By:  Henderson                                        S.B. No. 1464
                                 A BILL TO BE ENTITLED
                                        AN ACT
    1-1  relating to the regulation by home-rule municipalities of streets,
    1-2  avenues, alleys, and boulevards on which certain residences are
    1-3  located.
    1-5        SECTION 1.  Article 1175, Revised Statutes, is amended to
    1-6  read as follows:
    1-7        Art. 1175.  Enumerated powers.  A home-rule municipality has
    1-8  the following powers:
    1-9              1.  The power to issue bonds upon the credit of the
   1-10  city for the purpose of making permanent public improvements or for
   1-11  other public purposes in the amount and to the extent provided by
   1-12  such charter, and consistent with the Constitution of this State;
   1-13  provided, that said bonds shall have first been authorized by a
   1-14  majority vote by the duly qualified property tax-paying voters
   1-15  voting at an election held for that purpose.  Thereafter all such
   1-16  bonds shall be submitted to the Attorney General for his approval,
   1-17  and the Comptroller for registration, as provided by law, provided
   1-18  that any such bonds after approval, may be issued by the city,
   1-19  either optional or serial or otherwise as may be deemed advisable
   1-20  by the governing authority.  Whenever any city has heretofore been
   1-21  authorized, under any special charter, creating such city, to issue
   1-22  any bonds by the terms of such charter, the provisions of this
   1-23  chapter shall not be construed to interfere with the issuance of
   1-24  any such bonds under the provisions of any charter under which such
    2-1  bonds were authorized.
    2-2              2.  To prohibit the use of any street, alley, highway
    2-3  or grounds of the city by any telegraph, telephone, electric light,
    2-4  street railway, interurban railway, steam railway, gas company, or
    2-5  any other character of public utility without first obtaining the
    2-6  consent of the governing authorities expressed by ordinance and
    2-7  upon paying such compensation as may be prescribed and upon such
    2-8  condition as may be provided by any such ordinance.  To determine,
    2-9  fix and regulate the charges, fares or rates of any person, firm or
   2-10  corporation enjoying or that may enjoy the franchise or exercising
   2-11  any other public privilege in said city and to prescribe the kind
   2-12  of service to be furnished by such person, firm or corporation, and
   2-13  the manner in which it shall be rendered, and from time to time
   2-14  alter or change such rules, regulations and compensation; provided
   2-15  that in adopting such regulations and in fixing or changing such
   2-16  compensation, or determining the reasonableness thereof, no stock
   2-17  or bonds authorized or issued by any corporation enjoying the
   2-18  franchise shall be considered unless proof that the same have been
   2-19  actually issued by the corporation for money paid and used for the
   2-20  development of the corporate property, labor done or property
   2-21  actually received in accordance with the laws and Constitution of
   2-22  this State applicable thereto.  In order to ascertain all facts
   2-23  necessary for a proper understanding of what is or should be a
   2-24  reasonable rate or regulation, the governing authority shall have
   2-25  full power to inspect the books and compel the attendance of
   2-26  witnesses for such purpose.
   2-27              3.  To have exclusive dominion, control, and
    3-1  jurisdiction in, over and under the public streets, avenues,
    3-2  alleys, highways and boulevards, and public grounds of such city
    3-3  and to provide for the improvement of any public street, alleys,
    3-4  highways, avenues or boulevards by paving, raising, grading,
    3-5  filling or otherwise improving the same and to charge the cost of
    3-6  making such improvement against the abutting property, by fixing a
    3-7  lien against the same, and a personal charge against the owner
    3-8  thereof according to an assessment specially levied therefor in an
    3-9  amount not to exceed the special benefit any such property received
   3-10  in enhanced value by reason of making such improvement, and to
   3-11  provide for the issuance of assignable certificates covering the
   3-12  payments for said cost, provided that the charter shall apportion
   3-13  the cost to be paid by the property owners and the amount to be
   3-14  paid by the city, and provided further, that all street railways,
   3-15  steam railways, or other railways, shall pay the cost of improving
   3-16  the said street between the rails and tracks of any such railway
   3-17  companies and for two feet on each side thereof.  The city shall
   3-18  have the power to provide for the construction and building of
   3-19  sidewalks and charge the entire cost of constructing of said
   3-20  sidewalks, including the curb, against the owner of abutting
   3-21  property, and to make a special charge against the owner for such
   3-22  cost and to provide by special assessment a lien against such
   3-23  property for such cost; to have the power to provide for the
   3-24  improvement of any such sidewalk or the construction of any such
   3-25  curb by penal ordinance and to declare defective sidewalks to be a
   3-26  public nuisance.  The power herein granted for making street
   3-27  improvements and assessing the cost by special assessment in the
    4-1  manner herein stated shall not be construed to prevent any city
    4-2  from adopting any other method or plan for the improvement of its
    4-3  streets, sidewalks, alleys, curbs, or boulevards, as it may deem
    4-4  advisable by its charter.
