By:  Montford                                          S.B. No. 900
       73R3877 PB-F
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the regulation of title insurance.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Article 9.02, Insurance Code, is amended by
    1-5  adding Subsection (r) to read as follows:
    1-6        (r)  "Examined title evidence" means title evidence that has
    1-7  been subjected to a title examination and that is prepared from an
    1-8  abstract plant owned by, or leased and operated by, a licensed
    1-9  title insurance agent or direct operation.
   1-10        SECTION 2.  Article 9.30, Insurance Code, is amended by
   1-11  amending Sections B and C and by adding Section F to read as
   1-12  follows:
   1-13        B.  This Article may not be construed as prohibiting:
   1-14              (1)  a foreign or domestic title insurance company
   1-15  doing business in this state under this Chapter, from appointing as
   1-16  its title insurance agent pursuant to this Chapter a person owning
   1-17  or leasing and operating an abstract plant of such county and
   1-18  making the arrangement for division of premiums with the agent as
   1-19  shall be set by the Board;
   1-20              (2)  payments for services actually performed by a
   1-21  title insurance company, a title insurance agent, or a direct
   1-22  operation, in connection with closing the transaction, furnishing
   1-23  of title evidence, or title examination<, which payment may not
   1-24  exceed the percentages of the premium or amounts established by the
    2-1  Board for those payments>; <or>
    2-2              (3)  payment of bona fide compensation to a bona fide
    2-3  employee principally employed by a title insurance company, direct
    2-4  operation, title insurance agent, or other reasonable payment for
    2-5  goods or facilities actually furnished and received; or
    2-6              (4)  payments for services actually performed by an
    2-7  attorney in connection with title examination or closing a
    2-8  transaction, which payment may not exceed a reasonable charge for
    2-9  such services.
   2-10              (5)  Nothing in this article shall affect the division
   2-11  of premium between a title insurance company and its subsidiary
   2-12  title insurance agent when the title insurance company directly
   2-13  issues its policy or contract of title insurance pursuant to
   2-14  Article 9.34. For purposes of this provision, a subsidiary is a
   2-15  company at least 50 percent of the voting stock of which is owned
   2-16  by the title insurance company or by a wholly owned subsidiary of
   2-17  the title insurance company.
   2-18        C.  A person receiving any form of compensation under Section
   2-19  B(2) or F of this Article must be licensed as provided for under
   2-20  this Chapter.
   2-21        F.  (a)  Notwithstanding Section B of this Article, no
   2-22  portion, split, or percentage of any title insurance premium may be
   2-23  paid, either directly or indirectly, to any person, firm, or
   2-24  organization for title insurance, title evidence, title
   2-25  examination, determining status of title, or closing a transaction
   2-26  regarding the issuance of a title insurance policy, binder,
   2-27  commitment, or endorsement except as provided by this Section:
    3-1        (b)  A title insurance company licensed to do business in
    3-2  this state and a licensed title insurance agent may divide a
    3-3  premium under an agency agreement approved by the Texas Department
    3-4  of Insurance.  A title insurance company may divide a premium with
    3-5  a licensed title insurance agent or direct operation in a county in
    3-6  which the title insurance company does not have an agency agreement
    3-7  or direct operation if the licensed agent or direct operation is
    3-8  furnishing examined title evidence for a directly issued policy.  A
    3-9  division of premium under this Subsection must be equal to a
   3-10  division promulgated by the Texas Department of Insurance for the
   3-11  division of a title insurance premium between a title insurance
   3-12  company and its licensed title insurance agent under an approved
   3-13  agency agreement.
   3-14        (c)  A licensed title insurance agent and direct operation
   3-15  that cooperate on the issuance of a title policy, binder,
   3-16  commitment, or endorsement on property located in more than one
   3-17  county in this state to be insured in a single policy may divide a
   3-18  premium if each agent or direct operation renders part of the
   3-19  services included in the premium.
   3-20        (d)  A licensed title insurance agent or direct operation and
   3-21  another licensed title insurance agent or direct operation in a
   3-22  county that shares a common boundary line that cooperate on the
   3-23  issuance of a policy and the closing of a transaction may divide a
   3-24  premium if the agent or direct operation in each county has entered
   3-25  a prior written agreement describing the split or percentage to be
   3-26  paid and accepted for the services each entity shall render and
   3-27  that agreement is filed with the Texas Department of Insurance.
    4-1  The Texas Department of Insurance may, after notice and hearing,
    4-2  require termination of the agreement if it finds the agreement has
    4-3  an adverse affect on consumers or rates for title insurance.
    4-4        SECTION 3.  Article 9.34, Insurance Code, is amended to read
    4-5  as follows:
    4-7        Sec. 1.  (a)  Except as otherwise provided by this section,
    4-8  each policy, binder, commitment, or endorsement of title insurance
    4-9  must be based on an examination of title made from title evidence
   4-10  prepared from an abstract plant owned, or leased and operated, by a
   4-11  licensed title insurance agent or direct operation and issued by a
   4-12  licensed title insurance agent or direct operation in the county in
   4-13  which the real property is located under an agency agreement
   4-14  approved by the Texas Department of Insurance.
