By:  Madla                                            S.B. No. 1188
       73R3725 LJD-D
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
    1-1                                AN ACT
    1-2  relating to the regulation of prepaid funeral services or funeral
    1-3  merchandise and perpetual care cemeteries.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Section 5, Chapter 512, Acts of the 54th
    1-6  Legislature, 1955 (Article 548b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is
    1-7  amended to read as follows:
    1-8        Sec. 5.  Handling of Funds Paid or Collected Under Contract.
    1-9  All sums heretofore or hereafter paid or collected on contracts for
   1-10  prepaid funeral benefits entered into prior to the effective date
   1-11  of this Act shall be handled in accordance with the manner in which
   1-12  they have heretofore been handled.  All sums paid or collected on
   1-13  such contracts entered into after the effective date of this Act
   1-14  (with the exception of those paid where a contract of insurance
   1-15  previously is created or approved by the Department) shall be
   1-16  handled in the following manner:
   1-17              (1)  The funeral home (or other entity collecting said
   1-18  funds) may retain as its own money, for the purpose of covering its
   1-19  selling expenses, servicing costs, and general overhead, an amount
   1-20  not to exceed one-half of all funds so collected or paid until it
   1-21  has received for its use and benefit an amount not to exceed ten
   1-22  percent of the total amount agreed to be paid by the purchaser of
   1-23  said prepaid funeral benefits as such total amount is reflected in
   1-24  the contract.  No charges or assessments, except premiums collected
    2-1  on an insurance policy guaranteeing the payments on a prepaid
    2-2  funeral contract or the unpaid balance thereof, shall be collected
    2-3  from the purchaser other than those included in the total amount of
    2-4  said contract.
    2-5              (2)  All amounts paid or collected, with the exception
    2-6  of those permitted to be retained as set forth above, shall, within
    2-7  thirty days after such collection, be (a) deposited in a savings
    2-8  and loan association in this state in an interest-bearing account
    2-9  insured by the federal government, or (b) deposited in a state or
   2-10  national bank in this state in an interest-bearing account insured
   2-11  by the federal government, or (c) placed with the trust department
   2-12  in a state or national bank in this state, or in a trust company
   2-13  authorized to do business in this state, to be invested by such
   2-14  trust department or company in accordance with the terms and
   2-15  provisions of the Texas Trust Code (Subtitle B, Title 9, Property
   2-16  Code).  Such deposits or trust accounts shall be carried in the
   2-17  name of the funeral home or other entity to whom the purchaser
   2-18  makes payment, but accounting records shall be maintained showing
   2-19  the amount deposited or invested with respect to any particular
   2-20  purchaser's contract.
   2-21              (3)  The date of death of the purchaser of such
   2-22  contract (or other individual who may be designated in the contract
   2-23  as the person for whose funeral such funds may be used) shall be
   2-24  the maturity date of the contract, and as soon as conveniently
   2-25  practicable after such maturity date and upon presentation of a
   2-26  certified copy of the death certificate of such person together
   2-27  with proper affidavits as may be required by the Department, such
    3-1  funds shall be released in fulfillment of the contract, and the
    3-2  funeral home (or other entity to the contract which has collected
    3-3  the funds) shall, if the amount so withdrawn does not equal one
    3-4  hundred percent of the total amount paid by the purchaser, make up
    3-5  the difference so that the amount available for funeral benefits
    3-6  shall equal one hundred percent of the total amount paid by the
    3-7  purchaser.  Any amounts accumulated at maturity on any particular
    3-8  contract in excess of one hundred percent of the amount deposited
    3-9  or placed by the seller shall be available to the funeral home (or
   3-10  other entity collecting said funds) in making up the difference on
   3-11  any particular contract which at maturity did not have funds
   3-12  available equal to one hundred percent of the amount paid by the
   3-13  purchaser.
   3-14              (4)  The seller may withdraw at any time funds out of
   3-15  accrued interest or income on the accounts for the purpose of
   3-16  paying reasonable and necessary charges made by a savings and loan
   3-17  association, or bank, or trust department of a bank, or trust
   3-18  company, and trustee's fees made by a savings and loan association,
   3-19  or bank, or trust department of a bank, or trust company, with
   3-20  respect to such accounts, for the purpose of paying any taxes, with
   3-21  prior approval of the Department, caused or created by reason of
   3-22  the existence of such deposit accounts or trust accounts, or for
   3-23  the purpose of paying any assessment under this Act or ordered by
   3-24  the Department for funding a fund to guarantee performance of
   3-25  prepaid funeral contracts.
