By:  Ellis                                      S.R. No. 1161
    1-1                           SENATE RESOLUTION
    1-2        WHEREAS, The City of Houston will sorely miss the wisdom
    1-3  and expertise of Janice Ford Griffin who is leaving her position
    1-4  as director of Houston Crackdown after three years of exceptional
    1-5  service; and
    1-6        WHEREAS, As director, Ms. Griffin served as advisor to
    1-7  Mayor Bob Lanier on drug control policy and provided coordination
    1-8  and support to leaders from every segment of the community; and
    1-9        WHEREAS, Under her expert guidance, the program has
   1-10  emphasized the equal importance of prevention, treatment, and
   1-11  law enforcement in eliminating drug abuse; and
   1-12        WHEREAS, Houston Crackdown supports highly successful
   1-13  drug abuse prevention projects including Houston Recovery Campus,
   1-14  Drug Elimination in Public Housing, and Houston Crackdown Community
   1-15  Partnership; and
   1-16        WHEREAS, A gifted and visionary leader, Ms. Griffin is
   1-17  active in numerous health-related organizations; she has served
   1-18  on the advisory boards or boards of directors of the Texas Task
   1-19  Force for State and Local Drug Control, the Southwest Regional
   1-20  Center for Drug Free Schools and Communities, Houston Drug Free
   1-21  Business Initiative, Incorporated, and the Community Anti-Drug
   1-22  Coalitions of America; and
   1-23        WHEREAS, Few individuals have given so generously of their
    2-1  time and talents in the war against drug abuse and its invidious
    2-2  effects on the lives of its victims; and
    2-3        WHEREAS, Hardworking and resourceful, Janice Ford Griffin
    2-4  is destined to be successful in whatever she does and wherever
    2-5  she goes; now, therefore, be it
    2-6        RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas,
    2-7  73rd Legislature, hereby commend Janice Ford Griffin for her
    2-8  exemplary work as director of Houston Crackdown; and, be it
    2-9  further
   2-10        RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
   2-11  her as an expression of the highest regard and esteem of the
   2-12  Texas Senate for a job well done.
   2-13                                 _____________________________________
   2-14                                        President of the Senate
   2-15                                      I hereby certify that the
   2-16                                 above Resolution was adopted by
   2-17                                 the Senate on May 30, 1993.
   2-18                                 _____________________________________
   2-19                                        Secretary of the Senate
   2-20                                 _____________________________________
   2-21                                         Member, Texas Senate