   3-10        (d)  The board at its own option may make the bonds
   3-11  redeemable or subject to tender for purchase before maturity at the
   3-12  price and under the terms and conditions fixed by the board in the
   3-13  resolution providing for the issuance and sale of the bonds.
   3-14        SECTION 1.07.  Section 161.116, Natural Resources Code, is
   3-15  amended to read as follows:
   3-16        Sec. 161.116.  MANNER OF EXECUTION.  (a)  The bonds shall be
   3-17  executed by and on behalf of the board and the state as obligations
   3-18  of the state in the manner provided in Subsection (b) of this
   3-19  section.
   3-20        (b)  The bonds shall be signed by the chairman and the
   3-21  executive secretary of the board and the seal of the board shall be
   3-22  impressed on the bonds.  In addition, the bonds shall be signed by
   3-23  the governor and attested by the Secretary of State with the seal
   3-24  of the state impressed on the bonds.
   3-25        SECTION 1.08.  Section 161.118, Natural Resources Code, is
   3-26  amended to read as follows:
   3-27        Sec. 161.118.  APPROVAL BY ATTORNEY GENERAL.  Before bonds
   3-28  are delivered to the purchasers, the record relating to the bonds
   3-29  shall be examined by the attorney general.  If the record
   3-30  demonstrates that the bonds have been issued in accordance with the
   3-31  constitution and this subchapter, the <and the record and> bonds
   3-32  shall be approved by the attorney general.
   3-33        SECTION 1.09.  Section 161.119, Natural Resources Code, is
   3-34  amended to read as follows:
   3-35        Sec. 161.119.  REGISTRATION WITH COMPTROLLER.  After the
   3-36  bonds are approved by the attorney general, they shall be
   3-37  registered in the office of the <state> comptroller.
   3-38        SECTION 1.10.  Section 161.123, Natural Resources Code, is
   3-39  amended to read as follows:
   3-40        Sec. 161.123.  NOTICE FOR BIDS ON BONDS.  <(a)>  If the board
   3-41  authorizes the issuance of a series of bonds and decides to call
   3-42  for bids, it shall publish an appropriate notice at least one time
   3-43  not less than 10 days before the date of the sale in a <daily
   3-44  newspaper of general statewide circulation that is published not
   3-45  less than seven times a week.>
   3-46        <(b)  The notice shall be published for the number of times
   3-47  the board determines in one or more popularly> recognized financial
   3-48  journal <journals> of general circulation.
   3-49        SECTION 1.11.  Section 161.124, Natural Resources Code, is
   3-50  amended to read as follows:
   3-51        Sec. 161.124.  SECURITY FOR BID.  The <At its option, the>
   3-52  board may require bidders<, other than administrators of state
   3-53  funds listed in Section 161.122 of this code,> to accompany their
   3-54  bids with exchange or bank cashier's checks in an amount considered
   3-55  adequate by the board to be a forfeit guaranteeing the acceptance
   3-56  and payment for bonds covered by the bids and accepted by the
   3-57  board.
   3-58        SECTION 1.12.  Section 161.125, Natural Resources Code, is
   3-59  amended to read as follows:
   3-60        Sec. 161.125.  SALE OF BONDS.  Bonds may be sold at public or
   3-61  private sale at a price or prices and on terms determined by the
   3-62  board <(a) No bonds may be sold for less than their face value with
   3-63  accrued interest from their date and shall be sold after
   3-64  competitive bidding to the highest and best bidder.>
   3-65        <(b)  The provisions of Subsection (a) of this section do not
   3-66  apply to administrators of the state funds that are given a
   3-67  priority if they exercise the right of priority to take the bonds
   3-68  at the highest price bid by another within 15 days after notice is
   3-69  given.>
   3-70        <(c)  If two or more administrators of state funds desire to
    4-1  exercise their right of priority to purchase the bonds, the board
    4-2  shall prorate the bonds to the administrators who desire to make
    4-3  the purchase>.
    4-4        SECTION 1.13.  Section 161.128, Natural Resources Code, is
    4-5  amended to read as follows:
    4-6        Sec. 161.128.  BONDS AS INVESTMENTS AND SECURITY.  (a)  Bonds
    4-7  issued under <Article III, Section 49-b of the Texas Constitution,
    4-8  and> this chapter are legal and authorized investments for banks,
    4-9  savings banks, trust companies, building and loan associations,
   4-10  insurance companies, fiduciaries, trustees, guardians, and for the
   4-11  sinking funds of cities, towns, villages, counties, school
   4-12  districts, and other political subdivisions and public agencies of
   4-13  the state.
   4-14        (b)  The bonds<, if accompanied by unmatured coupons
   4-15  appurtenant to them,> are legal and sufficient security for the
   4-16  deposits in the amount of the par value of the bonds.
   4-17        SECTION 1.14.  Section 161.129, Natural Resources Code, is
   4-18  amended to read as follows:
   4-19        Sec. 161.129.  TAXATION OF BONDS.  Bonds <issued under
   4-20  Article III, Section 49-b of the Texas Constitution, and laws
   4-21  implementing that section of the constitution,> are exempt from any
   4-22  tax by the state and by cities, towns, villages, counties, school
   4-23  districts, and other political subdivisions and public agencies of
   4-24  the state.
   4-25        SECTION 1.15.  Subchapter D, Chapter 161, Natural Resources
   4-26  Code, is amended by adding Sections 161.130, 161.131, and 161.132
   4-27  to read as follows:
   4-28        Sec. 161.130.  CONSTITUTIONAL APPROPRIATIONS.  (a)  If during
   4-29  the existence of the fund or during the time general obligation
   4-30  bonds are payable from the fund the board determines that there
   4-31  will not be sufficient money in the fund during the following
   4-32  biennium available to pay principal of or interest on the bonds
   4-33  that are to come due and to be paid from the fund during that
   4-34  biennium, the comptroller shall transfer to the fund the first
   4-35  money coming into the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated by
   4-36  the constitution in amounts sufficient to pay the obligations.
   4-37        (b)  The money appropriated shall be used to pay the
   4-38  obligations only if at the time the principal or interest actually
   4-39  become due there is not sufficient money in the fund available to
   4-40  pay the amount due.
   4-41        Sec. 161.131.  MINORITY-OWNED BUSINESSES.  (a)  The board
   4-42  shall make a good faith effort to award to minority-owned
   4-43  businesses:
   4-44              (1)  contracts relating to the issuance of bonds by the
   4-45  board under this chapter in the amount of at least 20 percent of
   4-46  the total costs of issuing those bonds; and
   4-47              (2)  contracts for the items to be financed by bonds
   4-48  issued by the board in the amount of at least 20 percent of the
   4-49  proceeds of those bonds.
   4-50        (b)  Not later than October 31 of each year, the board shall
   4-51  file with the governor and each house of the legislature a written
   4-52  report containing the following information for the previous year
   4-53  for all businesses and for minority-owned businesses classified by
   4-54  minority group:
   4-55              (1)  the total number of contracts relating to the
   4-56  issuance of bonds by the board under this chapter and to the items
   4-57  to be financed by those bonds;
   4-58              (2)  the total dollar amount the board must pay under
   4-59  each contract described by Subdivision (1) of this subsection; and
   4-60              (3)  the total number of businesses submitting bids or
   4-61  proposals relating to the issuance of bonds by the board under this
   4-62  chapter and to the items to be financed by those bonds.
   4-63        (c)  In this section:
   4-64              (1)  "Minority-owned business" means a business entity
   4-65  at least 51 percent of which is owned by members of a minority
   4-66  group or, in the case of a corporation, at least 51 percent of the
   4-67  shares of which are owned by members of a minority group, and that
   4-68  is managed and controlled by members of a minority group in its
   4-69  daily operations.
   4-70              (2)  "Minority group" includes:
    5-1                    (A)  African Americans;
    5-2                    (B)  American Indians;
    5-3                    (C)  Asian Americans; and
    5-4                    (D)  Mexican Americans and other Americans of
    5-5  Hispanic origin.
    5-6        Sec. 161.132.  WOMEN-OWNED BUSINESSES.  (a)  The board shall
    5-7  make a good faith effort to award to women-owned businesses:
    5-8              (1)  contracts relating to the issuance of bonds by the
    5-9  board under this chapter in the amount of at least 10 percent of
   5-10  the total costs of issuing those bonds; and
   5-11              (2)  contracts for the items to be financed by bonds
   5-12  issued by the board in the amount of at least 10 percent of the
   5-13  proceeds of those bonds.