   3-26        The seller may also withdraw funds from the accrued interest
   3-27  or income on the deposit accounts for the purpose of paying the
    4-1  examination fee for one examination by the Department each calendar
    4-2  year, or for the preparation of financial statements required by
    4-3  the Department in lieu of an examination by the Department.
    4-4        Upon the maturity date of a contract as above provided and
    4-5  only after the funeral home has fully performed its obligations
    4-6  under said contract with the purchaser, or at the time of
    4-7  cancellation prior to maturity as provided in Subsection (5)
    4-8  herein, the seller may additionally withdraw from said deposit
    4-9  account (whether a trust or other funded account) any enhanced
   4-10  value, accrued interest, or accrued income on said contract.  Such
   4-11  withdrawal shall be the proportionate part of the total enhanced
   4-12  value, accrued interest or accrued income, that the amount
   4-13  deposited under said contract bears to the total amount deposited
   4-14  from all unmatured contracts or, if the Commissioner has
   4-15  affirmatively determined that the records of the permit holder are
   4-16  adequate to allow this method to be exercised in an accurate
   4-17  manner, the withdrawals may be equal to the actual earnings on
   4-18  individual matured contracts, minus any properly allocated expenses
   4-19  permitted by this subsection.  <On application, the Commissioner
   4-20  may, after notice and hearing conducted pursuant to the
   4-21  Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act (Article 6252-13a,
   4-22  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), authorize the seller of preneed
   4-23  services to withdraw excess earnings from the trust deposits.  For
   4-24  the purposes of this section, "excess earnings" means funds in the
   4-25  trust deposit that exceed 107 percent of the seller's obligations
   4-26  on each contract for which deposits have been made after the date
   4-27  the contracts are entered into.  The Commissioner may grant the
    5-1  authorization if, in the Commissioner's opinion, the evidence shows
    5-2  that the seller's ability to deliver the contracted services and
    5-3  merchandise is not diminished by the withdrawal.  The Commissioner
    5-4  by rule may set out factors that may be considered in evaluating
    5-5  each application.  The Commissioner's decision on whether to grant
    5-6  the withdrawal is not limited to those factors.  A withdrawal of
    5-7  excess earnings made after an initial withdrawal as provided by
    5-8  this subsection may not be approved for more than 93 percent of the
    5-9  funds remaining in the accounts after the withdrawal that are in
   5-10  excess of the 107 percent to be maintained in satisfaction of the
   5-11  seller's contractual obligations.>
   5-12              (5)  In the event a purchaser under a contract should
   5-13  desire to cancel the contract prior to maturity, such cancellation
   5-14  may be accomplished by the seller giving fifteen days notice in
   5-15  writing to the Department, signed by the purchaser, and thereafter,
   5-16  upon written authorization from the Department, such seller may
   5-17  withdraw the funds in such depository being held for the
   5-18  purchaser's use and benefit; provided, however, such purchaser
   5-19  shall be entitled to receive only the actual amounts paid in by him
   5-20  less the amounts permitted to be retained as provided in Subsection
   5-21  (1) hereof.  Purchaser or seller may make no partial cancellations
   5-22  or withdrawals.
   5-23        If the purchaser cancels the contract on the solicitation of
   5-24  the seller, the purchaser is entitled to withdraw all funds paid to
   5-25  the seller and all enhanced value attributable to the funds.  If
   5-26  the funds are used to purchase a new preneed funeral contract
   5-27  pursuant to a solicitation by the seller, the new contract must, as
    6-1  determined by the Department, protect the purchaser to an extent
    6-2  equal to or greater than that provided by the original contract,
    6-3  and the purchaser's cost of the same or substantially the same
    6-4  services and merchandise may not be increased above that contained
    6-5  in the canceled contract.
    6-6        SECTION 2.  Chapter 512, Acts of the 54th Legislature, 1955
    6-7  (Article 548b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), is amended by adding
    6-8  Section 9A to read as follows:
    6-9        Sec. 9A.  ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY.  (a)  The Department may
   6-10  assess an administrative penalty against a person who violates this
   6-11  Act or a rule adopted under this Act.
