By:  Montford                                         S.B. No. 1209
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to prepaid funeral services or merchandise.
    1-3        SECTION 1.  Chapter 512, Acts of the 54th Legislature,
    1-4  Regular Session, 1955 (Article 548b, Vernon's Texas Civil
    1-5  Statutes), is amended to read as follows:
    1-6        Sec. 1.  PURPOSE; DEFINITIONS; PERMITS.  (a)  This Act
    1-7  provides limits on the manner in which a person is permitted to
    1-8  accept funds in prepayment of funeral services to be performed in
    1-9  the future.  The purpose of this Act is to:
   1-10              (1)  provide a regulatory framework so that members of
   1-11  the public have an opportunity to arrange and pay for funerals for
   1-12  themselves and their families in advance of need; and
   1-13              (2)  provide all safeguards to protect the prepaid
   1-14  funds and to assure that the prepaid funds will be available to pay
   1-15  for the prearranged funeral services.
   1-16        (b)  In this Act:
   1-17              (1)  "Affiliate" means a person or entity directly or
   1-18  indirectly controlling, controlled by, or under common control with
   1-19  a permit holder or the funeral provider.
   1-20              (2)  "Commissioner" means the Banking Commissioner of
   1-21  Texas.
   1-22              (3)  "Department" means the Banking Department of
   1-23  Texas.
    2-1              (4)  "Earnings" means the amount in an account in
    2-2  excess of the amount paid by the purchaser of a prepaid funeral
    2-3  benefits contract and deposited or placed in the account as
    2-4  provided by Section 5(a)(2) of this Act.  The term includes accrued
    2-5  interest, accrued income, and enhanced or increased value.
    2-6              (5)  "Funeral provider" means the funeral home
    2-7  designated in a contract that has agreed and obligated itself to
    2-8  provide the specified prepaid funeral benefits.
    2-9              (6)  "Insurance policy" means a life insurance policy
   2-10  or annuity contract.
   2-11              (7)  "Permit holder" means a person having a valid
   2-12  permit to sell prepaid funeral benefits.
   2-13              (8)  "Person" means any individual, firm, partnership,
   2-14  corporation, or association.
   2-15              (9)  "Prepaid funeral benefits" means prearranged or
   2-16  prepaid funeral or cemetery services or funeral merchandise,
   2-17  including caskets, grave vaults, and all other articles of
   2-18  merchandise incidental to a funeral service.  The term does not
   2-19  include a grave lot, grave space, grave marker, monument,
   2-20  tombstone, crypt, niche, or mausoleum unless it is sold in
   2-21  contemplation of trade or barter for services and merchandise to
   2-22  which this Act applies.
   2-23              (10)  "Seller" means a person selling, accepting funds
   2-24  or premiums for, or soliciting contracts for prepaid funeral
   2-25  benefits or contracts or policies of insurance to fund prepaid
    3-1  funeral benefits in this state.
    3-2              (11)  "Trustee" means the person named as trustee in
    3-3  the instruments creating a prepaid funeral trust.
    3-4        (c)  Unless a person holds a permit issued under this Act,
    3-5  the person may not:
    3-6              (1)  sell prepaid funeral benefits or accept funds for
    3-7  prepaid funeral benefits, in this state under any contract; or
    3-8              (2)  solicit the designations by an individual of the
    3-9  prepaid funeral benefits to be provided out of any fund,
   3-10  investment, security, or contract, including contracts or policies
   3-11  of insurance authorized, and sold under a license issued, by the
   3-12  State Board of Insurance, to be created or purchased by that
   3-13  individual at the suggestion or solicitation of the seller.
   3-14        (d)  A seller who violates this Act is not entitled to
   3-15  enforce a contract made in violation of Subsection (c) of this
   3-16  section, but the purchaser or the purchaser's heirs or legal
   3-17  representative is entitled to recover:
   3-18              (1)  all amounts paid to the seller under that
   3-19  contract; and
   3-20              (2)  all amounts paid to any fund or for any
   3-21  investment, security, or contract, including contracts or policies
   3-22  of insurance authorized by the State Board of Insurance, because of
   3-23  the violation.
   3-24        (e)  Delivery of funeral merchandise before death is not
   3-25  performance or fulfillment, in whole or in part, of a prepaid
    4-1  funeral benefits contract entered into after September 1, 1993.
    4-2        (f)  A seller may not increase the sales price of an item not
    4-3  covered by this Act for the purpose of allocating a lesser sales
    4-4  price to an item that is covered by this Act.
    4-5        (g)  All funds received in exchange for prepaid funeral
    4-6  benefits shall be administered as prescribed by:
    4-7              (1)  Section 1A of this Act governing insurance-funded
    4-8  prepaid funeral benefits; or
    4-9              (2)  Section 5 of this Act governing trust-funded
   4-10  prepaid funeral benefits.
   4-11        (h)  Without the prior written consent of the Commissioner, a
   4-12  holder of prepaid funeral funds designated under Section 5(a)(2) of
   4-13  this Act may not use those funds to purchase, lease, or otherwise
   4-14  invest in an asset owned by the seller or funeral provider or an
   4-15  affiliate of the seller or funeral provider.
   4-16        (i)  The Commissioner by order may disapprove a transaction
   4-17  described by Subsection (h) of this section on the ground that it
   4-18  would materially adversely affect the interests of the purchasers
   4-19  of prepaid funeral benefits contracts.  The Commissioner shall
   4-20  approve or disapprove the transaction within 30 days   after the
   4-21  date of the receipt of written notification by the permit holder.
   4-22  Failure to act within that period constitutes approval of the
   4-23  transaction.  Unless the permit holder requests a hearing within 10
   4-24  days after the date of the order of disapproval, the order shall
   4-25  become effective as proposed.  If the permit holder requests a
    5-1  hearing within the 10-day period, it shall be conducted in
    5-2  accordance with the procedures for a contested case hearing under
    5-3  the Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act (Article
    5-4  6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) and its subsequent
    5-5  amendments.  <Any individual, firm, partnership, corporation, or
    5-6  association (hereinafter called "organization" or "seller")
    5-7  desiring to sell prearranged or prepaid funeral services or funeral
    5-8  merchandise (including caskets, grave vaults, and all other
    5-9  articles of merchandise incidental to a funeral service, but
   5-10  excluding grave lots, grave spaces, grave markers, monuments,
   5-11  tombstones, crypts, niches, and mausoleums), or accepting funds for
   5-12  such services or merchandise, in this state, under any contract,
   5-13  expressed or implied, providing for prepaid burial or funeral
   5-14  benefits or merchandise (hereinafter called "prepaid funeral
   5-15  benefits"), or who shall solicit the designations by an individual
   5-16  of the items of funeral merchandise or services which he desires to
   5-17  be provided out of any fund, investment, security, or contract to
   5-18  be created or purchased by such individual at the suggestion or
   5-19  solicitation of the organization shall obtain a permit from the
   5-20  State Banking Department (hereinafter called Department) of this
   5-21  state authorizing the transaction of this type of business, before
   5-22  conducting such business.  Seller shall not be entitled to enforce
   5-23  a contract made in violation of this Act, but the purchaser or his
   5-24  heirs, or legal representative, shall be entitled to recover all
   5-25  amounts paid to the seller under any contract made in violation
    6-1  thereof, and all amounts paid whether or not paid seller, to any
    6-2  fund or for any investment, security, or contract where the seller
    6-3  has violated the provisions of this Act.  Delivery of funeral
    6-4  merchandise prior to death shall not constitute performance or
    6-5  fulfillment, either wholly or in part, of any prepaid funeral
    6-6  benefits contract entered into after the effective date of this
    6-7  amendatory Act. Provided, however, that grave lots, grave spaces,
    6-8  grave markers, monuments, tombstones, crypts, niches, and
    6-9  mausoleums shall not be excluded from the provisions of this
   6-10  Section when these items and articles are sold in contemplation of
   6-11  trade or barter for services and articles designated as included by
   6-12  the provisions of this Section.>
   6-13        Sec. 1A <1a>.  SOLICITATION.  (a)  No seller  <organization>
   6-14  covered by this Act shall solicit by any means whatsoever the
   6-15  designation by an individual of prepaid funeral benefits <funeral
   6-16  services or merchandise which he desires> to be provided to be paid
   6-17  out of any fund, investment, security, or contract, including
   6-18  insurance policies, to be created or purchased by or for such an
   6-19  individual at the suggestion or solicitation of the seller
   6-20  <organization>, unless such a fund is to be created by a life
   6-21  insurance policy or an annuity contract approved by the Board of
   6-22  Insurance and issued by <with> an insurance company licensed by the
   6-23  Board of Insurance or except as provided for trust-funded prepaid
   6-24  funeral benefits by Section 5 of this Act <in Texas>, or unless
   6-25  such fund, investment, security, or contract shall have been
    7-1  approved by the Department as safeguarding the right and interests
    7-2  of the individual, his heirs and assigns, to substantially the same
    7-3  or greater degree as is provided with respect to funds regulated by
    7-4  Section 5 hereof.  An insurance-funded prepaid funeral benefits
    7-5  contract must be executed in conjunction with the application for
    7-6  the issuance of the insurance policy.