   4-15        (b)  If a title insurance company does not have an approved
   4-16  agency agreement with a licensed title insurance agent or direct
   4-17  operation in the county in which the affected real property is
   4-18  located, the title insurance company may issue directly its policy,
   4-19  binder, commitment, or endorsement of title insurance based on
   4-20  examined title evidence furnished to the title insurance company by
   4-21  a licensed title insurance agent or direct operation in the county
   4-22  in which the real property is located.  If a licensed title
   4-23  insurance agent or direct operation does not exist for the county
   4-24  in which the real property is located, a title insurance company
   4-25  may issue directly its policy of title insurance based on the best
   4-26  available evidence.
   4-27        (c)  If, within a reasonable time as determined by the Board,
    5-1  all of the licensed title insurance agents and direct operations in
    5-2  the county in which the real property is located refuse to issue
    5-3  the policy or contract of title insurance or to provide examined
    5-4  title evidence for a directly issued policy, a title insurance
    5-5  company may issue directly its policy of title insurance based on
    5-6  the best available evidence.
    5-7        Sec. 2.  If a policy or contract of title insurance covers
    5-8  properties located in more than one county, to be insured in a
    5-9  single policy, the policy or contract of title insurance shall be
   5-10  issued directly by the title insurance company in compliance with
   5-11  this Article.
   5-12        Sec. 3.  A licensed title insurance agent or direct operation
   5-13  may request that a policy, binder, commitment, or endorsement of
   5-14  title insurance be issued directly by a title insurance company
   5-15  with which the agent or direct operation has an approved agency
   5-16  contract.  The title insurance company may issue directly the
   5-17  policy, binder, commitment, or endorsement of title insurance if:
   5-18              (1)  the licensed title insurance agent or direct
   5-19  operation perceives or determines a conflict of interest in issuing
   5-20  the policy on behalf of the title insurance company; or
   5-21              (2)  the licensed title insurance agent or direct
   5-22  operation cooperates on the issuance of a policy and closing of a
   5-23  transaction with a licensed title insurance agent or direct
   5-24  operation in a county that shares a common boundary line under a
   5-25  written agreement between the licensed title insurance agents or
   5-26  direct operations in each county that:
   5-27                    (A)  is executed before the issuance of the
    6-1  policy;
    6-2                    (B)  describes the services to be provided and
    6-3  the split or percentage of premium to be paid and accepted by each
    6-4  licensed title insurance agent or direct operation; and
    6-5                    (C)  is filed with the Texas Department of
    6-6  Insurance.
    6-7        Sec. 4.  A policy or contract of title insurance may not be
    6-8  written or issued except in compliance with Article 9.30 of this
    6-9  code and its subsequent amendments and with a determination of
   6-10  insurability of title made in accordance with sound underwriting
   6-11  practices.
   6-12        Sec. 5.  Examined title evidence or the best evidence on
   6-13  which a policy, binder, commitment, or endorsement of title
   6-14  insurance is issued must be preserved and retained in the files of
   6-15  the title insurance company, direct operation, or licensed title
   6-16  insurance agent for at least 15 years after the date on which the
   6-17  policy or contract is issued.
   6-18        Sec. 6.  <No policy or contract of title insurance shall be
   6-19  written unless (1) there has been compliance with the provisions of
   6-20  Article 9.30(B), (2) said policy or contract of title insurance is
   6-21  based on an examination of title made from title evidence prepared
   6-22  from an abstract plant owned, or leased and operated by a licensed
   6-23  Texas title insurance agent or direct operation for the county in
   6-24  which the real property is located, (3) there has been made a
   6-25  determination of insurability of title in accordance with sound
   6-26  title underwriting practices, and (4) evidence thereof shall be
   6-27  preserved and retained in the files of the title insurance company,
    7-1  direct operation, or title insurance agent for a period of not less
    7-2  than fifteen (15) years after the policy or contract of title
    7-3  insurance has been issued.  If no licensed title insurance agent or
    7-4  direct operation exists for the county in which the real property
    7-5  is located, a title insurance company may directly issue its policy
    7-6  of title insurance based on the best title evidence available.  If
    7-7  all licensed title insurance agents and direct operations for the
    7-8  county refuse to provide the title evidence within such reasonable
    7-9  time as determined by the Board, and in compliance with the
   7-10  provisions of Article 9.30(B)(2), the title insurance company may
   7-11  directly issue its policy if the title insurance company obtains
   7-12  the best title evidence available.>  The licensed <Texas> title
   7-13  insurance agent or direct operation that provides <which provided>
   7-14  the examined title evidence on which the directly issued policies
   7-15  or contracts of title insurance are issued shall be provided with
   7-16  legible complete copies of all policies or contracts of title
   7-17  insurance actually issued in the transactions within a reasonable
   7-18  period of time as determined by the Board.
   7-19        Sec. 7.  This Article shall not apply to (a) a company
   7-20  assuming no primary liability in a contract of reinsurance, or (b)
   7-21  a company acting as a co-insurer if one of the other co-insuring
   7-22  companies has complied with this Article.
   7-23        SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993, and
   7-24  applies to a policy or contract of title insurance that is
   7-25  delivered, issued for delivery, or renewed on or after January 1,
   7-26  1994.  A policy or contract delivered, issued for delivery, or
   7-27  renewed before January 1, 1994, is governed by the law that existed
    8-1  immediately before the effective date of this Act, and that law is
    8-2  continued in effect for that purpose.
    8-3        SECTION 5.  The importance of this legislation and the
    8-4  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
    8-5  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
    8-6  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
    8-7  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.