1-1  By:  Lucio, West, Rosson                               S.J.R. No. 9
    1-2        (In the Senate - Filed February 1, 1993; February 2, 1993,
    1-3  read first time and referred to Committee on Economic Development;
    1-4  April 21, 1993, reported favorably by the following vote:  Yeas 7,
    1-5  Nays 0; April 21, 1993, sent to printer.)
    1-6                            COMMITTEE VOTE
    1-7                          Yea     Nay      PNV      Absent 
    1-8        Parker                                         x   
    1-9        Lucio              x                               
   1-10        Ellis                                          x   
   1-11        Haley              x                               
   1-12        Harris of Dallas                               x   
   1-13        Harris of Tarrant  x                               
   1-14        Leedom             x                               
   1-15        Madla              x                               
   1-16        Rosson             x                               
   1-17        Shapiro            x                               
   1-18        Wentworth                                      x   
   1-19                        SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION
   1-20  proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to
   1-21  provide for the issuance of bonds for the state financing of
   1-22  start-up costs for historically underutilized businesses.
   1-24        SECTION 1.  Article XVI of the Texas Constitution is amended
   1-25  by adding Section 72 to read as follows:
   1-26        Sec. 72.  (a)  The legislature by law may establish a Texas
   1-27  historically underutilized business capital growth and start-up
   1-28  fund to be used without further appropriation solely in furtherance
   1-29  of a program established by the legislature to aid in the start-up
   1-30  costs of a historically underutilized business as defined by the
   1-31  legislature.  The fund shall contain a program account, an interest
   1-32  and sinking account, and other accounts authorized by the
   1-33  legislature.  To carry out the program authorized by this
   1-34  subsection, the legislature may issue up to $50 million of general
   1-35  obligation bonds to provide funding for the fund.  The fund is
   1-36  composed of the proceeds of the bonds authorized by this
   1-37  subsection, loan guarantee fees and other amounts received from
   1-38  loan guarantees made under this subsection, and any other amount
   1-39  required to be deposited in the fund by the legislature.
   1-40        (b)  The legislature may require review and approval of the
   1-41  issuance of bonds under this section, of the use of the bond
   1-42  proceeds, or of the rules adopted by an agency to govern use of the
   1-43  bond proceeds.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this
   1-44  constitution, any entity created or directed to conduct this review
   1-45  and approval may include members or appointees of members of the
   1-46  executive, legislative, and judicial departments of state
   1-47  government.
   1-48        (c)  Bonds authorized under this section constitute a general
   1-49  obligation of the state.  While any of the bonds or interest on the
   1-50  bonds is outstanding and unpaid, there is appropriated out of the
   1-51  first money coming into the treasury in each fiscal year, not
   1-52  otherwise appropriated by this constitution, the amount sufficient
   1-53  to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds that mature or
   1-54  become due during the fiscal year, less any amount in any interest
   1-55  and sinking account at the end of the preceding fiscal year that is
   1-56  pledged to payment of the bonds or interest.
   1-57        SECTION 2.  This proposed amendment shall be submitted to the
   1-58  voters at an election to be held November 2, 1993.  The ballot
   1-59  shall be printed to provide for voting for or against the
   1-60  proposition:  "The constitutional amendment authorizing the
   1-61  legislature to provide for the issuance of $50 million of general
   1-62  obligation bonds for the recovery and further development of the
   1-63  state's economy, with the goal of increasing job opportunities and
   1-64  other benefits for Texas residents, through state financing of the
   1-65  start-up costs of historically underutilized businesses."
   1-66                               * * * * *
   1-67                                                         Austin,
   1-68  Texas
    2-1                                                         April 21, 1993
    2-2  Hon. Bob Bullock
    2-3  President of the Senate
    2-4  Sir:
    2-5  We, your Committee on Economic Development to which was referred
    2-6  S.J.R. No. 9, have had the same under consideration, and I am
    2-7  instructed to report it back to the Senate with the recommendation
    2-8  that it do pass and be printed.
    2-9                                                         Lucio,
   2-10  Vice-Chairman
   2-11                               * * * * *
   2-12                               WITNESSES
   2-13                                                  FOR   AGAINST  ON
   2-14  ___________________________________________________________________
   2-15  Name:  Maricela Rodriguez Barr                   x
   2-16  Representing:  The Barr Company
   2-17  City:  Austin
   2-18  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-19  Name:  Ernesto Chavarria                         x
   2-20  Representing:  TAMACC
   2-21  City:  Austin
   2-22  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-23  Name:  Frances Cornejo                           x
   2-24  Representing:  J.P. Printing
   2-25  City:  Austin
   2-26  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-27  Name:  Carol S. Hadnot                           x
   2-28  Representing:  Austin Black Contractors Ass.
