By:  Ellis                                       S.R. No. 184
    1-1                           SENATE RESOLUTION
    1-2        WHEREAS, For more than 14 years Judge Charles J. Hearn
    1-3  loyally and ably served the people of Texas, and they will deeply
    1-4  miss this eminent jurist who retired on December 31, 1992; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, Elected judge of Houston's 263rd District Court
    1-6  in November, 1978, the Honorable Charles Hearn served without
    1-7  opposition until his retirement; and
    1-8        WHEREAS, Throughout his distinguished career, Judge Hearn
    1-9  dedicated himself to a justice system that applies the law equitably
   1-10  to all individuals; and
   1-11        WHEREAS, Noted for his expertise in legal matters, Judge Hearn
   1-12  maintained a strict decorum while showing a genuine compassion for
   1-13  those involved in legal entanglements; he upheld a standard of
   1-14  excellence that serves as an example for others in his profession;
   1-15  and
   1-16        WHEREAS, A native of Port Arthur, Texas, Judge Hearn graduated
   1-17  from Thomas Jefferson High School and received a bachelor of science
   1-18  degree in psychology from the University of Houston; he attended
   1-19  South Texas College of Law and was admitted to the Texas Bar in May,
   1-20  1967; and
   1-21        WHEREAS, During his college years, he gained extensive
   1-22  experience as a social worker and a juvenile and adult probation
   1-23  officer; and
    2-1        WHEREAS, In addition to his duties on the district court,
    2-2  Judge Hearn served with distinction as an Administrative Judge
    2-3  for the Criminal Division of the District Courts and as Chairman of
    2-4  the Executive Board of the Justice Information Management System;
    2-5  and
    2-6        WHEREAS, He has freely given of his time and energies to his
    2-7  community as a director of the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, as
    2-8  a member of the Full Gospel Businessmen's Association International
    2-9  and President Lions Club International, and as a board member of
   2-10  "Family Time"; and
   2-11        WHEREAS, Presently a mediator with the Judicial Arbitration
   2-12  and Mediation Services, he works as a visiting judge as needed; and
   2-13        WHEREAS, The State of Texas has benefitted immeasurably from
   2-14  the wisdom and dedication of this notable public servant who has so
   2-15  conscientiously performed his duties; now, therefore, be it
   2-16        RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
   2-17  73rd Legislature, hereby commend Judge Charles J. Hearn for his
   2-18  meritorious service and his unswerving support and improvement of
   2-19  the Texas judicial system; and, be it further
   2-20        RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
   2-21  Judge Hearn as an expression of highest esteem and respect from the
   2-22  Texas Senate.
   2-23                                 _____________________________________
   2-24                                        President of the Senate
   2-25                                      I hereby certify that the
    3-1                                 above Resolution was adopted by
    3-2                                 the Senate on February 9, 1993.
    3-3                                 _____________________________________
    3-4                                        Secretary of the Senate
    3-5                                 _____________________________________
    3-6                                         Member, Texas Senate