By:  Zaffirini                                        S.B. No. 1131
       73R4105 MJW-F
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the transfer of court-appointed volunteer advocate
    1-3  programs for abused or neglected children.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Subchapter D, Chapter 72, Government Code, is
    1-6  transferred to Subtitle C, Title 2, Family Code, redesignated as
    1-7  Subchapter D, Chapter 34, Family Code, as added by this Act, and
    1-8  amended to read as follows:
   1-10        Sec. 34.601 <72.041>.  Definitions.  In this chapter
   1-11  <subchapter>:
   1-12              (1)  "Abused or neglected child" means a child who is:
   1-13                    (A)  the subject of a suit affecting the
   1-14  parent-child relationship brought by a governmental entity; and
   1-15                    (B)  under the control or supervision of the
   1-16  Department of Protective and Regulatory Services <child protective
   1-17  services division of the Texas Department of Human Services>.
   1-18              (2)  "Volunteer advocate program" means a
   1-19  volunteer-based, nonprofit program that provides advocacy services
   1-20  to abused or neglected children with the goal of obtaining a
   1-21  permanent placement for the children that is in their best
   1-22  interest.
   1-23        Sec. 34.602 <72.042>.  Contracts With Advocate Programs.
   1-24  (a)  The attorney general <office> shall contract for services with
    2-1  each eligible volunteer advocate program to expand the existing
    2-2  services of the program.
    2-3        (b)  The contract may not result in reducing financial
    2-4  support a volunteer advocate program receives from another source.
    2-5        (c)  The attorney general <office> shall develop a scale of
    2-6  state financial support for volunteer advocate programs that
    2-7  declines over a six-year period beginning on the date each
    2-8  individual contract takes effect.  After the end of the six-year
    2-9  period, the attorney general <office> may not provide more than 50
   2-10  percent of the volunteer advocate program's funding.
   2-11        Sec. 34.603 <72.043>.  Administrative Contracts.  The
   2-12  attorney general <office> shall contract with one statewide
   2-13  organization of individuals or groups of individuals who have
   2-14  expertise in the dynamics of child abuse and neglect and experience
   2-15  in operating volunteer advocate programs:
   2-16              (1)  for the provision of training, technical
   2-17  assistance, and evaluation services for the benefit of local
   2-18  volunteer advocate programs; and
   2-19              (2)  to manage the attorney general's <office's>
   2-20  contracts under Section 34.602 of this code <72.042>.
   2-21        Sec. 34.604 <72.044>.  Eligibility for Contracts.  (a)  A
   2-22  person is eligible for a contract under Section 34.602 of this code
   2-23  <72.042> only if the person is a public or private nonprofit entity
   2-24  that operates a volunteer advocate program that:
   2-25              (1)  uses individuals appointed as volunteer advocates
   2-26  by the court to provide for the needs of abused and neglected
   2-27  children;
    3-1              (2)  has provided court-appointed advocacy services for
    3-2  at least two years;
    3-3              (3)  provides court-appointed advocacy services for at
    3-4  least 10 children each month; and
    3-5              (4)  has demonstrated that it has local judicial
    3-6  support.
    3-7        (b)  The attorney general <office> may not contract with a
    3-8  person that is not eligible under this section; however, the
    3-9  attorney general <office> may waive the requirement in Subsection
   3-10  (a)(3) of this section <Subdivision (3) of Subsection (a)> for
   3-11  established programs in rural areas or under other special
   3-12  circumstances.
   3-13        Sec. 34.605 <72.045>.  Contract Form.  A person must apply
   3-14  for a contract under Section 34.602 of this code <72.042> on a form
   3-15  provided by the attorney general <office>.
   3-16        Sec. 34.606 <72.046>.  Criteria for Award of Contracts.  The
   3-17  attorney general <office> shall consider the following factors in
   3-18  awarding a contract under Section 34.602 of this code <72.042>:
   3-19              (1)  the volunteer advocate program's eligibility for
   3-20  and use of funds from local, state, or federal governmental
   3-21  sources, philanthropic organizations, and other sources;
   3-22              (2)  community support for the volunteer advocate
   3-23  program as indicated by financial contributions from civic
   3-24  organizations, individuals, and other community resources;
   3-25              (3)  whether the volunteer advocate program provides
   3-26  services that encourage the permanent placement of children through
   3-27  reunification with their families or timely placement with an
    4-1  adoptive family; and
    4-2              (4)  whether the volunteer advocate program has the
    4-3  endorsement and cooperation of the local juvenile court system.
    4-4        Sec. 34.607 <72.047>.  Contract Requirements.  (a)  The
    4-5  attorney general <office> shall require that a contract under
    4-6  Section 34.602 of this code <72.042> require the volunteer advocate
    4-7  program to:
    4-8              (1)  make quarterly and annual financial reports on a
    4-9  form provided by the attorney general <office>;
   4-10              (2)  cooperate with inspections and audits that the
   4-11  attorney general <office> makes to ensure service standards and
   4-12  fiscal responsibility;
   4-13              (3)  provide as a minimum:
   4-14                    (A)  independent and factual information to the
   4-15  court regarding the child;
   4-16                    (B)  advocacy through the courts for permanent
   4-17  home placement and rehabilitation services for the child;
   4-18                    (C)  monitoring of the child to ensure the safety
   4-19  of the child and to prevent unnecessary movement of the child to
   4-20  multiple temporary placements;
   4-21                    (D)  reports to the presiding judge and to
   4-22  counsel for the parties involved;
   4-23                    (E)  community education relating to child abuse
   4-24  and neglect;
   4-25                    (F)  referral services to existing community
   4-26  services;
   4-27                    (G)  a volunteer recruitment and training
    5-1  program, including adequate screening procedures for volunteers;
    5-2  and
    5-3                    (H)  procedures to assure the confidentiality of
    5-4  records or information relating to the child.