   5-14        (b)  Not later than October 31 of each year, the board shall
   5-15  file with the governor and each house of the legislature a written
   5-16  report containing the following information for the previous year
   5-17  for all businesses and for women-owned businesses classified by
   5-18  minority group:
   5-19              (1)  the total number of contracts relating to the
   5-20  issuance of bonds by the board under this chapter and to the items
   5-21  to be financed by those bonds;
   5-22              (2)  the total dollar amount the board must pay under
   5-23  each contract described by Subdivision (1) of this subsection; and
   5-24              (3)  the total number of businesses submitting bids or
   5-25  proposals relating to the issuance of bonds by the board under this
   5-26  chapter and to the items to be financed by those bonds.
   5-27        (c)  In this section:
   5-28              (1)  "Women-owned business" means a business entity at
   5-29  least 51 percent of which is owned by women or, in the case of a
   5-30  corporation, at least 51 percent of the shares of which are owned
   5-31  by women, and that is managed and controlled by women in its daily
   5-32  operations.
   5-33              (2)  "Minority group" includes:
   5-34                    (A)  African Americans;
   5-35                    (B)  American Indians;
   5-36                    (C)  Asian Americans; and
   5-37                    (D)  Mexican Americans and other Americans of
   5-38  Hispanic origin.
   5-39        SECTION 1.16.  The heading of Subchapter E, Chapter 161,
   5-40  Natural Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
   5-42        SECTION 1.17.  Section 161.171, Natural Resources Code, is
   5-43  amended to read as follows:
   5-44        Sec. 161.171.  MONEY AND LAND INCLUDED IN <VETERANS LAND>
   5-45  FUND.  (a)  The veterans' <veterans> land fund shall include:
   5-46              (1)  land purchased by the board from money in the fund
   5-47  <until the sale price, interest, and penalties due have been
   5-48  received by the board>;
   5-49              (2)  money attributable to general obligation bonds
   5-50  issued and sold by the board, including proceeds from the issuance
   5-51  and sale of the bonds;
   5-52              (3)  money received from the sale or resale of land or
   5-53  rights in land purchased with the proceeds from the general
   5-54  obligation bonds;
   5-55              (4)  money received from the sale or resale of land or
   5-56  rights in land purchased with other money attributable to the
   5-57  general obligation bonds;
   5-58              (5)  proceeds derived from the sale or other
   5-59  disposition of the board's interest in contracts for the sale of
   5-60  land or rights in land;
   5-61              (6)  interest and penalties received from the sale or
   5-62  resale of the land or rights in the land;
   5-63              (7) <(6)>  bonuses, income, rents, royalties, and any
   5-64  other pecuniary benefit received by the board from the land;
   5-65              (8) <(7)>  money received as indemnity or forfeiture
   5-66  for the failure of any bidder for purchase of general obligation
   5-67  bonds to comply with the person's <his> bid and accept and pay for
   5-68  the bonds or for the failure of a bidder for purchase of land
   5-69  comprising a part of the fund to comply with the person's <his> bid
   5-70  and accept and pay for the land and amounts received by the board
    6-1  under bond enhancement agreements with respect to the bonds; and
    6-2              (9) <(8)>  interest received from investments of this
    6-3  money.
    6-4        (b)  Money in the fund shall be deposited in the State
    6-5  Treasury to the credit of the fund.
    6-6        <(c)  The provisions of this section may not be construed to
    6-7  prevent the board from accepting for a portion of a tract of land.>
    6-8        SECTION 1.18.  Section 161.173, Natural Resources Code, is
    6-9  amended to read as follows:
   6-10        Sec. 161.173.  INVESTMENT OF MONEY IN FUND <PAYMENT OF
   6-11  PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST; INVESTMENTS>.  (a)  <The principal of and
   6-12  interest on bonds issued by the board shall be paid from money in
   6-13  the fund as provided in the constitutional provision authorizing
   6-14  the bonds.>
   6-15        <(b)>  Except as limited by Subsection (b) <(c)> of this
   6-16  section, money in the fund that is not immediately committed to
   6-17  paying principal of and interest on the bonds, to the purchase of
   6-18  land, or to the payment of expenses as provided in this chapter may
   6-19  be invested in:
   6-20              (1)  direct security repurchase agreements and reverse
   6-21  security repurchase agreements made with state or national banks
   6-22  domiciled in this state or with primary dealers as approved by the
   6-23  Federal Reserve System;
   6-24              (2)  direct obligations of or obligations the principal
   6-25  and interest of which are guaranteed by the United States;
   6-26              (3)  direct obligations of or obligations guaranteed by
   6-27  the Federal Home Loan Banks, the Federal National Mortgage
   6-28  Association, the Federal Farm Credit System, the Student Loan
   6-29  Marketing Association, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation,
   6-30  or a successor organization to one of those organizations;
   6-31              (4)  bankers' acceptances that:
   6-32                    (A)  are eligible for purchase by members of the
   6-33  Federal Reserve System;
   6-34                    (B)  do not exceed 270 days to maturity; and
   6-35                    (C)  are issued by a bank that has received the
   6-36  highest short-term credit rating by a nationally recognized
   6-37  investment rating firm;
   6-38              (5)  commercial paper that:
   6-39                    (A)  does not exceed 270 days to maturity; and
   6-40                    (B)  has received the highest short-term credit
   6-41  rating by a nationally recognized investment rating firm;
   6-42              (6)  contracts written by the board in which the board
   6-43  grants the purchaser the right to purchase securities in the
   6-44  board's marketable securities portfolio at a specified price over a
   6-45  specified period and for which the board is paid a fee and
   6-46  specifically prohibits naked-option or uncovered option trading;
   6-47              (7)  obligations of a state or an agency, county, city,
   6-48  or other political subdivision of a state and mutual funds composed
   6-49  of these obligations;
   6-50              (8)  an investment instrument, obligation, or other
   6-51  evidence of indebtedness the payment of which is directly or
   6-52  indirectly guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the United
   6-53  States;
   6-54              (9)  an investment, account, depository receipt, or
   6-55  deposit that is fully:
   6-56                    (A)  insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance
   6-57  Corporation, the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, or
   6-58  a successor organization to one of those organizations; or
   6-59                    (B)  secured by securities described by
   6-60  Subdivision (2), (3), or (8) of this subsection;
   6-61              (10)  a collateralized mortgage obligation fully
   6-62  secured by securities or mortgages issued or guaranteed by the
   6-63  Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) or any entity
   6-64  described by Subdivision (3) of this subsection;
   6-65              (11)  a security or evidence of indebtedness issued by
   6-66  the Farm Credit System Financial Assistance Corporation, the
   6-67  Private Export Funding Corporation, or the Export-Import Bank; and
   6-68              (12)  any other investment authorized for investment of
   6-69  state funds by the treasurer under Section 404.024, Government
   6-70  Code.
    7-1        (b) <(c)>  The board may not invest in or purchase
    7-2  obligations of a private corporation or other private business
    7-3  entity doing business in the Republic of South Africa unless the
    7-4  corporation or other entity:
    7-5              (1)  has:
    7-6                    (A)  adopted the Statement of Principles for
    7-7  South Africa as they existed in 1987, as described in the Report on
    7-8  the Signatory Companies to the Statement of Principles for South
    7-9  Africa published by Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge,
   7-10  Massachusetts, and has obtained a performance rating in Category 1
   7-11  or 2 of the Statement of Principles for South Africa rating system
   7-12  as determined by Arthur D. Little, Inc.; or
   7-13                    (B)  agreed to the Code of Conduct that is
   7-14  enforced by the United States Department of State under Section
   7-15  208, Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986 (Pub. L. No. 99-440)
   7-16  and has received a rating of "Making Satisfactory Progress"; and
   7-17              (2)  does not supply strategic products or services for
   7-18  use by the government, military, or police of the Republic of South
   7-19  Africa.