    7-7        (b)  The <Provided, however, that the> Department may require
    7-8  evidence of payment of premiums on any life insurance policy, or an
    7-9  annuity contract used to create a fund to guarantee prepaid funeral
   7-10  benefits.  Any seller failing to provide such evidence to the
   7-11  Department after being so requested by written notice shall be
   7-12  subject to cancellation of its permit under the provisions of
   7-13  Section 4 of this Act.  A seller shall remit all premiums collected
   7-14  for insurance policies or annuity contracts funding prepaid funeral
   7-15  benefits to the insurance company within 30 days after the date of
   7-16  collection.
   7-17        (c)  On the death of a beneficiary named in an
   7-18  insurance-funded prepaid funeral benefits contract, the seller or
   7-19  funeral provider, after completion of the funeral service and
   7-20  presentation to the insurance company of proper affidavits signed
   7-21  and sworn to by an officer or designated agent of the seller on
   7-22  forms prescribed by the Department, together with a certified copy
   7-23  of the death certificate, may withdraw the benefits payable under
   7-24  that policy.  The seller shall maintain copies of those affidavits
   7-25  and death certificate for examination by the Department.
    8-1        (d)  A conversion from trust-funded prepaid funeral benefits
    8-2  to insurance-funded prepaid funeral benefits must be approved by
    8-3  the Department as safeguarding the rights and interests of the
    8-4  individual who purchases the prepaid funeral benefits contract.
    8-5  Each contract holder shall be notified in writing of the terms of
    8-6  the proposed conversion and of the holder's right to decline the
    8-7  conversion.  Applications for approval of conversions from
    8-8  trust-funded prepaid funeral benefits to insurance-funded prepaid
    8-9  funeral benefits must be filed with the Department on forms
   8-10  prescribed by the Department and accompanied by  conversion
   8-11  application fees established by the Department under Section 2 of
   8-12  this Act.
   8-13        (e)  The cancellation of an insurance-funded prepaid funeral
   8-14  benefits contract shall be handled as provided by Section 5(a)(5)
   8-15  of this Act.
   8-16        Sec. 2.  ADMINISTRATION OF ACT; CONTRACTS.  This law shall be
   8-17  administered by the <State Banking> Department.  The Department is
   8-18  authorized to prescribe reasonable rules and regulations concerning
   8-19  <application> fees to defray the cost of administering this Act,
   8-20  the keeping and inspection of records relating to the sale of
   8-21  prepaid funeral benefits, the filing of contracts and reports,
   8-22  changes in management or control of an organization, and all other
   8-23  matters incidental to the enforcement and orderly administration of
   8-24  this law; and the Department shall <may> approve forms for sales
   8-25  contracts for prepaid funeral benefits before their use.  All such
    9-1  contracts must be in writing and no contract form shall be used
    9-2  without prior approval of the Department.  All such contracts shall
    9-3  state the name of the funeral home or other person <organization>
    9-4  primarily responsible for providing the prepaid funeral benefits
    9-5  <funeral services or merchandise> specified in such contracts.  In
    9-6  the event the seller is not the funeral home designated to provide
    9-7  the specified prepaid funeral benefits <funeral services or
    9-8  merchandise>, such contract shall not be valid unless the funeral
    9-9  home so designated is a party to the contract and therein agrees
   9-10  and obligates itself to provide such specified prepaid funeral
   9-11  benefits <funeral services or merchandise>.  It is further
   9-12  provided, that all <prearranged or> prepaid funeral benefits
   9-13  contracts shall set forth the particulars of the funeral
   9-14  merchandise, including a description and specifications of the
   9-15  material used in the caskets or grave vaults to be furnished, and
   9-16  such contracts shall set forth the particulars of the prepaid
   9-17  funeral benefits <professional services to be performed and the
   9-18  funeral home facilities and automotive equipment> to be provided.
   9-19        Sec. 3.  PERMIT.  Each person <organization> desiring to sell
   9-20  or to continue to sell prepaid funeral benefits shall file an
   9-21  application for a one-year permit with the Department on a form
   9-22  prescribed by the Department.  The applicant <and> shall pay a
   9-23  filing fee in an amount set by the Department under Section 2 of
   9-24  this Act and extraordinary expenses required for out of state
   9-25  investigation of the applicant, if applicable <of $250>.  The
   10-1  Commissioner may conduct an investigation of the applicant for the
   10-2  initial permit, and if the Commissioner finds that the business
   10-3  ability, experience, character, financial condition, and general
   10-4  fitness of the applicant warrants the confidence of the public, the
   10-5  Commissioner shall approve <grant> the application and issue a
   10-6  permit to the applicant.  If the Commissioner finds otherwise, the
   10-7  Commissioner shall notify the applicant, who is entitled to a
   10-8  hearing on the application, on request, within 60 days after the
   10-9  date of the request, to be conducted in accordance with the
  10-10  procedures  for a contested case hearing under the Administrative
  10-11  Procedure and Texas Register Act (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas
  10-12  Civil Statutes) and its subsequent amendments.  The Department by
  10-13  rule may adopt a system under which permits expire on various dates
  10-14  during the year.  The Commissioner may refuse to renew a permit if
  10-15  the applicant has committed one or more of the acts described by
  10-16  Section 4(a) of this Act and has not corrected the violation within
  10-17  30 days after the date of notice from the Commissioner.  The fee
  10-18  for renewal shall be set by the Department under Section 2 of this
  10-19  Act <is $60>.
  10-20        Sec. 4.  ENFORCEMENT.  (a)  The Commissioner may issue an
  10-21  order to cancel, suspend, or refuse to renew a permit issued to a
  10-22  person under this Act to sell prepaid funeral benefits if the
  10-23  Commissioner finds, by examination or other credible evidence, that
  10-24  the person:
  10-25              (1)  violated this Act or another law of this state,
   11-1  including a final order or rule of the Commissioner or the
   11-2  Department, relating to the sale of prepaid funeral benefits;
   11-3              (2)  misrepresented or concealed a material fact in the
   11-4  application for the permit; or
   11-5              (3)  obtained, or attempted to obtain, the permit by
   11-6  misrepresentation, concealment, or fraud.
   11-7        (b)  In addition to other penalties that may be imposed under
   11-8  this Act, the Commissioner may bring a civil action in a district
   11-9  court in Travis County to enjoin a violation or threatened
  11-10  violation of this Act or a final order or rule of the Commissioner
  11-11  or the Department.
  11-12        (c)  The Commissioner may issue an order to cease and desist
  11-13  if the Commissioner finds, by examination or other credible
  11-14  evidence, that a person has violated this Act or another law of
  11-15  this state, including a final order or rule of the Commissioner or
  11-16  the Department, relating to the sale of prepaid funeral benefits.