   2-29  City:  Austin
   2-30  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-31  Name:  Devoyd Jennings                           x
   2-32  Representing:  Tx. State Black Chambers
   2-33  City:  Ft. Worth
   2-34  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-35  Name:  Richard Barth                             x
   2-36  Representing:  AGC of Texas
   2-37  City:  Austin
   2-38  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-39  Name:  Martin Burrell                            x
   2-40  Representing:  DART
   2-41  City:  Dallas
   2-42  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-43  Name:  Karen Box                                 x
   2-44  Representing:  Cap. City Chambers of Comm.
   2-45  City:  Austin
   2-46  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-47  Name:  Michael Von Ohlen                         x
   2-48  Representing:  Prism Development
   2-49  City:  Austin
   2-50  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-51  Name:  Franklin D. Thomas                        x
   2-52  Representing:  Engercon Group
   2-53  City:  Dallas
   2-54  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-55  Name:  David R. Pinkus                           x
   2-56  Representing:  Small Business United of TX
   2-57  City:  Austin
   2-58  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-59  Name:  Lena Guerrero                             x
   2-60  Representing:  Southwest Capitol Markets
   2-61  City:  Austin
   2-62  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-63                                                  FOR   AGAINST  ON
   2-64  ___________________________________________________________________
   2-65  Name:  Wendle Van Smith                          x
   2-66  Representing:  Self
   2-67  City:  Houston
   2-68  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   2-69  Name:  Carl Davis                                x
   2-70  Representing:  Self
    3-1  City:  Houston
    3-2  -------------------------------------------------------------------
    3-3  Name:  Reginald Gates                            x
    3-4  Representing:  Ft. Worth/Black Chambers
    3-5  City:  Ft. Worth
    3-6  -------------------------------------------------------------------
    3-7  Name:  Dave Tovar                                x
    3-8  Representing:  SA Hispanic Chamber of Comm.
    3-9  City:  San Antonio
   3-10  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   3-11  Name:  John Hernandez                            x
   3-12  Representing:  Austin Hispanic Chamber
   3-13  City:  Austin
   3-14  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   3-15  Name:  Esther Sepeda                             x
   3-16  Representing:  TAMACC
   3-17  City:  Austin
   3-18  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   3-19  Name:  Rudy Colmenero                            x
   3-20  Representing:  TAMACC
   3-21  City:  Austin
   3-22  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   3-23  Name:  Cesar Perez                               x
   3-24  Representing:  TAMACC
   3-25  City:  Rio Grande City
   3-26  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   3-27  Name:  Jose A. Sena                              x
   3-28  Representing:  TAMACC/Dallas Hisp. Chamber
   3-29  City:  Dallas
   3-30  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   3-31  Name:  Charlie Ponzio                            x
   3-32  Representing:  El Paso Hispanic Chamber
   3-33  City:  El Paso
   3-34  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   3-35  Name:  Joe Morin                                 x
   3-36  Representing:  TAMACC
   3-37  City:  Austin
   3-38  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   3-39  Name:  Marco A. Arredondo                        x
   3-40  Representing:  Corpus Hispanic Chamber
   3-41  City:  Corpus Christi
   3-42  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   3-43  Name:  Berto Guerra                              x
   3-44  Representing:  TAMACC
   3-45  City:  Austin
   3-46  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   3-47  Name:  Lydia Marie Trevino                       x
   3-48  Representing:  SEGUIN
   3-49  City:  Seguin
   3-50  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   3-51  Name:  Henry G. Flores                           x
   3-52  Representing:  Austin Hispanic Chamber
   3-53  City:  Austin
   3-54  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   3-55  Name:  Ronald J. Alonzo                          x
   3-56  Representing:  Fort Worth Hispanic Chamber
   3-57  City:  Fort Worth
   3-58  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   3-59  Name:  Jose F. Molina                            x
   3-60  Representing:  Odessa MANO
   3-61  City:  Odessa
   3-62  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   3-63                                                  FOR   AGAINST  ON
   3-64  ___________________________________________________________________
   3-65  Name:  Dan Sotomayor                             x
   3-66  Representing:  TAMACC, El Paso Chamber
   3-67  City:  El Paso
   3-68  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   3-69  Name:  Larry E. Romero                           x
   3-70  Representing:  El Paso Hispanic Chamber
    4-1  City:  El Paso
    4-2  -------------------------------------------------------------------
    4-3  Name:  Anthony D. Lyons                          x
    4-4  Representing:  Law office of Anthony D. Lyon
    4-5  City:  Dallas
    4-6  -------------------------------------------------------------------
    4-7  Name:  Jesse Miranda                             x
    4-8  Representing:  Miranda, Inc.
    4-9  City:  Austin
   4-10  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   4-11  Name:  Berto Guerra, Jr.                         x
   4-12  Representing:  TAMACC
   4-13  City:  Austin
   4-14  -------------------------------------------------------------------
   4-15  Name:  Wardaleen F. Belvin                                     x
   4-16  Representing:  Lt. Governor's Office
   4-17  City:  Austin
   4-18  -------------------------------------------------------------------