   7-20        (c) <(d)>  In this section:
   7-21              (1)  "Direct security repurchase agreement" means an
   7-22  agreement under which the board buys, holds for a specified time,
   7-23  and then sells back any of the following securities, obligations,
   7-24  or participation certificates:
   7-25                    (A)  United States government securities;
   7-26                    (B)  direct obligations of or obligations the
   7-27  principal and interest of which are guaranteed by the United
   7-28  States;
   7-29                    (C)  direct obligations of or obligations
   7-30  guaranteed by the Federal Home Loan Banks, the Federal National
   7-31  Mortgage Association, the Federal Farm Credit System, the Student
   7-32  Loan Marketing Association, the Federal Home Loan Mortgage
   7-33  Corporation, or a successor organization to one of those
   7-34  organizations; or
   7-35                    (D)  any other investment instrument, obligation,
   7-36  or other evidence of indebtedness the payment of which is directly
   7-37  or indirectly guaranteed by the full faith and credit of the United
   7-38  States.
   7-39              (2)  "Doing business in the Republic of South Africa"
   7-40  means conducting or performing manufacturing, assembly, or
   7-41  warehousing operations within the Republic of South Africa and for
   7-42  a bank or other financial institution, lending money to the
   7-43  government of the Republic of South Africa or any of its agencies
   7-44  or instrumentalities.
   7-45              (3)  "Market value" means the fair and reasonable
   7-46  prevailing price at which a security is being sold on the open
   7-47  market at the time of the appraisement of the security by the
   7-48  board.
   7-49              (4)  "Reverse security repurchase agreement" means an
   7-50  agreement under which the board sells and after a specified time
   7-51  buys back any of the securities, obligations, or participation
   7-52  certificates listed in Paragraphs (A) through (D) of Subdivision
   7-53  (1) of this subsection.
   7-54              (5)  "Strategic products or services" means articles
   7-55  designated as arms, ammunition, or implements of war as provided by
   7-56  22 Code of Federal Regulations Part 121 or data processing
   7-57  equipment or computers sold for military or police use or for use
   7-58  in connection with restriction on travel within the Republic of
   7-59  South Africa by residents of that country.
   7-60        SECTION 1.19.  Section 161.174, Natural Resources Code, is
   7-61  amended to read as follows:
   7-62        Sec. 161.174.  USE OF FUND TO PAY PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST
   7-64  ISSUES>.  The principal of and interest on bonds issued by the
   7-65  board shall be paid from money in the fund as provided by the
   7-66  constitutional provision authorizing the bonds  <(a)  A division
   7-67  consists of money attributable to bonds issued and sold under a
   7-68  single constitutional authorization and land purchased with money
   7-69  from that issue.>
   7-70        <(b)  If a division of the fund contains sufficient money to
    8-1  retire bonds secured by the division, the money attributable to
    8-2  that division, except that portion necessary to retire bonds in
    8-3  that division, may be used at the discretion and direction of the
    8-4  board to pay principal of and interest on and authorized expenses
    8-5  for other bonds issued and sold by the board.  However, the amount
    8-6  of money necessary to retire bonds in the division shall be set
    8-7  aside and shall remain a part of that division for the purpose of
    8-8  retiring those bonds.>
    8-9        <(c)  No use of money as provided in Subsection (b) of this
   8-10  section may be made contrary to the rights of a holder of bonds
   8-11  issued and sold by the board or violative of a contract to which
   8-12  the board is a party>.
   8-13        SECTION 1.20.  Section 161.175, Natural Resources Code, is
   8-14  amended to read as follows:
   8-15        Sec. 161.175.  USE OF FUND TO PAY <FOR> EXPENSES RELATED TO
   8-16  THE LAND.  (a)  The board may use money in the fund attributable to
   8-17  bonds that have been issued and sold to pay:
   8-18              (1)  expenses of surveying and monumenting the land and
   8-19  the tracts of land;
   8-20              (2)  the cost of constructing roads on the land or the
   8-21  tracts of land;
   8-22              (3)  legal fees, recordation fees, and advertising
   8-23  costs arising from the purchase and sale or resale of the land and
   8-24  the tracts of land; and
   8-25              (4)  other similar costs necessary or incidental to the
   8-26  purchase and sale of land acquired by the board.
   8-27        (b)  These expenses shall be added to the price of the land
   8-28  when sold or resold by the board.
   8-29        (c)  The board may award a contract in an amount not to
   8-30  exceed $10,000 to purchase supplies, materials, services, and
   8-31  equipment for use by the board in connection with improvements to,
   8-32  repairs to, or maintenance of land and with roadways and
   8-33  improvements located on land that are undertaken by the board under
   8-34  this chapter to make the land more marketable or useable without
   8-35  the necessity of soliciting or obtaining competitive bids.  The
   8-36  board may not award a contract under this subsection in an amount
   8-37  that exceeds $10,000 without soliciting or obtaining competitive
   8-38  bids  <No money in the fund before November 11, 1967, may be used
   8-39  to pay the expenses listed in Subsection (a)   of this section
   8-40  until there is sufficient money in the division to retire all bonds
   8-41  secured by the division, at which time, all money except that
   8-42  needed to retire the bonds secured by the division, which shall be
   8-43  retained in the division to retire the bonds, may be used to pay
   8-44  the expenses as fully as the money attributable to bonds>.
   8-45        SECTION 1.21.  Section 161.176, Natural Resources Code, is
   8-46  amended to read as follows:
   8-47        Sec. 161.176.  USE OF FUND TO PAY BOND EXPENSES.  <(a)>  The
   8-48  board may use money in the fund attributable to bonds issued and
   8-49  sold to pay:
   8-50              (1)  legal fees and fees for financial advice necessary
   8-51  in the opinion of the board to the sale of bonds;
   8-52              (2)  the expense of publishing notice of sale of an
   8-53  installment of bonds;
   8-54              (3)  the expense of printing the bonds;
   8-55              (4)  the expenses of issuance of the bonds, including
   8-56  the actual costs of travel, lodging, and meals of board members,
   8-57  officers or employees of the board, the <state> comptroller, the
   8-58  State Treasurer, and the attorney general that are necessary in the
   8-59  opinion of the board to effectuate the issuance, rating, and
   8-60  delivery of the bonds;
   8-61              (5)  the cost of manually signing the bonds;
   8-62              (6)  remuneration to any agent employed by the board to
   8-63  pay the principal of and interest on the bonds;
   8-64              (7)  any amounts required to be paid to maintain the
   8-65  federal tax exemption of interest on the bonds; and
   8-66              (8)  all other costs, fees, and expenses relating to
   8-67  the issuance of the bonds.
   8-68        <(b)  No money in a division of the fund created before
   8-69  November 11, 1967, may be used to pay the expenses listed in
   8-70  Subsection (a)   of this section until there is sufficient money
    9-1  for the division to retire all bonds secured by the division, at
    9-2  which time all money, except that which may be needed to retire the
    9-3  bonds, may be used to pay the expenses under Subsection (a)   of
    9-4  this section as fully as money attributable to bonds issued and
    9-5  sold in the future.  The money in the division needed to retire the
    9-6  bonds shall remain in the division.>
    9-7        SECTION 1.22.  Section 161.179, Natural Resources Code, is
    9-8  amended to read as follows:
    9-9        Sec. 161.179.  SALE OF LAND AND LAND CONTRACTS.
   9-10  Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the board may
   9-11  sell at public or private sale, with or without public bidding, any
   9-12  or all of the land contracts and related land.  Proceeds from the
   9-13  sale shall be deposited in the fund or account from which the
   9-14  contracts or related land were sold and otherwise applied in the
   9-15  manner set forth in this chapter, except that at the direction of
   9-16  the board the sale proceeds may be used by the board, together with
   9-17  other available money, to discharge, pay, or redeem, in whole or in
   9-18  part, outstanding bonds issued by the board  <LEGISLATIVE
   9-19  APPROPRIATIONS.  To the extent not otherwise appropriated by the
   9-20  constitution:>
   9-21        <(a)  During the existence of the fund, if the board
   9-22  determines that there will not be sufficient money in the fund
   9-23  during the following biennium to pay principal of or interest on
   9-24  the bonds or both principal and interest that are to come due
   9-25  during the following biennium, the legislature shall appropriate
   9-26  from the General Revenue Fund sufficient money to pay the
   9-27  obligations.>
   9-28        <(b)  The money appropriated shall be used to pay the
   9-29  obligations only if at the time the principal or interest or both
   9-30  actually become due there is not sufficient money in the fund to
   9-31  pay the amount due>.
   9-32        SECTION 1.23.  Subchapter E, Chapter 161, Natural Resources
   9-33  Code, is amended by adding Section 161.180 to read as follows:
   9-34        Sec. 161.180.  TEMPORARY TRANSFERS.  Amounts temporarily
   9-35  transferred from the fund to the veterans' housing assistance fund
   9-36  or the veterans' housing assistance fund II under the Texas
   9-37  Constitution shall be returned to the fund as soon as practicable.