  11-17        (d)  An order proposed under Subsection (a) or (c) of this
  11-18  section shall be served on the person named and shall state the
  11-19  grounds for the proposed order with reasonable certainty and the
  11-20  proposed effective date, which may not be before the 16th day after
  11-21  the date of its mailing by certified mail, return receipt
  11-22  requested, to the person's last known address.  Unless the person
  11-23  named in the order requests a hearing within 15 days after that
  11-24  mailing, the order becomes effective as proposed.  If the person
  11-25  named requests a hearing, it shall be conducted in accordance with
   12-1  the procedures for a contested case hearing under the
   12-2  Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act (Article 6252-13a,
   12-3  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) and its subsequent amendments.
   12-4        (e)  Following cancellation of or failure to renew a permit
   12-5  under Subsection (a) of this section or on notice to a person
   12-6  required to obtain a permit under this Act, the Commissioner may
   12-7  issue an order to seize all prepaid funeral funds, including
   12-8  earnings, wherever those funds are held and may issue an order to
   12-9  seize any or all records that relate to the sale of prepaid funeral
  12-10  benefits, if the Commissioner finds, by examination or other
  12-11  credible evidence, that the person:
  12-12              (1)  failed to deposit or remit funds in accordance
  12-13  with Section 1A or 5 of this Act;
  12-14              (2)  misappropriated, converted, or illegally withheld
  12-15  or failed or refused to pay on proper demand any money entrusted to
  12-16  the person belonging to the beneficiary under a prepaid funeral
  12-17  benefits contract;
  12-18              (3)  refused to submit to examination by the
  12-19  Department;
  12-20              (4)  has been the subject of an order to cancel,
  12-21  suspend, or refuse to renew a permit; or
  12-22              (5)  does not hold a valid permit or has transferred
  12-23  the ownership of its business to an acquiror that does not hold a
  12-24  valid permit and that:
  12-25                    (A)  has not applied for a new permit within 30
   13-1  days after the date of the consummation of the transfer; or
   13-2                    (B)  has been denied a new permit.
   13-3        (f)  An order under Subsection (e) is effective instanter if
   13-4  the Commissioner finds that immediate and irreparable harm is
   13-5  threatened to a beneficiary under a prepaid funeral benefits
   13-6  contract.  If such a threat does not exist, the order shall state
   13-7  the proposed effective date, which may not be before the 16th day
   13-8  after the date of mailing by certified mail, return receipt
   13-9  requested, to the person's last known address.  Unless the person
  13-10  named in the order requests a hearing within 15 days after that
  13-11  mailing, the order becomes effective as proposed.  If the person
  13-12  named requests a hearing, it shall be conducted in accordance with
  13-13  the Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act (Article
  13-14  6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) and its subsequent
  13-15  amendments.
  13-16        (g)  Within 30 days after the date of a seizure of funds, the
  13-17  Commissioner may notify all known parties who purchased prepaid
  13-18  funeral benefits contract obligations from the person whose permit
  13-19  was cancelled.  The notice shall include an explanation of the
  13-20  procedures under this Act for cancelling the contracts and claiming
  13-21  funds that may be due to the parties if they elect to cancel.  The
  13-22  notice shall instruct those parties how to continue making payments
  13-23  due under the contracts if they elect to keep the contracts in
  13-24  force.  The notice shall instruct those parties that if they elect
  13-25  to keep the contracts in force the Commissioner will transfer
   14-1  responsibility to perform the contracts to a responsible successor
   14-2  permit holder selected by the Commissioner or transfer the seized
   14-3  funds to the guaranty fund, subject to the claims process
   14-4  prescribed by rule under Section 8A of this Act.  A successor
   14-5  permit holder to whom a contract is transferred by the Commissioner
   14-6  assumes responsibility to perform the contract and is entitled to
   14-7  retain all funds that would have been due the person whose permit
   14-8  was cancelled, including any funds seized by the Commissioner.  The
   14-9  Department shall adopt rules governing selection of a successor
  14-10  permit holder.  Any premium received through the selection process
  14-11  that exceeds the claims against the prior permit holder shall be
  14-12  paid into the guaranty fund.
  14-13        (h)  The Commissioner may issue an order to a person
  14-14  requiring restitution if, after notice and opportunity for hearing
  14-15  held in accordance with the procedures for a contested case hearing
  14-16  under the Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act (Article
  14-17  6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes) and its subsequent
  14-18  amendments, the Commissioner finds that the person:
  14-19              (1)  failed to deposit funds in accordance with Section
  14-20  5 of this Act; or
  14-21              (2)  misappropriated, converted, or illegally withheld
  14-22  or failed or refused to pay on proper demand any money entrusted to
  14-23  the person belonging to the beneficiary under any prepaid funeral
  14-24  benefits contract.
  14-25        (i)  In addition to any other penalties that may be imposed
   15-1  under this Act, a person who violates this Act or a final order or
   15-2  rule of the Commissioner or Department is subject to a civil
   15-3  penalty unless within 30 days after the date of receiving written
   15-4  notice from the Department of the violation, the person corrects
   15-5  the violation by performing the required duty or act.  A civil
   15-6  penalty may not exceed $1,000 per violation for each day that the
   15-7  violation persists.
   15-8        (j)  A civil penalty may be imposed by the Commissioner after
   15-9  notice and opportunity for hearing in accordance with the
  15-10  procedures for a contested case hearing under the Administrative
  15-11  Procedure and Texas Register Act (Article 6252-13a, Vernon's Texas
  15-12  Civil Statutes) and its subsequent amendments.  In determining the
  15-13  amount of the penalty, the Commissioner shall consider the
  15-14  seriousness of the violation and the good faith of the person
  15-15  charged in attempting to comply with this Act.  The amount of the
  15-16  penalty may be collected by the Commissioner in the same manner
  15-17  that money judgments are enforced in the district courts of this
  15-18  state.
  15-19        (k)  After an order issued by the Commissioner to seize funds
  15-20  or records under Subsection (e) of this section has become final
  15-21  and not subject to appeal, the Commissioner may petition the
  15-22  district court in the county of residence of a person required to
  15-23  hold a permit under this Act, requesting the issuance of an order
  15-24  to show cause why the business and affairs of that person should
  15-25  not be liquidated and a receiver appointed by the court to
   16-1  accomplish that purpose if the person has committed one or more of
   16-2  the following acts and has failed or refused to correct the
   16-3  violations within 30 days after the date on which the person
   16-4  received written notice from the Commissioner:
   16-5              (1)  failed to deposit funds in accordance with Section
   16-6  5 of this Act;
   16-7              (2)  misappropriated, converted, or illegally withheld
   16-8  or failed or refused to pay over upon proper demand any money
   16-9  entrusted to that person belonging to the beneficiary under any
  16-10  prepaid funeral benefits contract; or
  16-11              (3)  allowed the person's permit to lapse or has had
  16-12  the permit revoked under this Act and has not made adequate
  16-13  provision for the administration of all funds deposited with the
  16-14  person for prepaid funeral benefits contracts in accordance with
  16-15  the terms of the contract and applicable law, including regulations
  16-16  <The Department may cancel a permit or refuse to renew a permit for
  16-17  failure to comply with any provision of this Act or any valid rule
  16-18  or regulation which the Department has prescribed, after reasonable
  16-19  notice to the permittee and after a hearing if the permittee
  16-20  requests a hearing.>
  16-21        <No organization shall be entitled to a new permit for a
  16-22  period of one year after cancellation or refusal by the Department
  16-23  to renew its permit, but shall thereafter be entitled to a new
  16-24  permit upon satisfactory proof of compliance with this law>.
  16-25        Sec. 4A.  TRANSFER OF BUSINESS OWNERSHIP.  (a)  A permit
   17-1  issued under this Act is not transferable.
   17-2        (b)  If a permit holder transfers the ownership of its
   17-3  business, the permit holder shall notify the Department and the
   17-4  depository of the funds held under Section 5 of this Act by
   17-5  registered mail within seven days after the date the transfer is
   17-6  consummated.  If the transfer is to a person who is not a permit
   17-7  holder, the person shall file, within 30 days after the date of the
   17-8  consummation of the transfer, an application for a permit with the
   17-9  Department in accordance with Section 3 of this Act.  If the
  17-10  application is not filed within that period, or if the person does
  17-11  not meet the requirements for issuance of a permit under this Act,
  17-12  the Commissioner shall follow the procedures set forth in Section 4
  17-13  of this Act for denying the permit application and for seizing the
  17-14  funds or records.
