1-1 By: Barrientos S.B. No. 880 1-2 (In the Senate - Filed March 11, 1993; March 16, 1993, read 1-3 first time and referred to Committee on Natural Resources; 1-4 May 7, 1993, reported adversely, with favorable Committee 1-5 Substitute by the following vote: Yeas 8, Nays 0; May 7, 1993, 1-6 sent to printer.) 1-7 COMMITTEE VOTE 1-8 Yea Nay PNV Absent 1-9 Sims x 1-10 Truan x 1-11 Armbrister x 1-12 Barrientos x 1-13 Bivins x 1-14 Brown x 1-15 Carriker x 1-16 Lucio x 1-17 Montford x 1-18 Ratliff x 1-19 Shelley x 1-20 COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR S.B. No. 880 By: Carriker 1-21 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED 1-22 AN ACT 1-23 relating to the authority of a local government or state agency to 1-24 implement a habitat plan to protect endangered species and to 1-25 impose reasonable and necessary fees under the plan; providing 1-26 criminal and civil penalties. 1-27 BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: 1-28 SECTION 1. Chapter 83, Parks and Wildlife Code, is amended 1-29 by designating Sections 83.001 through 83.006, Parks and Wildlife 1-30 Code, as Subchapter A, Chapter 83, Parks and Wildlife Code, and 1-31 adding a heading to Subchapter A to read as follows: 1-32 SUBCHAPTER A. FEDERAL-STATE AGREEMENTS 1-33 SECTION 2. Chapter 83, Parks and Wildlife Code, is amended 1-34 by adding Subchapter B to read as follows: 1-35 SUBCHAPTER B. CONSERVATION UNDER HABITAT PLAN 1-36 Sec. 83.011. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: 1-37 (1) "Development" has the meaning assigned the term 1-38 "new development" under Section 395.001, Local Government Code, but 1-39 does not include the construction, reconstruction, or addition to 1-40 fences, structures, or barns used to contain livestock or that 1-41 serve solely for agricultural use on land that is appraised under 1-42 Title 1, Tax Code, for agricultural use. 1-43 (2) "Federal Act" means the federal Endangered Species 1-44 Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. Section 1531 et seq.). 1-45 (3) "Federal permit" means a permit issued under 1-46 Section 10(a) of the federal Act (16 U.S.C. Section 1539). 1-47 (4) "Fiscal year" means the 12-month period beginning 1-48 October 1 and ending September 30 of each calendar year. 1-49 (5) "Governmental entity" means: 1-50 (A) a state agency; or 1-51 (B) a political subdivision of the state, 1-52 including: 1-53 (i) a municipality; 1-54 (ii) a county; 1-55 (iii) a conservation or reclamation 1-56 district, other than a river authority, created under Article III, 1-57 Section 52, or Article XVI, Section 59, of the Texas Constitution; 1-58 (iv) a public school district; 1-59 (v) a junior college or community college 1-60 district; or 1-61 (vi) a road utility district, emergency 1-62 communication district, or other special purpose district. 1-63 (6) "Habitat preserve" means an area acquired for and 1-64 dedicated to the protection of endangered species. 1-65 (7) "Plan" or "habitat plan" means a habitat 1-66 conservation plan developed under Section 83.006 of this code as a 1-67 prerequisite for and approved in conjunction with issuance of a 1-68 federal permit. 2-1 (8) "Plan participant" means a municipality, county, 2-2 river authority, or state agency that adopts a habitat plan as 2-3 authorized by Section 83.015(a) of this code. 2-4 (9) "State agency" means: 2-5 (A) a board, commission, department, or other 2-6 agency in the executive branch of state government created by the 2-7 constitution or a statute of the state; 2-8 (B) an institution of higher education as 2-9 defined by Section 61.003, Education Code; or 2-10 (C) a river authority. 2-11 Sec. 83.012. PURPOSE. (a) The purpose of this subchapter 2-12 is to clarify the authority of certain governmental entities to 2-13 finance, implement, and enforce a habitat plan according to the 2-14 requirements of a federal permit, including: 2-15 (1) the authority to establish and collect certain 2-16 surcharges and to spend the revenues from those surcharges to carry 2-17 out the plan; 2-18 (2) the authority to manage habitat preserves; 2-19 (3) the authority to implement and enforce a habitat 2-20 plan through interlocal cooperation contracts under Chapter 791, 2-21 Government Code; and 2-22 (4) the authority to apply for and obtain a federal 2-23 permit. 