   9-38  Investment earnings allocated by the board to the transferred
   9-39  amounts shall be credited to the fund as if the transfer had not
   9-40  been made.
   9-41        SECTION 1.24.  Section 161.216, Natural Resources Code, is
   9-42  amended to read as follows:
   9-43        Sec. 161.216.  COST OF LAND SOLD BY <TO> BOARD.  Except for
   9-44  forfeited land that may be resold by <to> the board at less than
   9-45  actual cost under Section 161.319 of this code, land shall not be
   9-46  sold by <to> the board at less than its actual cost.
   9-47        SECTION 1.25.  Subsections (a) and (b), Section 161.222,
   9-48  Natural Resources Code, are amended to read as follows:
   9-49        (a)  The purchaser shall make an initial payment in an amount
   9-50  set by the board's rules for land sold under this chapter.  <In no
   9-51  event shall the payment be more than $1,000 together with an
   9-52  additional down payment as provided in Sections 161.175 and 161.231
   9-53  through 161.234 of this code or Subchapter G of this chapter.>
   9-54        (b)  The balance of the selling price shall be amortized over
   9-55  a period determined by the board not to exceed 40 years together
   9-56  with interest at a fixed, variable, floating, or other rate or
   9-57  rates <to be> determined by the board.
   9-58        SECTION 1.26.  Section 161.319, Natural Resources Code, is
   9-59  amended to read as follows:
   9-60        Sec. 161.319.  RESALE OF FORFEITED LAND.  (a)  Resale of
   9-61  forfeited land under this chapter may be made to the highest
   9-62  bidder<, but the sale shall be made only to a qualified purchaser
   9-63  under Article III, Section 49-b of the Texas Constitution, and>
   9-64  under terms and conditions and at the time and in the manner
   9-65  prescribed by the board in its rules, the provisions of this
   9-66  chapter notwithstanding.
   9-67        (b)  The board may reject any and all bids.
   9-68        (c)  If the successful bidder refuses to execute a contract
   9-69  of sale and purchase, the money submitted with the person's <his>
   9-70  bid is forfeited and shall be deposited in the State Treasury and
   10-1  credited to the fund.
   10-2                               ARTICLE 2
   10-3        SECTION 2.01.  Section 162.001, Natural Resources Code, is
   10-4  amended to read as follows:
   10-5        Sec. 162.001.  DEFINITIONS.  (a)  In this chapter:
   10-6              (1)  "Board" means the Veterans' Land Board.
   10-7              (2)  "Fund" means the veterans' housing assistance
   10-8  fund.
   10-9              (3)  "Home" means a dwelling within this state in which
  10-10  a veteran intends to reside as the veteran's <his> principal
  10-11  residence.
  10-12              (4)  "Lending institution" means a bank, trust company,
  10-13  savings bank, national banking association, savings and loan
  10-14  association, building and loan association, mortgage banker,
  10-15  mortgage company, credit union, life insurance company, or other
  10-16  financial institution that customarily provides service or aids in
  10-17  the financing of mortgages on single-family residential housing
  10-18  which has been approved for participation in the program by the
  10-19  board.  The term includes a holding company for any of the
  10-20  foregoing.
  10-21              (5)  "Loan" means a veterans' housing assistance loan
  10-22  made or acquired by the board under this chapter secured by a
  10-23  mortgage on a veteran's home.
  10-24              (6)  "Program" means the Veterans' Housing Assistance
  10-25  Program.
  10-26              (7)  "Commission" means the Texas Veterans Commission.
  10-27              (8)  "Veteran" means a person who:
  10-28                    (A)(i)  served not less than 90 continuous days,
  10-29  unless sooner discharged by reason of a service-connected
  10-30  disability, on active duty in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast
  10-31  Guard, United States Public Health Service (as constituted under 42
  10-32  U.S.C. Section 201 et seq.), or Marine Corps of the United States
  10-33  after September 16, 1940, and who on the date of filing a <his>
  10-34  loan application has not been dishonorably discharged from the
  10-35  branch of the service in which the person <he> served;
  10-36                          (ii)  has at least 20 years of active or
  10-37  reserve military service as computed when determining the person's
  10-38  eligibility to receive retired pay under applicable federal law; or
  10-39                          (iii)  has enlisted or received an
  10-40  appointment in the Texas National Guard, who has completed all
  10-41  initial active duty training required as a condition of the
  10-42  enlistment or appointment, and who on the date of filing the
  10-43  person's loan application has not been dishonorably discharged from
  10-44  the Texas National Guard;
  10-45                    (B)  at the time of the person's <his>
  10-46  enlistment, induction, commissioning, appointment, or drafting was
  10-47  a bona fide resident of this state or has resided in this state at
  10-48  least five years immediately before the date of filing an <his>
  10-49  application for a loan; and
  10-50                    (C)  at the time of the person's <his>
  10-51  application for a loan under this chapter is <a citizen of the
  10-52  United States and> a bona fide resident of this state.  The term
  10-53  includes the unmarried surviving spouse of a veteran who died or
  10-54  who is identified as missing in action <in the line of duty> if the
  10-55  deceased or missing veteran meets the requirements in this section,
  10-56  with the exception that the deceased or missing veteran need not
  10-57  have served 90 continuous days under Paragraph (A)(i) of this
  10-58  subdivision, and if the deceased or missing veteran was a bona fide
  10-59  resident of the state at time of enlistment, induction,
  10-60  commissioning, appointment, or drafting.
  10-61        (b)  Notwithstanding Subdivision (8) of Subsection (a) of
  10-62  this section, the board may by rule change the definition of
  10-63  "veteran" as necessary or appropriate to protect the best interests
  10-64  of the program <in response to changes in the laws of the United
  10-65  States as they may affect the program>.
  10-66        SECTION 2.02.  Subsection (a), Section 162.001, Natural
  10-67  Resources Code, is amended by adding Subdivision (9) to read as
  10-68  follows:
  10-69              (9)  "Veterans' housing assistance fund" means the
  10-70  Veterans' Housing Assistance Fund established under Article III,
   11-1  Section 49-b-1, of the Texas Constitution.
   11-2        SECTION 2.03.  Subject to Subsection (b) of Section 6.01 of
   11-3  this Act, Subdivision (9), Subsection (a), Section 162.001, Natural
   11-4  Resources Code, as added by Section 2.02 of this Act, is amended to
   11-5  read as follows:
   11-6              (9)  "Veterans' housing assistance fund" means the
   11-7  Veterans' Housing Assistance Fund established under Article III,
   11-8  Section 49-b-1, of the Texas Constitution or the Veterans' Housing
   11-9  Assistance Fund II established under Article III, Section 49-b-2,
  11-10  of the Texas Constitution.  Each fund shall be separate and
  11-11  distinct from the other fund and the provisions of this chapter
  11-12  dealing with the fund shall relate to each fund separately and to
  11-13  the separate assets, liabilities, and administration of each fund.
  11-14        SECTION 2.04.  Section 162.002, Natural Resources Code, is
  11-15  amended to read as follows:
  11-17  HOUSING ASSISTANCE FUND.  (a)  The veterans' housing assistance
  11-18  fund shall include:
  11-19              (1)  any interest of the board in <all> home mortgage
  11-20  loans made from money in the fund to veterans pursuant to this
  11-21  chapter including any insurance thereon or on the homes<, until the
  11-22  principal amount together with any interest and penalties due have
  11-23  been received by the board>;
  11-24              (2)  the proceeds derived from the sale or other
  11-25  disposition of the board's interest in home mortgage loans;
  11-26              (3)  the money attributable to any bonds issued and
  11-27  sold by the board to provide money for the fund which shall include
  11-28  but shall not be limited to the proceeds from the issuance and sale
  11-29  of such bonds;
  11-30              (4) <(3)>  income, rents, and any other pecuniary
  11-31  benefit received by the board as a result of making these loans;
  11-32              (5) <(4)>  sums received by way of indemnity or
  11-33  forfeiture for the failure of any bidder for the purchase of any
  11-34  such bonds to comply with the person's <his> bid and accept and pay
  11-35  for such bonds and amounts received by the board under bond
  11-36  enhancement agreements with respect to the bonds;
  11-37              (6) <(5)>  interest received from investments of any
  11-38  such money; and
  11-39              (7) <(6)>  any equitable interest in properties
  11-40  encumbered under this program and attributable to the fund.
