1-1  By:  Zaffirini                                         S.B. No. 832
    1-2        (In the Senate - Filed March 11, 1993; March 15, 1993, read
    1-3  first time and referred to Committee on Education; March 24, 1993,
    1-4  reported favorably by the following vote:  Yeas 11, Nays 0;
    1-5  March 24, 1993, sent to printer.)
    1-6                            COMMITTEE VOTE
    1-7                          Yea     Nay      PNV      Absent 
    1-8        Ratliff            x                               
    1-9        Haley              x                               
   1-10        Barrientos         x                               
   1-11        Bivins             x                               
   1-12        Harris of Tarrant  x                               
   1-13        Luna               x                               
   1-14        Montford           x                               
   1-15        Shapiro            x                               
   1-16        Sibley             x                               
   1-17        Turner             x                               
   1-18        Zaffirini          x                               
   1-19                         A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
   1-20                                AN ACT
   1-21  relating to a recreational facility fee at The University of Texas
   1-22  at San Antonio.
   1-24        SECTION 1.  Subchapter E, Chapter 54, Education Code, is
   1-25  amended by adding Section 54.541 to read as follows:
   1-27  TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO.  (a)  The board of regents of The University
   1-28  of Texas System may charge each student enrolled at The University
   1-29  of Texas at San Antonio a recreational facility fee not to exceed
   1-30  $30 for each semester of the regular term or summer session to
   1-31  finance, construct, operate, maintain, or improve student
   1-32  recreational facilities at the university.
   1-33        (b)  The board of regents may pledge the fees charged under
   1-34  this section to pay obligations issued pursuant to the revenue
   1-35  financing system of The University of Texas System.
   1-36        (c)  The recreational facility fee may not be charged unless
   1-37  the charging of the fee is approved by a majority vote of those
   1-38  students participating in a general student election called for
   1-39  that purpose.
   1-40        (d)  If approved in accordance with this section, the board
   1-41  of regents shall collect the recreational facility fees and deposit
   1-42  the fees in an account known as the recreational facility account.
   1-43        (e)  A recreational facility fee charged under this section
   1-44  may not be counted in determining the maximum amount of student
   1-45  services fees that may be charged under Section 54.503(b) of this
   1-46  code.
   1-47        (f)  The board of regents may permit a person who is not
   1-48  enrolled at The University of Texas at San Antonio to use a
   1-49  facility financed with recreational facility fees if:
   1-50              (1)  the person's use of the facility will not
   1-51  materially interfere with student demand or use;
   1-52              (2)  the person is charged a fee that is not less than
   1-53  the student fee and that is not less than the direct and indirect
   1-54  cost to the university of providing for the person's use; and
   1-55              (3)  the person's use will not materially increase the
   1-56  potential liability of the university.
   1-57        SECTION 2.  Section 54.541, Education Code, as added by this
   1-58  Act, applies beginning with the fall semester in 1993.
   1-59        SECTION 3.  The importance of this legislation and the
   1-60  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   1-61  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   1-62  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   1-63  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
   1-64  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
   1-65  passage, and it is so enacted.
   1-66                               * * * * *
   1-67                                                         Austin,
   1-68  Texas
    2-1                                                         March 24, 1993
    2-2  Hon. Bob Bullock
    2-3  President of the Senate
    2-4  Sir:
    2-5  We, your Committee on Education to which was referred S.B. No. 832,
    2-6  have had the same under consideration, and I am instructed to
    2-7  report it back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do
    2-8  pass and be printed.
    2-9                                                         Ratliff,
   2-10  Chairman
   2-11                               * * * * *
   2-12                               WITNESSES
   2-13                                                  FOR   AGAINST  ON
   2-14  ___________________________________________________________________
   2-15  Name:  Mack C. Adams                                           x
   2-16  Representing:  Coord Board
   2-17  City:  Austin
   2-18  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-19  Name:  Dr. Bobbie Hernandez                      x
   2-20  Representing:  UT San Antonio
   2-21  City:  San Antonio
   2-22  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-23  Name:  Tom Cane                                                x
   2-24  Representing:  UT San Antonio
   2-25  City:  San Antonio
   2-26  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-27  Name:  Richard S. Reynolds                       x
   2-28  Representing:  UTSA
   2-29  City:  Boerne
   2-30  -------------------------------------------------------------------