By:  Luna                                             S.C.R. No. 55
       73R6124 MDR-D
                                 CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
    1-1        WHEREAS, Herman B. Taylor Construction Company alleges that:
    1-2              (1)  on or about November 1, 1988, it entered into a
    1-3  contract with Texas Southern University to renovate the E. O. Bell
    1-4  Building in Houston, Texas;
    1-5              (2)  it has substantially performed all of its
    1-6  obligations under the terms of the contract;
    1-7              (3)  Texas Southern University is responsible for
    1-8  excessive delays on the project resulting in damages to Herman
    1-9  B. Taylor Construction Company and has defaulted in the performance
   1-10  of its obligations under its contract with Herman B. Taylor
   1-11  Construction Company;
   1-12              (4)  the State of Texas, acting by and through Texas
   1-13  Southern University, has wrongfully withheld from it payment in
   1-14  accordance with the terms of its contract; and
   1-15              (5)  it is entitled to damages in the amount of
   1-16  approximately $185,462; now, therefore, be it
   1-17        RESOLVED by the Legislature of the State of Texas, That
   1-18  Herman B. Taylor Construction Company is granted permission to sue
   1-19  the State of Texas and Texas Southern University subject to Chapter
   1-20  107, Civil Practice and Remedies Code; and, be it further
   1-21        RESOLVED, That the chancellor of Texas Southern University be
   1-22  served process as provided by Section 107.002(a)(3), Civil Practice
   1-23  and Remedies Code.