  11-41        (b)  Money in the fund shall be deposited in the State
  11-42  Treasury to the credit of the fund.
  11-43        SECTION 2.05.  Subchapter A, Chapter 162, Natural Resources
  11-44  Code, is amended by adding Section 162.005 to read as follows:
  11-45        Sec. 162.005.  SALE OF LOANS.  Notwithstanding any other
  11-46  provision of this chapter, the board may sell at public or private
  11-47  sale, with or without public bidding, any or all of the loans in
  11-48  the fund.  Proceeds from the sale shall be deposited in the fund
  11-49  and otherwise applied in the manner provided by this chapter,
  11-50  except that at the direction of the board the sale proceeds may be
  11-51  used by the board, together with other available money, to
  11-52  discharge, pay, or redeem, in whole or in part, outstanding bonds
  11-53  issued by the board under this chapter.
  11-54        SECTION 2.06.  Subchapter A, Chapter 162, Natural Resources
  11-55  Code, is amended by adding Section 162.006 to read as follows:
  11-56        Sec. 162.006.  TEMPORARY TRANSFERS.  Amounts temporarily
  11-57  transferred from either veterans' housing assistance fund to the
  11-58  veterans' land fund or to the other veterans' housing assistance
  11-59  fund under the Texas Constitution shall be returned to the fund as
  11-60  soon as practicable.  Investment  earnings allocated by the board
  11-61  to the transferred amounts shall be credited to the fund as if the
  11-62  transfer had not been made.
  11-63        SECTION 2.07.  Section 162.011, Natural Resources Code, is
  11-64  amended to read as follows:
  11-65        Sec. 162.011.  LOANS.  (a)  The board shall make or acquire
  11-66  loans with money from the veterans' housing assistance fund in
  11-67  accordance with this chapter and the rules adopted by the board.
  11-68        (b)  To qualify for a loan under this chapter, a person must
  11-69  be a veteran at the time the person <he> applies for the loan.  If
  11-70  an eligible veteran dies after filing an application, the surviving
   12-1  spouse may complete the transaction.
   12-2        (c)  The <A loan under this chapter may not exceed $45,000
   12-3  and the> final principal payment on any <the> loan under this
   12-4  chapter shall be made not later than 40 years after the date of the
   12-5  loan.  The board shall determine the maximum principal amount of
   12-6  loans to any veteran that may be outstanding at any time, except
   12-7  that a loan under this chapter to a veteran to finance the
   12-8  acquisition of a home may not exceed $45,000<, and such a loan may
   12-9  not previously have been granted to the same veteran under this
  12-10  chapter.  The board in its discretion may waive this requirement
  12-11  for circumstances the board deems appropriate, including but not
  12-12  limited to veterans who financed homes with a loan under this
  12-13  chapter who are forced to move due to a change in employment or
  12-14  because their homes are condemned through no fault of the veteran>.
  12-15        (d)  The board shall obtain insurance covering at least 50
  12-16  percent of all losses anticipated in connection with veteran
  12-17  payment defaults on loans secured by first or second mortgages,
  12-18  based upon the advice of one or more qualified consultants to the
  12-19  board as to potential losses which may be reasonably expected on
  12-20  the loans as determined by analysis, including but not limited to
  12-21  actual experience in the residential mortgage lending industry on
  12-22  similar types of mortgage loans, or, in the alternative, the board
  12-23  shall obtain insurance which shall insure repayment of at least 50
  12-24  percent of the outstanding principal amount of all loans in the
  12-25  event of the nonpayment of the loans by the veterans.
  12-26        (e)  <Funds approved for disbursement under this chapter
  12-27  shall be forwarded directly to a lending institution.>
  12-28        <(f)>  All fees to be charged to a veteran receiving a loan
  12-29  under this chapter must be approved by the board.  The board may
  12-30  enter into contracts with lending institutions to assist in
  12-31  processing, originating, servicing, or administering loans under
  12-32  this chapter.  Any fees and expenses incurred in connection with a
  12-33  loan, including the cost of insurance, may be charged to the
  12-34  veteran and made a part of the veteran's payments.
  12-35        SECTION 2.08.  Section 162.013, Natural Resources Code, is
  12-36  amended to read as follows:
  12-37        Sec. 162.013.  INTEREST RATE.  A loan under this chapter
  12-38  shall bear a fixed, variable, floating, or other <an interest> rate
  12-39  or rates of interest determined <fixed> by the board.  The board
  12-40  may set the interest rate or rates to provide a margin over the
  12-41  rate paid by the board on its bonds issued under this chapter.  The
  12-42  difference between the cost of the money to the board and the
  12-43  interest rate or rates charged to a veteran may be used in whole or
  12-44  in part to defray the expense of administering the program.  To
  12-45  assure the maximum benefit of the program to the veteran, the board
  12-46  shall adopt rules relative to the fees, charges, and interest rates
  12-47  charged by the lending institutions on the financing of the home
  12-48  with money other than from the fund and shall limit to the maximum
  12-49  extent practical such fees, charges, and interest rates to those
  12-50  which would be collected by the lending institution in the normal
  12-51  course of its residential mortgage lending business.
  12-52        SECTION 2.09.  Section 162.015, Natural Resources Code, is
  12-53  amended to read as follows:
  12-54        Sec. 162.015.  INITIAL PAYMENT OR EQUITY.  The board may
  12-55  require an initial payment on a loan <of not more than five percent
  12-56  of the loan> or may require an investment in the home by the
  12-57  veteran in an amount or amounts set by the board's rules under this
  12-58  chapter <not to exceed five percent of the amount of the loan>.
  12-59        SECTION 2.10.  Section 162.031, Natural Resources Code, is
  12-60  amended to read as follows:
  12-61        Sec. 162.031.  ISSUANCE AND SALE OF BONDS; DISPOSITION OF
  12-62  PROCEEDS.  (a)  By appropriate action, the board may provide by
  12-63  resolution for the issuance and sale of negotiable bonds authorized
  12-64  by the constitution, and the proceeds shall be a part of the fund,
  12-65  except that the proceeds of bonds issued under the authority of
  12-66  Article III, Section 49-b-1, of the Texas Constitution for the
  12-67  purpose of making loans to veterans shall be a part of the
  12-68  veterans' housing assistance fund established by that provision,
  12-69  and the proceeds of bonds issued under the authority of Article
  12-70  III, Section 49-b-2, of the Texas Constitution for the purpose of
   13-1  making loans to veterans shall be a part of the veterans' housing
   13-2  assistance fund established by that provision.
   13-3        (b)  The board may use money in the fund attributable to
   13-4  bonds issued to provide money for the fund to pay all costs of
   13-5  issuance of the bonds, including costs, fees, and expenses of the
   13-6  sort the board is authorized to pay from the veterans' <veterans>
   13-7  land fund in connection with the issuance of the veterans'
   13-8  <veterans> land bonds.
   13-9        SECTION 2.11.  Section 162.034, Natural Resources Code, is
  13-10  amended to read as follows:
  13-11        Sec. 162.034.  PAYMENT AND MATURITY OF BONDS.  (a)  The bonds
  13-12  shall be payable as provided by the board and shall mature serially
  13-13  or otherwise not later than 40 years from the date of their
  13-14  issuance.
  13-15        (b)  The board may make the bonds redeemable or subject to
  13-16  tender for purchase before maturity at the price and under the
  13-17  terms and conditions fixed by the board in the resolution providing
  13-18  for the issuance and sale of the bonds.
  13-19        SECTION 2.12.  Subsection (b), Section 162.036, Natural
  13-20  Resources Code, is amended to read as follows:
  13-21        (b)  The bonds shall be signed by the chairman and the
  13-22  executive secretary of the board and the seal of the board shall be
  13-23  impressed on the bonds.  In addition, the bonds shall be signed by
  13-24  the governor and attested by the secretary of state with the seal
  13-25  of the state impressed on the bonds.
  13-26        SECTION 2.13.  Section 162.044, Natural Resources Code, is
  13-27  amended to read as follows:
  13-28        Sec. 162.044.  SALE OF BONDS.  Bonds <The bonds> may be sold
  13-29  at public or private sale at a price or prices and on terms
  13-30  determined by the board <after competitive bidding to the highest
  13-31  and best bidder provided the bonds are sold for not less than par
  13-32  value and accrued interest>.