  17-15        (c)  Any person aggrieved by the final action of the
  17-16  Department may appeal therefrom to a District Court in Travis
  17-17  County, Texas.
  17-18        Sec. 5.  CONTRACTS; FUNDS.  (a)  All sums heretofore or
  17-19  hereafter paid or collected on contracts for prepaid funeral
  17-20  benefits entered into prior to the effective date of this Act shall
  17-21  be handled in accordance with the manner in which they have
  17-22  heretofore been handled.  All sums paid or collected on such
  17-23  contracts entered into after the effective date of this Act (with
  17-24  the exception of those paid where a contract of insurance
  17-25  previously is created or approved by the Department) shall be
   18-1  handled in the following manner:
   18-2              (1)  The seller of a trust-funded prepaid funeral
   18-3  benefits contract <funeral home (or other entity collecting said
   18-4  funds)> may retain as its own money, for the purpose of covering
   18-5  its selling expenses, servicing costs, and general overhead, an
   18-6  amount not to exceed one-half of all funds so collected or paid
   18-7  until it has received for its use and benefit an amount not to
   18-8  exceed ten percent of the total amount agreed to be paid by the
   18-9  purchaser of said prepaid funeral benefits as such total amount is
  18-10  reflected in the contract.  No charges or assessments, except
  18-11  premiums collected on an insurance policy guaranteeing the payments
  18-12  on a prepaid funeral benefits contract or the unpaid balance
  18-13  thereof, shall be collected from the purchaser other than those
  18-14  included in the total amount of said contract.
  18-15              (2)  All amounts paid or collected, with the exception
  18-16  of those permitted to be retained as set forth above, shall, within
  18-17  30 <thirty> days after such collection, be (a) deposited in a
  18-18  savings and loan association in this state in an interest-bearing
  18-19  account insured by the federal government, or (b) deposited in a
  18-20  state or national bank in this state in an interest-bearing account
  18-21  insured by the federal government, or (c) placed with the trust
  18-22  department in a state or national bank in this state, or in a trust
  18-23  company authorized to do business in this state, to be invested by
  18-24  such trust department or company in accordance with the terms and
  18-25  provisions of this Act <the Texas Trust Code (Subtitle B, Title 9,
   19-1  Property Code)>.  Such deposits or trust accounts shall be carried
   19-2  in the name of the funeral provider <home> or other entity to whom
   19-3  the purchaser makes payment, but accounting records shall be
   19-4  maintained by the seller showing the amount deposited or invested
   19-5  with respect to any particular purchaser's contract.
   19-6              (3)  On the death of a beneficiary named in a prepaid
   19-7  funeral benefits contract, the seller, after completion of the
   19-8  funeral service and presentation to the depository of proper
   19-9  affidavits signed and sworn to by an officer or authorized agent of
  19-10  the seller on forms prescribed by the Department and a certified
  19-11  copy of the death certificate, may withdraw the amount equal to the
  19-12  original contract amount paid in by the purchaser less amounts
  19-13  retained under Subdivision (1) of this section, plus all earnings
  19-14  attributable to that remainder.  The seller shall maintain the
  19-15  copies of the affidavits and death certificate for examination by
  19-16  the Department.  <The date of death of the purchaser of such
  19-17  contract (or other individual who may be designated in the contract
  19-18  as the person for whose funeral such funds may be used) shall be
  19-19  the maturity date of the contract, and as soon as conveniently
  19-20  practicable after such maturity date and upon presentation of a
  19-21  certified copy of the death certificate of such person together
  19-22  with proper affidavits as may be required by the Department, such
  19-23  funds shall be released in fulfillment of the contract, and the
  19-24  funeral home (or other entity to the contract which has collected
  19-25  the funds) shall, if the amount so withdrawn does not equal one
   20-1  hundred percent of the total amount paid by the purchaser, make up
   20-2  the difference so that the amount available for funeral benefits
   20-3  shall equal one hundred percent of the total amount paid by the
   20-4  purchaser.  Any amounts accumulated at maturity on any particular
   20-5  contract in excess of one hundred percent of the amount deposited
   20-6  or placed by the seller shall be available to the funeral home (or
   20-7  other entity collecting said funds) in making up the difference on
   20-8  any particular contract which at maturity did not have funds
   20-9  available equal to one hundred percent of the amount paid by the
  20-10  purchaser.>
  20-11              (4)  The seller may withdraw <at any time> funds out of
  20-12  earnings <accrued interest or income> on the accounts for the
  20-13  purpose of paying reasonable and necessary trustee's fees or
  20-14  depository fees.  With prior approval of the Department, the seller
  20-15  may withdraw funds out of earnings on the accounts <charges made by
  20-16  a savings and loan association, or bank, or trust department of a
  20-17  bank, or trust company, and trustee's fees made by a savings and
  20-18  loan association, or bank, or trust department of a bank, or trust
  20-19  company, with respect to such accounts,> for the purpose of paying
  20-20  any taxes<, with prior approval of the Department,> caused or
  20-21  created by reason of the existence of such deposit accounts or
  20-22  trust accounts or for the purpose of paying an assessment under
  20-23  Section 8A of this Act<, or for the purpose of paying any
  20-24  assessment under this Act or ordered by the Department for funding
  20-25  a fund to guarantee performance of prepaid funeral contracts>.
   21-1        The seller may also withdraw funds from the earnings <accrued
   21-2  interest or income> on the deposit accounts for the purpose of
   21-3  paying the examination fee for one examination by the Department
   21-4  each calendar year, or for the preparation of financial statements
   21-5  required by the Department, including financial statements required
   21-6  in lieu of an examination by the Department.
   21-7        Upon the maturity date of a trust-funded contract as above
   21-8  provided and only after the funeral provider <home> has fully
   21-9  performed its obligations under said contract with the purchaser,
  21-10  or at the time of cancellation prior to maturity as provided in
  21-11  Subsection (5) herein, the seller may <additionally> withdraw from
  21-12  said deposit account all earnings attributable to <(whether a trust
  21-13  or other funded account) any enhanced value, accrued interest, or
  21-14  accrued income on> said contract.  Such withdrawal shall be the
  21-15  proportionate part of the earnings <total enhanced value, accrued
  21-16  interest or accrued income,> that the amount deposited under said
  21-17  contract bears to the total amount deposited from all unmatured
  21-18  contracts, less any withdrawals of excess earnings made in
  21-19  accordance with this subsection, or, if the Commissioner has
  21-20  affirmatively determined that the records of the permit holder are
  21-21  adequate to allow this method to be exercised in an accurate
  21-22  manner, the withdrawals may be equal to the actual earnings on
  21-23  individual matured contracts, minus any properly allocated expenses
  21-24  permitted by this subsection, less any withdrawals of excess
  21-25  earnings made in accordance with this subsection.  On application,
   22-1  the Commissioner may, after notice and hearing conducted pursuant
   22-2  to the Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act (Article
   22-3  6252-13a, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), authorize the seller of
   22-4  prepaid <preneed> services to withdraw excess earnings from the
   22-5  trust deposits.  For the purposes of this section, "excess
   22-6  earnings" means funds in the trust deposit that exceed 107 percent
   22-7  of the seller's obligations on each contract for which deposits
   22-8  have been made after the date the contracts are entered into.  The
   22-9  Commissioner may grant the authorization if, in the Commissioner's
  22-10  opinion, the evidence shows that the seller's ability to deliver
  22-11  the contracted services and merchandise is not diminished by the
  22-12  withdrawal.  The Commissioner by rule may set out factors that may
  22-13  be considered in evaluating each application.  The Commissioner's
  22-14  decision on whether to grant the withdrawal is not limited to those
  22-15  factors.  A withdrawal of excess earnings made after an initial
  22-16  withdrawal as provided by this subsection may not be approved for
  22-17  more than 93 percent of the funds remaining in the accounts after
  22-18  the withdrawal that are in excess of the 107 percent to be
  22-19  maintained in satisfaction of the seller's contractual obligations.
