By:  Wentworth                                        S.J.R. No. 41
       73R5161 DRH-F
                                  A JOINT RESOLUTION
    1-1  proposing a constitutional amendment to reserve to the people the
    1-2  powers of initiative and referendum.
    1-4        SECTION 1.  Article III of the Texas Constitution is amended
    1-5  by amending Section 1 and adding Sections 1A and 1B to read as
    1-6  follows:
    1-7        Sec. 1.  Subject to Sections 1A and 1B of this article, the
    1-8  <The> Legislative power of this State shall be vested in a Senate
    1-9  and House of Representatives, which together shall be styled "The
   1-10  Legislature of the State of Texas."
   1-11        Sec. 1A.  (a)  The people reserve to themselves the power to
   1-12  propose statutory and constitutional measures by petition for
   1-13  submission to the electorate and to the legislature and to have
   1-14  those measures adopted as provided by this section.  This power is
   1-15  known as the initiative.
   1-16        (b)  A proposed statutory or constitutional measure and a
   1-17  good faith filing fee of $100 must be submitted to the attorney
   1-18  general.  The attorney general shall advise the petitioner as to
   1-19  proper form and language and, with the consent of the petitioner,
   1-20  may redraft the text of the measure as necessary or desirable to
   1-21  achieve its purposes.  If the attorney general determines that any
   1-22  provision of a proposed statutory measure would be invalid under
   1-23  this constitution, the attorney general shall return the measure to
   1-24  the petitioner accompanied by written reasons for the determination
    2-1  of unconstitutionality.  A measure determined to be
    2-2  unconstitutional may not be forwarded to other state officers under
    2-3  Subsection (c) of this section.
    2-4        (c)  If the attorney general determines that the proposed
    2-5  measure authorizes or requires the expenditure or diversion of any
    2-6  state funds, not later than the 30th day after the date the measure
    2-7  is submitted, the attorney general shall forward the measure to the
    2-8  comptroller of public accounts for the preparation of a fiscal
    2-9  note.  Otherwise, the attorney general shall forward the measure by
   2-10  that deadline to the secretary of state.
   2-11        (d)  Not later than the 15th day after the date of receipt of
   2-12  a proposed measure from the attorney general, the comptroller shall
   2-13  prepare and sign the fiscal note, attach it to the measure, and
   2-14  forward the measure to the secretary of state.  In the fiscal note,
   2-15  the comptroller shall outline the fiscal implications and probable
   2-16  cost of the measure each year for the first five years after its
   2-17  effective date and provide a statement as to whether there will be
   2-18  costs involved thereafter.
   2-19        (e)  Not later than the 10th day after the date of receipt of
   2-20  a proposed measure from the attorney general or comptroller, the
   2-21  secretary of state shall issue to the petitioner approved copies of
   2-22  an initiative petition proposing the measure in the number
   2-23  requested.  The secretary may charge for each copy a reasonable fee
   2-24  to cover the cost of reproduction.  The secretary shall prescribe
   2-25  standards of form and design for a petition.  Each part of a
   2-26  petition must include the full text of the proposed measure.
   2-27        (f)  An initiative petition must be signed by a number of
    3-1  registered voters  equal to at least 10 percent of the total number
    3-2  of votes received by all candidates for governor in the most recent
    3-3  gubernatorial general election in each of at least half of the
    3-4  congressional districts as well as statewide.
    3-5        (g)  To be certified as valid, the petition containing the
    3-6  required number of signatures must be filed with the secretary of
    3-7  state not later than the 180th day after the date the approved
    3-8  copies are issued by the secretary and not later than the 60th day
    3-9  before the date of the convening of a regular session of the
   3-10  legislature.  The secretary shall review the petition to determine
   3-11  whether it is valid.  The secretary may use any reasonable
   3-12  statistical sampling method as the basis for verification.
   3-13  However, the sample may not be less than one percent of the total
   3-14  number of signatures appearing on the petition.  If the secretary
   3-15  determines that the petition does not contain the required number
   3-16  of signatures, the petitioners have 30 days after the date of that
   3-17  determination to obtain additional signatures.  On determining that
   3-18  the petition complies with this section, the secretary shall
   3-19  certify it as valid.
   3-20        (h)  The secretary of state shall deliver the certified
   3-21  petition to the legislature on the date it convenes in regular
   3-22  session.