  13-33        SECTION 2.14.  Section 162.047, Natural Resources Code, is
  13-34  amended to read as follows:
  13-35        Sec. 162.047.  BONDS AS INVESTMENTS AND SECURITY.  (a)  Bonds
  13-36  issued under <Article III, Section 49-b-1, of the Texas
  13-37  Constitution and> this chapter are legal and authorized investments
  13-38  for banks, savings banks, trust companies, building and loan
  13-39  associations, insurance companies, fiduciaries, trustees,
  13-40  guardians, and the sinking funds of cities, towns, villages,
  13-41  counties, school districts, and other political subdivisions and
  13-42  public agencies of the state.
  13-43        (b)  The bonds are legal and sufficient security for the
  13-44  deposits in the amount of the par value of the bonds.
  13-45        SECTION 2.15.  Section 162.050, Natural Resources Code, is
  13-46  amended to read as follows:
  13-47        Sec. 162.050.  CONSTITUTIONAL APPROPRIATIONS.  (a)  If,
  13-48  during the existence of the fund or during the time any general
  13-49  obligation bonds are payable from the fund, the board determines
  13-50  that there will not be sufficient money in the fund during the
  13-51  following biennium available to pay principal of or interest on the
  13-52  bonds or both principal and interest that are to come due and to be
  13-53  paid from the fund during the following biennium, the comptroller
  13-54  <of public accounts> shall transfer to the fund the first money
  13-55  coming into the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated by the
  13-56  constitution in amounts sufficient to pay the obligations.
  13-57        (b)  The money appropriated shall be used to pay the
  13-58  obligations only if at the time the principal or interest or both
  13-59  actually become due there is not sufficient money in the fund
  13-60  available to pay the amount due.
  13-61        SECTION 2.16.  Subchapter C, Chapter 162, Natural Resources
  13-62  Code, is amended by adding Section 162.051 to read as follows:
  13-63        Sec. 162.051.  PURCHASE AND DESTRUCTION OF BONDS.  (a)  The
  13-64  board may use money in the fund to purchase on the open market any
  13-65  bonds it has issued and sold to provide money for the fund, and the
  13-66  debt represented by those bonds when purchased is considered
  13-67  canceled.
  13-68        (b)  Bonds purchased by the board under Subsection (a) of
  13-69  this section shall be mutilated, burned, or otherwise destroyed by
  13-70  the state treasurer, who shall certify this fact to the board under
   14-1  the seal of office.
   14-2        (c)  Interest may not be paid on those bonds after their
   14-3  purchase by the board.
   14-4        SECTION 2.17.  Subchapter C, Chapter 162, Natural Resources
   14-5  Code, is amended by adding Section 162.052 to read as follows:
   14-6        Sec. 162.052.  BOND ENHANCEMENT AGREEMENTS.  The board may at
   14-7  any time and from time to time enter into one or more bond
   14-8  enhancement agreements that the board determines to be necessary or
   14-9  appropriate to place the obligation of the board, as represented by
  14-10  the bonds, in whole or in part, on the interest rate, currency,
  14-11  cash flow, or other basis desired by the board.  Bond enhancement
  14-12  agreements may include, on terms and conditions approved by the
  14-13  board, interest rate swap agreements, currency swap agreements,
  14-14  forward payment conversion agreements,  agreements providing for
  14-15  payments based on levels of or changes in interest rates or
  14-16  currency exchange rates, agreements to exchange cash flows or a
  14-17  series of payments, or agreements, including options, puts, or
  14-18  calls, to hedge payment, currency, rate, spread, or other exposure.
  14-19  A bond enhancement agreement is an agreement for professional
  14-20  services and shall contain the terms and conditions and be for the
  14-21  period that the board approves.  The fees and expenses of the board
  14-22  in connection with the issuance of bonds and the making of loans
  14-23  may be paid from money in the related fund, provided that any
  14-24  payments due from the board under a bond enhancement agreement,
  14-25  other than fees and expenses, that relate to the payment of debt
  14-26  service on bonds constitute payments of principal of and interest
  14-27  on the bonds.
  14-28                               ARTICLE 3
  14-29        SECTION 3.01.  Title 7, Natural Resources Code, is amended by
  14-30  adding Chapter 164 to read as follows:
  14-32        Sec. 164.001.  PURPOSE AND POLICY.  (a)  The legislature
  14-33  declares that it is the policy of the state to provide financial
  14-34  assistance to veterans of the state in recognition of their service
  14-35  to this state and the United States.
  14-36        (b)  The legislature declares that existing mechanisms for
  14-37  implementing the policy stated in Subsection (a) of this section
  14-38  may be enhanced by adoption of this chapter and implementation of
  14-39  the financial assistance programs authorized by this chapter.
  14-40        (c)  The legislature finds that this chapter and the
  14-41  financial assistance programs authorized by this chapter are in
  14-42  furtherance of a public purpose.
  14-43        Sec. 164.002.  DEFINITIONS.  (a)  In this chapter:
  14-44              (1)  "Board" means the Veterans' Land Board.
  14-45              (2)  "Bonds" means the revenue bonds issued by the
  14-46  board under this chapter.
  14-47              (3)  "Financial assistance" means the purchase of land,
  14-48  the sale of land to veterans, and the making of home mortgage loans
  14-49  to veterans, as provided for in this chapter.
  14-50              (4)  "Home" means a dwelling within this state in which
  14-51  a veteran intends to reside as the veteran's principal residence.
  14-52              (5)  "Lending institution" means a bank, trust company,
  14-53  savings bank, national banking association, savings and loan
  14-54  association, building and loan association, mortgage banker,
  14-55  mortgage company, credit union, life insurance company, or other
  14-56  financial institution that customarily provides service or aids in
  14-57  the financing of mortgages on single-family residential housing
  14-58  that has been approved for participation by the board, including a
  14-59  holding company for a lending institution.
  14-60              (6)  "Veteran" means a person who:
  14-61                    (A)(i)  served not less than 90 continuous days,
  14-62  unless sooner discharged by reason of a service-connected
  14-63  disability, on active duty in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast
  14-64  Guard, United States Public Health Service (as constituted under 42
  14-65  U.S.C. Section 201 et seq.), or Marine Corps of the United States
  14-66  after September 16, 1940, and who on the date of filing an
  14-67  application for financial assistance under this chapter has not
  14-68  been dishonorably discharged from the branch of the service in
  14-69  which the person served;
  14-70                          (ii)  has at least 20 years of active or
   15-1  reserve military service as computed when determining the person's
   15-2  eligibility to receive retired pay under applicable federal law; or
   15-3                          (iii)  has enlisted or received an
   15-4  appointment in the Texas National Guard, who has completed all
   15-5  initial active duty training required as a condition of the
   15-6  enlistment or appointment, and who on the date of filing the
   15-7  person's application has not been dishonorably discharged from the
   15-8  Texas National Guard;
   15-9                    (B)  at the time of the person's enlistment,
  15-10  induction, commissioning, appointment, or drafting was a bona fide
  15-11  resident of this state or has resided in this state at least one
  15-12  year immediately before the date of filing an application; and
  15-13                    (C)  at the time of the person's application
  15-14  under this chapter is a bona fide resident of this state.  The term
  15-15  includes the unmarried surviving spouse of a veteran who died or
  15-16  who is identified as missing in action if the deceased or missing
  15-17  veteran meets the requirements in this section, with the exception
  15-18  that the deceased or missing veteran need not have served 90
  15-19  continuous days under Paragraph (A)(i) of this subdivision, and if
  15-20  the deceased or missing veteran was a bona fide resident of the
  15-21  state at the time of enlistment, induction, commissioning,
  15-22  appointment, or drafting.
  15-23        (b)  Notwithstanding Subdivision (6) of Subsection (a) of
  15-24  this section, the board may by rule change the definition of
  15-25  "veteran" as necessary or appropriate to protect the best interests
  15-26  of the program.
  15-27        Sec. 164.003.  FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS.  The board may
  15-28  establish one or more programs for providing financial assistance
  15-29  to veterans under this chapter.  A program may be limited to the
  15-30  purpose of purchasing land, selling land to veterans, or making
  15-31  home mortgage loans to veterans.  To the extent a financial
  15-32  assistance program is for the purpose of purchasing land or selling
  15-33  land to veterans, the program shall be administered, to the extent
  15-34  consistent with this chapter and otherwise deemed practicable and
  15-35  desirable by the board, in accordance with the board's Veterans'
  15-36  Land Program.  To the extent a financial assistance program is for
  15-37  the purpose of making home mortgage loans to veterans, the program
  15-38  shall be administered, to the extent consistent with this chapter
  15-39  and otherwise deemed practicable and desirable by the board, in
  15-40  accordance with the board's Veterans' Housing Assistance Program.