    4-5              4.  To open, extend, straighten, widen any public
    4-6  street, alley, avenue or boulevard and for such purpose to acquire
    4-7  the necessary lands and to appropriate the same under the power of
    4-8  eminent domain and to provide that the cost of improving any such
    4-9  street, alley, avenue or boulevard by opening, extending and
   4-10  widening the same shall be paid by the owners of property specially
   4-11  benefited whose property lies in the territory of such improvement
   4-12  and to provide that the cost shall be charged by special assessment
   4-13  and that a personal charge shall be made against any owner for the
   4-14  amount due by him and to provide for the appointment by the county
   4-15  judge or other officer exercising like or similar powers, of three
   4-16  special commissioners for the purpose of condemning the said lands
   4-17  and for the purpose of apportioning the said cost, which
   4-18  apportionment of said cost shall be specially assessed by the
   4-19  governing authorities against the owners and the property of the
   4-20  owners lying in the territory so found to be specially benefited in
   4-21  enhanced value by said special commissioners.  The city shall pay
   4-22  such portion of such cost as may be determined by the said special
   4-23  commissioners, provided the same shall never exceed one third the
   4-24  cost, and the property owners and their property shall be liable
   4-25  for the balance of the same as may be apportioned by said
   4-26  commissioners.   The city may issue assignable certificates for the
   4-27  payment of any such cost against such property owners and may
    5-1  provide for the payment of any such cost in deferred payments, to
    5-2  bear interest at such rate as may be prescribed by the charter not
    5-3  to exceed eight per cent.  The city may adopt any other method for
    5-4  the opening, straightening, widening or extending of its streets as
    5-5  herein provided for as may be deemed advisable, and charge the cost
    5-6  of same against the property and the owner specially benefited in
    5-7  enhanced value and lying in the territory of said improvement, that
    5-8  its charter may provide.  The authority to adopt any other method
    5-9  shall include the manner of appointing commissioners, the manner of
   5-10  giving notice and the manner of fixing assessments or providing for
   5-11  the payment of any such improvement.
   5-12              5.  To control, regulate and remove all obstructions or
   5-13  other encroachments or encumbrances on any public street, alley or
   5-14  ground, and to narrow, alter, widen or straighten any such streets,
   5-15  alleys, avenues or boulevards, and to vacate and abandon and close
   5-16  any such streets, alleys, avenues or boulevards, and to regulate
   5-17  and control the moving of buildings or other structures over and
   5-18  upon the streets or avenues of such city.
   5-19              6.  To license, operate and control the operation of
   5-20  all character of vehicles using the public streets, including
   5-21  motorcycles, automobiles or like vehicles, and to prescribe the
   5-22  speed of the same, the qualification of the operator of the same,
   5-23  and the lighting of the same by night and to provide for the giving
   5-24  bond or other security for the operation of the same.
   5-25              7.  To regulate and restrict access to streets,
   5-26  avenues, alleys, and boulevards in the municipality on which the
   5-27  dwelling of a former president of the United States is located,
    6-1  including the installation and maintenance of fences, gates, or
    6-2  other structures.  The municipality may act alone or in conjunction
    6-3  with another entity or person.
    6-4              8.  Provided that in all cities of over twenty-five
    6-5  thousand inhabitants, the governing body of such city, when the
    6-6  public service of such city may require the same, shall have the
    6-7  right and power to compel any street railway or other public
    6-8  utility corporation to extend its lines of service into any section
    6-9  of said city not to exceed two miles, all told, in any one year.
   6-10              9. <8.>  Whenever any city may determine to acquire any
   6-11  public utility using and occupying its streets, alleys, and avenues
   6-12  as hereinbefore provided, and it shall be necessary to condemn the
   6-13  said public utility, the city may obtain funds for the purpose of
   6-14  acquiring the said public utility and paying the compensation
   6-15  therefor, by issuing bonds, notes or other evidence of indebtedness
   6-16  and shall secure the same by fixing a lien upon the said properties
   6-17  constituting the said public utility so acquired by condemnation or
   6-18  purchase or otherwise; said security shall apply alone to said
   6-19  properties so pledged; and such further regulations may be provided
   6-20  by any charter for the proper financing or raising the revenue
   6-21  necessary for obtaining any public utilities and providing for the
   6-22  fixing of said security.
   6-23        SECTION 2.  The importance of this legislation and the
   6-24  crowded condition of the calendars in both houses create an
   6-25  emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
   6-26  constitutional rule requiring bills to be read on three several
   6-27  days in each house be suspended, and this rule is hereby suspended,
    7-1  and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its
    7-2  passage, and it is so enacted.