  22-20              (5)  In the event a purchaser under a trust-funded
  22-21  contract should desire to cancel the contract prior to maturity,
  22-22  such cancellation may be accomplished by the purchaser <seller>
  22-23  giving to the seller written <fifteen days> notice of cancellation
  22-24  on forms prescribed by the Department <in writing to the
  22-25  Department, signed by the purchaser>, and thereafter, the <upon
   23-1  written authorization from the Department, such> seller within 30
   23-2  days after the date of the cancellation notice shall <may> withdraw
   23-3  and pay to the purchaser the funds in such depository being held
   23-4  for the purchaser's use and benefit; provided, however, such
   23-5  purchaser shall be entitled to receive only the actual amounts paid
   23-6  in by him less the amounts permitted to be retained as provided in
   23-7  Subdivision <Subsection> (1) hereof.  The seller shall maintain
   23-8  copies of the cancellation forms for examination by the Department.
   23-9  Purchaser or seller may make no partial cancellations or
  23-10  withdrawals.
  23-11              (6)  A purchaser of a trust-funded contract who elects
  23-12  to cancel the contract during the first year of the contract when
  23-13  payments required under the contract are current is entitled to
  23-14  receive 90 percent of the actual amounts paid in by the purchaser
  23-15  or the amounts deposited in trust with respect to the purchaser's
  23-16  contract, whichever is greater, regardless of the amount held in
  23-17  trust.  A purchaser of an insurance-funded contract who elects to
  23-18  cancel the contract during the first year of the contract when
  23-19  payments required under the contract are current is entitled to
  23-20  receive the cash surrender value of the policy.
  23-21        (b)  If the purchaser cancels the contract on the
  23-22  solicitation of the seller, the purchaser is entitled to withdraw
  23-23  all funds paid to the seller and all earnings <enhanced value>
  23-24  attributable to the funds.  If the funds are used to purchase a new
  23-25  prepaid <preneed> funeral contract pursuant to a solicitation by
   24-1  the seller, the new contract must, as determined by the Department,
   24-2  protect the purchaser to an extent equal to or greater than that
   24-3  provided by the original contract, and the purchaser's cost of the
   24-4  same or substantially the same services and merchandise may not be
   24-5  increased above that contained in the canceled contract.
   24-6        (c)  The purchaser of a prepaid funeral benefits contract may
   24-7  irrevocably waive and renounce the purchaser's right to cancel the
   24-8  contract under Subsection (a)(5) of this section.  The waiver and
   24-9  renunciation may be included as a provision of the contract or be
  24-10  made in a separate writing signed by the purchaser and the seller.
  24-11  The waiver and renunciation of a purchaser's right to cancel the
  24-12  purchaser's prepaid funeral benefits contract do not affect:
  24-13              (1)  a right the purchaser has under the contract to
  24-14  change the beneficiary of the contract;
  24-15              (2)  the purchaser's right to cancel the contract under
  24-16  Section 4(g) of this Act upon any seizure of the seller's prepaid
  24-17  funeral funds by the Commissioner; or
  24-18              (3)  any abandonment of the funds paid by the purchaser
  24-19  under the contract in accordance with Section 5B of this Act.
  24-20        (d)  The purchaser of an insurance-funded prepaid funeral
  24-21  benefits contract may irrevocably assign the purchaser's ownership
  24-22  of and rights to benefits under the insurance policy or annuity
  24-23  contract.
  24-24        Sec. 5A.  INVESTMENT OF TRUST FUNDS.  (a)  A permit holder or
  24-25  trustee, if the permit holder elects to deposit prepaid funeral
   25-1  funds with a bank trust department or a trust company shall:
   25-2              (1)  adopt a written investment plan consistent with
   25-3  this section that specifies the quality, maturity, and
   25-4  diversification of investments; and
   25-5              (2)  at least annually, review the adequacy and the
   25-6  implementation of the investment plan.
   25-7        (b)  A permit holder and the trustee, if any, shall maintain
   25-8  the investment plan in their principal offices.  The permit holder
   25-9  shall provide the investment plan to the Department with the filing
  25-10  of the permit holder's annual report.  The permit holder or
  25-11  trustee, if any, shall maintain investment records covering each
  25-12  transaction.
  25-13        (c)  A trustee, in acquiring, investing, reinvesting,
  25-14  exchanging, retaining, selling, supervising, and managing property
  25-15  held in a prepaid funeral benefits trust, shall exercise the
  25-16  judgment and care under the circumstances then prevailing that
  25-17  persons of ordinary prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise
  25-18  in the management of their own affairs, not in regard to
  25-19  speculation but in regard to the permanent disposition of their
  25-20  funds, considering the probable income from as well as the probable
  25-21  increase in value and the safety of their capital, taking into
  25-22  consideration the investment of all the assets of the trust over
  25-23  which the trustee has management and control, rather than a
  25-24  consideration as to the prudence of a single investment of the
  25-25  trust.
   26-1        (d)  Within the limitations of the standard set out in
   26-2  Subsection (c) of this section, investments of a prepaid funeral
   26-3  benefits trust are limited to the following:
   26-4              (1)  demand deposits, savings accounts, certificates of
   26-5  deposit, and all other accounts that are issued by banks and
   26-6  savings and loan associations organized under the laws of the
   26-7  United States or a state, provided that the amounts deposited in
   26-8  such an account shall at all times be maintained so as to be fully
   26-9  covered by federal deposit insurance;
  26-10              (2)  bonds, evidences of indebtedness, or obligations
  26-11  of the United States, or guaranteed as to principal and interest by
  26-12  the full faith and credit of the United States;
  26-13              (3)  bonds, evidences of indebtedness, or obligations
  26-14  of agencies and instrumentalities of the government of the United
  26-15  States;
  26-16              (4)  bonds of any state or local government that have
  26-17  been given federal income tax exempt status by the United States
  26-18  government and that are rated:
  26-19                    (A)  "Aa" or better by Moody's bond rating
  26-20  service; or
  26-21                    (B)  "AA" or better by Standard and Poor's bond
  26-22  rating service;
  26-23              (5)  bonds, evidences of indebtedness, or obligations
  26-24  of corporations organized under the laws of the United States or a
  26-25  state, provided that the bonds, evidences of indebtedness, or
   27-1  obligations are rated:
   27-2                    (A)  "A" or better by Moody's bond rating
   27-3  service; or
   27-4                    (B)  "A" or better by Standard and Poor's bond
   27-5  rating service;
   27-6              (6)  notes, evidences of indebtedness, or participation
   27-7  in notes or evidences of indebtedness, secured by a valid first
   27-8  lien upon real property located in the United States, the amount of
   27-9  which obligations may not exceed 90 percent of the value of the
  27-10  respective parcels of real property securing them;
  27-11              (7)  common stock of a corporation organized under the
  27-12  laws of the United States or a state, provided that the corporation
  27-13  has at least $1 million of net worth or will have at least $1
  27-14  million of net worth after completion of a securities offering to
  27-15  which the trust is subscribing;
  27-16              (8)  preferred stock of a corporation organized under
  27-17  the laws of the United States or a state, provided that the stock
  27-18  is rated, and at all times continues to be rated:
  27-19                    (A)  "BAA" or better by Moody's bond rating
  27-20  service; or
  27-21                    (B)  "BBB" or better by Standard and Poor's bond
  27-22  rating service;
  27-23              (9)  real estate, oil and gas interests, limited
  27-24  partnerships, and any other investments not covered by this
  27-25  section;
   28-1              (10)  mutual funds, collective investment funds, or
   28-2  similar participative investment funds, the assets of which are
   28-3  invested solely in investments permitted under this section and
   28-4  that, if aggregated with other investments, meet the percentage
   28-5  limitations specified by this section; and
   28-6              (11)  any other investment approved in writing by the
   28-7  Department.