  15-41        Sec. 164.004.  RULES.  The board shall adopt rules providing
  15-42  for the administration of its financial assistance programs
  15-43  established under this chapter, including rules concerning:
  15-44              (1)  the purchasing of land and the selling of land to
  15-45  veterans;
  15-46              (2)  the making of home mortgage loans to veterans;
  15-47              (3)  the use of insurance on land and homes as deemed
  15-48  appropriate by the board, as further security for land sold or home
  15-49  mortgage loans made;
  15-50              (4)  the criteria for approving lending institutions
  15-51  participating in programs;
  15-52              (5)  the terms and conditions of a contract made with a
  15-53  lending institution; and
  15-54              (6)  other matters as the board deems appropriate.
  15-55        Sec. 164.005.  RIGHTS AND POWERS OF BOARD.  In connection
  15-56  with the administration of its financial assistance programs under
  15-57  this chapter, the board has and may exercise, to the extent not
  15-58  inconsistent with this chapter, all the rights and powers granted
  15-59  to it by Chapters 161 and 162 of this code relating to the
  15-60  administration of the board's Veterans' Land Program and Veterans'
  15-61  Housing Assistance Program.
  15-62        Sec. 164.006.  ISSUANCE OF BONDS.  For the issuance of bonds
  15-63  under this chapter, the board may exercise the authority granted to
  15-64  the governing body of an issuer with regard to issuance of
  15-65  obligations under Chapter 656, Acts of the 68th Legislature,
  15-66  Regular Session, 1983 (Article 717q, Vernon's Texas Civil
  15-67  Statutes), to the extent that it is not inconsistent with this
  15-68  chapter.
  15-69        Sec. 164.007.  CONDITIONS FOR ISSUANCE OF BONDS.  (a)  Bonds
  15-70  may be issued in various series and issues.
   16-1        (b)  Bonds shall be payable as provided by the board and may
   16-2  mature serially or otherwise.
   16-3        (c)  Bonds shall be redeemable before maturity or subject to
   16-4  tender for purchase at the price or prices and under the terms and
   16-5  conditions fixed by the board in the resolution providing for the
   16-6  issuance and sale of the bonds.
   16-7        (d)  Bonds may bear a fixed, variable, floating, or other
   16-8  rate or rates of interest or may bear no interest, as determined by
   16-9  the board.
  16-10        (e)  Bonds may be sold at public or private sale at a price
  16-11  or prices and on terms determined by the board.
  16-12        (f)  Bonds issued under this chapter for a purpose other than
  16-13  buying back or refunding general obligation bonds issued under
  16-14  Article III, Section 49-b, 49-b-1, or 49-b-2, of the Texas
  16-15  Constitution may not in the aggregate exceed $250 million.
  16-16        Sec. 164.008.  FORM OF BONDS.  (a)  The bonds may be issued
  16-17  in the form, denominations, and manner and under the terms,
  16-18  conditions, and details as provided by the board in the resolution
  16-19  authorizing their existence.
  16-20        (b)  The bonds shall be signed and executed as provided by
  16-21  the board's resolution or order authorizing the issuance of the
  16-22  bonds.
  16-23        Sec. 164.009.  SECURITY FOR THE BONDS.  (a)  The bonds issued
  16-24  under this chapter shall be special obligations of the board.  As
  16-25  security for the payment of the bonds, the board may provide for a
  16-26  pledge of and lien on:
  16-27              (1)  receipts of all kinds of the veterans' land fund
  16-28  and the veterans' housing assistance fund that are determined by
  16-29  the board, on the basis of facts, circumstances, and expectations
  16-30  at the time of issuance of the bonds, not to be required for the
  16-31  payment of the principal of or interest on the general obligation
  16-32  bonds issued under Article III, Sections 49-b and 49-b-1, of the
  16-33  Texas Constitution or to make payments with respect to principal or
  16-34  interest under a bond enhancement agreement with respect to the
  16-35  general obligation bonds;
  16-36              (2)  the assets of the veterans' land fund or the
  16-37  veterans' housing assistance fund determined by the board, on the
  16-38  basis of facts, circumstances, and expectations at the time of
  16-39  issuance of the bonds, not to be required for the purposes of the
  16-40  fund;
  16-41              (3)  the repayments received by the board from
  16-42  financial assistance provided under this chapter;
  16-43              (4)  other program revenues; and
  16-44              (5)  other lawfully available revenues of the board.
  16-45        (b)  The pledge and lien are to be provided for and
  16-46  determined in accordance with the resolution of the board providing
  16-47  for the issuance and sale of the bonds.
  16-48        Sec. 164.010.  BOND ENHANCEMENT AGREEMENTS.  The board may at
  16-49  any time and from time to time enter into one or more bond
  16-50  enhancement agreements that the board deems to be necessary or
  16-51  appropriate to place the obligation of the board, as represented by
  16-52  the bonds, in whole or in part, on the interest rate, currency,
  16-53  cash flow, or other basis desired by the board.  Bond enhancement
  16-54  agreements may include, on terms and conditions approved by the
  16-55  board, interest rate swap agreements, currency swap agreements,
  16-56  forward payment conversion agreements, agreements providing for
  16-57  payments based on levels of or changes in interest rates or
  16-58  currency exchange rates, agreements to exchange cash flows or a
  16-59  series of payments, or agreements including options, puts, or
  16-60  calls, to hedge payment, currency, rate, spread, or other exposure.
  16-61  A bond enhancement agreement is an agreement for professional
  16-62  services and shall contain the terms and conditions and be for the
  16-63  period that the board approves.  The cost to the board of the bond
  16-64  enhancement agreement may be paid from the proceeds of the sale of
  16-65  the bonds to which the bond enhancement agreement relates or from
  16-66  any other source, including the revenues of the board that are
  16-67  available for the purpose of paying the bonds or that may otherwise
  16-68  be available to make those payments.
  16-69        Sec. 164.011.  FUNDS.  (a)  In the resolution authorizing the
  16-70  issuance of bonds, the board may make additional covenants with
   17-1  respect to the bonds and the pledged revenues and may provide for
   17-2  the flow of funds and the establishment, maintenance, and
   17-3  investment of funds.
   17-4        (b)  The funds established may include an interest and
   17-5  sinking fund, a reserve fund, and other funds that will be kept and
   17-6  maintained by or under the direction of the board.
   17-7        (c)  Funds established by the board under this chapter are
   17-8  not to be part of the State Treasury but, at the direction of the
   17-9  board, may be kept and held in escrow and in trust by the state
  17-10  treasurer on behalf of the board and the owners of the bonds and
  17-11  used only as provided by this chapter.
  17-12        (d)  Money in a fund shall be invested in authorized
  17-13  investments as provided by a bond resolution or order of the board.
  17-14        (e)  Legal title to money in a fund is in the board unless or
  17-15  until paid from the fund as provided by this chapter or the
  17-16  resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds.
  17-17        (f)  The state treasurer, as custodian of the fund, shall
  17-18  administer the fund solely and strictly as provided by this chapter
  17-19  and the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds, and the
  17-20  state may not take any other action relating to the fund except
  17-21  those specified in this chapter and the resolution authorizing the
  17-22  issuance of the bonds.
  17-23        Sec. 164.012.  RESOLUTIONS.  (a)  The resolution authorizing
  17-24  the issuance of the bonds may prohibit the further issuance of
  17-25  bonds or other obligations payable from the pledged revenues or may
  17-26  reserve the right to issue additional bonds to be secured by a
  17-27  pledge of and payable from the revenue on a parity with or
  17-28  subordinate to the lien and pledge in support of the bonds being
  17-29  issued.
  17-30        (b)  The resolution of the board authorizing the issuance of
  17-31  the bonds may include other provisions and covenants that the board
  17-32  determines necessary.
  17-33        (c)  In a resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds, the
  17-34  board may prescribe systems, methods, routines, and procedures
  17-35  under which the board will function.
  17-36        (d)  The board may adopt and have executed any other
  17-37  proceedings or instruments necessary or convenient in the issuance
  17-38  of bonds.