   3-23        (i)  If a certified petition proposes a statutory measure and
   3-24  an identical measure is enacted by the legislature and not vetoed
   3-25  by the governor (or is vetoed and passed by both houses on
   3-26  reconsideration), the enacted measure takes effect according to its
   3-27  terms.  If the measure is not so enacted (or if passed and vetoed
    4-1  and not passed on reconsideration) and Subsection (j) of this
    4-2  section does not apply, the secretary of state shall submit the
    4-3  question of approval or disapproval of the measure to the voters of
    4-4  the state at an election to be held on the first Tuesday after the
    4-5  first Monday in November following adjournment of the regular
    4-6  session.  If the measure is approved by a majority of those voting
    4-7  on the question, the measure must be considered by the Senate and
    4-8  House of Representatives in the manner prescribed by Subsection (q)
    4-9  of this section.
   4-10        (j)  If a certified petition proposes a statutory measure and
   4-11  an alternative measure is enacted by the legislature and is not
   4-12  vetoed by the governor (or is vetoed and passed by both houses on
   4-13  reconsideration), the secretary of state shall submit the question
   4-14  of approval or disapproval of each measure to the voters at an
   4-15  election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in
   4-16  November following adjournment of the regular session.  If the
   4-17  alternative measure is the only measure  approved by a majority of
   4-18  those voting on the question, that measure becomes law on March 1
   4-19  unless a later date is specified.  If the measure proposed by
   4-20  initiative is the only measure approved by a majority of those
   4-21  voting on the question, that measure must be considered by the
   4-22  Senate and House of Representatives in the manner prescribed by
   4-23  Subsection (q) of this section.  If both measures are so approved,
   4-24  the one receiving the most affirmative votes becomes law or is
   4-25  considered by the legislature as previously indicated and the other
   4-26  has no effect.
   4-27        (k)  If a statutory measure proposed by petition becomes law,
    5-1  it may be amended or repealed within five years after it takes
    5-2  effect only on the record vote of three-fourths of the members
    5-3  elected to each house.
    5-4        (l)  If a certified petition proposes a constitutional
    5-5  measure and Subsection (m) of this section does not apply,  the
    5-6  secretary of state shall submit the question of approval or
    5-7  disapproval of the measure to the voters at an election to be held
    5-8  on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November following
    5-9  adjournment of the regular session.  If the measure is approved by
   5-10  a majority of those voting on the question, the measure must be
   5-11  considered by the Senate and House of Representatives in the manner
   5-12  prescribed by Subsection (q) of this section.
   5-13        (m)  If a certified petition proposes a constitutional
   5-14  measure and an alternative measure is proposed by the legislature,
   5-15  the secretary of state shall submit each measure to the voters at
   5-16  an election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday
   5-17  in November following adjournment of the regular session.  If the
   5-18  alternative measure is the only measure approved by a majority of
   5-19  those voting on the question, that measure becomes part of the
   5-20  constitution.  If the measure proposed by initiative is the only
   5-21  measure approved by a majority of those voting on the question,
   5-22  that measure must be considered by the Senate and House of
   5-23  Representatives in the manner prescribed by Subsection (q) of this
   5-24  section.  If both measures are so approved,  the one receiving the
   5-25  most affirmative votes becomes part of the constitution or is
   5-26  considered by the legislature as previously indicated and the other
   5-27  has no effect.
    6-1        (n)  The secretary of state shall prepare the ballot
    6-2  proposition for a measure proposed by initiative and an alternative
    6-3  measure proposed by the legislature.  The proposition must be
    6-4  descriptive but not argumentative or prejudicial.  The provisions
    6-5  of this constitution and of law that apply to publication of
    6-6  constitutional amendments proposed under Article XVII, Section 1,
    6-7  of this constitution apply to the publication of measures proposed
    6-8  under this section.
    6-9        (o)  No more than five measures proposed by initiative may be
   6-10  voted on at an election.  If more than five measures are eligible
   6-11  to be on the ballot, the five measures receiving the most valid
   6-12  signatures, as determined by the secretary of state, shall appear
   6-13  on the ballot.  A measure proposed by initiative that does not
   6-14  appear on the ballot has no effect.
   6-15        (p)  A person may not receive compensation for circulating an
   6-16  initiative petition for signatures.  The legislature shall provide
   6-17  by law for the enforcement of this policy and for public disclosure
   6-18  of all funds contributed or spent in support of or in opposition to
   6-19  an initiative or alternative measure.
   6-20        (q)  At the first regular or special session following the
   6-21  approval by voters of a measure proposed by initiative, the Senate
   6-22  and House of Representatives shall debate and cast a record vote on
   6-23  the measure.  The measure may be amended on the floor of either
   6-24  house.  However, the measure may not be amended to change its
   6-25  original purpose.  If a statutory measure is approved by a majority
   6-26  of members voting in each house, the measure becomes law.  The
   6-27  governor's veto power does not extend to a statutory measure
    7-1  proposed by initiative.  If a constitutional measure is approved by
    7-2  a majority of members voting in each house, the measure becomes
    7-3  part of the constitution.
