By:  Turner                                      S.R. No. 793
    1-1                           SENATE RESOLUTION
    1-2        WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas takes pleasure
    1-3  in recognizing Steve Huebner who has been selected as the
    1-4  1993 Man of the Year by the Greater Centerville Area Chamber
    1-5  of Commerce; and
    1-6        WHEREAS, Mr. Huebner is well known for his outstanding
    1-7  work in the Centerville community; and
    1-8        WHEREAS, A talented leader and community volunteer,
    1-9  Mr. Huebner is an active supporter and member of groups and
   1-10  organizations that offer programs and create projects on behalf
   1-11  of Centerville citizens; and
   1-12        WHEREAS, Exceptionally dedicated and resourceful, Mr. Huebner
   1-13  is hardworking, and his concern for others is legendary; and
   1-14        WHEREAS, A wise and exemplary gentleman, a respected
   1-15  humanitarian, and a man of many talents, Mr. Huebner has made
   1-16  countless contributions to his community; now, therefore, be it
   1-17        RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
   1-18  73rd Legislature, hereby express appreciation to Steve Huebner
   1-19  for his numerous achievements and for the time and energy he has
   1-20  generously devoted to Centerville citizens of all ages; and, be it
   1-21  further
   1-22        RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for him
   1-23  as an expression of high regard from the Texas Senate.
    2-1                                 _____________________________________
    2-2                                        President of the Senate
    2-3                                      I hereby certify that the
    2-4                                 above Resolution was adopted by
    2-5                                 the Senate on April 29, 1993.
    2-6                                 _____________________________________
    2-7                                        Secretary of the Senate
    2-8                                 _____________________________________
    2-9                                         Member, Texas Senate