   28-8        (e)  At no time may more than 70 percent of the prepaid
   28-9  funeral benefits trust funds related to a single permit holder be
  28-10  invested in:
  28-11              (1)  bonds, evidences of indebtedness, obligations,
  28-12  notes, and participation described by Subsection (d)(5) or (6) of
  28-13  this section; or
  28-14              (2)  common or preferred stock described by Subsection
  28-15  (d)(7) or (8) of this section.
  28-16        (f)  At no time may more than 10 percent of the prepaid
  28-17  funeral benefits trust funds related to a single permit holder be
  28-18  invested in real estate, oil and gas interests, limited
  28-19  partnerships, and other investments described by Subsection (d)(9)
  28-20  of this section.
  28-21        (g)  At no time may more than 20 percent of the prepaid
  28-22  funeral benefits trust funds related to a single permit holder be
  28-23  invested in a single issue of any investment, with the exception of
  28-24  insured deposits and government securities.
  28-25        (h)  This section applies to investments that are made on or
   29-1  after September 1, 1993.  Before September 1, 1996, a permit holder
   29-2  or trustee shall dispose of all investments made before September
   29-3  1, 1993, that are not in compliance with this section in respect to
   29-4  the type of investment or the percentage of trust funds that may be
   29-5  invested in certain types of investments.  The Commissioner may
   29-6  grant an extension of time for a period of one year or more for
   29-7  disposing of a nonconforming investment if, in the Commissioner's
   29-8  opinion, the permit holder or trustee has made a good faith effort
   29-9  to dispose of the nonconforming investment or the disposal of the
  29-10  nonconforming investment would be materially detrimental to the
  29-11  best interests of the purchasers of prepaid funeral benefit
  29-12  contracts.
  29-13        Sec. 5B.  ABANDONED CONTRACTS.  (a)  Funds paid by a
  29-14  purchaser of a prepaid funeral benefits contract are personal
  29-15  property subject to presumption of abandonment and delivery to the
  29-16  state treasurer <escheat> under Title 6, Property Code.  In the
  29-17  event of a conflict between the provisions of that title and this
  29-18  section, this section controls.
  29-19        (b)  Funds paid by a purchaser of a prepaid funeral benefits
  29-20  contract and held in the name of the seller at a depository
  29-21  <institution> under Section 5 of this Act are presumed abandoned if
  29-22  <a claim of ownership to the funds or the contract is not asserted
  29-23  and>:
  29-24              (1)  all amounts due to the seller from the purchaser
  29-25  under the terms of the contract have been collected and <the
   30-1  conditions under both Paragraphs (A) and (B) of this subsection
   30-2  have occurred>:
   30-3                    (A)  at least three consecutive years have
   30-4  elapsed since the existence and location of the purchaser or the
   30-5  beneficiary of the contract was known to the seller;
   30-6                    (B)  at least three  consecutive years have
   30-7  elapsed since, according to the knowledge and  records of the
   30-8  seller, a claim to or act of ownership of the funds or the contract
   30-9  has been asserted or exercised;
  30-10                    (C)  at least 60 years have elapsed since the
  30-11  date of execution by the purchaser of the contract; and
  30-12                    (D) <(B)>  at least 90 years have elapsed since
  30-13  the date of birth of the beneficiary of <individual designated in>
  30-14  the contract <as the person for whose funeral the funds may be
  30-15  used>; or
  30-16              (2)  all amounts due to the seller from the purchaser
  30-17  under the terms of the contract have not been paid to the seller
  30-18  and<,> at least three consecutive years have elapsed since:
  30-19                    (A)  the most recent date on which the purchaser
  30-20  made a payment to the seller under the contract;
  30-21                    (B)  the existence and location of the purchaser
  30-22  or the beneficiary of the contract was known to the seller; and
  30-23                    (C)  according to the knowledge and records of
  30-24  the seller, a claim to or act of ownership of the funds or the
  30-25  contract has been asserted or exercised<, and under the terms of
   31-1  the contract the seller is not obligated to refund the amount
   31-2  received>.
   31-3        (c)  For purposes of Title 6, Property Code, the seller of
   31-4  the prepaid funeral benefits contract for which funds are presumed
   31-5  abandoned under Subsection (b) of this section is the holder of the
   31-6  funds, and the purchaser or the beneficiary of the contract is the
   31-7  owner of the <principal> funds <paid on the contract>.
   31-8        (d)  Any amount retained by the seller as its own money for
   31-9  the purpose of covering its selling expenses, servicing costs, and
  31-10  general overhead, as provided by Section 5(a)(1) of this Act, and
  31-11  any earnings attributable to the funds paid by a purchaser of a
  31-12  prepaid  funeral benefits contract, are not subject to the
  31-13  presumption of abandonment as provided by Subsection (c) of this
  31-14  section.
  31-15        (e)(1)  Each seller that on June 30 holds funds that are
  31-16  presumed abandoned under Subsection (c) of this section shall
  31-17  furnish the Commissioner with an acknowledged written notice of the
  31-18  abandoned funds not later than the following October  1.  The
  31-19  seller's notice shall, for each abandoned contract, include the
  31-20  name and address, if known, of each person who appears to be the
  31-21  purchaser or the beneficiary of the contract; the identification
  31-22  number, if any, of the contract; the total amount paid on the
  31-23  contract; the amount paid on the contract and held at the
  31-24  depository; and the earnings on the contract.  The notice shall
  31-25  also contain a statement by the seller recognizing the seller's
   32-1  obligation and intent to deliver the abandoned funds to the state
   32-2  treasurer in accordance with this section.
   32-3              (2)  The Commissioner shall, within 15 days after the
   32-4  date of the receipt of the seller's notice, authorize in writing
   32-5  the seller to withdraw the funds specified in the seller's notice
   32-6  that are presumed abandoned under Subsection (c) of this section,
   32-7  and subject to Subdivision (3) of this subsection, to withdraw and
   32-8  retain the funds specified in the seller's notice that represent
   32-9  the earnings attributable to the abandoned funds.  The seller shall
  32-10  deliver to the state treasurer not later than the following
  32-11  November 1 the abandoned funds and the report required to be filed
  32-12  under Chapter 74, Property Code.
  32-13              (3)  The Commissioner may refuse to authorize the
  32-14  withdrawal of the funds representing the earnings attributable to
  32-15  the abandoned funds only if:
  32-16                    (A)  the seller's permit to sell prepaid funeral
  32-17  benefits has been cancelled or not renewed by the Department;
  32-18                    (B)  the seller is the subject of a pending
  32-19  proceeding brought by the Department under Section 13,
  32-20  Administrative Procedure and Texas Register Act (Article 6252-13a,
  32-21  Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), and its subsequent amendments, to
  32-22  cancel the seller's permit to sell prepaid funeral benefits; or
  32-23                    (C)  the Department has determined from an
  32-24  examination of the seller's records that the seller has made
  32-25  withdrawals from accounts maintained by the seller that were not
   33-1  authorized under this Act, and has previously given written notice
   33-2  to the seller of that determination.
   33-3              (4)  If the Commissioner does not authorize the seller
   33-4  to withdraw the funds representing the earnings attributable to the
   33-5  abandoned funds because of the existence of a condition described
   33-6  by Subdivision (3) of this subsection, the Commissioner shall, not
   33-7  later than the 15th day after the date of the receipt of the
   33-8  seller's notice to the Commissioner under Subdivision (1) of this
   33-9  subsection, give written notice to the seller that states the
  33-10  condition that exists.  If the Commissioner notifies the seller
  33-11  that the Commissioner does not authorize the seller's withdrawal of
  33-12  earnings on the basis of Subdivision (3)(B) of this subsection and
  33-13  if the Department or a court of competent jurisdiction subsequently
  33-14  determines that the seller's permit should not be cancelled, the
  33-15  seller is entitled to withdraw and retain all of the earnings
  33-16  attributable to the abandoned funds.  If the Commissioner notifies
  33-17  the seller that the Commissioner does not authorize the seller's
  33-18  withdrawal of earnings on the basis of Subdivision (3)(C) of this
  33-19  subsection, the seller, upon depositing in the accounts the amount
  33-20  of the unauthorized withdrawals, is entitled to withdraw and retain
  33-21  all of the earnings attributable to the abandoned funds.
