By:  Haley                                      S.R. No. 1113
    1-1                           SENATE RESOLUTION
    1-2        WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is especially
    1-3  proud to recognize Baxter Healthcare Corporation which was recently
    1-4  awarded the first annual Governor's Award for Environmental
    1-5  Excellence in the nontechnical business category; and
    1-6        WHEREAS, The Texas Water Commission is sponsoring a
    1-7  statewide campaign to reduce pollution and build environmental
    1-8  citizenship--Clean Texas 2000; the Governor's Awards are the major
    1-9  public recognition component of this campaign; and
   1-10        WHEREAS, Baxter Healthcare Corporation has developed a
   1-11  model recycling program and was chosen to receive one of the 14
   1-12  awards from over 900 entries submitted from across the state; and
   1-13        WHEREAS, Through their three-year-old "WECYCLE" program,
   1-14  Baxter employees have reduced the amount of trash sent from the
   1-15  facility for disposal each year from 200 tons to less than 10 and
   1-16  has reduced its waste disposal cost 96.6 percent from $47,000 in
   1-17  1990 to $2,050 in 1992; and
   1-18        WHEREAS, Setting an ambitious goal to be waste free by
   1-19  the end of the year, Baxter Healthcare Corporation has already
   1-20  achieved 94.8 percent results; and
   1-21        WHEREAS, Sharing their expertise and helping others
   1-22  establish environmental programs, employees of Baxter Healthcare
   1-23  Corporation have assisted the City of Jacksonville, Cherokee County,
    2-1  and Tyler Junior College in setting up recycling projects;
    2-2  additionally, the company plans a major Earth Day each year
    2-3  as well as sponsoring a community recycling day; and
    2-4        WHEREAS, The "WECYCLE" Team has sponsored a Waste
    2-5  Minimization and Recycling Guide Book that has been distributed to
    2-6  other Baxter facilities worldwide as well as to local industrial
    2-7  and commercial businesses; and
    2-8        WHEREAS, Funds generated from the Baxter facility's aluminum
    2-9  can waste stream have been used to buy $4,500 worth of food, toys,
   2-10  and other gifts for the less fortunate children of the community
   2-11  through the "Jacksonville Children's Christmas Fund"; and
   2-12        WHEREAS, The Baxter Healthcare Corporation is truly
   2-13  deserving of the Governor's Award for Environmental Excellence for
   2-14  its splendid example of environmental citizenship and its
   2-15  innovative recycling program; now, therefore, be it
   2-16        RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
   2-17  73rd Legislature, hereby express its admiration for and deep
   2-18  appreciation to the Baxter Healthcare Corporation; and, be it
   2-19  further
   2-20        RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for the
   2-21  employees of the company as an expression of the high regard of
   2-22  the Texas Senate.
   2-23                                 _____________________________________
   2-24                                        President of the Senate
   2-25                                      I hereby certify that the
    3-1                                 above Resolution was adopted by
    3-2                                 the Senate on May 27, 1993.
    3-3                                 _____________________________________
    3-4                                        Secretary of the Senate
    3-5                                 _____________________________________
    3-6                                         Member, Texas Senate