By:  Armbrister                                 S.R. No. 1152
                                   SENATE RESOLUTION
    1-1        BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the State of Texas, That Rule
    1-2  12.03, Rules of the Senate, 73rd Legislature, is suspended, as
    1-3  provided by Senate Rule 12.08, to the extent described in this
    1-4  Resolution, to enable the conference committee appointed to adjust
    1-5  the differences between the House and Senate versions of S.B. No.
    1-6  1477, relating to the creation, administration, powers, duties,
    1-7  operation, and financing of the Edwards Aquifer Authority and the
    1-8  management of the Edwards Aquifer, to  successfully conclude the
    1-9  committee's deliberations, by authorizing the conferees to consider
   1-10  and take action on the following specific matters:
   1-11        (1)  Senate Rule 12.03(4) is suspended to permit the
   1-12  committee to insert the following language in the bill at the end
   1-13  of Section 1.08(b) of the bill:
   1-14        This subsection is not intended to allow the authority to
   1-15  regulate surface water.
   1-16        Explanation:  The addition is needed to clarify the intent of
   1-17  the legislature regarding the authority's powers.
   1-18        (2)  Senate Rule 12.03(1) is suspended to permit the
   1-19  committee to amend Subdivision (7) of Section 1.09(b) to read as
   1-20  follows:
   1-21              (7)  one person appointed in rotation who is from
   1-22  Atascosa, Medina, or Uvalde counties, with that person appointed by
   1-23  the governing body of the Evergreen Underground Water District, by
   1-24  the Medina Underground Water Conservation District, or by the
    2-1  Uvalde County Underground Water Conservation District, with the
    2-2  person appointed by the Evergreen Underground Water District
    2-3  serving the first term, followed by a person appointed by the
    2-4  Medina Underground Water Conservation District to serve the second
    2-5  term, followed by a person appointed by the Uvalde County
    2-6  Underground Water Conservation District to serve the third term,
    2-7  and rotating in that order of appointment for subsequent terms.
    2-8        Explanation:  The amendment is needed to specify the board
    2-9  members who serve in rotation and the method of their appointment.
   2-10        (3)  Senate Rule 12.03(1) is suspended to permit the
   2-11  committee to amend Section 1.14(d) (House version Section 1.14(e),
   2-12  Senate version Section 1.15(d)) of the bill to read as follows:
   2-13        (d)  If, through studies and implementation of water
   2-14  management strategies, including conservation, springflow
   2-15  augmentation, diversions downstream of the springs, reuse,
   2-16  supplemental recharge, conjunctive management of surface and
   2-17  subsurface water, and drought management plans, the authority
   2-18  determines that additional supplies are available from the aquifer,
   2-19  the authority, in consultation with appropriate state and federal
   2-20  agencies, may review and may increase the maximum amount of
   2-21  withdrawals provided by this section and set a different maximum
   2-22  amount of withdrawals.
   2-23        Explanation:  The change is needed to provide that the
   2-24  authority may increase but not decrease the maximum amount of
   2-25  withdrawals under the section.
   2-26        (4)  Senate Rule 12.03(1) is suspended to permit the
   2-27  committee to amend Section 1.14(f) (House version Section 1.14(f),
    3-1  Senate version Section 1.15(e)) of the bill to read as follows:
    3-2        (f)  If the level of the aquifer is equal to or greater than
    3-3  650 feet above mean sea level as measured at Well J-17, the
    3-4  authority may authorize withdrawal from the San Antonio pool, on an
    3-5  uninterruptible basis, of permitted amounts.  If the level of the
    3-6  aquifer is equal to or greater than 845 feet at Well J-27, the
    3-7  authority may authorize withdrawal from the Uvalde pool, on an
    3-8  uninterruptible basis, of permitted amounts.   The authority shall
    3-9  limit the additional withdrawals to ensure that springflows are not
   3-10  affected during critical drought conditions.
   3-11        Explanation:  The change is needed to set the aquifer levels
   3-12  at 650 feet at Well J-17 and at 845 feet at Well J-27 and to give
   3-13  the authority power to authorize on an uninterruptible basis the
   3-14  withdrawal of permitted amounts at the stated levels.
   3-15        (5)  Senate Rules 12.03(1) and (4) are suspended to allow the
   3-16  committee to amend Section 1.26(4) (House version 1.17(4), Senate
   3-17  version 1.27(3)) to read as follows:
   3-18              (4)  require reduction of nondiscretionary use by
   3-19  permitted or contractual users, to the extent further reductions
   3-20  are necessary, in the reverse order of the following water use
   3-21  preferences:
   3-22                    (A)  municipal, domestic, and livestock;
   3-23                    (B)  industrial and crop irrigation;
   3-24                    (C)  residential landscape irrigation;
   3-25                    (D)  recreational and pleasure; and
   3-26                    (E)  other uses that are authorized by law.
   3-27        Explanation:  The change is needed to make clear that the
    4-1  reduction in nondiscretionary use is required of permitted or
    4-2  contractual users.
    4-3        (6)  Senate Rules 12.03(1) and (4) are suspended to allow the
    4-4  committee to add new Subsection (b) to Section 1.34 (House version
    4-5  Section 1.25, Senate version Section 1.35) of the bill to read as
    4-6  follows, and to appropriately reletter the subsequent subsection:
    4-7        (b)  The authority by rule may establish a procedure by which
    4-8  a person who installs water conservation equipment may sell the
    4-9  water conserved.
   4-10        Explanation:  The change is needed to provide for the sale of
   4-11  conserved water by a person who installs conservation equipment.
   4-12                                 _____________________________________
   4-13                                        President of the Senate
   4-14                                      I hereby certify that the
   4-15                                 above Resolution was adopted by
   4-16                                 the Senate on May 29, 1993.
   4-17                                 _____________________________________
   4-18                                        Secretary of the Senate