2-24 (b) This subchapter does not constitute an endorsement by 2-25 the legislature of the federal Act or its application in this 2-26 state. 2-27 Sec. 83.013. IMPLEMENTATION. (a) A county or municipality 2-28 may implement a habitat plan and associated federal permit under 2-29 this subchapter only if: 2-30 (1) the qualified voters of the municipality or 2-31 county, as appropriate, have authorized the issuance of bonds for 2-32 the purposes of conservation and protection of endangered species; 2-33 and 2-34 (2) the municipality or county, as appropriate, has 2-35 begun the first phase of an application for a federal permit to the 2-36 United States Fish and Wildlife Service before June 1, 1993, 2-37 including submission, at a minimum, of the background biology 2-38 concerning the endangered species. 2-39 (b) A county or municipality may not implement a habitat 2-40 plan under this subchapter if: 2-41 (1) the federal Act is repealed; 2-42 (2) the federal Act is amended so that the endangered 2-43 species that are subject to conservation and protection under the 2-44 federal permit cease to be listed as endangered by the United 2-45 States Fish and Wildlife Service; or 2-46 (3) the federal Act is amended in a manner that 2-47 reduces the habitat land of an endangered species subject to 2-48 conservation and protection under the federal permit to less than 2-49 50,000 acres in a county. 2-50 (c) A municipality may implement a habitat plan and 2-51 associated federal permit under this subchapter in the 2-52 municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction only in that part of 2-53 the extraterritorial jurisdiction that is in: 2-54 (1) a county the qualified voters of which have 2-55 authorized the issuance of bonds for the purposes of conservation 2-56 and protection of endangered species; or 2-57 (2) a county of which the municipality is the county 2-58 seat, subject to the limitations of Section 83.017(d) of this code. 2-59 Sec. 83.014. LIMITATION OF POWERS. Except as expressly 2-60 provided, this subchapter does not: 2-61 (1) enlarge, expand, or limit the powers or authority 2-62 of any governmental entity; or 2-63 (2) authorize a governmental entity to charge a fee to 2-64 be used for the implementation of a plan for the conservation and 2-65 protection of an endangered species. 2-66 Sec. 83.015. PLAN PARTICIPATION. (a) A municipality, 2-67 county, or river authority having jurisdiction in the area covered 2-68 by a habitat plan or a state agency may adopt and participate in 2-69 the plan, hold a federal permit individually or jointly, and 2-70 contract under Chapter 791, Government Code, to participate in the 3-1 plan. 3-2 (b) In order to accomplish the purposes of this subchapter, 3-3 a plan participant may contract with another governmental or 3-4 private entity to assist that entity in complying with the federal 3-5 Act by sharing the benefits and legal entitlements of the federal 3-6 permit with that governmental or private entity. 3-7 (c) A contract authorized by this section may be made in 3-8 anticipation of federal approval of a habitat plan and issuance of 3-9 a federal permit associated with the plan. 3-10 Sec. 83.016. LEASE OR CONVEYANCE OF LAND. (a) A plan 3-11 participant may lease or convey land to another plan participant, 3-12 to a nonprofit corporation, or to an individual in exchange for 3-13 real or personal property for the purpose of establishing or 3-14 operating a habitat preserve under this subchapter. 3-15 (b) Requirements of Chapter 26 of this code, Section 3-16 253.001, Local Government Code, and Chapter 262, Local Government 3-17 Code, and other competitive bidding, public auction, or local 3-18 referendum requirements otherwise applicable to a lease or 3-19 conveyance of land by a governmental entity do not apply to a lease 3-20 or conveyance by a plan participant under this section. 3-21 Sec. 83.017. DEVELOPMENT PROCESS SURCHARGES. (a) A county 3-22 or municipality that is a plan participant may adopt ordinances, 3-23 rules, regulations, or orders imposing a development process 3-24 surcharge as provided by this subchapter on a development in its 3-25 jurisdiction. 3-26 (b) The development process surcharge shall be established 3-27 in the habitat plan. The development process surcharge may be 3-28 assessed by: 3-29 (1) a municipality that is a plan participant in 3-30 addition to other development assessments charged by the 3-31 municipality; and 3-32 (2) by a county that is a plan participant in addition 3-33 to other fees collected by the county for any permits required 3-34 under its land use and control measures adopted under Subchapter I, 3-35 Chapter 16, Water Code. 3-36 (c) The development process surcharge may be adopted and 3-37 collected by a county only after the qualified voters of that 3-38 county have authorized the issuance of bonds for the conservation 3-39 and protection of endangered species. 3-40 (d) The development process surcharge may be adopted and 3-41 collected by a municipality inside its corporate limits only after 3-42 the qualified voters of the municipality have authorized the 3-43 issuance of bonds for the conservation and protection of endangered 3-44 species. The development process surcharge may be charged by a 3-45 municipality in its extraterritorial jurisdiction in a county only 3-46 after the qualified voters of the county have authorized the 3-47 issuance of bonds for the conservation and protection of endangered 3-48 species. 3-49 (e) A plan participant is exempt from a development process 3-50 surcharge authorized by this subchapter. 3-51 (f) A development process surcharge authorized by this 3-52 subchapter is not subject to Chapter 395, Local Government Code. 3-53 (g) Development process surcharges authorized under this 3-54 subchapter shall be reasonably calculated to fund, in conjunction 3-55 with all other funding sources, and may be spent only to pay for: 3-56 (1) implementation of the habitat plan; 3-57 (2) operation, maintenance, and management expenses of 3-58 the plan and habitat preserves; 3-59 (3) funding the endowment trust fund and capital 3-60 reserve established under the plan; and 3-61 (4) reasonable and necessary administrative costs 3-62 associated with the collection and expenditure of development 3-63 process surcharges. 3-64 (h) If a municipality and a county with concurrent 3-65 jurisdiction are both plan participants, the structure of the 3-66 development process surcharge shall be developed jointly by the 3-67 commissioners court of the county and the governing body of the 3-68 municipality. 3-69 (i) The amount of the development process surcharge shall be 3-70 coordinated and adopted annually by the commissioners court of a 4-1 county that is a plan participant and by the governing body of a 4-2 municipality that is a plan participant and shall be calculated to 4-3 meet projected funding needs for the purposes authorized by 4-4 Subsection (g) of this section. 4-5 (j) The development process surcharge may be assessed at 4-6 different rates for different classifications and locations of 4-7 development according to reasonably calculated levels of benefit to 4-8 be received by a development. A development process surcharge 4-9 assessed under this section may not vary by more than 100 percent 4-10 for the same classification of development. 4-11 (k) A municipality may not assess a development process 4-12 surcharge inside its corporate limits on a development in an area 4-13 that qualifies and is designated by the municipality as an area of 4-14 low and moderate income with pervasive poverty, unemployment, and 4-15 economic distress and of over 30 percent substandard housing 4-16 conditions for purposes of community block grants under the federal 4-17 Housing and Urban-Rural Recovery Act of 1983 (12 U.S.C. Section 4-18 1701 et seq.). In making the designation determination, the 4-19 municipality shall make specific findings for each of the criteria 4-20 after notice and public hearing. 4-21 (l) A county may not assess the development process 4-22 surcharge outside a municipality's corporate limits on a 4-23 development in an area that qualifies and is designated by the 4-24 county under the same criteria and procedures prescribed for a 4-25 municipality by Subsection (k) of this section. 4-26 Sec. 83.018. DISPOSITION OF FEES. (a) A municipality or 4-27 county that adopts and collects a development process surcharge 4-28 under Section 83.017 of this code shall deposit the surcharge 4-29 revenue in a dedicated fund in a separate account. 4-30 (b) A municipality or county annually shall prepare a budget 4-31 for proposed expenditures and an accounting of previous 4-32 expenditures from a surcharge revenue account under this section. 4-33 Sec. 83.019. ENDOWMENT FUND. The endowment trust fund 4-34 established under the habitat plan shall be administered as 4-35 provided by the plan. 4-36 Sec. 83.020. HABITAT PRESERVE MANAGEMENT. A plan 4-37 participant may adopt and enforce ordinances, rules, regulations, 4-38 or orders in a habitat preserve, in a manner consistent with the 4-39 habitat plan and federal permit associated with the plan, that 4-40 limit entry to and use of a habitat preserve owned or managed by 4-41 the plan participant, including: 4-42 (1) charging reasonable entry and use fees; 4-43 (2) regulating conduct in the habitat preserves that 4-44 is inconsistent with preserve purposes or that threatens the 4-45 health, safety, or welfare of persons or property in the preserves; 4-46 and 4-47 (3) regulating motorized and nonmotorized vehicular 4-48 traffic in habitat preserves, including entry, routes, speed, and 4-49 parking. 4-50 Sec. 83.021. NOTICE AND HEARING REQUIREMENTS. (a) A plan 4-51 participant must comply with the notice and hearing requirements of 4-52 this section before adopting any plan amendment, ordinance, rule, 4-53 regulation, or order to implement this subchapter. 4-54 (b) The plan participant, individually or through interlocal 4-55 contract, shall publish a notice, including a brief description of 4-56 the proposed action and the time and place of a public hearing on 4-57 the proposed action, not later than the 30th day before the public 4-58 hearing in the newspaper of largest general circulation in the 4-59 county in which the plan participant proposing the action is 4-60 located. 4-61 (c) A public hearing on the proposed action shall be held at 4-62 the time and place specified in the notice. 4-63 (d) If the plan participant approves the proposed action, 4-64 the participant shall publish notice of approval of the proposed 4-65 action as prescribed by Subsection (b) of this section. 4-66 Sec. 83.022. CRIMINAL PENALTY. (a) A person who knowingly 4-67 violates an ordinance, rule, regulation, or order adopted under 4-68 this subchapter commits an offense. 4-69 (b) An offense under this section is a Class C misdemeanor 4-70 and each violation is punishable by a fine not to exceed $2,000. 5-1 If the plan participant adopting the ordinance, rule, regulation, 5-2 or order has specified a more severe criminal penalty under the 5-3 authority of other state law, the more severe penalty applies. 5-4 Sec. 83.023. CIVIL PENALTY. (a) A person who knowingly 5-5 violates an ordinance, rule, regulation, or order adopted under 5-6 this subchapter is subject to a civil penalty, in addition to any 5-7 criminal penalty, not to exceed $500 a day for each day of 5-8 violation if it is proven that: 5-9 (1) the defendant was actually notified of the 5-10 ordinance, rule, regulation, or order adopted under this 5-11 subchapter; and 5-12 (2) after the defendant received notice of the 5-13 ordinance, rule, regulation, or order, the defendant committed acts 5-14 in violation of the ordinance, rule, regulation, or order or failed 5-15 to take action necessary for compliance with the ordinance, rule, 5-16 regulation, or order. 5-17 (b) A civil penalty collected under this section shall be 5-18 deposited with the plan participant in whose jurisdiction the 5-19 violation occurred and may be used in the same manner as that 5-20 prescribed for surcharges by Section 83.017(g) of this code. 5-21 (c) A plan participant may file suit to enjoin a threatened 5-22 or actual violation, to collect an unpaid assessment, or to collect 5-23 a civil penalty under this section. 