S.R. No. 1029
    1-1                           SENATE RESOLUTION
    1-2        WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas takes pleasure
    1-3  in recognizing Danny Glover, one of the most successful black
    1-4  dramatic actors in the country; and
    1-5        WHEREAS, A former political activist who today uses his
    1-6  art to promote social change, Mr. Glover is a graduate of
    1-7  San Francisco State University; in 1968, he helped organize a
    1-8  strike that prompted university officials to reverse their
    1-9  decision to eliminate the school's ethnic studies department; and
   1-10        WHEREAS, A man of strong beliefs, generosity, and
   1-11  perseverance, Mr. Glover participated in a university-sponsored
   1-12  tutorial program for inner-city children in which he personally
   1-13  coordinated three reading centers; he also assisted with the
   1-14  Breakfast-for-Children program in the San Francisco Bay Area;
   1-15  and
   1-16        WHEREAS, After his graduation from college he received
   1-17  a fellowship that enabled him to work on zoning for the
   1-18  City of Berkeley, and by the mid-1970s, he was evaluating school
   1-19  reading programs for children and parents; it was at this time
   1-20  that he began to take part in improvisational theatre groups
   1-21  and to devote his weekends to working with the Black Actors'
   1-22  Workshop of the American Conservatory Theatre; and
   1-23        WHEREAS, While working in improvisational theatre,
    2-1  Mr. Glover discovered  the work of the famous South African
    2-2  playwright Athol Fugard, whose writings had a profound effect
    2-3  on him; Danny Glover strongly identified with Mr. Fugard's
    2-4  statements on apartheid and with his views on humanity and
    2-5  justice; and
    2-6        WHEREAS, A man of many talents, Danny Glover realized in
    2-7  1977, the year he turned 30, that acting would be his vocation;
    2-8  he then appeared in a succession of various South African plays,
    2-9  surrealistic plays, and Fugard productions, receiving his first
   2-10  break as a professional actor when he was cast in the Yale Repertory
   2-11  Theatre's production of Athol Fugard's Master Harold...and the
   2-12  Boys; and
   2-13        WHEREAS, While he was appearing at the Yale Repertory
   2-14  Theatre, Danny Glover was discovered by film director and
   2-15  screenwriter Robert Benton, an event that changed his life;
   2-16  Mr. Benton selected him for his character Moze in the now
   2-17  famous movie Places in the Heart; and
   2-18        WHEREAS, Danny Glover's career was meteoric, and in 1985,
   2-19  he appeared in three major Hollywood films, Witness,
   2-20  Silverado, and The Color Purple; in 1987 he played a
   2-21  hardworking detective in the highly successful cop-buddy movie,
   2-22  Lethal Weapon; and
   2-23        WHEREAS, He created one of his most memorable screen
   2-24  characters in Simon, the character who serves as the moral center
   2-25  of Lawrence Kasdan's Grand Canyon; and
    3-1        WHEREAS, Throughout his career, Danny Glover has attempted
    3-2  to further the spirit and causes of egalitarianism and to champion
    3-3  human rights; he has dedicated his public and private life to
    3-4  condemning racism and espousing the need for unity among all
    3-5  people; and
    3-6        WHEREAS, A remarkably gifted actor and an avid
    3-7  humanitarian, Danny Glover uses his superior craftsmanship as well
    3-8  as his community activities to manifest his own deep and compelling
    3-9  concern for his fellowman, and he is truly an exemplary figure for
   3-10  the young people of our country; now, therefore, be it
   3-11        RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
   3-12  73rd Legislature, hereby commend Danny Glover for his many endeavors
   3-13  to help the underprivileged, to end racism, and to further the cause
   3-14  of world peace and congratulate him on his successful career; and,
   3-15  be it further
   3-16        RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared
   3-17  for him as an expression of esteem from the Texas Senate.
   3-18                                                 West
   3-19                                                 Ellis
   3-20        Armbrister           Lucio               Rosson
   3-21        Barrientos           Luna                Shapiro
   3-22        Bivins               Madla               Shelley
   3-23        Brown                Moncrief            Sibley
   3-24        Carriker             Montford            Sims
   3-25        Haley                Nelson              Truan
    4-1        Harris of Dallas     Parker              Turner
    4-2        Harris of Tarrant    Patterson           Wentworth
    4-3        Henderson            Ratliff             Whitmire
    4-4        Leedom                                   Zaffirini
    4-5                   Bullock, President of the Senate
    4-6                                 _____________________________________
    4-7                                        President of the Senate
    4-8                                      I hereby certify that the
    4-9                                 above Resolution was adopted by
   4-10                                 the Senate on May 24, 1993.
   4-11                                 _____________________________________
   4-12                                        Secretary of the Senate
   4-13                                 _____________________________________
   4-14                                         Member, Texas Senate
   4-15                                 _____________________________________
   4-16                                         Member, Texas Senate