   6-12        (b)  The amount of the penalty may not exceed $25,000 for
   6-13  each day of violation and for each act of violation.
   6-14        (c)  In determining the amount of the penalty, the Department
   6-15  shall consider:
   6-16              (1)  the history of previous violations;
   6-17              (2)  the amount necessary to deter future violations;
   6-18              (3)  efforts to correct the violation;
   6-19              (4)  enforcement costs relating to the violation,
   6-20  including investigation costs, witness fees, and deposition
   6-21  expenses; and
   6-22              (5)  any other matters that justice may require.
   6-23        (d)  If after an examination of the facts the Department
   6-24  concludes that the person did commit a violation, the Department
   6-25  may issue a preliminary report stating the facts on which it based
   6-26  its conclusion, recommending that an administrative penalty under
   6-27  this section be imposed, and recommending the amount of the
    7-1  proposed penalty.
    7-2        (e)  The Department shall give written notice of the report
    7-3  to the person charged with committing the violation.  The notice
    7-4  must include a brief summary of the facts, a statement of the
    7-5  amount of the recommended penalty, and a statement of the person's
    7-6  right to an informal review of the occurrence of the violation, the
    7-7  amount of the penalty, or both.
    7-8        (f)  Not later than the 10th day after the date on which the
    7-9  person charged with committing the violation receives the notice,
   7-10  the person may either give the Department written consent to the
   7-11  report, including the recommended penalty, or make a written
   7-12  request for an informal review by the Department.
   7-13        (g)  If the person charged with committing the violation
   7-14  consents to the penalty recommended by the Department or fails to
   7-15  timely request an informal review, the Department shall assess the
   7-16  penalty.  The Department shall give the person written notice of
   7-17  its action.  The person shall pay the penalty not later than the
   7-18  30th day after the date on which the person receives the notice.
   7-19        (h)  If the person charged with committing a violation
   7-20  requests an informal review as provided by Subsection (f) of this
   7-21  section, the Department shall conduct the review.  The Department
   7-22  shall give the person written notice of the results of the review.
   7-23        (i)  Not later than the 10th day after the date on which the
   7-24  person charged with committing the violation receives the notice
   7-25  prescribed by Subsection (h) of this section, the person may make
   7-26  to the Department a written request for a hearing.  The hearing
   7-27  must be conducted in accordance with the Administrative Procedure
    8-1  and Texas Register Act (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil
    8-2  Statutes).
    8-3        (j)  If, after informal review, a person who has been ordered
    8-4  to pay a penalty fails to request a formal hearing in a timely
    8-5  manner, the Department shall assess the penalty.  The Department
    8-6  shall give the person written notice of its action.  The person
    8-7  shall pay the penalty not later than the 30th day after the date on
    8-8  which the person receives the notice.
    8-9        (k)  Except as provided by Subsection (l) of this section,
   8-10  not later than the 30th day after the date on which the Department
   8-11  issues a final decision after a hearing under Subsection (i) of
   8-12  this section, a person who has been ordered to pay a penalty under
   8-13  this section shall pay the penalty in full.
   8-14        (l)  If the person seeks judicial review of either the fact
   8-15  of the occurrence of a violation or the amount of the penalty, or
   8-16  of both, the person shall send the amount of the penalty to the
   8-17  Department for placement in an escrow account or post with the
   8-18  Department a supersedeas bond in a form approved by the Department
   8-19  for the amount of the penalty.  The bond must be effective until
   8-20  all judicial review of the order or decision is final.
   8-21        (m)  Failure to forward the money to or to post the bond with
   8-22  the Department within the period provided by Subsection (k) or (l)
   8-23  of this section results in a waiver of all legal rights to judicial
   8-24  review.  If the person charged fails to forward the money or post
   8-25  the bond within the period provided by Subsection (g), (j), (k), or
   8-26  (l) of this section, the Department may forward the matter to the
   8-27  attorney general for enforcement of the penalty and interest as
    9-1  provided by law for legal judgments.  An action to enforce a
    9-2  penalty order under this section must be initiated in a court of
    9-3  competent jurisdiction in Travis County or in the county in which
    9-4  the violation occurred.