  33-22        (f) <(d)>  A seller <of a prepaid funeral services contract>
  33-23  who <in good faith> reports and delivers funds to the state
  33-24  treasurer under this section <Chapter 74, Property Code,> is
  33-25  relieved of all obligations and liabilities under the prepaid
   34-1  funeral benefits <services> contract.  The prepaid funeral benefits
   34-2  contract is considered to be cancelled by the purchaser of the
   34-3  contract and all obligations and liabilities of and claims against
   34-4  the seller and any funeral home obligated to provide prepaid
   34-5  funeral benefits under the contract are discharged and released.
   34-6        (g)  A seller who delivers funds to the state treasurer under
   34-7  this section shall be indemnified under Section 74.304, Property
   34-8  Code, for any claim that may be made with respect to the property
   34-9  <If all amounts due to the seller under the terms of a contract
  34-10  abandoned under this section have been paid, the seller shall
  34-11  report and deliver to the state treasurer the principal amount paid
  34-12  by the purchaser of such contract>.
  34-13        (h) <(e)>  The state treasurer is not liable to the purchaser
  34-14  or beneficiary of a prepaid funeral benefits <services> contract
  34-15  presumed abandoned under this section except to the extent of funds
  34-16  attributable to the contract that are delivered to the state
  34-17  treasurer.  The state treasurer is not obligated to perform the
  34-18  seller's duties under an abandoned prepaid funeral benefits
  34-19  <services> contract.  A purchaser's or beneficiary's sole recourse
  34-20  after a seller has reported and delivered funds to the state
  34-21  treasurer is to file a claim with the state treasurer as provided
  34-22  by Chapter 74, Property Code.
  34-23        Sec. 6.  AGENT; DEPOSIT OF FUNDS.  (a)  Each seller
  34-24  <organization> subject to this Act shall designate an agent or
  34-25  agents, either by names of the individuals or by titles of their
   35-1  offices or positions, who shall be considered as fiduciaries under
   35-2  Section 32.45, Penal Code, and who are responsible for deposit of
   35-3  funds collected under contracts for prepaid funeral benefits.  The
   35-4  seller <organization> shall notify the Department of such
   35-5  designation within 10 days after it becomes subject to this Act,
   35-6  and shall also notify the Department of any change in such
   35-7  designation within 10 days before such change occurs.
   35-8        (b)  If the seller or any other person acting on behalf of
   35-9  the seller collects any money under such a contract and fails to
  35-10  deliver it, within 30 days after collection, to a designated agent,
  35-11  or if any designated agent fails to deposit the money within 30
  35-12  days after he receives it, he commits an offense under Section
  35-13  32.45, Penal Code.
  35-14        (c)  It is an exception to the application of Subsection (b)
  35-15  of this section that the failure to make a deposit is inadvertent
  35-16  and is corrected within 10 days after the date on which the
  35-17  discovery of the failure is made by the seller.
  35-18        Sec. 7.  ANNUAL REPORT.  The Department may require an annual
  35-19  report from any permit holder in such form as the Department may
  35-20  require.  Any seller who <organization which> has discontinued the
  35-21  sale of prepaid funeral benefits but <which> still has outstanding
  35-22  contracts shall <not> be required to obtain a renewal of its
  35-23  permit, and <but> the Department shall <may> require annual reports
  35-24  of said seller <organization> until all such contracts have been
  35-25  fully discharged.  If any officer of a seller <any organization>
   36-1  fails or refuses to file an annual report or to cause it to be
   36-2  filed within 30 days after he has been notified of the requirement
   36-3  by the Department, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and a
   36-4  violation of this Act and shall be punished by those means
   36-5  prescribed in Section 9 of this Act.
   36-6        Sec. 8.  RECORDS; EXAMINATION.  (a)  Each seller who
   36-7  <organization which> has outstanding contracts for prepaid funeral
   36-8  benefits shall maintain within this state such records as the
   36-9  Department may require to enable it to determine whether the seller
  36-10  <organization> is complying with the provisions of this Act.  Such
  36-11  records shall be subject to annual examination by the Department or
  36-12  its agent and to such additional examinations as it deems
  36-13  necessary.  The seller <organization> shall pay for the cost of
  36-14  examination, including the salary and travel <traveling> expenses
  36-15  for Department employees, including travel <paid to the person
  36-16  making the examination during the time spent in making the
  36-17  examination and in traveling> to and <returning> from the point
  36-18  where the records are kept, and all other expenses necessarily
  36-19  incurred in the examination.  The <Banking> Commissioner or the
  36-20  Commissioner's <his> agent shall assess and collect a fee in
  36-21  connection with each examination, based on the seller's
  36-22  <organization's> total outstanding contracts, covering the cost of
  36-23  such examination, the equitable or proportionate cost of
  36-24  maintenance and operation of the <Banking> Department, and the
  36-25  enforcement of the provisions of this Act<; but the cost to the
   37-1  organization shall not be more than a total cost of $3,000 for each
   37-2  examination>.  The Department shall set the amount of those fees
   37-3  under Section 2 of this Act.
   37-4        (b)  <Following cancellation of a permit, the Commissioner
   37-5  may seize all records of the prior permit holder and may seize all
   37-6  prepaid funeral funds, including earnings, of the prior permit
   37-7  holder, place them under the sole control of the Commissioner with
   37-8  a state bank, the state treasury, a state-chartered trust company,
   37-9  or an insurance company licensed and domiciled in this state and
  37-10  approved by the Commissioner, and cause the funds to be maintained
  37-11  under that arrangement for the benefit of the purchasers.  The
  37-12  Commissioner shall notify each purchaser of the Commissioner's
  37-13  action and direct the purchaser to forward payments on contracts
  37-14  directly to the depository designated by the Commissioner.  The
  37-15  Department may adopt reasonable rules for the enforcement and
  37-16  orderly administration of this subsection.>
  37-17        <(c)  Those organizations with less than 50 contracts
  37-18  outstanding shall be assessed an examination fee of $50 plus
  37-19  one-fourth of one percent of the dollar amount of the
  37-20  organization's outstanding contract funds on deposit, in trust, or
  37-21  vested in any other program subject to this Act.  Those
  37-22  organizations with 50 or more contracts outstanding shall be
  37-23  assessed an examination fee of $100 plus one-fourth of one percent
  37-24  of the dollar amount of the organization's outstanding contract
  37-25  funds on deposit, in trust, or vested in any other program subject
   38-1  to this Act.>
   38-2        <(d)>  As part of the examination, the Department is entitled
   38-3  to access to the records relating to prepaid funeral benefits of
   38-4  any entity holding deposits or premiums for annuity contracts or
   38-5  policies of insurance under the account and to other records
   38-6  necessary to protect the interests of the beneficiaries.  The
   38-7  Department may conduct an examination or audit of records relating
   38-8  to prepaid funeral benefits at any place and in any manner the
   38-9  Department considers necessary to protect the interests of the
  38-10  purchasers or beneficiaries.
  38-11        Sec. 8A.  GUARANTY FUND; ASSESSMENT.  (a)  The Department by
  38-12  rule shall create and maintain a fund to guarantee performance by
  38-13  sellers of prepaid funeral benefits contracts of their obligations
  38-14  to purchasers under the provisions of this Act governing prepaid
  38-15  funeral trusts.  The Department shall assess and collect from
  38-16  sellers an assessment of not more than $1 for each of the unmatured
  38-17  prepaid funeral benefits contracts sold during each calendar year
  38-18  beginning with 1993 <existing on January 1, 1988.  The Department
  38-19  shall also assess and collect an assessment of not more than $1 for
  38-20  each prepaid funeral contract sold during 1988 by a permittee first
  38-21  receiving a permit in 1988>.  The Department shall place the
  38-22  assessments in the fund.  The Department shall stop assessing the
  38-23  amounts required by this subsection when the amount in the fund
  38-24  first reaches $1 million.