    7-4        (r)  This section is self-executing, but laws may be enacted
    7-5  to facilitate its operation.  However, no law may be enacted to
    7-6  hamper, restrict, or impair the exercise of the power of
    7-7  initiative.
    7-8        Sec. 1B.  (a)  The people reserve to themselves the power by
    7-9  petition and election to repeal statutes enacted by the legislature
   7-10  as provided by this section.  This power is known as the
   7-11  referendum.
   7-12        (b)  The referendum power extends, as provided by this
   7-13  section, to any bill enacted during a regular or special session of
   7-14  the legislature.  It extends to each bill in its entirety and not
   7-15  to a part of the bill.
   7-16        (c)  A written request for a petition proposing the repeal of
   7-17  a bill enacted by the legislature must be submitted to the
   7-18  secretary of state in a form prescribed by the secretary with a
   7-19  good faith filing fee of $100.  The request must be filed not later
   7-20  than the 180th day after the date of final adjournment of the
   7-21  session in which the bill is enacted.
   7-22        (d)  Not later than the 10th day after the date of receipt of
   7-23  the request, the secretary of state shall prepare and issue, in the
   7-24  number requested, approved copies of a petition proposing repeal of
   7-25  the bill.  The secretary may charge for each copy a reasonable fee
   7-26  to cover the cost of reproduction.  The petition must include a
   7-27  citation of the bill, citations of any laws amended or repealed by
    8-1  the bill, and a statement, not argumentative or prejudicial,
    8-2  briefly describing the effect of the bill.
    8-3        (e)  To be certified as valid, a referendum petition must be
    8-4  filed with the secretary of state before August 15 following its
    8-5  issuance and must be signed by a number of registered voters equal
    8-6  to at least 10 percent of the total number of votes received by all
    8-7  candidates for governor in the most recent gubernatorial general
    8-8  election in each of at least half of the congressional districts as
    8-9  well as statewide.
   8-10        (f)  The secretary of state shall review the petition to
   8-11  determine whether it is valid.  The secretary may use any
   8-12  reasonable statistical sampling method as the basis for
   8-13  verification.  However, the sample may not be less than one percent
   8-14  of the total number of signatures appearing on the petition.  On
   8-15  determining that the petition complies with this section, the
   8-16  secretary shall certify it as valid and shall submit the proposal
   8-17  to the voters at an election to be held on the first Tuesday after
   8-18  the first Monday in November of the same year.  The ballot shall be
   8-19  printed to provide for voting for or against the
   8-20  proposition:  "Repeal of __B. No. ____, which (brief statement of
   8-21  effect of bill)."
   8-22        (g)  The provisions of this constitution and of law that
   8-23  apply to publication of constitutional amendments proposed under
   8-24  Article XVII, Section 1, of this constitution apply to the
   8-25  publication of a referendum proposal.
   8-26        (h)  No more than five referendum proposals may be voted on
   8-27  at an election.  If more than five proposals are eligible to be on
    9-1  the ballot, the five proposals receiving the most valid signatures,
    9-2  as determined by the secretary of state, shall appear on the
    9-3  ballot.  A referendum proposal that does not appear on the ballot
    9-4  has no effect.
    9-5        (i)  If a referendum proposal is approved by a majority of
    9-6  those voting on the question, the repeal is effective immediately
    9-7  on official declaration of the result of the election, whether or
    9-8  not the bill repealed took effect before the date of the election.
    9-9        (j)  A person may not receive compensation for circulating a
   9-10  referendum petition for signatures.  The legislature shall provide
   9-11  by law for the enforcement of this policy and for public disclosure
   9-12  of all funds contributed or spent in support of or in opposition to
   9-13  a referendum proposal.
   9-14        (k)  This section is self-executing, but laws may be enacted
   9-15  to facilitate its operation.  However, no law may be enacted to
   9-16  hamper, restrict, or impair the exercise of the power of
   9-17  referendum.
   9-18        SECTION 2.  Article XVII of the Texas Constitution is amended
   9-19  by adding Section 1A to read as follows:
   9-20        Sec. 1A.  In addition to the mode of amendment provided by
   9-21  Section 1 of this article, the constitution may be amended by the
   9-22  initiative procedure authorized by Article III, Section 1A, of this
   9-23  constitution.
   9-24        SECTION 3.  This proposed constitutional amendment shall be
   9-25  submitted to the voters at an election to be held November 2, 1993.
   9-26  The ballot shall be printed to provide for voting for or against
   9-27  the proposition:  "The constitutional amendment reserving to the
   10-1  people the powers of initiative and referendum."