    9-5        (n)  Judicial review of a Department order or review under
    9-6  this section assessing a penalty is under the substantial evidence
    9-7  rule.  A suit may be initiated by filing a petition with a district
    9-8  court in Travis County, as provided by Section 19, Administrative
    9-9  Procedure and Texas Register Act (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas
   9-10  Civil Statutes).
   9-11        (o)  If a penalty is reduced or not assessed, the Department
   9-12  shall remit to the person the appropriate amount plus accrued
   9-13  interest if the penalty has been paid or shall execute a release of
   9-14  the bond if a supersedeas bond has been posted.  The accrued
   9-15  interest on amounts remitted by the Department under this
   9-16  subsection shall be paid at a rate equal to the rate provided by
   9-17  law for legal judgments and shall be paid for the period beginning
   9-18  on the date the penalty is paid to the Department under this
   9-19  section and ending on the date the penalty is remitted.
   9-20        (p)  In addition to the administrative penalty, the court may
   9-21  authorize the Department to recover from a person who pays an
   9-22  administrative penalty under this section reasonable expenses
   9-23  incurred in obtaining the penalty, including investigation costs,
   9-24  witness fees, and deposition expenses.
   9-25        (q)  A penalty collected under this section shall be
   9-26  deposited to the credit of the general revenue fund.
   9-27        SECTION 3.  Section 712.028, Health and Safety Code, is
   10-1  amended to read as follows:
   10-2        Sec. 712.028.  Amount of Fund Deposits from Sales; RULEMAKING
   10-3  AUTHORITY.  (a)  The commissioner by rule shall set the amount a
   10-4  perpetual care cemetery shall deposit in the fund for each <A
   10-5  perpetual care cemetery shall deposit in the fund an amount that is
   10-6  at least>:
   10-7              (1)  <$1.50 a> square foot of ground area disposed of
   10-8  or sold as perpetual care property;
   10-9              (2)  <$90 for each> crypt interment right for mausoleum
  10-10  interment or lawn crypt interment disposed of or sold as perpetual
  10-11  care property, including a <or $50 for each> crypt interment right
  10-12  if that crypt is accessible only through another crypt; and
  10-13              (3)  <$30 for each> niche interment right for
  10-14  columbarium interment disposed of or sold.
  10-15        (b)  The amounts set under Subsection (a) must be sufficient
  10-16  to assure that as the deposits accrue the maintenance costs of the
  10-17  cemetery are covered.
  10-18        (c) <(b)>  A cemetery may not operate as a perpetual care
  10-19  cemetery, including a permanent maintenance or free care cemetery,
  10-20  unless the cemetery complies with this section and Section 712.029.
  10-21        SECTION 4.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993.
  10-22        SECTION 5.  (a)  The change in law made by Section 1 of this
  10-23  Act, amending Section 5, Chapter 512, Acts of the 54th Legislature,
  10-24  1955 (Article 548b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), does not apply
  10-25  to a withdrawal of excess earnings by a seller of preneed funeral
  10-26  services that was approved by the Banking Commissioner of Texas
  10-27  before the effective date of this Act.  Withdrawals approved before
   11-1  the effective date of this Act are governed by the law in effect at
   11-2  the time of approval, and the prior law is continued in effect for
   11-3  this purpose.
   11-4        (b)  The administrative penalties provided by Section 9A,
   11-5  Chapter 512, Acts of the 54th Legislature, 1955 (Article 548b,
   11-6  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), as added by Section 2 of this Act,
   11-7  apply only to violations committed on or after the effective date
   11-8  of this Act.  For purposes of this subsection, a violation is
   11-9  committed on or after the effective date of this Act if each
  11-10  element of the violation occurs on or after that date.
  11-11        (c)  The change in law made by Section 3 of this Act,
  11-12  amending Section 712.028, Health and Safety Code, applies only to
  11-13  deposits to trust funds by perpetual care cemeteries made on or
  11-14  after the effective date of this Act.  Deposits made before the
  11-15  effective date of this Act are governed by the law in effect at the
  11-16  time of deposit, and the prior law is continued in effect for this
  11-17  purpose.
  11-18        SECTION 6.  The importance of this legislation and the
  11-19  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
  11-20  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
  11-21  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
  11-22  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.