  38-25        (b)  The fund may be deposited with the state treasurer, a
   39-1  state or national bank in this state, or a savings and loan
   39-2  association in this state, or placed with the trust department in a
   39-3  state or national bank in this state or in a trust company
   39-4  authorized to do business in this state.  If the fund is deposited
   39-5  with the state treasurer, the <The> state treasurer shall manage
   39-6  the fund as trustee of funds outside the treasury.  The Department
   39-7  may use any earnings from the fund for the expenses of operating
   39-8  and maintaining the fund.  <An actuarial study shall be made before
   39-9  April 1, 1988, to determine the total amount needed to maintain a
  39-10  sound and responsible fund.  The Department may make any additional
  39-11  assessments on unmatured contracts to maintain the fund at the
  39-12  amount found to be actuarially sound.>
  39-13        (c)  The operation and maintenance of the fund shall be
  39-14  supervised by an advisory council composed of the Commissioner and
  39-15  Attorney General or their representatives, <and> one representative
  39-16  of the funeral industry appointed by the Finance Commission of
  39-17  Texas, and one consumer representative appointed by the Finance
  39-18  Commission of Texas <Banking Commissioner>.  The funeral industry
  39-19  representative and the consumer representative serve <serves a>
  39-20  two-year terms <term> and may not serve more than two terms <one
  39-21  term>.  The Commissioner shall cast the deciding vote if there is a
  39-22  tie vote by members of the advisory council.
  39-23        (d)  The advisory council may make assessments against all
  39-24  permit holders, based upon their proportionate share of the
  39-25  purchasers' deposits on all outstanding prepaid funeral benefits
   40-1  contracts, in order to pay claims against the fund when the balance
   40-2  of the fund is not sufficient to pay those claims.  Assessed funds
   40-3  shall be placed in the fund established under Subsection (a) of
   40-4  this section and administered by the Department and the advisory
   40-5  council in accordance with rules adopted by the Department.  The
   40-6  assessments under this subsection are in addition to those provided
   40-7  for by Subsection (a) of this section.
   40-8        (e)  Notwithstanding any other law, the Department may assert
   40-9  a claim against a seller or <trust> depository that commits a
  40-10  violation of this Act that could result in a claim against the
  40-11  fund.
  40-12        Sec. 9.  OFFENSES.  (a)  A permit holder may not represent
  40-13  that a prepaid <preneed> funeral vendor is approved or otherwise
  40-14  chosen by the Department except with the following language:  "The
  40-15  Texas Banking Department regulates the sale of prearranged funeral
  40-16  contracts" and "The form of this contract has been approved by the
  40-17  Department."
  40-18        (b)  Except as provided by Subsection (c) of this section,
  40-19  any officer, director, agent, or employee of any seller
  40-20  <organization> subject to the terms of this Act who makes or
  40-21  attempts to make any contract in violation of this Act, or who
  40-22  refuses to allow an inspection of the seller's <organization's>
  40-23  records relating to the sale of prepaid funeral benefits, or who
  40-24  violates any other provision of this Act, or who is guilty of
  40-25  fraud, deception, misrepresentation or any other dishonest practice
   41-1  in sale of any contract subject to this Act, shall be punished by a
   41-2  fine of not less than $100 and not more than $500, or by
   41-3  imprisonment in the county jail for not less than one month and not
   41-4  more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.  Each
   41-5  violation of any provision of this Act shall be deemed a separate
   41-6  offense and prosecuted individually.
   41-7        (c)  Any failure to deposit funds in compliance with this
   41-8  Act, or any withdrawal of funds in a manner inconsistent with the
   41-9  provisions of this Act, is an offense under Section 32.45, Penal
  41-10  Code.
  41-11        (d)  A depository or holder of funds designated under Section
  41-12  5 of this Act shall be held to the standard of duty of a fiduciary
  41-13  in holding, investing, and disbursing the funds.
  41-14        (e)  The Department may bring each such violation of this Act
  41-15  to the attention of the Attorney General of this state and it shall
  41-16  be the duty of the Attorney General to institute suit in the name
  41-17  of the State of Texas against such violator in any county in this
  41-18  state where such violation might occur.
  41-19        (f)  In addition to the penalties prescribed above, the
  41-20  Attorney General shall have the power and authority to institute
  41-21  quo warranto proceedings in a District Court of Travis County,
  41-22  Texas to forfeit the charter and right to do business of a
  41-23  corporation whose officer, director, agent or employee refuses or
  41-24  fails to correct a violation of this Act after such violation has
  41-25  been called to the attention of said officer, director, agent or
   42-1  employee by the Department or the Attorney General.  A period of 30
   42-2  days shall be considered sufficient time to correct such violation
   42-3  after notice from the Department or Attorney General.
   42-4        Sec. 10.  COLLECTION AND DISPOSITION OF MONEY.  (a)  Except
   42-5  as provided by this section, all <All> fees, penalties, and
   42-6  revenues collected by the Department <department> shall be paid to
   42-7  the State Treasury, placed in the prepaid funeral account fund, and
   42-8  shall be expended as authorized by legislative appropriation.
   42-9        (b)  The Department shall pay funds received under an order
  42-10  of restitution to the injured party as ordered.
  42-11        (c)  Seized funds and premiums received on the disposition of
  42-12  related contracts shall be handled as provided by Section 4(g) of
  42-13  this Act.
  42-14        Sec. 10A <10a>.  APPLICABILITY TO INSURANCE CODE.  Nothing in
  42-15  this Act shall alter or affect any provisions of the Insurance Code
  42-16  of the State of Texas; provided however, that purchasers of
  42-17  contracts for prepaid funeral benefits from the same seller of such
  42-18  contracts shall constitute a lawful group for the issuance of a
  42-19  group contract of decreasing term life insurance by a life
  42-20  insurance company authorized to do a life insurance business in the
  42-21  State of Texas.  The amount of insurance relative to any particular
  42-22  purchaser shall at all times approximate the future unpaid balance
  42-23  of such contract for prepaid funeral benefits.  The seller of
  42-24  prepaid funeral benefits <benefit> contracts shall have an
  42-25  insurable interest in the life of any purchaser of such contract to
   43-1  the extent of any unpaid balance thereof, and the proceeds of any
   43-2  life insurance policy received by a seller of a prepaid funeral
   43-3  benefits <benefit> contract on the life of a purchaser of such
   43-4  contract shall be applied to the reduction or elimination of any
   43-5  unpaid balance thereof.  This section shall not be construed as
   43-6  having any effect on the funding of prepaid funeral benefits by
   43-7  other contracts of insurance as provided for in Section 1A <1a> of
   43-8  this Act.
   43-9        SECTION 2.  (a)  A fund, investment, security, or contract
  43-10  included in a plan approved before September 1, 1993, by the
  43-11  Banking Department of Texas under Section 1a, Chapter 512, Acts of
  43-12  the 54th Legislature, 1955 (Article 548b, Vernon's Texas Civil
  43-13  Statutes), may continue in effect.  Any funds paid pursuant to such
  43-14  a plan under a contract entered into before, on, or after the
  43-15  effective date of this Act shall continue to be handled in
  43-16  accordance with that approved plan, except that those funds may be
  43-17  invested in accordance with Section 5A, Chapter 512, Acts of the
  43-18  54th Legislature, Regular Session, 1955 (Article 548b, Vernon's
  43-19  Texas Civil Statutes), as amended by this Act.
  43-20        (b)  Sections 1(h) and (i), Chapter 512, Acts of the 54th
  43-21  Legislature, Regular Session, 1955 (Article 548b, Vernon's Texas
  43-22  Civil Statutes), as added by this Act, do not apply to a plan
  43-23  approved before September 1, 1993, by the Banking Department of
  43-24  Texas under Section 1a, Chapter 512, Acts of the 54th Legislature,
  43-25  Regular Session, 1955 (Article 548b, Vernon's Texas Civil
   44-1  Statutes).
   44-2        SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 1993.
   44-3        SECTION 4.  The importance of this legislation and the
   44-4  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   44-5  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   44-6  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   44-7  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended.