1-1  By:  Montford                                          S.B. No. 893
    1-2        (In the Senate - Filed March 11, 1993; March 15, 1993, read
    1-3  first time and referred to Committee on Finance; April 22, 1993,
    1-4  reported adversely, with favorable Committee Substitute by the
    1-5  following vote:  Yeas 13, Nays 0; April 22, 1993, sent to printer.)
    1-6                            COMMITTEE VOTE
    1-7                          Yea     Nay      PNV      Absent 
    1-8        Montford           x                               
    1-9        Turner             x                               
   1-10        Armbrister         x                               
   1-11        Barrientos         x                               
   1-12        Bivins             x                               
   1-13        Ellis              x                               
   1-14        Haley              x                               
   1-15        Moncrief           x                               
   1-16        Parker             x                               
   1-17        Ratliff            x                               
   1-18        Sims               x                               
   1-19        Truan              x                               
   1-20        Zaffirini          x                               
   1-21  COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR S.B. No. 893                 By:  Montford
   1-22                         A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
   1-23                                AN ACT
   1-24  relating to technical changes to statutes involving certain tax
   1-25  provisions, including those administered by the comptroller;
   1-26  clarifying the definitions of certain items taxed under the sales
   1-27  tax and controlled substance tax laws; and revising references in
   1-28  the inheritance tax statute to federal tax code provisions
   1-29  concerning credits.
   1-31        SECTION 1.  Subdivision (3), Subsection (f), Section 11,
   1-32  Chapter 683, Acts of the 66th Legislature, 1979 (Article 1118y,
   1-33  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
   1-34              (3)  If an authority created by a principal city having
   1-35  a population of more than 800,000 adds territory that is a city or
   1-36  town that imposes an additional sales and use tax under Chapter
   1-37  321, Tax Code, the additional sales and use tax is repealed as
   1-38  provided by Section 321.1025, Tax Code.  The effective date for the
   1-39  repeal and for the imposition of the tax authorized to be collected
   1-40  under Section 16 of this Act in the added territory is the date
   1-41  that, under Section 321.102(b) <321.102(a)>, Tax Code, the repeal
   1-42  of the additional sales and use tax is effective in the territory.
   1-43        SECTION 2.  Subsection (e), Section 4B, Development
   1-44  Corporation Act of 1979 (Article 5190.6, Vernon's Texas Civil
   1-45  Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
   1-46        (e)  If an eligible city adopts the tax, a tax is imposed on
   1-47  the receipts from the sale at retail of taxable items within the
   1-48  eligible city at a rate approved by the governing body of the
   1-49  eligible city.  The rate must be equal to one-eighth, one-fourth,
   1-50  three-eighths, or one-half of one percent.  There is also imposed
   1-51  an excise tax on the use, storage, or other consumption within the
   1-52  eligible city of tangible personal property purchased, leased, or
   1-53  rented from a retailer during the period that the tax is effective
   1-54  within the eligible city.  The rate of the excise tax is the same
   1-55  as the rate of the sales tax portion of the tax and is applied to
   1-56  the sale price of the tangible personal property.
   1-57        SECTION 3.  Subsection (f), Section 4B, Development
   1-58  Corporation Act of 1979 (Article 5190.6, Vernon's Texas Civil
   1-59  Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
   1-60        (f)  Chapter 321, Tax Code, governs the imposition,
   1-61  computation, administration, collection, and remittance of the tax,
   1-62  expressly including its effective date <except as inconsistent with
   1-63  this section.  Section 321.102(a), Tax Code, does not apply to the
   1-64  tax imposed under this section.  The ordinance under which the
   1-65  taxes authorized by this section are levied must provide for the
   1-66  effective date of the tax.  That effective date must occur on the
   1-67  first day of a month, which day may not be earlier than the 45th
   1-68  day after the date of final action of the governing body in
    2-1  adopting the ordinance or after the date of the election, whichever
    2-2  is later.  If the ordinance levying the tax is adopted after the
    2-3  election, the presiding officer of the governing body shall, not
    2-4  later than the 10th day after the date of the final action in
    2-5  adopting the ordinance, send to the comptroller by certified mail a
    2-6  copy of the ordinance.  The tax is effective on the date specified
    2-7  in the ordinance unless the comptroller, within 10 days after the
    2-8  receipt of an ordinance sent under this subsection, notifies the
    2-9  secretary of the municipality that more time is required, in which
   2-10  case the effective date of the application of the tax is the first
   2-11  day of the first calendar quarter after the expiration of the first
   2-12  complete calendar quarter occurring after the date on which the
   2-13  comptroller receives the ordinance.  After the effective date of
   2-14  the taxes imposed under this section, the adoption of a sales and
   2-15  use tax or the attempted adoption of a sales and use tax by the
   2-16  eligible city or any other taxing jurisdiction having territory in
   2-17  the city does not impair the taxes imposed under this section>.
   2-18        SECTION 4.  Subsection (p), Section 4A, Development
   2-19  Corporation Act of 1979 (Article 5190.6, Vernon's Texas Civil
   2-20  Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
   2-21        (p)  A city that is authorized by this section to impose,
   2-22  reduce, increase, or abolish the tax under this section may, at the
   2-23  same time and on the same ballot, impose, reduce, increase, or
   2-24  abolish the additional sales and use tax imposed under Section
   2-25  321.101(b), Tax Code, if the city is authorized by Chapter 321, Tax
   2-26  Code, to impose, reduce, increase, or abolish the additional sales
   2-27  and use tax.  <The combined rate of the tax under this section and
   2-28  the additional sales and use tax imposed under Section 321.101(b),
   2-29  Tax Code, may not exceed one-half of one percent.  An election
   2-30  adopting a combined rate of the tax under this section and the
   2-31  additional sales and use tax that exceeds one-half of one percent
   2-32  has no effect.>  The city must follow, in relation to the
   2-33  imposition, reduction, increase, or abolishment of the additional
   2-34  sales and use tax imposed under Section 321.101(b), Tax Code, the
   2-35  procedures of that chapter, except that in an election to impose,
   2-36  reduce, increase, or abolish the tax under this section and the
   2-37  additional sales and use tax the ballot shall be printed to provide
   2-38  for voting for or against the proposition:  "The adoption of a
   2-39  sales and use tax within the city for the promotion and development
   2-40  of new and expanded business enterprises at the rate of ________ of
   2-41  one percent (one-eighth, one-fourth, three-eighths, or one-half to
   2-42  be inserted as appropriate) and the adoption of an additional sales
   2-43  and use tax within the city at the rate of ________ of one percent
   2-44  to be used to reduce the property tax rate" (one-eighth,
   2-45  one-fourth, three-eighths, or one-half to be inserted as
   2-46  appropriate).
   2-47        SECTION 5.  Subsections (b) and (c), Section 21.22, Tax Code,
   2-48  are amended to read as follows:
   2-49        (b)  The comptroller <board>, in prescribing the contents of
   2-50  the form, shall ensure that the form requires the person to furnish
   2-51  the information necessary to identify the mobile home and determine
   2-52  its ownership, to name the person for whom the mobile home was
   2-53  moved, and to state the address of the place from which and the
   2-54  place to which the mobile home was moved.
   2-55        (c)  A person required to make a record of the movement of a
   2-56  mobile home shall keep the record for the period of time prescribed
   2-57  by the comptroller <board>.  He shall keep the record at his
   2-58  principal place of business if he has one, and if he does not have
   2-59  one, he shall keep the record at his principal residence.
   2-60        SECTION 6.  Subsection (j), Section 23.54, Tax Code, is
   2-61  amended to read as follows:
   2-62        (j)  If the chief appraiser discovers that appraisal under
   2-63  this subchapter has been erroneously allowed in any one of the five
   2-64  <10> preceding years because of failure of the person whose land
   2-65  was allowed appraisal under this subchapter to give notice that its
   2-66  eligibility has ended, he shall add the difference between the
   2-67  appraised value of the land under this subchapter and the market
   2-68  value of the land to the appraisal roll as provided by Section
   2-69  25.21 of this code for other property that escapes taxation.
   2-70        SECTION 7.  Subsection (d), Section 24.02, Tax Code, is
    3-1  amended to read as follows:
    3-2        (d)  Reports must be filed before March 1.  For good cause
    3-3  shown the comptroller <board> may extend the filing deadline <by
    3-4  written order> for a single period not to exceed 60 days.
    3-5        SECTION 8.  Subsection (a), Section 41.461, Tax Code, is
    3-6  amended to read as follows:  (a)  At least 14 days before a hearing
    3-7  on a protest, the chief appraiser shall:
    3-8              (1)  deliver a copy of the pamphlet prepared by the
    3-9  comptroller <State Property Tax Board> under Section 5.06(a) to the
   3-10  property owner initiating the protest if the owner is representing
   3-11  himself, or to an agent representing the owner if requested by the
   3-12  agent;
   3-13              (2)  inform the property owner that the owner or the
   3-14  agent of the owner may inspect and may obtain a copy of the data,
   3-15  schedules, formulas, and all other information the chief appraiser
   3-16  plans to introduce at the hearing to establish any matter at issue;
   3-17  and
   3-18              (3)  deliver a copy of the hearing procedures
   3-19  established by the appraisal review board under Section 41.66 to
   3-20  the property owner.
   3-21        SECTION 9.  Section 101.007, Tax Code, is amended to read as
   3-22  follows:
   3-23        Sec. 101.007.  References to State Officers.  A reference in
   3-24  this code <title> to the comptroller, the treasurer, or another
   3-25  officer includes authorized representatives and employees of the
   3-26  officer unless the provision indicates that only the officer is
   3-27  intended in the reference.
   3-28        SECTION 10.  Section 151.0048, Tax Code, is amended to read
   3-29  as follows:
   3-30        Sec. 151.0048.  <">REAL PROPERTY SERVICE.<">  "Real property
   3-31  service" means:
   3-32              (1)  landscaping;
   3-33              (2)  the care and maintenance of lawns, yards, or
   3-34  ornamental trees or other plants;
   3-35              (3)  the removal or collection of garbage, rubbish, or
   3-36  other solid waste other than:
   3-37                    (A)  hazardous waste;
   3-38                    (B)  industrial solid waste;
   3-39                    (C)  waste material that results from an activity
   3-40  associated with the exploration, development, or production of oil,
   3-41  gas, geothermal resources, or any other substance or material
   3-42  regulated by the Railroad Commission of Texas under Section 91.101,
   3-43  Natural Resources Code; <and>
   3-44                    (D)  domestic sewage or an irrigation return
   3-45  flow, to the extent the sewage or return flow does not constitute
   3-46  garbage or rubbish; and
   3-47                    (E)  industrial discharges subject to regulation
   3-48  by permit issued pursuant to Chapter 26, Water Code;
   3-49              (4)  building or grounds cleaning, janitorial, or
   3-50  custodial services;
   3-51              (5)  a structural pest control service covered by
   3-52  Section 2, Texas Structural Pest Control Act (Article 135b-6,
   3-53  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes); or
   3-54              (6)  the surveying of real property.
   3-55        SECTION 11.  Section 151.058, Tax Code, is amended to read as
   3-56  follows:
   3-58  SALES PRICE OF TAXABLE <REPAIR> SERVICES.  (a)  A person performing
   3-59  <repair> services taxable under this chapter is the consumer of
   3-60  machinery and equipment used in performing the services <service>.
   3-61        (b)  The total amount charged for a <repair> service taxable
   3-62  under this chapter is subject to tax, including charges for labor,
   3-63  materials, overhead, and profit, regardless of whether such charges
   3-64  are separately identified to the purchaser of the service.
   3-65        SECTION 12.  Subsection (a), Section 151.104, Tax Code, is
   3-66  amended to read as follows:
   3-67        (a)  A sale of a taxable item <tangible personal property> by
   3-68  a person for delivery in this state is presumed to be a sale for
   3-69  storage, use, or consumption in this state unless a resale or
   3-70  exemption certificate is accepted by the seller.
    4-1        SECTION 13.  Subsection (b), Section 151.320, Tax Code, is
    4-2  amended to read as follows:
    4-3        (b)  "Magazine" means a publication that is usually
    4-4  paperbacked and sometimes illustrated, that appears at a regular
    4-5  interval, and that contains stories, articles, and essays by
    4-6  various writers and advertisements.  "Magazine" does not mean the
    4-7  publication of current information which is taxable pursuant to
    4-8  Section 151.0038 of this code as an "Information Service".
    4-9        SECTION 14.  Section 159.001, Tax Code, is amended to read as
   4-10  follows:
   4-11        Sec. 159.001.  Definitions.  In this chapter:
   4-12              (1)  "Controlled substance" has the meaning assigned by
   4-13  Section 481.002, Health and Safety Code.
   4-14              (2)  "Counterfeit substance" has the meaning assigned
   4-15  by Section 481.002, Health and Safety Code.
   4-16              (3)  "Dealer" means a person who in violation of the
   4-17  law of this state imports into this state or manufactures,
   4-18  produces, acquires, or possesses in this state:
   4-19                    (A)  seven grams or more of a taxable substance
   4-20  consisting of or containing a controlled substance, counterfeit
   4-21  substance, or simulated controlled substance; <or>
   4-22                    (B)  fifty dosage units or more of a taxable
   4-23  substance not commonly sold by weight, consisting of or containing
   4-24  a controlled substance, counterfeit substance, or simulated
   4-25  controlled substance; or
   4-26                    (C)  more than four ounces of a taxable substance
   4-27  consisting of or containing marihuana.
   4-28              (4)  "Marihuana" has the meaning assigned by Section
   4-29  481.002, Health and Safety Code.
   4-30              (5)  "Simulated controlled substance" has the meaning
   4-31  assigned by Section 482.001, Health and Safety Code.
   4-32              (6)  "Tax payment certificate" means a stamp or other
   4-33  device provided by the comptroller under Section 159.003 of this
   4-34  code for use under this chapter.
   4-35              (7)  "Taxable substance" means a controlled substance,
   4-36  a counterfeit substance, a simulated controlled substance, or
   4-37  marihuana, or a mixture of any materials that contains a controlled
   4-38  substance, counterfeit substance, simulated controlled substance,
   4-39  or marihuana.
   4-40              (8)  "Dosage unit" means a tablet, pill, capsule, vial,
   4-41  ampule, or other identifiable or separated unit designed or
   4-42  packaged to be used, taken, or ingested at one time.
   4-43        SECTION 15.  Subdivisions (8) and (9), Section 211.001, Tax
   4-44  Code, are amended to read as follows:
   4-45              (8)  "Generation-skipping transfer" means a transfer
   4-46  for which a credit for state taxes is allowable under Section 2604
   4-47  <2602(c)(5)(C)>, Internal Revenue Code.
   4-48              (9)  "Generation-skipping transfer tax credit" means
   4-49  the maximum amount of the credit for state death taxes allowable
   4-50  under Section 2604 <2602(c)(5)(C)>, Internal Revenue Code.
   4-51        SECTION 16.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993.
   4-52        SECTION 17.  The importance of this legislation and the
   4-53  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   4-54  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   4-55  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   4-56  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.
   4-57                               * * * * *
   4-58                                                         Austin,
   4-59  Texas
   4-60                                                         April 22, 1993
   4-61  Hon. Bob Bullock
   4-62  President of the Senate
   4-63  Sir:
   4-64  We, your Committee on Finance to which was referred S.B. No. 893,
   4-65  have had the same under consideration, and I am instructed to
   4-66  report it back to the Senate with the recommendation that it do not
   4-67  pass, but that the Committee Substitute adopted in lieu thereof do
   4-68  pass and be printed.
   4-69                                                         Montford,
   4-70  Chairman
    5-1                               * * * * *
    5-2                               WITNESSES
    5-3                                                  FOR   AGAINST  ON
    5-4  ___________________________________________________________________
    5-5  Name:  Wade Anderson                                           x
    5-6  Representing:  State Comptroller
    5-7  City:  Austin
    5-8  -------------------------------------------------------------------
    5-9  Name:  John Christian                                          x
   5-10  Representing:  State Comptroller
   5-11  City:  Austin
   5-12  -------------------------------------------------------------------