  17-39        Sec. 164.013.  INVESTMENT SECURITIES.  The bonds and any
  17-40  interest coupons are investment securities under Chapter 8,
  17-41  Business & Commerce Code, and may be issued registrable as to
  17-42  principal or as to both principal and interest or may be made
  17-43  redeemable before maturity at the option of the authority or may
  17-44  contain a mandatory redemption provision.
  17-45        Sec. 164.014.  APPROVAL OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL.  Bonds
  17-46  issued under this chapter are subject to review and approval by the
  17-47  attorney general in the same manner and with the same effect as
  17-48  provided by Chapter 656, Acts of the 68th Legislature, Regular
  17-49  Session, 1983 (Article 717q, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes).
  17-50        Sec. 164.015.  REFUNDING BONDS.  (a)  The board may issue
  17-51  refunding bonds to refund all or part of its outstanding bonds
  17-52  issued under this chapter, including matured but unpaid interest.
  17-53        (b)  The board may refund bonds in the manner provided by
  17-54  general law for revenue bonds.
  17-55        Sec. 164.016.  BONDS AS INVESTMENTS AND SECURITY.  (a)  The
  17-56  bonds are legal and authorized investments for banks, savings
  17-57  banks, trust companies, savings and loan companies, insurance
  17-58  companies, fiduciaries, trustees, guardians, the sinking funds of
  17-59  cities, towns, villages, counties, school districts, and other
  17-60  political subdivisions of the state, and other public funds of the
  17-61  state and its agencies.
  17-62        (b)  The bonds are eligible to secure deposits of public
  17-63  funds of the state and cities, counties, school districts, and
  17-64  other political subdivisions of the state.  The bonds are lawful
  17-65  and sufficient security for deposits to the extent of their par
  17-66  value.
  17-67        Sec. 164.017.  TAX EXEMPT.  Since the board is performing an
  17-68  essential governmental function in the exercise of the powers
  17-69  conferred on it by this chapter, the bonds issued under this
  17-70  chapter, and the interest and income from the bonds, including any
   18-1  profit made on the sale of bonds, and all fees, charges, gifts,
   18-2  grants, revenues, receipts, and other money received or pledged to
   18-3  pay or secure the payment of bonds are free from taxation and
   18-4  assessments of every kind by this state and any city, county,
   18-5  district, authority, or other political subdivision of this state.
   18-7  WITH OWNERS OF BONDS.  (a)  Bonds issued under this chapter are
   18-8  special obligations of the board and are payable only from and
   18-9  secured only by the revenues and assets pledged to secure payment
  18-10  of the bonds under the Texas Constitution and this chapter, and the
  18-11  bonds are not and do not create or constitute a pledge, gift, or
  18-12  loan of the faith, credit, or taxing authority of the state.
  18-13        (b)  Each bond must include a statement that the faith or
  18-14  credit and the taxing authority of the state are not pledged,
  18-15  given, or loaned to secure payment of the principal of, or premium
  18-16  or interest on the bonds.
  18-17        (c)  The state pledges to and agrees with the owners of bonds
  18-18  issued under this chapter that the state will not limit or alter
  18-19  the rights vested in the board to fulfill the terms of agreements
  18-20  made with the owners of the bonds or in any way impair the rights
  18-21  and remedies of those owners until the bonds, together with any
  18-22  premium and interest, interest on any unpaid premium or
  18-23  installments of interest, and all costs and expenses in connection
  18-24  with any action or proceeding by or on behalf of those owners, are
  18-25  fully met and discharged.  The board may include this pledge and
  18-26  agreement of the state in an agreement with the owners of the
  18-27  bonds.
  18-28        Sec. 164.019.  ENFORCEMENT BY MANDAMUS.  A writ of mandamus
  18-29  and all other legal and equitable remedies are available to a party
  18-30  in interest to require the board and any other party to carry out
  18-31  agreements and to perform functions and duties under this chapter,
  18-32  the Texas Constitution, or the board's bond resolutions or orders.
  18-33        SECTION 3.02.  Subject to Subsection (b) of Section 6.01 of
  18-34  this Act, Section 164.009, Natural Resources Code, as added by
  18-35  Section 3.01 of this Act, is amended to read as follows:
  18-36        Sec. 164.009.  SECURITY FOR THE BONDS.  (a)  The bonds issued
  18-37  under this chapter shall be special obligations of the board.  As
  18-38  security for the payment of the bonds, the board may provide for a
  18-39  pledge of and lien on:
  18-40              (1)  the receipts of all kinds of the veterans' land
  18-41  fund, the veterans' housing assistance fund, and the veterans'
  18-42  housing assistance fund II determined by the board, on the basis of
  18-43  facts, circumstances, and expectations at the time of issuance of
  18-44  the bonds, not to be required for the payment of principal of or
  18-45  interest on the general obligation bonds issued under Article III,
  18-46  Sections 49-b, 49-b-1, and 49-b-2, of the Texas Constitution or to
  18-47  make payments with respect to principal or interest under a bond
  18-48  enhancement agreement with respect to the general obligation bonds;
  18-49              (2)  the assets of the veterans' land fund, the
  18-50  veterans' housing assistance fund, or the veterans' housing
  18-51  assistance fund II determined by the board on the basis of facts,
  18-52  circumstances, and expectations at the time of issuance of the
  18-53  bonds not to be required for the purposes of the fund;
  18-54              (3)  the repayments received by the board from
  18-55  financial assistance provided under this chapter;
  18-56              (4)  other program revenues; and
  18-57              (5)  other available revenues of the board.
  18-58        (b)  The pledge and lien are to be provided for and
  18-59  determined in accordance with the resolution of the board providing
  18-60  for the issuance and sale of the bonds.
  18-61                               ARTICLE 4
  18-62        SECTION 4.01.  Article 4, State Purchasing and General
  18-63  Services Act (Article 601b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is
  18-64  amended by adding Section 3.052 to read as follows:
  18-65        Sec. 3.052.  PURCHASES BY THE VETERANS' LAND BOARD.  This Act
  18-66  does not apply to purchases of supplies, materials, services, or
  18-67  equipment for use by the Veterans' Land Board in connection with
  18-68  improvements to, repairs to, or maintenance of land or other
  18-69  activities undertaken by the Veterans' Land Board with respect to
  18-70  land under the provisions of Section 161.175, Natural Resources
   19-1  Code.
   19-2                               ARTICLE 5
   19-3        SECTION 5.01.  Sections 161.122, 161.172, and 161.211,
   19-4  Natural Resources Code, are repealed.
   19-5                               ARTICLE 6
   19-6        SECTION 6.01.  (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (b) of
   19-7  this section, this Act takes effect immediately.
   19-8        (b)  Sections 1.23, 2.03, 2.06, 2.10, and 3.02 of this Act
   19-9  take effect on the date on which the constitutional amendment
  19-10  proposed by S.J.R. No. 34, 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993,
  19-11  takes effect.  On the adoption of that amendment, Section 2.03 of
  19-12  this Act shall supersede and replace Section 2.02 of this Act, and
  19-13  Section 2.02 of this Act shall have no further effect, and Section
  19-14  164.009, Natural Resources Code, as added by Section 3.02 of this
  19-15  Act shall supersede and replace Section 164.009, Natural Resources
  19-16  Code, as added by Section 3.01 of this Act, and Section 164.009,
  19-17  Natural Resources Code, as added by Section 3.01 of this Act shall
  19-18  have no further effect.  If that amendment is not approved by the
  19-19  voters, Sections 1.23, 2.03, 2.06, 2.10, and 3.02 of this Act have
  19-20  no effect.
  19-21        SECTION 6.02.  The importance of this legislation and the
  19-22  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  19-23  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  19-24  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  19-25  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
  19-26  and that this Act take effect and be in force according to its
  19-27  terms, and it is so enacted.
  19-28                               * * * * *
  19-29                                                         Austin,
  19-30  Texas
  19-31                                                         April 15, 1993
  19-32  Hon. Bob Bullock
  19-33  President of the Senate
  19-34  Sir:
  19-35  We, your Committee on Finance to which was referred S.B. No. 819,
  19-36  have had the same under consideration, and I am instructed to
  19-37  report it back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do not
  19-38  pass, but that the Committee Substitute adopted in lieu thereof do
  19-39  pass and be printed.
  19-40                                                         Montford,
  19-41  Chairman
  19-42                               * * * * *
  19-43                               WITNESSES
  19-44  No witnesses appeared on S.B. No. 819.