5-24 SECTION 3. (a) The development process surcharge authorized 5-25 by Section 83.017, Parks and Wildlife Code, as added by this Act, 5-26 may not be collected by a plan participant, as defined in Section 5-27 83.011, Parks and Wildlife Code, as added by this Act, before the 5-28 issuance to the plan participant of a Section 10(a) permit under 5-29 the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. Section 1531 5-30 et seq.). 5-31 (b) A plan participant may not collect the development 5-32 process surcharge if the cumulative amount of the surcharge 5-33 collected by all plan participants exceeds the cumulative amount of 5-34 bond proceeds expended and interest paid to service the bond debt 5-35 by the plan participants for conservation and protection of 5-36 endangered species. 5-37 SECTION 4. The Parks and Wildlife Commission shall, through 5-38 the creation of an advisory board if appropriate, and in 5-39 cooperation with any legislative interim study that may be 5-40 authorized, make recommendations to the legislature not later than 5-41 January 1, 1995, regarding amendments to this Act and the planning 5-42 process for habitat conservation plans. 5-43 SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 1993. 5-44 SECTION 6. The importance of this legislation and the 5-45 crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an 5-46 emergency and an imperative public necessity that the 5-47 constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several 5-48 days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended. 5-49 * * * * * 5-50 Austin, 5-51 Texas 5-52 May 7, 1993 5-53 Hon. Bob Bullock 5-54 President of the Senate 5-55 Sir: 5-56 We, your Committee on Natural Resources to which was referred S.B. 5-57 No. 880, have had the same under consideration, and I am instructed 5-58 to report it back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do 5-59 not pass, but that the Committee Substitute adopted in lieu thereof 5-60 do pass and be printed. 5-61 Sims, 5-62 Chairman 5-63 * * * * * 5-64 WITNESSES 5-65 FOR AGAINST ON 5-66 ___________________________________________________________________ 5-67 Name: Bill Aleshire x 5-68 Representing: Travis County 5-69 City: Austin 5-70 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-1 Name: Valarie S. Bristol x 6-2 Representing: Travis County 6-3 City: Austin 6-4 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-5 Name: Barbara Carlson x 6-6 Representing: Travis County 6-7 City: Austin 6-8 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-9 Name: Robert Joseph Kleeman x 6-10 Representing: Self 6-11 City: Austin 6-12 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-13 Name: John Charles Lewis x 6-14 Representing: Hill Country Property Owners 6-15 City: Austin 6-16 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-17 Name: Don Walden x 6-18 Representing: Self 6-19 City: Austin 6-20 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-21 Name: Robert R. Brandes x 6-22 Representing: Self 6-23 City: Austin 6-24 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-25 Name: Fred A. Purcell x 6-26 Representing: Tomen Parke Association 6-27 City: Austin 6-28 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-29 Name: Andrew H. Sansom x 6-30 Representing: Tx Parks & Wildlife 6-31 City: Austin 6-32 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-33 Name: Dr. Larry McKinney x 6-34 Representing: Tx Parks & Wildlife 6-35 City: Austin 6-36 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-37 Name: William Laird Fowler x 6-38 Representing: Tx Parks & Wildlife 6-39 City: Austin 6-40 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-41 Name: Austan Librach x 6-42 Representing: City of Austin 6-43 City: Austin 6-44 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-45 Name: Mitzi I. Cotton x 6-46 Representing: City of Austin 6-47 City: Austin 6-48 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-49 Name: Howard Burris x 6-50 Representing: Jester Land MGMT 6-51 City: Austin 6-52 -------------------------------------------------------------------