    5-5        (b)  The attorney general <office> may require that a
    5-6  contract under Section 34.602 of this code <72.042> require the
    5-7  volunteer advocate program to use forms provided by the attorney
    5-8  general <office>.
    5-9        (c)  The attorney general <office> shall develop forms in
   5-10  consultation with a statewide organization of individuals or groups
   5-11  of individuals who have expertise in the dynamics of child abuse
   5-12  and neglect and experience in operating volunteer advocate
   5-13  programs.
   5-14        Sec. 34.608 <72.048>.  REPORT TO THE LEGISLATURE.  (a)
   5-15  Before each regular session of the legislature, the attorney
   5-16  general <office> shall publish a report that:
   5-17              (1)  summarizes reports from volunteer advocate
   5-18  programs under contract with the attorney general <office>;
   5-19              (2)  analyzes the effectiveness of the contracts made
   5-20  by the attorney general <office> under this chapter; and
   5-21              (3)  provides information on:
   5-22                    (A)  the expenditure of funds under this chapter;
   5-23                    (B)  services provided and the number of children
   5-24  for whom the services were provided; and
   5-25                    (C)  any other information relating to the
   5-26  services provided by the volunteer advocate programs under this
   5-27  chapter.
    6-1        (b)  The attorney general <office> shall submit copies of the
    6-2  report to the governor, lieutenant governor, speaker of the house
    6-3  of representatives, Legislative Budget Board, and members of the
    6-4  legislature.
    6-5        Sec. 34.609 <72.049>.  RULE-MAKING AUTHORITY.  The attorney
    6-6  general <office> may adopt rules necessary to implement this
    6-7  chapter.
    6-8        Sec. 34.610 <72.050>.  CONFIDENTIALITY.  The attorney general
    6-9  <office> may not disclose information gained through reports,
   6-10  collected case data, or inspections that would identify a person
   6-11  working at or receiving services from a volunteer advocate program.
   6-12        Sec. 34.611 <72.051>.  CONSULTATIONS.  In implementing this
   6-13  chapter, the attorney general <office> shall consult with
   6-14  individuals or groups of individuals who have expertise in the
   6-15  dynamics of child abuse and neglect and experience in operating
   6-16  volunteer advocate programs.
   6-17        Sec. 34.612 <72.052>.  FUNDING.  (a)  The attorney general
   6-18  <office> may solicit and receive grants or money from either
   6-19  private or public sources, including appropriation by the
   6-20  legislature from the general revenue fund <General Revenue Fund>,
   6-21  to implement this chapter.
   6-22        (b)  The need for and importance of the implementation of
   6-23  this chapter by the attorney general <office> require priority and
   6-24  preferential consideration for appropriation.
   6-25        (c)  The attorney general <office> may not use more than six
   6-26  percent of the annual legislative appropriation it receives to
   6-27  implement this chapter for administration and not more than six
    7-1  percent annually for the contract described in Section 34.603
    7-2  <72.043> of this chapter.
    7-3        SECTION 2.  (a)  The Office of Court Administration of the
    7-4  Texas Judicial System and the attorney general shall coordinate the
    7-5  transfer of all office functions relating to the court-appointed
    7-6  volunteer advocate programs administered under Subchapter D,
    7-7  Chapter 72, Government Code, as it existed before the effective
    7-8  date of Section 1 of this Act, to the attorney general as required
    7-9  by this Act.
   7-10        (b)  The transfer required by this Act includes the transfer
   7-11  of all assets, duties, powers, obligations, and liabilities,
   7-12  including contracts, funds, employees, personal property,
   7-13  furniture, computers and other equipment, and files and related
   7-14  materials used by the Office of Court Administration of the Texas
   7-15  Judicial System in administering the program transferred by this
   7-16  Act.
   7-17        (c)  A form, rule, or procedure adopted by the Office of
   7-18  Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System that is in effect
   7-19  on the effective date of Section 1 of this Act remains in effect on
   7-20  and after that date as if adopted by the attorney general until
   7-21  amended, repealed, withdrawn, or otherwise superseded by the
   7-22  attorney general.
   7-23        (d)  An appropriation made to the Office of Court
   7-24  Administration of the Texas Judicial System for the operation of
   7-25  Subchapter D, Chapter 72, Government Code, is an appropriation to
   7-26  the attorney general for the same purpose on the effective date of
   7-27  Section 1 of this Act.  If Section 1 of this Act takes effect
    8-1  October 1, 1993, and an appropriation is made to the attorney
    8-2  general for the operation of Subchapter D, Chapter 72, Government
    8-3  Code, or Subchapter D, Chapter 34, Family Code, as added by this
    8-4  Act, the attorney general may transfer sufficient funds to the
    8-5  Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System for the
    8-6  operation of that law until October 1, 1993.
    8-7        SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect on the earliest date that
    8-8  the Act may take effect under Article III, Section 39, of the Texas
    8-9  Constitution, except that Section 1 of this Act takes effect:
   8-10              (1)  September 1, 1993, if Section 2 of this Act takes
   8-11  effect before the 91st day after the date of the 73rd Legislature,
   8-12  Regular Session, 1993, adjourns sine die; or
   8-13              (2)  October 1, 1993, if Section 2 of this Act takes
   8-14  effect on or after the 91st day after the 73rd Legislature, Regular
   8-15  Session, 1993, adjourns sine die.
   8-16        SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the
   8-17  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   8-18  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   8-19  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   8-20  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
   8-21  and that this Act take effect and be in force according to its
   8-22  terms, and it is so enacted.